WARGAMER'S NEWSLETTER JULY 1979 •##, 'W J# r w f J■ iaik f ^ ^ A MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR THOSE WHO FIGHT BATTLES WITH MODEL SOLDIERS BY WARGAMERS- FOR WARGAMERS! 15mm and 25mm Metal Figures CATALOGUE SEND £1.15(lnland) or £1.25(Overseas Seamail)or £2.25(Overseas Airmail) MINIATURE FIGURINES LTD 1-5 GRAHAM RD., SOUTHAMPTON. Tel;20S55 THESE NEW FIGURES ARE NOW AVAILABLE GREEKS and PERSIANS INFANTRY - Price Series O -12p + VAT GP 1 Hoplite with Corinthian Helmet Pisidian Javelinman GP 2 Hoplite with Calcidean Helmet Cabelee Javelinman GP 3 Greek Light Javelinman Moschi Spearman GP 4 Greek Archer Mares Javeiinman GP11 Persian Immortal Colchian Spearman GP12 Iranian Spearman Phoenician Marine GP16 Assyrian Spearman Egyptian Marine GP20 Sakae Infantry with Bow and Axe Lycian Marine GP22 Bactrian Spearman Hoplite400 B.C. GP24 Indian Bowman Spartan Hoplite400 B.C. GP25 East Ethiopian Bowman (3reekSlinger GP27 Caspian Bowman Peltast GP29 Sarangian Bowman Cretan Archer GP30 Arab Bowman Iphicratean Hoplite375 B.C. GP31 Ethiopian Bowman Bellybowman GP32 Libyan Javelinman Mossynoeci Spearman GP33 Paphlagonlan Spearman Drilae Spearman GP35 Mysian Javelinman Chalybeo Spearman GP36 Thracian Peltast Macedonian Phalangite GP38 Milyae Spearman Macedonian Hypaspist CAVALRY - Price Series O - 12p + VAT GPC 1 Early Greek Cavalry I Sakae Horse Archer GPC 2 Thessalian Cavalry ' Arab Camel Driver GPC 3 Mounted Hoplite 1 Arab Camel Bowman GPC 4 Mounted Groom I Greek Cavalry 400 B.C. with Javelins GPC 6 Persian with Bow and Spear Persian Heavy Cavalry 400 B.C. GPC 8 Sagartian with Lasso 1 Persian Extra Heavy Cavalry 400 B.C. GPC01 Indian Horse Archer i Paphlagonian Light Horse GPC12 Bactrian Spearman I Macedonian Cavalry with Spear GPC13 Caspian Horse Archer Warboards 0324 0224 m m A NEW, VERSATILE SYSTEM WHICH OFFERS COMPLETE FREEDOM TO THE IMAGINA TIVE AND INGENIOUS WAR- GAMER. De Luxe WARBOARDS KIT - £8.95 + 90p p & p. includes all the high quality materials you'll need as well as extra ro bust backing sheet and an unique Stickbook for systematic storage of symbols, in large stor age tube. Payment with order to EDUCATIONAL GRAPHICS, hi/mmL 25 East John Walk, Exeter, England EX1 2EP Tel. 0392-37656. m m 20mm HEX EXAMPLE 1 Setting up in secrecy before a table game Each player has an identical map representing the whole table area as in figure 1. Forces are manoeuvred on each player's gridsheet only until a clash is imminent and then those units involved can be set up on the table. Any troops not visible to the enemy (e.g. behind hill A) o-s can remain concealed by not setting them up on the table. Even during «u 5 g 3 -D the course of the wargame, hidden forces can be left off the table C7.2; Q although their positions will be fixed on the individual player's War- (UtS'E JZ "r: u boards zone. This even enables one player to make covert speculative O 5 2 moves to counter the opponent's probable tactics and this introduces a realistic Ignorance Factor to the game which is easy to operate. qJ a> E -o Ideally, an umpire is present to keep 'an accurate record of both sides' CO "D hidden movements and to rule on precisely when units come into sight. z < Extract from Instruction Booklet m miniatures V 44 Candieriggs, Glasgow G1 ILE Continuing our saga of I5mm figures,we offer some of the very "best figures to come from the hands of Tom Park,As the man say*s,there is more detail in a Tom Park figure than the average 25mm one. So here we go again with the start of something l>ig. I5mm ARMIES of the AMERICAN CIVIL WAR, I52OI Trooper in Kepi,light equipment,advancing, 15204 Trooper in Kepi,full pack,advancing, I5206 Trooper in Kepi,blanket over sholder,advancing, 15208 Trooper in Kepi,Greatcoat,advancing, I52II Trooper in soft hat,blanket over sholder advancing, I5214 Trooper in soft hat,Greatcoat,advancing, I52I6 Union foot command, 15220 Cavalryman in Kepi,sword raised, 15221 Cavalryman in Kepi,carbine at ready, •H • •H 15223 Union Cavalry command. C -H SJ C Pack of 12 foot figures ,,,,,65p Pack of 6 cavalry ,,,,65p ^ Pack of 6 foot command ,,,32p f Pack of 3 cavalry command, ,,,,,32p 3 ( Where not indicated,figures can be used for either > Union or Confederate army, 0 o E 2 e P n3 Pi <D M I5mm ARMIES of the ROMAN EMPIRE, 0) +> (1> llO 0 0) • c 0 -P -p •H •H 0) ce I530I Legionarius 1st Cent,A,D,Pilum and shield, E p. •H , <»-( ci (X 0) CTv c fco t- 15303 Legionarius 1st Cent,A,R,Sword and shield, M 0 CO M CM fi 15305 Auxiliary Ist Cent,A,D,Oval shield and Pilum, a> •s M r-4 •H .£5 •r-? >-< 15307 Command including,Centturio etc. E CO X C" •H •H 0 > ir\ 15311 Testudo,(Toitois^Ist,2nd and 3rd rank, -P c On 15312 Testudo,Ist and 2nd rank, -P •H 0) • E u ON 15313 Testudo,3rd rank. E pp k ♦H ITN -P cv (Q M CJ t>> Pack of 12 foot figures (inc,Testudo),,,,,,,65? E « C 0 Pack of 6 command, ,32p 0 0 !5 M 0 OS tiO >s OS E G 0 < . I * <; «j; W •46 please NOTE OUR NEW ADDRESS, SEND A STAMPED ADDRESSED ENVELOPE FOR OUR SUPER NEW CATALOGUE TRADE ENQUIRES ALLWAYS WELCOME MINIMUM ORDER 60p,PLUS lOf. POST WATCH THIS SPACE FOR MORE GOODIES FROM WARRIOR,YOU HAV'NT SEEN NOTHING YET! I Specialists in 1/300th scale. Heroics St Ros Figures are manufactured in 1 high quality tin-lead alloy. They are not the same as any other maker's HEROICS and ROS FIGURES tanks. Try some and see the difference! 1/300th SCALE FIGURES 70 pence packs. I IMODERN PERIOD MJCRO-TANKS 12peach. NAPOLEONIC PERIOD RUSSIAN NAPOLEONIC UNITS MA12 Visigothic Infantry SOVIET Su-9(30p) Huey Cobra (30p) 'Bedford MK truck MRN7 Musketeers MFN17 NapCteonic Marshals MA13 HunCavairy T-72 Tank Su-15<50p) ■Bell Iroquols (30pl MRN1 Grenadiers MA14 Gothic Cavalry T-62 Tank MAI 5 Sarmalian Calaphracts Yak-28(SOpI Skyhayyk (30pl . , MRN5 Pavlovski Guard T-55 Tank MRN2 Jagers skirmishing MAI6 Ancient British Chariot Mi-8Hip(50p} F104Starfighterl50pl FRENCH NAPOLEONIC GUARD X jagers »irmisr MAI 7 Ancient British Infantry T-55 dozer UNITS MRN3 Cuirassiers Mi-24 Hind (30p) F4 Phantom (SOpI Harrier GR3IMpl MAI 8 Ancient British Cavalry T-55 mine clearer Su-19(50p) MFNS Grenadiers of the Old Guard MRN9 Hussars MAI 9 Arab Camelry T-10M tank F111E(75p) Buccaneer (50p) MFN20 Chasseurs a Pied of the Guard MRN6 Cossacks (Seleucid-Palmyran) PT-76 Itght tank USA F14A Tomcat (50p) MFN7 Horse Grenadiers MRN8 Horse Artillery MAF1 Gaulish Infantry BMP-76(BfVlP-1)■•D XM-1 F15 Eagle (50p) GERMAN MFN22 Empress Dragoons MRN4 FootAftiiierv MAF2 Gaulish Cavalry BTR-40P with Swatter m60A1 tank A-10 Thunderbolt II (50p) Leopard A1 MFNIt Chasseurs a Chdval of the Guard 8TR-60PB APC^ M60A2tank MFN2 Polish Lancers of the Guard ^ " GREECE BRDM-2 APC r>AMAi>>A LeopardA2 MFN8 Foot Artillery of the Guard eh MAGI Greek City Hoplites M48A2tank CANADA Leopard A4 BRDM-2 with Saggerbagger ,^55, sheridan light Lynx MFN9 Horse AriiMery of the Guard ^"^^2 PolishLancSrs infantry MAG2 Successor Phalanx Leopard 2 MAG7 Phodian Slingers ASU-85SPgun SPANISH NAPOLEONIC UNITS tank MAGS Cretan Archers UAZ-469 jeep M60A1 dozer ISRAEL Marder MICV FRENCH NAPOLEONIC LINE UNITS MSN1 Spanish Musketeers MAG3 Greek Cavalry BM-21 Rocket Super Sherman Gepard SPAA MFN1 Line Grenadiers MSN2 Span.sJGr.nadiers Soce.ssor C.vi ' M113APC MAGS Successor Cavalry Launcher MFN14 Fr Line Fusiliers MSN3 Spanish Muskel.0rssk..m,sh.n9 wj.Elephants . - M113 ♦ recoilless nfte L-33155mm SP Jagdpanzer Rakete 2SU-23-4SPAA missile carrier MFN21 Fr. Light Infantry ^ M113 + T0WAT ZSU-57-2SPAA Jagdpanzer Kanone SP MFN4 Voitiguers skirmishinfl sicoNrwSS?i"wTR' missile SWEDEN GR1 Getmen Intentrv MAGlOMseeiloh.Bh Hspespists D-30 122mm howitzer ^, 53 Vulcan SP AA S-tank AT gun MFN16 Fr Carabiniers GH2 Germah inlentrv Sepoorl MAG11 Threcien Light Ce.alry MFN10 Cuirassiers + crew M730 Chaparral SPAA 1kv-91 light tank SpzH-2APC MFN t9 Line Dragoons Weapons Spz-12-3 APC GR3 German Paratroops nmr-i* »i*- M55 152 mm howitzer missile system Pbv302 APC MFN6 Chasseurs • Chevalof the Line Milan light AT missile GR4 German World War II cavalry + crew M106 mortar carrier VK 155mm SPG MFN 12 Hussars set of three MFN13 Lancersofth Line GR5 Afr.kaKoips "*'"5 Persian Immortals M55 100mm AT gun + Ml 14 recce vehicle BRl British Ihlantry Persian Archers Unimog truck MFN23 Fr. Engineer crew M72B Combat UNITED KINGDOM BR2 British Inlanrrv Support MAP3 Persian Spaari^n Leopard ARV MFN3 Fool Artillery Weapons MAP4 Persian Horse Archers BTR-50APC Engineer Vehicle Chieftain MFNtSFr GunTeams BH3 Bniish Paratroops Mounted Persian Spearmen BMD ParatroopipAPC APC Ml 10 SP howitzer Centurion Luchs 8x8 A/C MFN18Fr Wagons and Teams BR4 8th Army MAP7 Persian Armoured Cavalry BM-14 towed rocket M107 SP howitzer Centurion AVRE ♦ SRI Russian Ihlanrry "AP' P=""" ^ launcher crew:rew M109 SP howifzer FV432 APC BRITISH NAPOLEONIC UNITS SH2 Russian Infantry Suoparr MAPS Persian Scyrherl Chariots GAZ-69]eep Commando armoured FV438 Swingfire FRENCH MBN16 Wellington & Generals Weapons SASSANIDS URAL-375 truck SR4 Russian Wotid War II cavalry i fessamd Levy Spearmen launcher AMX-30 tank MBN1 British Infantry SA-6 Gainful AA missile XR311 High mobility AMX-13 light tank MBN7 British Line Infantry Light Co USR1 United States Infantry Sassanid Archers FV432 + mortar MBN14 British Lightinfanlry USH2 United States Infantry Support Sassanid Clibmarll SA-9 Gaskin AA missile wheeled carrier + TOW ^^433 + Wombat AMX-13*SS11 AT MBN15 British Light infantry skirmishing Weapons MAS4 Sassanid Calaphracts SA-2 Guideline AA M41 Walker Bulldog FV432 +Rarden missiles MBN5 Highlanders MODERN PERIOD MASS Sassanid Light Cavalry missile light tank FV432 + Cymbeline AMX-13*H0T
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