Public Document Pack LEGAL & DEMOCRATIC SERVICES Linda Fisher Service Director COMMITTEE SERVICES SECTION PO Box 15, Town Hall, Rochdale OL16 1AB Telephone: Rochdale (01706) 647474 Fax: Rochdale (01706) 924705 www.rochdale.gov.uk To: All Members of Pennines Your Ref: Township Committee Our Ref: Enquiries to: Michael Garraway Extension: 4716 Date: 11 th May 2011 Dear Councillor PENNINES TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE You are requested to attend the meeting of Pennines Township Committee to be held in St. James Primary School, Crossfield Road, Wardle, Rochdale, OL12 9JW on Tuesday, 24 May 2011 commencing at 6.15 pm. The agenda and supporting papers are attached. If you require advice on any agenda item involving a possible Declaration of Interest which could affect your right to speak and/or vote, please contact staff in the Committee Services Section at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. Yours faithfully Linda Fisher Service Director Pennines Township Committee Membership 2011/12 Councillor Jean Ashworth Councillor Martin Burke Councillor Robert Clegg Councillor Janet Darnbrough Councillor Irene Davidson Councillor Ashley Dearnley Councillor Peter Ernest Evans Councillor Aftab Hussain Councillor Andy Kelly Councillor Stephanie Mills Councillor Martin Eric Rodgers Councillor Ann Stott 1 ROCHDALE METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL PENNINES TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE Tuesday, 24 May 2011 at 6.15 pm St. James Primary School, Crossfield Road, Wardle, Rochdale, OL12 9JW A G E N D A Apologies for Absence 1. Appointment of Chair 2011/12 2. Appointment of Vice - Chair 2011/12 3. Apologies for Absence 4. Declarations of Interest 5. OPEN FORUM (6.15 p.m. - 6.45 p.m.) 6. Public Health White Paper 2010 - Presentation by the Director of Public Health (Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale PCT) MINUTES 7. Pennines Township Committee 8 March 2011 8. Pennines Township Planning Sub - Committee 16 March 2011 9. Pennines Township Planning Sub - Committee 14 April 2011 10. To note the proceedings of the Open Forum of the meeting held on 8 March 2011 ITEMS FOR DECISION 11. Appointment of Sub-Committees, Working Groups and Other Bodies for 2011/12 12. Pennines Township Committee, Sub-Committee and Delegation Arrangements for 2011/12 13. Traffic Regulation Order - Buckley Lane/Millgate 14. Waiting Restrictions and Revocation of existing Waiting Restrictions in Milnrow Town Centre and adjacent streets 15. Traffic Regulation Order for a Residents' Permit Parking Scheme - Hollingworth Lake, Littleborough 16. No Waiting at Any Time Restrictions, Lake Bank, Littleborough 17. Proposed Taxi Rank Locations - Littleborough Town Centre 18. Littleborough Town Centre Conservation Area - Proposed Variation of the North Boundary to include the Caldermoor PH & Hare Hill House & Park 19. School Governing Body Vacancies 2 ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 20. Littleborough Waterside - Progress report 21. Section 106 planning agreements (Development Contributions) 22. Review of Pennines Township Funds 3 This page is intentionally left blank Public Document Pack Agenda Item 7 PENNINES TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING Tuesday, 8 March 2011 PRESENT: Councillor Darnbrough (In the Chair); Councillors Ashworth, Burke, Robert Clegg, Irene Davidson, Dearnley, Evans, Jones, Kelly, Kerslake (Vice-Chair), Mills and Swift OFFICERS: P. Sharp (Service Director Regeneration Service), A. Glover and A. Eadie (Planning & Regulation Service), A. Cooper (Learners and Young Peoples Service), P. Egan (Regeneration Service), I. Bentley (Performance & Transformation Service) and M. Garraway (Legal & Democratic Services) Also in Attendance: T. Wood, J. Grahamslaw and C. Thompson (Impact Partnership), J. Taylor (Link4Life). DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 79 There were no declarations of interest. WITHDRAWAL OF AGENDA ITEM 80 The Chair indicated that agenda item 14 – Pennines Township Year End report – would be withdrawn and will be considered at the next scheduled meeting of the Township Committee, on 24 th May 2011. OPEN FORUM (6.15PM -6.45PM) 81 The following items were raised by members of the public- a) Littleborough Parking Scheme Mr Johnson of Milnrow Road, Littleborough addressed the Township Committee detailing the unique position of his property and requesting the Council considers his application to be included in any future resident parking scheme. The Director of Highways responded that the application was under consideration and the request would be included. In addition a petition signed by 30 residents of Higher Cleggswood Avenue, Littleborough, requesting the Council introduce a parking control order on the said Avenue. The Petition was passed to The Director of Highways for consideration. b) Youth Nuisance Aly Cooper introduced herself to the Township Committee as the new Youth Service lead for the Township. A Member of the Township Committee commented on youths using motorbikes on land near Hollingworth High School and informed the Township Committee of a petition that had been submitted to the representative of the Regeneration Service for further investigation. Members noted the same issues had occurred at Barnes Meadows. Members of the Township Committee commended the Youth Service on the number and range of events available in the Pennines Township for young people during the recent half term. MINUTES Page 1 82 DECIDED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 11th January 2011 be approved as a correct record. OPEN FORUM OF THE MEETING HELD 11 JANUARY 2011 83 DECIDED – That the proceedings of the Open Forum held on 11 th January 2011 be noted. PENNINES TOWNSHIP PLANNING SUB --COMMITTEE HELD ON 14 DECEMBER 2010 84 DECIDED – That the minutes of the Pennines Township Planning Sub – Committee held on 14 th December 2010 be noted. PENNINES TOWNSHIP PLANNING SUB --COMMITTEE HELD ON 16 FEBRUARY 2011 85 DECIDED – That the minutes of the Pennines Township Planning Sub – Committee held on 16 th February 2011 be noted. PENNINES TOWNSHIP FUNDS GRANTS SUB --COMMITTEE HELD ON 9 FEBRUARY 2011 86 The Township Committee noted the exclusion of an approval of a grant in the sum of £2004 to the Youth Service which had been agreed at the meeting of the Pennines Funds Grants Sub – Committee held on 9 th February 2011. DECIDED – That with the additional of the item detailed above the minutes of the Pennines Township Funds Grants Sub – Committee held on 9 th February 2011 be noted. NOTES FROM THE PENNINES TOWNSHIP SERVICE GROUP 1 MEETING HELD ON 1 FEBRUARY 2011 87 The Chair indicated that the notes of the Pennines Service Groups had been included for the information of Members due to the small attendance at the meetings. DECIDED – That the notes of the Pennines Township Service Group 1 meeting be noted. NOTES FROM THE PENNINES TOWNSHIP SERVICE GROUP 2 MEETING HELD ON 15 FEBRUARY 2011 88 The Township Committee considered the notes of the meeting of the Pennines Township Service Group 2 held on 15 th February 2011. A Member informed the Township Committee the notes relating to the any other business heading were an incorrect statement and did not accurately reflect her comments at the meeting. Concerns exist around the Council and partners support provided to Ellen Road Trust, and not with the Trustees. DECIDED – That the notes of the Pennines Township Service Group 2 meeting be noted. NOTES FROM THE PENNINES TOWNSHIP SERVICE GROUP 3 MEETING HELD ON 8 FEBRUARY 2011 89 DECIDED – That the notes of the Pennines Township Service Group 3 meeting be noted. SCHOOL GOVERNING BODY VACANCIES 90 The Township Committee considered a report of the Service Director for Schools (PT. 11/11) that outlined the current Local Authority School Governor vacancies and requested that the Township Committee makes the appropriate Eligible appointments. The recommendations were presented as the Township Committee for call- in No Page 2 acts in accordance with the agreed procedures in appointing Local Authority representatives to serve on School Governing Bodies. Alternatives considered: There were no alternative methods of filling Local Authority Governor vacancies. DECIDED – That the appointment of an Authority School Governor for Milnrow Parish CE Primary School be deferred to the next meeting of the Township Committee. FUNDING FOR ADDITIONAL PENNINES TOWNSHIP SCHEMES 91 The Township Manager submitted a report (PT.12/11) updating Members on available Township Funds, resulting from cost savings of Highways schemes Eligible approved before 2010 and minor project under spends. Members were requested to for call- consider a list of submitted schemes and either approve or reject individual schemes in for funding from the £40,130 balance of Pennines Township Funds, including under- spends against completed highways schemes. Yes The purpose of the report was to allocate the Township budget for 2010 – 2011 and to ensure agreed works comply with priorities within Pennines Township. Alternatives and risks considered: Members were requested to consider the projects to ensure value for money and efficient use of Township funds. DECIDED – That the following schemes be approved- I. Waiting restrictions at Shore Hill/Halifax Road Junction £3,500; II. Traffic Parking restrictions at Ashbrook Hey Lane £3,500; III. £33,130 and any further savings funds are committed towards the cost of Footway reconstruction at Lightburn Avenue. GREATER MANCHESTER JOINT MINERALS PLAN 92 The Service Director for Planning and Regulation Service introduced a report (PT.13/11) consulting Members on the Greater Manchester Joint Minerals Plan. The Eligible Minerals Plan details land use issues
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