1 AĀ, Aiār Aitareya-Āraṇyaka < Ed. Keith> the Aitareya Āraṇyaka. Edited from the Manuscripts in the India Office A

1 AĀ, Aiār Aitareya-Āraṇyaka < Ed. Keith> the Aitareya Āraṇyaka. Edited from the Manuscripts in the India Office A

ヴェーダ文献学関係略語および書誌一覧 2018 年 8 月 27 日版 ヴェーダ学関係の論文において使用される,頻度の高い省略表記をここに指針として示 す。 注記 ・ 文献名には □. を付けない。ジャンル名などには □. を付ける。ただし,慣行に従い, YV,YS はこの限りではない。大文字に終わる言語名も OIA, MIA などとする。 ・ 省略表記中「 , 」によって列挙されるものは選択肢候補の意味である。 ・ 刊本を明記する必要がある場合には ,< > 中の略記等を用いて論文中に言及する。執筆 者の判断に従ってさらに短縮も可能。例, ŚB, Ed. Kalyan-Bombay → ŚB, Ed. K-Bomb.,Ed. Kaly-B., Ed.K-B など。 ・ 論文においては,原則として ṁ,m̐ を アヌナースィカに,ṃ をアヌスヴァーラに用い るが,下記の書誌情報においては,各出版物における表記に従う。 一次文献,その他略表記 AĀ, AiĀr Aitareya-Āraṇyaka < Ed. Keith> The Aitareya Āraṇyaka. Edited from the manuscripts in the India Office and the Library of the Royal Asiatic Society with introduction, translation, notes, indexes, and an appendix containing the portion hitherto unpublished of the Śāṅkhāyana Āraṇyaka by Arthur Berriedale Keith. Anecdota oxoniensia, Aryan Series, vol. 1, part 9. Oxford: Clarendon Press (Revised ed. Delhi: Eastern Book Linkers, 1995). <Ed.Munishwar Deo> Aitareyāraṇyaka with the commentary of Sāyaṇa ( = aitareyāraṇyakam: sāyaṇabhāṣyasametam samālocanātmakaṃ saṃskaraṇam). Vishveshvaranand Indological Series 82. Hoshiarpur: Vishveshvaranand Vedic Research Institute, 1992. <Ed. Ānandāś.> aitareyāraṇyakam. śrīmatsāyaṇācāryaviracitabhāṣyasametam. Ānandāśrama- Saṃskṛta-granthāvaliḥ, granthāṅkaḥ 38. Poona: Ānadāśrama, 1898 (3rd ed. Poona: Ānāndāśrama, 1959). <Ed. Pillai> 1 Aitareyāraṇyaka, with Mokṣapradāvr̥ tti of Ṣaḍguruśiṣya. Edited by K. Raghavan Pillai. Trivandrum Sanskrit series, no. 221. Trivandrum: Unoversity of Kerala, 1968. AB, AiBr Aitareya-Brāhmaṇa <Ed. Aufrecht> Das Aitareya Brāhmaṇa. Mit Auszügen aus dem Commentare von Sāyaṇācārya und anderen Beilagen herausgegeben von Theodor Aufrecht. Bonn: Adolph Marcus, 1879 (Repr.: Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1975). <Ed. Haug> The Aitareya Brahmanam of the Rigveda containing the earliest speculations of the Brahmans on the meaning of the sacrificial prayers, and on the origin, performance, and sense of the rites of the Vedic religion. Edited, translated and explained by Martin Haug. 2 vols. Bombay: Government Central Book Depôt/London: Trübner 1863. <Ed. Ānandāś.> aitareyabrāhmaṇam. śrīmatsāyaṇācāryaviracitabhāṣyasametam. Ānandāśramasaṃskr̥ tagranthāvaliḥ 32. 2 vols. Poona: Ānandāśrama 1896 (2nd ed. 1930, 1931). <Ed. Trivandrum> Aitareya Brāhmaṇa with the Vṛtti Sukhapadā of Ṣaḍguruśiṣya. Edited by Anantakṛṣṇa Śāstri, P.K. Narayana Pillai, SuranadKunjan Pillai. 3 vols. Trivandrum Sanskrit Series 149, 167, 176. Trivandrum: University of Travancore, 1942, 1952, 1955. <Ed. Nirnayasagar> Aitareyabrāhmaṇam. Bombay: Nirnayasagar, 1925 (Repr.: The Kashi Sanskrit Series256. Varanasi: Choukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, 1987). <Ed. Sudhakar Malaviya> The Aitareya Brahmaṇa of the Ṛgveda with the commentary Vedārtha-Prakāś of Sāyan̄ acārya, and 'Sarala' Hindi translation. Prācyabhāratīgranthamālā 14, 15. Varanasi: Tara Publications, 1980, 1983. ĀgnivGr̥ Sū, ĀgnGr̥ Sū, ĀgGS Āgniveśya-Gr̥ hyasūtra <Ed. Ravi Varma> Āgniveśyagr̥ hyasūtra. Edited by L. A. Ravi Varma. Trivadrum Sanskrit Series 144, Sri Chitrodayamanjari 33, University Series 2. Trivandrum: University of 2 Travancore, 1940. ĀpDhSū, ĀpDhS Āpastamba-Dharmasūtra <Ed. Bühler> Āpastamba's aphorisms on the sacred law of the Hindus. Edited in the original Sanskrit, with critical notes, variant readings from Hiraṇyakeśi-Dharmasūtras, an alphabetical index of sūtras, and word-index, together with extracts from Haradatta's commentary, the Ujjvalā by George Bühler. 2vols. (2nd ed.). Bombay Sanskrit Series 40, 50. Bombay: Government Central Book Depôt, 1892, 1894 (3rd ed. Poona: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, 1932). <Ed. Kashi Sanskrit Series> Āpastamba Dharmasūtra with the commentary of Ujjwala by Śri Haradatta Miśra. Edited with notes, introduction, word index, etc. by Pandit A. Chinnaswāmī Śāstrī and Pandit A.Ramanatha Śastri. Kashi Sankrit Series 93. Benares: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Office, 1932. <Ed. Friedrich> Das Āpastamba-Dharmasūtra: Aufbau und Aussage. Herausgegeben von Elvira Friedrich. Europäische Hochschulschriften, Reihe XXVII, Asiatische und afrikanische Studien, Bd. 31. Frankfurt am Main/New York: Peter Lang, 1993. ĀpGr̥ Sū, ĀpGS Āpastamba-Gr̥ hyasūtra <Ed. Chninnasvāmī/Umesh Chandra Pandey > Āpastamba-Gr̥ hya-Sūtra with the Anākulā commentary of Śrī Hardatta Miśra, the Tātparyadarśana commentary of Śri Sudarśanācārya; and notes in Sanskrit by Mahāmahopādhyāya A. Chinnasvāī [recte Chinnasvāmī]. Edited with Hindi transl., explanatory notes, critical introd. and index by Umesh Chandra Pandey. Kashi Sanskrit Series 59. 2nd ed. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office, 1971. <Ed. Winternitz> The Âpastambîya Gṛihyasûtra with extracts from the commentaries of Haradatta and Sudars̕anârya. Edited by M. Winternitz. Vienna: Hölder, 1887. ĀpMp, ĀpM Āpastamba-Mantrapāṭha <Ed. Winternitz> The Mantrapāṭha, or The prayer book of the Āpastambins. Edited together with 3 the commentary of Haradatta and translated by M. Winternitz. First Part: Intro- duction, Sanskrit text, varietas lectionis, and appendices. Anecdota Oxoniensia, Aryan Series 1, Part. 8. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1897. ĀpŚrSū, ĀpŚS Āpastamba-Śrautasūtra <Ed. Garbe> The Śrauta Sútra of Ápastamba belonging to the Taittiríya Sam̱ hitá with the commentary of Rudradatta. 3 vols. Bibliotheca Indica 92. Calcutta: Asiatic Society, 1882, 1885, 1902. <Ed. R. S. Vajapeyee and S. N. Vajpay> āpastambaśrautasūtram: dhūrtasvāmibhāṣya rāmāgnicidvr̥ tti rūdradattavr̥ tti yājñikasarvasva vyākhyābhirmaṇḍitam. Edited by R. Sundararama Vajapeyee and S. Narayana Vajpay. Kumbakonam, 2014. Ār. Āraṇyaka (tetx genre) ĀrṣBr, ĀrṣB Ārṣeya-Brāhmaṇa <Ed. B.R.Sharma> Ārṣeya Brāhmaṇa : with Vedārthaprakāśa of Sāyaṇa. Edited by Bellikoth Ramacandra Sharma. Kendriya Sanskrit Vidyapeehta Series 2-4. Tirupati: Kendiya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha, 1967. ĀśGr̥ Sū, ĀśGS Āśvalāyana-Gr̥ hyasūtra <Ed. Stenzler> Indisce Hausregeln I. Āśvalāyana. Sanskrit und Deutsch herausgegeben von Adolf Friedrich Stenzler. I. Âçvalâyana. Erstes Heft: Text (Abhandlungem der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft III-4, IV-1). Leipzig: F.A. Brockhaus, 1864. < Ed. Ānandāś.> nārāyanakr̥ tavr̥ tti-gr̥ hyapariśiṣṭa-bhaṭṭakumārilakārikāsahitam aśvalāyanagr̥ h- yasūtram. Ānandāśramasaṃskr̥ tagranthāvaliḥ105. Poona: Ānandāśram, 1978. < Ed. Narendra Nath Sharma> Āśvalāyana Gr̥ hyasūtram. With Sanskrit Commentary of Nārāyaṇa, English Translation, Introduction and Index by Narendra Nath Sharma. Delhi: Estern Book Linkers, 1976. 4 ĀśŚrSū, ĀśŚS Āśvalāyana-Śrautasūtra <Ed. Rāmanārāyaṇa Vidyāratna> The Śrauta Sútra of Áśvaláyaṇa, with the commentary of Gárgya Náráyaṇa. Edited by Rámanáráyaṇa Vidyáratna. Bibliotheca Indica 49. Calcutta: The Asiatic Society , 1864-1874. <Ed. Ānandāś.> nārāyaṇakr̥ tavr̥ ttasametam āśvalāyanaśrautasūtram. Ānandāśramasaṃskr̥ ta- granthāvaliḥ 81. Poona: Ānandāśrama, 1917. <Eds. Raṇavīrasiṃha Bāvā et al.> āśvalāyanaśrautasūtram: devatrātabhāṣyasaṃvalitam: pāṭhavimarśaupayikaiḥ pāṭhabhedādiṭippaṇaiś ca saṃyojya sampāditam Edited by Raṇavīrasiṃha Bāvā (vol. 1)/Brajabihārī Caube (vol. 2)/Girīśacandra Ojhā (vol.3) (Panjab University Indological Series 31, 35, 36). Hoshiarpur: Panjab University, 1986, 1990, 1996. <Eds. Dāmodara Jha et al.> āśvalāyana-śrautasūtram: siddhāntibhāṣyasahitam: ālocanātmaka-pāṭha- mīmāṃsā-pāṭhabhedādiṭippaṇaiḥ saṃyojya sampāditam. Edited by Damodar Jha et al. Panjaba Visvavidyalaya-Bharatabharati-granthamala 38 (Panjab Uni- versity Indological Series 38). Hoshiarpur: Panjab University, 2001. AthPrātiś, APrātiś, APrāt Atharva-Prātiśākhya → “AVPrātiś” <Ed. Suyakanta> Atharva-prātiśākhya: with an introduction, English translation, notes and indices. Edited and translated by Surya Kanta. Lahore: Meharchand Lachmandas, 1939 (Repr.: Delhi: Meharchand Lachmandas, 1968). <Ed. V. Bandhu> The Atharva-Prātiśākyam or the phonetico-grammatical aphorisms of the Atharva-veda. Critically edited for the first time from original mss. with an introduction and appendices by Vishva Bandhu. Lahore: Panjab University, 1923. AthPrāyaśc, APrāyaśc, APrāy Atharva-Prāyaścittāni <Ed. Negelein> Atharvaprāyaścittāni. Text mit Anmerkungen von Prof. Julius von Negelein. JAOS 33 (1913): 71-120, 121-144, 217-253; JAOS 34 (1914) 229-277. AU, AiUp Aitareya-Upaniṣad → AĀ (: II 4-6). 5 <Ed. Ānandāś.> aitareyopaniṣat. ānandagiri-kṛta-ṭīkā-saṃvalita-Śāṃkara-bhāṣya-sametā,t athā vidyāraṇya-viracitaitareyopaniṣad-dīpikā ca. Edited by the pandits of the Ānandaśrama. Ānandāśramasaṃskr̥ tagranthāvaliḥ 11. Poona: Ānandāśrama, 1889 (2nd ed. 1898, 4th ed. 1921, 5th ed. 1931). Av Avesta <Ed. Geldner> Avesta. The sacred books of the Parsis. Edited by Karl F. Geldner. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1886 (1. pt. Yasna), 1889 (2. Vispered and Khorda Avesta), 1896 (3. Vendîdâd [i.e., Vīdēvdāt]). Av. Avestan (language: OAv. + YAv.) AV, AVŚ Atharvaveda(-Saṁhitā), Śaunaka <Ed. Roth/Whitney/Lindenau> Atharva Veda Sanhita. Herausgegeben von R. Roth und W.D. Whitney. Dritte, unveränderte Auflage (nach der Max Lindenau besorgten zweiten Auflage) Bonn: Fred Dümmlers Buchhandlung, 1924 <Eds. V. Bandhu et al.> Atharvaveda (Śaunaka) with the Pada-pāṭha and Sāyaṇācārya's commentary. I, II, III, IV-1, IV-2. Vishveshvaranand Indological Series 13-17. Hoshiarpur: Vishveshvaranand Vedic Research Institute, 1960, 1961, 1961, 1962, 1964. <Ed. Shankar Pândurag Pandit> Atharvasamhitâ with the commentary of Sâyaṇâcârya. 4 vols. Bombay: Govern- ment Central Book Depot, 1895-1898. AVP Atharvaveda(-Saṁhitā), Paippalāda 派 AVP-Kashm. Atharvaveda(-Saṁhitā), Paippalāda 派, Kashmir 伝承 <Ed. Barret/Edgerton> The Kashmirian Atharva Veda. Edited by Barret, LeRoy Carr: Book one:

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