Danny and Sandy A collection of short stories by the students of Jean Jaurès compiled by Antoine Boudé REMERCIEMENTS Merci à Monsieur Dominique DUPASQUIER et Monsieur Thibault CIVETTA pour leur travail et leur investissement qui ont permis le sauvetage et la concrétisation de ce projet. Merci à Monsieur LE GUILLOU, Monsieur MERLET et Madame SINNIG qui ont soutenu ce projet. Merci à Guillaume BOUDE pour l’illustration en couverture. Et bien sûr un grand bravo à tous les élèves de Première L1 du Lycée Jean Jaurès de Montreuil pour leur fertile imagination et leur travail: Raïcham ALI Flore ALLEGAERT Keyna ANTON-LABONNE Sylvie ARGIBAY Hatouma BARADJI Lina BEN HASSINE Gaspard BONNARDEL Juliette BOUTTE Sophie CHAMBON Makani DIABATE Lou FLOQUET Nour HADJADJ Nermine HAIR Léah LADOUX Hanna LAOUFIR Amanda MECILI Anissa PASQUES-FARADAY Mélina PINTO Rania REBAINE Jonas PIROTTE Lilas RICHARD Tamazirt SMAILI Copyright 2016 © Lycée Jean Jaurès Montreuil (Seine Saint Denis) 2 Danny and Sandy CONTENTS AFTER ALL THESE DAYS ............................................................................. 5 written by Anissa & Léah TUESDAY APRIL, 8 TH 2014 .......................................................................... 13 written by Juliette & Keyna CONSCIENCE ............................................................................................... 21 written by Lina A KILLER LOVE ............................................................................................ 27 written by Mélina & Amanda CHOOSE TO LOVE ....................................................................................... 39 written by Makani, Nour & Sophie A SHADY PAST ............................................................................................ 47 written by Nermine & Hatouma BY YOUR SIDE ............................................................................................. 53 written by Raïcham & Rania FOLLOW THE WHITE CAT INTO THE WOODS .......................................... 61 written by Flore, Hanna & Tamazirt BURNING LOVE ............................................................................................ 73 written by Lou & Sylvie BRIDGE OVER TROUBLED WATER ........................................................... 83 written by Lilas, Jonas & Gaspard 3 4 AFTER ALL THESE DAYS WRITTEN BY ANISSA PASQUES-FARADAY & LEAH LADOUX 5 6 Tuesday, May 5 th - Excellent day The sun seeps through the curtains and lights up the room. I see her by my side, peacefully asleep, her golden hair scattered on the pillow and her necklace resting on her chest. I am happy to yet again wake up next to her. It has been two years today since she filled my life of joy. Her eyes are as beautiful as when I met her ten years ago, she hasn’t changed much E Fe, e alCa0s had a special complicit0. E en if our parents did not particularl0 get along Cell, it did not pre ent us from spending unforgettable moments together. 9oCe er, I Cas alCa0s a little afraid that she,d lea e me, that she,d abandon me. Since the da0 Ce Cere Cal:ing in the little mountains lining our alle0, near the round stone Chere Ce Could meet up and that Ce li:ed so much. This da0 Chen I had had the courage to tell her hoC I felt about her That da0 Chen she left Cithout a Cord. As if it Cas destined that Ce Could be reunited, that she had to be b0 m0 side this morning, as e er0 other morning, thus for tCo 0ears, and for, I hope, an eternit0. As usual, to please her Chen she Ca:es up, I prepare her usual orange $uice and her tCo toasts Cith peach $am. Definitel0 not straCberr0 $am, she hates straCberr0 $am. 9er e0es finall0 open, and she sloCl0 gets up, Cith a beaming smile. GOh, 0ou thought of meH I lo e it Chen 0ou think of meHI I noC :noC that I can start the da0 this eDcellent da0. Wednesday, May 6 th - Great day The sun still seeps through the curtains and lights up the room. I see her again this morning b0 m0 side, peacefull0 asleep, the sand7colored hair still scattered on the pilloC and her nec:lace still resting on her chest. The da0 she left Cithout a Cord. Fithout a Cord and Cith this eDact nec:lace. This nec:lace Chich I had $ust gi en her so that a part of me 7 Could alCa0s sta0 Cith her. It Cas a simple sil er chain, Cith a pendant decorated Cith a red stone. B0 being reunited Cith her 10 0ears after she,d disappeared, I Cas delighted to see that she Cas still Cearing it, that she had ne er forgotten me, as if it Cas destined that Ce Could be reunited, that she had to be b0 m0 side this morning, as e er0 other morning, thus for tCo 0ears and a da0, and for, I hope, centuries and centuries. Just li:e 0esterda0, to please her Chen she Ca:es up, I prepare her orange $uice and tCo peach $am toasts. Still no straCberr0 $am, she hates straCberr0 $am. 9er e0es open after a feC secondsJ she sloCl0 gets up, an angelic smile on her lips. GOh 0ou thought of meH I lo e it Chen 0ou think of meHI I can finall0 begin this da0... this great da0. Thursday, May 7 th - Nice day The sun is shining less than at the start of the Ceek. It seeps through the curtains and gentl0 lights up the room. I Catch her again this morning, peacefull0 asleep, her blond hair scattered on the pilloC. Ne er forgotten But as time goes, it,s li:e she,s alCays been there, so close, and that she ne er came back, one da0 on m0 doorstep, sa0ing she lo ed me, as if it Cas destined that Ce Could be reunitedJ That she found herself b0 m0 side this morning, li:e e er0 other morning, thus for tCo 0ears and tCo da0s, and for, I hope, a long time. As usual, Chen she Cakes up, I prepare her $uice and toast Cith peach $am. Not straCberr0 $am. No, not straCberr0. She Ca:es up and gets up, a small smile on her lips. GOh 0ou thought of meH I lo e it Chen 0ou think of meHI Let,s start the da0 E this nice da0. 8 Friday, May 8 th - Just a day ItKs cloud0 toda0. 8ou can,t see tCo meters in front of 0ou. She,s asleep, her hair on the pilloC. To tell m0self that she lo es meL But in that case, Ch0L Fh0 did she run aCa0L Fas the situation too complicatedL Fe couldn,t be together. That,s Ch0 0ou loo:ed so sad each time Ce saC each other. It Cas because 0ou :neC it couldn,t last E I,m so sorr0. Sorr0 if e er0thing scared 0ou. I didn,t Cant to scare 0ou 8ou Cere m0 destin0. Fe Cere meant to be together this morning, li:e e ery other morning, thus for tCo 0ears and three da0s, and for still quite some time. As soon as she Ca:es up, her $uice, her toast. Peach, not straCberr0. StraCberr0, not peach. I don,t :noC an0more. I see her getting closer to me li:e e er0 other morning, a smile on her lips. G8es I :noC, I thought of 0ou, 0ou li:e it Chen I think of 0ou, I, e understood.I Let,s get this da0 o er and done Cith. Just this da0... Saturday, May 9 th - Horrible day ItKs raining. Not a cat Could go out in this Ceather. SheKs still sleeping. 9er hair is in a mess on the pilloC. If 0ouKre scared, imagine meH FasnKt I scaredL To admit e er0thing, to gi e 0ou the nec:lace that meant so much for me, and then to see that I Cas all alone, neDt to our round stone, Cith the sound of these roc:s falling at the same pace as m0 heartL That bro:en heart that 0ou left Chen 0ou Cent Cho7:noCs7ChereL And Ch0 did 0ou come backL Out of pit0L Because 0ou finall0 remembered meL Did 0ou e en Cear the nec:laceL I see 0ou, this morning, once more, li:e e er0 other morning, thus for tCo 0ears and four da0s, but for hoC much longerL IKm hungr0. I donKt usuall0 eat, but I ha e a sudden cra ing for straCberr0 $am. I lo e straCberr0 $am. Then 9 here she is, Cith a stupid smile on her lips. GI didnKtE think of 0ouI I hear m0self tell herE GOh 0ou thought of meH I lo e it Chen 0ou think of meHI Fhile her oice echoes in m0 head, I hear the doorbell ring. But nobod0 e er comes hereE Still Saturday, May 9 th - ... I approach the door and suddenl0 stop. But Cho is itL And Ch0L Fhat time is itL Ma0be itKs the postman But IKm not Caiting for an0thing from an0bod0. Fhat do the0 CantL I open the door a notch and lean m0 head outside. I recognize the figure thatKs Cal:ing aCa0 and catch her attention. M0 girlfriend,s sister loo:s at me Cith a relie ed face, but her e0es are sad. She comes toCards me and ta:es me in her arms before spea:ing GDann0, itKs been such a long timeHI GItKs true, Chat brings 0ou to LondonLI GIKm so sorr0, Dann0, it might seem eDtremel0 sudden But CeK e found Sand0Ks dead bod0 o er the cliff edge in the hills near 0our round rock. Fe thought she Cas Cith 0ou all this time, and 0ou :noC hoC our parents disappro ed of 0our couple. So the0 didnKt tr0 and contact her, and as for me, I thought she Cas $ust too busy Cith her life. She brings her hand to her mouth to hide a sob. I sta0 speechless. A thousand questions pop into m0 head. Fas it all a dreamL Fas I going to Ca:e up in m0 bedL M0 heartbeat speeds up. Could it be thatE noE the cric:ets, the Cind, the birds The falling rocks.
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