E1740 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 3, 2011 IN HONOR OF REVEREND EUGENE family, friends, and contemporaries of the IN HONOR OF MR. EDWARD ZAJAC L. NEVILLE OF FOXBORO, MA Reverend Eugene L. Neville to thank him for his remarkable service and dedication to the HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH HON. STEPHEN F. LYNCH religious community in the State of Massachu- OF OHIO OF MASSACHUSETTS setts. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, October 3, 2011 Monday, October 3, 2011 f Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to PERSONAL EXPLANATION honor of Mr. Edward Zajac, who is being post- honor the Reverend Eugene L. Neville, in rec- humously inducted into the West Tech High ognition of his outstanding contributions to the School Hall of Fame by the West Tech Alumni State of Massachusetts and the religious com- HON. MICHAEL M. HONDA Association. munity, and to commend him for over 30 OF CALIFORNIA Edward was born in Cleveland, Ohio in Jan- years of his dedicated service. uary 1926 to his parents, who were Polish im- Reverend Neville was born in Roxbury, MA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES migrants. He graduated Valedictorian from and was educated in the Boston public school Monday, October 3, 2011 West Tech High School in 1944 and was system, graduating from Roxbury Memorial drafted by the U.S. Army to serve during High School in 1960. He later attended Bar- Mr. HONDA. Mr. Speaker, on September World War II. He was a radioman in a tank di- rington College in Rhode Island, where he 23, I was unavoidably detained in a meeting vision in Europe and was stationed with the graduated with a B.A. in Bible and Theology in with the President of the United States, and so U.S. Army Intelligence in southern Germany 1969. He continued his theological education I was not present several of the rollcall votes until being discharged. He married Brooky at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in on amendments to H.R. 2401 held that day. Mary Calhoun in 1954. They were married for Hamilton, MA in 1972, graduating with honors. Had I been present I would have voted: 54 years. Following his stint with the U.S. Reverend Neville also participated in post ‘‘Aye’’ on rollcall 728, the Welch Amend- Army, Edward graduated from Cornell Univer- theological studies at Andover Newton Theo- sity as Valedictorian with a degree in engi- logical School, Boston University School of ment to add the Chair of the Council on Envi- ronmental Quality, the Secretary of Health and neering, a Masters degree from Princeton Uni- Theology, and Harvard Divinity School. versity and a doctoral degree from Stanford It was at the historic Peoples Baptist Human Services, and the Director of the Cen- ters for Disease Control and Prevention to the University. Church, under the pastorate of the late Rev- For 30 years Edward worked at AT&T’s Bell erend Dr. Richard M. Owens, where Reverend interagency committee that the bill would cre- ate, and to direct that committee to look at im- Telephone Laboratories in the mathematics re- Neville was first called to prepare for his search unit and later as head of economics re- Christian Ministry. Subsequently, he served portant health impacts on the most vulnerable populations (such as children and the elderly) search. In 1963, as an engineer, he created under the mentorship of Reverend Dr. Michael the world’s first computer animation. His ani- E. Hayes, Pastor of the Twelfth Baptist Church that would be affected by EPA’s proposed rules. mated films became internationally known and in Boston, MA, where Reverend Neville was garnered him awards from the U.S. and formally ordained as a Baptist Minister. In ‘‘Aye’’ on rollcall 729, the McNerney Amend- abroad. 1975, he assumed his first pastorate at Mes- ment to direct the interagency committee to Following his career with AT&T, in 1983, siah Baptist Church in Brockton, MA, where examine the effect on clean energy jobs and Edward moved from New Jersey to Arizona he served for 6 years. In 1981, Reverend Nev- clean energy companies, including those that and became chairman of the University of Ari- ille founded and became the pastor of Mount export clean energy technology, to the items zona’s Eller School of Managers’ economics Moriah Baptist Church; under his leadership, to be considered in the analyses required by department. As a professor and later, pro- Mount Moriah has established over 30 min- the bill. fessor emeritus, Edward published numerous istries and has become one of the most influ- ‘‘Aye’’ on rollcall 730, the Moore Amend- articles and two texts for graduate level ential churches in the City of Brockton. ment to ensure that the interagency committee courses. His former colleagues have since es- Reverend Neville has also been dedicated will analyze the impact a rule or action could tablished a prize for doctoral students at Ari- to helping the greater community. He served have on low-income communities and public zona University in his honor. for 4 years at The Hymn Foundation in Boston health. Mr. Speaker and colleagues, please join me as the first Project Director for the Black ‘‘Aye’’ on rollcall 731, the Capps Amend- in honoring the memory of Mr. Edward Zajac Church Capacity Building Program. This pro- as he is named to the West Tech High School gram connected Black churches with local ment to require the interagency committee to include in its analyses an estimate of the inci- Hall of Fame. philanthropic foundations, and provided grants f up to $8000 for their social outreach min- dence of birth and developmental defects and istries. Reverend Neville has been instru- infant mortality that would result from a delay IN RECOGNITION OF THE 10TH AN- mental in establishing several non-profit orga- to covered rules and covered actions under NIVERSARY OF THE HARLEM nizations within the church for the benefit of the bill. ARTS ALLIANCE, INC. AND IN the greater community, such as the Amara ‘‘No’’ on rollcall 732, the Kinzinger Amend- CELEBRATION OF HARLEM ARTS Community Center, which has provided over ment, which seeks to add regulations that ADVOCACY WEEK 2011 ‘‘HARLEM 2500 children, youth, and adults with computer have not even been proposed to the list to be ARTS & CULTURE: RESURGENCE training and their own personal computer. Ad- analyzed by the interagency committee. AND RENEWAL’’ ditional projects include the Higher Education ‘‘No’’ on rollcall 733, the Dent Amendment, Resource Center, which has assisted hun- which would further undermine environmental HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL dreds of first generation youth to achieve ac- protections by adding EPA’s National Emis- OF NEW YORK ceptance to, and remain in, college, and the sion Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Emergency Food Ministry, which is comprised from the Portland Cement Manufacturing In- Monday, October 3, 2011 of a large food pantry serving hundreds of dustry and Standards of Performance for Port- families twice a month as well as a soup kitch- land Cement Plants to the rules the must be Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, today I rise with en ministry serving numerous homeless indi- examined by the interagency committee cre- great Harlem and cultural pride to recognize viduals every Tuesday afternoon. Reverend ated by the bill. the 10th Anniversary of the HARLEM Arts Alli- Neville is a man of God with a vision to help ance, Inc. as they kick off their Fifth Annual individuals, families, churches, and community ‘‘Aye’’ on rollcall 734, the Hastings (FL) Arts Advocacy Week 2011 at the Riverside organizations address and overcome the chal- Amendment to exclude from the interagency Theatre at Harlem’s New York City Land- lenges of this generation. committee’s review all rules and regulations mark—The Riverside Church. The Riverside Reverend Neville is married to Ruth and that already undergo a cost-benefit analysis. Church is the tallest Church in the United they have 2 adult daughters and 5 grand- ‘‘Aye’’ on rollcall 735, Connolly Amendment States known for its elaborate Neo-Gothic ar- children; he and his wife presently reside in No. 8 to require the interagency committee to chitecture, which includes the world’s largest Foxboro, MA. study policies which will lead to creation of tuned carillon bell. Mr. Speaker, it is my distinct honor to take American jobs in the pollution control and The HARLEM Arts Alliance, HAA, is a not- the floor of the House today to join with the clean energy sector. for-profit arts service organization committed VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:19 Oct 04, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A03OC8.011 E03OCPT1 PWALKER on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS October 3, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1741 to nurturing the artistic growth, capacity and Soul of Blackness/A Centennial Tribute,’’ a customs. It affords us a window into our devel- development of artists and arts organizations book signing by Center Director, Dr. Khalil Mu- opment as a society and provides an oppor- based primarily in Harlem and the greater Har- hammad along with a performance showcase tunity for people of all ages to actively engage lem communities. With a membership of over of Harlem Arts and Cultural organizations. in learning about the history of their commu- 750 individual artists and arts organizations, On Thursday October 6, HARLEM Arts Alli- nities. HAA plays an essential role by helping to build ance will host a panel discussion, ‘‘Basic Archaeological contributions are key to en- the resources, network, and capacity of its Legal Issues in Managing Human Resources,’’ couraging greater appreciation of our shared richly diverse association.
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