KOREAN 1 Gotta 해요 that 한국말 2 OVERVIEW Linguistic isolate Agglutinative Originally written using Chinese characters (hanja) 3 KOREAN WRITING SYSTEM 4 WRITING SYSTEM 5 6 7 SYLLABIFICATION = 대구 = 한글 = 서울 8 TRANSLITERATION 캘리포니아 California 배트맨 Batman 슈퍼맨 Superman 디즈니 월드 Disneyworld 플로리다 대학 University of Plorida 9 HANJA (한자) A dictionary might list hanja for disambiguation of the definition of 수도 10 HISTORY OF THE KOREAN LANGUAGE 11 In three parts OLD KOREAN Mostly reconstructed from Middle Korean 12 13 IDU 14 EARLY MIDDLE KOREAN Very few attestations 15 16 KOREAN VOWEL SHIFT 17 LATE MIDDLE KOREAN Development of writing system Lots of attestations 18 19 20 21 MODERN KOREAN Loss of tones Loss of vowel harmony Simplified phonology 22 KOREAN PHONOLOGY AND SOUND CHANGES 23 CONSONANTS Korean has 19 consonant phonemes 24 VOWELS Korean has eight vowel phonemes 25 26 Vowels traditionally have a length distinction, but the distinction is disappearing Additionally the distinction betweenㅔ(/e/) andㅐ(/ɛ/) is disappearing among younger speakers 개 vs 게 Also the distinction between ㅚ (the mid front rounded vowel /ø/ ) and ㅟ (the closed front rounded vowel y/ ) disappeared between 2003 and 2012 27 VOWEL HARMONY Korean traditionally had strong vowel harmony Some vowel harmony can still be seen 노랗다 plain yellow, 누렇다 very yellow 파랗다 plain blue, 퍼렇다 deep blue 28 For each stop and affricate, there is a three-way contrast between unvoiced segments, which are distinguished as plain, tense, and aspirated 29 꿀 Honey 굴 oyster 30 ALLOPHONY A number of sounds in Korean are allophonic This allophony is based on the position of the consonant in the syllabic structure 밥 31 Rice/ Food OBSOLETE LETTERS 13 obsolete consonants: ᄛ, ㅱ, ㅸ, ᄼ, ᄾ, ㅿ, ㆁ, ᅎ, ᅐ, ᅔ, ᅕ, ㆄ, ㆆ 1 obsolete vowel: ㆍ arae-a 10 obsolete double consonants: ㅥ, ᄙ, ㅹ, ᄽ, ᄿ, ᅇ, ᇮ, ᅏ, ᅑ, ㆅ 66 obsolete clusters of two consonants: ᇃ, ᄓ, ㅦ, ᄖ, ㅧ, ㅨ, ᇉ, ᄗ, ᇋ, ᄘ, ㅪ, ㅬ, ᇘ, ㅭ, ᇚ, ᇛ, ㅮ, ㅯ, ㅰ, ᇠ, ᇡ, ㅲ, ᄟ, ㅳ, ᇣ, ㅶ, ᄨ, ㅷ, ᄪ, ᇥ, ㅺ, ㅻ, ㅼ, ᄰ, ᄱ, ㅽ, ᄵ, ㅾ, ᄷ, ᄸ, ᄹ, ᄺ, ᄻ, ᅁ, ᅂ, ᅃ, ᅄ, ᅅ, ᅆ, ᅈ, ᅉ, ᅊ, ᅋ, ᇬ, ᇭ, ㆂ, ㆃ, ᇯ, ᅍ, ᅒ, ᅓ, ᅖ, ᇵ, ᇶ, ᇷ, ᇸ 17 obsolete clusters of three consonants: ᇄ, ㅩ, ᇏ, ᇑ, ᇒ, ㅫ, ᇔ, ᇕ, ᇖ, ᇞ, ㅴ, ㅵ, ᄤ, ᄥ, ᄦ, ᄳ, ᄴ 44 obsolete diphthongs and vowel sequences: ᆜ, ᆝ, ᆢ, ᅷ, ᅸ, ᅹ, ᅺ, ᅻ, ᅼ, ᅽ, ᅾ, ᅿ, ᆀ, ᆁ, ᆂ, ᆃ, ㆇ, ㆈ, ᆆ, ᆇ, ㆉ, ᆉ, ᆊ, ᆋ, ᆌ, ᆍ, ᆎ, ᆏ, ᆐ, ㆊ, ㆋ, ᆓ, ㆌ, ᆕ, 32 ᆖ, ᆗ, ᆘ, ᆙ, ᆚ, ᆛ, ᆟ, ᆠ, ㆎ KOREAN GRAMMAR 33 9품사 CLASSIFICATION OF WORDS Content words Substantives 명사 (nouns) 대명사 (pronouns) 수사 (number words) Verbs (broadly speaking) 동사 (action verbs) 형용사 (descriptive verbs or adjectives) Modifiers 관형사 (determiners, pronouns, or indeclinable adjectives) 부사 (adverbs) Other content words 감탄사 (interjections or exclamations) Function words 조사 (particles or postpositions) 34 CLITICS Case clitics Case After vowels After consonants Nominative 가 이 Accusative 를 을 Genitive 의 Dative 에 (inanimate) (also destination) 에게 (animate) Locative 에서 (inanimate) (place of event, also 에게서 (animate) source) Instrumental 로 으로 하고 Comitative 와 과 (also and) 랑 이랑 Vocative 아 야 35 Information clitics Type After vowels After consonants Topic* 는 은 Additive* 도 Or 나 이나 36 VERBS, ADJECTIVES (형용사) 보고있다 The watched movie 사랑스럽다 Having the property of being able to be loved 37 NUMERALS (수사) Two numerical systems a pure Korean system a Chinese based (Sino-Korean) system 38 NUMERALS (수사) Two numerical systems a pure Korean system physical objects age hours a Chinese based (Sino-Korean) system any number over 100 money math minutes 39 40 HONORIFICS (높임말) 하나이다 합니다 해요 하오 하네 한다 해 The verb “to do” in seven honorific levels 41 GREETINGS 높임말, 반말 안녕하십니까 높임말, Polite speech/ formal 안녕하세요 Standard level 안녕 반말, close level/ rude 42 HONORIFIC VERBS 있다 계시다 "to be/exist" 마시다 드시다 "to drink" 먹다 드시다 "to eat" 먹다 잡수시다 "to eat" 자다 주무시다 "to sleep" 주다 드리다 "give" 43 WHO SHOULD YOU BE POLITE TO? Older people People above you socially 선배 – 후배 Seonbae – Hubae Senjour - Junior 44 WHO CAN YOU BE RUDE TO? Children People younger than you 45 BEING RUDE IN KOREAN Mixing speech levels 너만 잘 하세요 mind your own business Being too close 가시나 sister 아줌마 / 이모 auntie 46 KOREAN NAMING CONVENTIONS 47 이름 Korean names are generally three syllables 이긴아 Family Personal name name 48 Sometimes siblings also have a generational name 최진실 최진영 Family Generational Personal name name name 49 There are approximately 280 family names used in Korea Traditionally only aristocrats had last names Families started buying last names around 1690 Everyone given the ability to choose a last name in 1894 In 1910 census less than 50% of the population had a family name 50 FAMILY NAMES IN KOREA 51 FOREIGN NAMES Korean naming conventions and phonotactics leads to a few problems 리차드 Richard 차드 Chard 챋 Chat 그래이스 Grace 52 KOREAN DIALECTOLOGY 53 사투리 DIALECT OVERVIEW There are seven Korean dialects Hamgyeong (함경) [NK] Northwestern (평안) [NK] Central (중부) [Standard] Gangwon (강원 ) Gyeongsang (경상) Jeolla (전라) Jeju (제주) 54 Korean dialects are divided along natural barriers (mountain ranges) 55 Dragonfly in different dialects 56 SEOUL 사투리 The prestige dialect in both North and South The vowels for ㅔ and ㅐ are merged Vowel length is not distinguished consistently, if at all. -도, -로, and –고 pronounced -두,-루, and -구. 삼촌 is pronounced as 삼춘 (uncle) End interrogative sentences -냐? 57 HAMGYEONG 사투리 Kinship terminology 아버지 becomes 아바이 or 애비 (father) 58 PYEONGAN 사투리 Maintains distinction between ㅔ and ㅐ Losing distinction between 어 and 오 Words beginning with ㄴ (/n/) are pronounced as ㄹ (/r/) 59 GANGWON 사투리 Yeongseo and Yeongdong dialects Few speakers in the area Division along mountain range Uses tones 60 JEOLLA 사투리 Copular endings -습니다 or -세요 become 라우 or 지라우 Causative endings -니까 becomes -응게 Quotative ending -다고 and -라고 become -당게 61 JEJU 사투리 Maintains ㆍ/ɒ/ vowel Jeju honorifics differ from Standard Korean standard declarative ㅂ니다 Jeju 암/엄수다 Standard interrogative ㅂ니까? Jeju 암/엄수과? Stative verbs ("adjectives") standardㅂ니다/까 or 습니다/까 Jeju 우다/꽈 or 수다/꽈 Past declarative standard 았/었습니다 Jeju 앗/엇수다 Interrogative standard 았/었습니까? Jeju 앗/엇수과? 62 GYEONGSANG 사투리 Gyeongsang dialects have six vowels, a (ㅏ), e (ㅔ), i (ㅣ), eo (ㅓ), o (ㅗ), u (ㅜ) ㅐ(ae) and ㅔ (e) are merged ㅡ(eu) and ㅓ(eo) are merged soegogi (쇠고기) 'beef' is pronounced sogogi gwaja (과자) 'confectionery' is pronounced ggaja. Has tones 63 GYEONGSANG 사투리 EXAMPLE 뭐해요 vs 뭐하노 What are you doing? 할아버지 vs 할배 Grandfather 할머니 vs 할매 Grandmother 먹오 vs 무라 to eat 너만 잘 하세요 vs 밥이나 무라 Mind your own business in standard and dialect 64 ATTITUDES TOWARDS 사투리 65 KOREAN CONTACT-INDUCED CHANGES OVER TIME 66 SINO-KOREAN About 60% of Korean vocabulary is borrowed from or created from Chinese Often there are both pure Korean and Chinese derived words for one meaning 고맙습니다 vs 고마워 Thank you 사람 vs 인 person 67 JAPANESE INFLUENCE ON KOREAN During the Japanese occupation of Korea, the Japanese introduced: Sino-Japanese vocabulary English loanwords through Japanese 화이팅 Fighting (good luck / you can do it) 서비스 Service (free gift at a restaurant) 아파트 Apartment 68 OTHER INFLUENCES German via Japanese 아르바이트 Part time job [arbeite] 알레르기 allergy Deutschland > doitsu (獨逸) > Dogil (독일) 69 ENGLISH INFLUENCE ON KOREAN 핸드폰 Handphone (cell phone) 아이쇼핑 Eye shopping (window shopping) 셀카 Sel-ka (self camera / selfie) Man to man Sweat shirt One piece/ two piece Dress / skirt and blouse 커닝 Cunning (cheating) 70 NORTH/ SOUTH DIFFERENCES 71 동무 vs 친구 DIFFERENCES IN NORTH AND SOUTH KOREAN There are differences between Pronunciation Spelling Grammar Vocabulary 72 PRONUNCIATION In Sino-Korean words, some of ㄴ /n/ and all of ㄹ /l/ that come in the beginning of a word are dropped in pronunciation and not written out in the South, but all initial ㄴ and ㄹ are written out in the North. 73 SPELLING 74 GRAMMAR 75 VOCABULARY 문화주택 vs 아파트 apartment 조선말 vs 한국말 Korean language 곽밥 vs 도시락 Type of lunch box (similar to bento) 동무 vs 친구 Comrade / Friend 76 끝 (THE END) 77 .
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