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This file is fully searchable (read search tips page) Archive CD Books Australia exists to make reproductions of old books, documents and maps available on CD to genealogists and historians, and to co-operate with family history societies, libraries, museums and record offices to scan and digitise their collections for free, and to assist with renovation of old books in their collection. The New South Wales Government Gazette 1865 Ref. AU2100-1865 This book was kindly loaned to Archive CD Books Australia by the Society of Australian Genealogists http://www.sag.org.au Navigating this CD To view the contents of this CD use Acrobat Reader’s forward and back buttons to browse through the pages, alternatively use the INDEX bookmark to search for specific information and then use the bookmarks and Acrobat’s page buttons (or slide bar) to go to the relevant page. Use Acrobat Reader’s bookmark functions to jump to highlighted sections. To activate bookmarks click on “Window” and then “Show bookmarks” (or press F5) Searching this CD This book has been formatted to be searchable using Adobe Acrobat Reader. • Adobe Reader 6 or later is recommended for more advanced searching capability within a file or across multiple files. • Generally 95% - 99% of the words can be searched. Where the original type was poor the words may not be recognized for searching. • For more detailed explanation and tips to get the best search results click here The technical advancements that allow this searching bring a wonderful finding aid but there is still no substitute for reading the book! Copyright ©2004 Archive CD Books Australia Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved For more books on CD from Archive CD Books Australia, see the web pages at www.archivecdbooks.com.au NEW SOUTH WALES GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. VOL. I. FROM 1ST JANUARY TO 30TH JUNE, 1805. SYDNEY: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY THOMAS RICHARDS, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, PHILLIP-STREET. 1865. INDEX TO THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, FOB THE HALF-YEAR ENDING 30 JUNE, 1865. Page. Agents for sale of Crown Lands—Appointed 230, 1003 Page. Albert—Land in Pastoral District of, reserved ABERDEEN—Tolls of Ferry at to be sold .. 624 from lease .. .. .. .. 198 Abstracts—Balance Sheet of Savings' Bank .. 327 „ Crown Lands dedicated to Religious from sale until surveyed .. .. 933 and Public purposes .. 69, 9S5, 1205 Albury—Acting District Registrar for, appointed 114 „ Disbursements from Consolidated Bailiff Court of Requests at, appointed 55, 273 Revenue Fund .. .. S7,811 Court for revision of Electoral Lists at 504 „ „ Loans Account .. 90,814 District Court at 17 „ „ Special Accounts.. 91,815 Gaoler and Matron of Gaol at, appointed 117!) Revenue of the Colony .. .. 84, 92, 807 Inspector of Slaughter-houses for Muni- „ Quarterly Statements of Insolvent cipality of, appointed .. .. 695 Estates 334,82S Quarter Sessions at .. .. 233,1000 Accepted Tenders for Runs 102, 490, 518, 543, 785, Receipts and Expenditure, Munici- 914 pality of 274 Accounts filed in Estates of following persons:— „ Roads to be closed in Police District of 4, 807, Cantwell John 1232 1282 Cox Elizabeth 549 Aldrick William—Appointed an Inspector of Godfrey Henry 1246 Slaughter-houses .. .. .. 1204 Halpin James 57 Alexander James—Appointed 2nd Assistant Johnson Thomas 1287 Bailiff, Sydney 1052 Ken-Charles 1189 Alignment of Streets — Armidale .. .. .. 1435 Little Archibald 1370 Bathurst 1143 Matthews Samuel .. .. .. 204 Cook 737 Matthews Thomas 204 Grafton 101 Noble William 1232 West Maitland .. .. SOS Pawley George .. .. .. 508 Allandale Station—Proposed Road from to Deep Pike John 1007 Creek .. .. .. .. .. 1305 Shadforth Thomas 596 Allen George—Appointed to consent to Mar- Shorthill Lawrence .. .. 368, 658 riages of Minors .. .. .. 629 Solomon Faiben 658 Allen George—Creditors to prove debts in Estate of 454 Trouson John Mortlock .. .. 773 Allman John—Appointed to consent to Mar- „ Public—To be presented to the Trea- riages of Minors .. .. .. 029 sury early in January .. .. 1 Alteration—In days of publication of Govern- „ Road—To be closed on 31st March, ment Gazette 615,779 1865 1 Analytical Statement of Insolvent Estates .. 1078 Trusts 1151 Anderson Robert—Appointed an Inspector of „ Trustees, Field of Mars Common .. 236 Slaughter-houses, Municipality of „ „ Pitt Town Common .. 236 Albury 595 Acts of Parliament of New South Wales:— Anger—Coast light near, removed .. .. 707 Additional Judge 1065 Antill John Macquarie—Appointed to consent Appropriation .. .. .. .. 1401 to Marriages of Minors .. .. 629 Australian Paper Company .. .. 1195 Applications—By lessees of Crown Lands to Consolidated Revenue Fund .. 401, 965 purchase 408,1118 Customs 1865 1313 „ For Conditional Purchases, not to be Drainage Promotion 1295 received on proclaimed holidays .. 1144 Felons' Apprehension .. .. 817 „ Purchase of land under Land Act of Fisheries 1199 1861—269, 293, 294, 331, 449,450,587, C9S Fitz Roy Iron Works Company .. 1379 „ Rescission of Land — Careening Gunpowder Export Restriction .. 961 Cove 293 Impounding 1305 Hulk Bay .. 293 Industrial and Provident Societies .. 1375 Hunter's Hill .. 1118 Liverpool and London and Globe Tarban Creek .. 698 Insurance Company .. .. 969 Appraisement of Runs on expiration of Leases— Loan 1315 Amended Regulations .. .. 930 „ No. 2 1317 Approaching Land Sales—Notification of 2,45, 67,104, Military Contribution .. .. 1163 169, 198, 214, 516, 542, 560, 580, Package 1355 620, 648, 678, 696, 725, 741, 754, Presbyterian Church 1067 768, 786, 824, 854, 866, 913, 92S, Public Works and Immigration Loan 1399 952, 983, 1003, 1020, 1048, 1073, Rogers' Settlement 1175 1102,1118, 1144, 1182,1200,1220, Seamen's Laws Consolidation Act 1240, 1259, 1284, 1364, 1418, 1439 Amendment 963 Appropriation Act .. .. .. .. .. 1401 Stamp Duties 1319 Apsley—Proposed Road from to O'Connell's St. Patrick's Church Land Trust .. 967 Plains 1360 Sydney Mint 893 Araluen — Chinese authorised to work on Gold Trade Marks 1165 Fields at 1361 Acton Joseph—Creditors to prove debts in Argyle—Court for revision of Electoral Lists of 564 Estate of 454 Armidale—Alignment of Streets in .. .. 1435 Adams Alfred Augustus—Appointed to consent Bailiff at appointed 1052 to Marriages of Minors .. .. 629 „ District Court at appointed .. 1155 Adams Peter Francis—Appointed a Member of Court for revision of Electoral Lists at 702 Board to aid intending Exhibitors District Court at.. .. 17, 272,1006, 1028 at Dublin International Exhibition 263 Inspector of Weights and Measures Additional Customs' Duties Act 1313 at appointed.. .. .. .. 703 Additional Judge Act 1065 Quarter Sessions at .. .. 140, 1006 Addresses to Sir John Young on visiting Goulburn 879 Receipts and Expenditure Muni- cipality of 206 Adhesive Duties Stamps—Denominations and Roads to be closed in Police District of 585, Colours of 1418 769, 1184 11 INDEX.—1865. Page. Page. Arnold William Munnings — Appointed a Mem- Banks' Meadow and Bunnerong Road—Proposed ber of Executive Council .. .. 323 Road from to Randwick and Botany „ Secretary for Public Works .. 323 Road 587 Ascough James—Appointed to consent to Mar- Banks' Peninsula — Light-house, Godley Head.. 44 riages of Minors 629 Barber Jeboridda — Creditors to prove debts in Assembly Legislative—Members of elected 43, 65, 97, Estate of 454 195, 211, 537, 601 Barber John—Creditors to send in claims against „ Petitions against return of Members Estate of .. 1208 to 259, 602, 847 „ Widow or next of kin of, to appear .. 509 Assignment of property for benefit of Creditors Barling John—Appointed a Licensed Surveyor 1240 of following parties :— Barlow John—Sale of property belonging to, by Abbott Thomas 1427 Sheriff 1124,1207 Brown W. B. and Co 1156 Barnett James—Appointed Colonial Architect.. 98 Cohen Solomon and Cohen Henry Barnett John—Certificate that he is a proper Baron 19 person to be licensed to distil .. 43 Farmer Thomas Charles .. .. 525 Bassman Henry—Appointed an Inspector of Hay man Davis 1427 Slaughter-houses 08o Hind William Charles
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