8/8/2016 2:53 PM Last Updated AGENDA WILSONVILLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 15, 2016 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL 29799 SW TOWN CENTER LOOP WILSONVILLE, OREGON Mayor Tim Knapp Council President Scott Starr Councilor Julie Fitzgerald Councilor Susie Stevens Councilor Charlotte Lehan CITY COUNCIL MISSION STATEMENT To protect and enhance Wilsonville’s livability by providing quality service to ensure a safe, attractive, economically vital community while preserving our natural environment and heritage. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Executive Session is held in the Willamette River Room, City Hall, 2nd Floor 5:00 P.M. EXECUTIVE SESSION [15 min.] A. Pursuant to ORS 192.660 (2)(e) Real Property Transactions ORS 192.660(2)(f) Exempt Public Records ORS 192.660(2)(h) Litigation 5:15 P.M. REVIEW OF AGENDA [5 min.] 5:20 P.M. COUNCILORS’ CONCERNS [5 min.] 5:25 P.M. PRE-COUNCIL WORK SESSION A. Right of Way Above Ground Cellular Utility Issues [30 min.] Page 1 (Miller/Jacobson) B. IT Strategic Plan (Miller) [25 min.] Page 3 C. Town Center Redevelopment Plan Consultant Contract [10 min.] Award (Bateschell) D. Willamette Falls Locks “Section 106” MOA (Ottenad) [10 min.] Page 10 E. Streetlight Infill Project Contract Award (Mende) [5 min.] 6:50 P.M. ADJOURN _____________________________________________________________________________________ City Council Agenda Page 1 of 3 N:\City Recorder\Agenda\8.15.16cc.docx 8/8/2016 2:53 PM Last Updated CITY COUNCIL MEETING The following is a summary of the legislative and other matters to come before the Wilsonville City Council a regular session to be held, Monday, August 15, 2016 at City Hall. Legislative matters must have been filed in the office of the City Recorder by 10 a.m. on August 8, 2016. Remonstrances and other documents pertaining to any matters listed in said summary filed at or prior to the time of the meeting may be considered therewith except where a time limit for filing has been fixed. 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER A. Roll Call B. Pledge of Allegiance C. Motion to approve the following order of the agenda and to remove items from the consent agenda. 7:05 P.M. MAYOR’S BUSINESS A. South Korean Delegation from Yeoju City led by Mayor Kyeong Hei Won Page 32 (John Lim, Korean War Memorial Foundation of Oregon) (staff – Ottenad) B. Proclamation Declaring September National Preparedness Month (staff – Kerber) Page 33 C. Upcoming Meetings Page 34 7:25 P.M. COMMUNICATIONS A. 2016 Arts Festival Video – Theonie Gilmore 7:30 P.M. CITIZEN INPUT & COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS This is an opportunity for visitors to address the City Council on items not on the agenda. It is also the time to address items that are on the agenda but not scheduled for a public hearing. Staff and the City Council will make every effort to respond to questions raised during citizens input before tonight's meeting ends or as quickly as possible thereafter. Please limit your comments to three minutes. 7:40 P.M. COUNCILOR COMMENTS, LIAISON REPORTS & MEETING ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Council President Starr – (Park & Recreation Advisory Board Liaison) B. Councilor Fitzgerald – (Development Review Panels A & B Liaison) C. Councilor Stevens – (Library Board and Wilsonville Seniors Liaison) D. Councilor Lehan– (Planning Commission and CCI Liaison) 7:50 P.M. CONSENT AGENDA A. Resolution No. 2596 Page 35 A Resolution Of The City Of Wilsonville Authorizing The City Manager To Execute A Professional Services Agreement With MIG, Inc. (Community Development Project #3004) (staff – Bateschell) B. Resolution No. 2600 Page 70 A Resolution Of The City Of Wilsonville Authorizing The City Manager To Execute A Construction Contract With Northstar Electrical Contractors, Inc. For The 2016 Street Light Infill (Capital Improvement Project 4696). (staff – Mende) City Council Agenda Page 2 of 3 N:\City Recorder\Agenda\8.15.16cc.docx 8/8/2016 2:53 PM Last Updated 7:55 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING A. Ordinance No. 795 –1st Reading Page 119 An Ordinance Of The City Of Wilsonville Approving A Zone Map Amendment From The Public Forest (PF) Zone To The Village (V) Zone On Approximately 3.2 Acres Located In The Villebois Village Center, West Of Villebois Drive North, South Of Future SW Paris Avenue. Comprising Tax Lot 2900 Of Section 15AC, T3S, R1W, Clackamas County, Oregon, Polygon WLH LLC, Applicant. (staff – Pauly) 8:15 P.M. NEW BUSINESS A. Resolution No. Placeholder Clackamas County Gas Tax IGA (staff – Jacobson) 8:30 P.M. CITY MANAGER’S BUSINESS 8:40 P.M. LEGAL BUSINESS 8:45 P.M. ADJOURN Time frames for agenda items are not time certain (i.e. Agenda items may be considered earlier than indicated.) Assistive Listening Devices (ALD) are available for persons with impaired hearing and can be scheduled for this meeting if required at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. The city will also endeavor to provide the following services, without cost, if requested at least 48 hours prior to the meeting:- Qualified sign language interpreters for persons with speech or hearing impairments. Qualified bilingual interpreters. To obtain services, please contact the City Recorder, (503)570-1506 or [email protected] City Council Agenda Page 3 of 3 N:\City Recorder\Agenda\8.15.16cc.docx Page 1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: Subject: Fiber Business Plan August 15, 2016 Staff Member: Barbara Jacobson & Holly Miller Department: Legal & IT Action Required Advisory Board/Commission Recommendation ☐ Motion ☐ Approval ☐ Public Hearing Date: ☐ Denial ☐ Ordinance 1st Reading Date: ☐ None Forwarded ☐ Ordinance 2nd Reading Date: ☒ Not Applicable ☐ Resolution Comments: ☒ Information or Direction ☐ Information Only ☐ Council Direction ☐ Consent Agenda Staff Recommendation: N/A Recommended Language for Motion: N/A Project / Issue Relates To: [Identify which goal(s), master plans(s) your issue relates to.] ☒Council Goals/Priorities ☐Adopted Master Plan(s) ☐Not Applicable ISSUE BEFORE COUNCIL: Small cell and distributed antenna systems (DAS) siting in Wilsonville. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Under Federal regulations, local governments are required to provide reasonable access points for service providers of wireless cellular communications services. Unfortunately, due to the growing number of cell phone users and their increasing use of data, carriers are turning to small cell and distributed antenna systems, looking for ways to locate smaller more numerous towers throughout cities, preferably in rights-of-way, to increase antenna density while reducing cost. Cities who have not carefully regulated this infrastructure proliferation have found themselves with unsightly and unscreened tall towers in their rights-of-way, in residential areas, and on public properties. If not properly regulated, these towers can be a blight on the landscape. At Page 1 of 2 C:\Users\king\Desktop\8.15.16 Council Packet Materials\Fiber Business Plan Staff Report (hm bj^).docx Page 2 the same time, they do fill in gaps in carrier coverage and enhance cellular data capacity for the community. Cities are entitled to charge a reasonable fee for use of city property, including the right-of-way, and provide reasonable regulatory language to ensure the continuation of an attractive and livable community. As a result, staff would like to present an overview of the issues that this new technology may bring to the City in order to be proactive in managing it. Going forward, staff will be seeking Council’s direction on aesthetic, co-location, and right-of-way considerations related to small cell and distributed antenna systems (DAS) providers applying to locate in Wilsonville. Staff would like to bring in a consultant who specializes in both the engineering and legal aspects of these devices in order to best identify the types of equipment that carriers will be asking to place in the rights-of-way and how to address frequency of placement as well as aesthetic appearance and fees to be charged. Given that Wilsonville is an underground City and the carriers’ preferred equipment would not meet the underground criteria, setting standards early on is critical. More than one carrier has already approached City staff wishing to locate facilities in Wilsonville. EXPECTED RESULTS: Subject to Counsel concurrence, the information technology, planning department, and legal staff will move forward with a consultant to prepare a draft application for placement; design standards, zoning criteria, and rates and charges for City Council consideration. TIMELINE: Staff expects to complete this analysis and Code revisions before the end of the year. CURRENT YEAR BUDGET IMPACTS: FINANCIAL REVIEW / COMMENTS: Reviewed by: ______________ Date: _____________ LEGAL REVIEW / COMMENT: Reviewed by: BAJ Date: 8/4/16 COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT PROCESS: N/A POTENTIAL IMPACTS or BENEFIT TO THE COMMUNITY: This project will update the City code to specifically address the aesthetic and other challenges that small cell and DAS siting within the City could potentially bring. These code revisions would protect the beauty and livability of both residential and commercial spaces within Wilsonville. Finally, a schedule of rates and charges for use of City property would be established. ALTERNATIVES: N/A CITY MANAGER COMMENT: ATTACHMENTS: Page 2 of 2 C:\Users\king\Desktop\8.15.16 Council Packet Materials\Fiber Business Plan Staff Report (hm bj^).docx Page 3 CITY COUNCIL MEETING STAFF REPORT Meeting Date: Subject: IT Strategic Plan August 15, 2016 Staff Member: Holly Miller, IS Manager Department: Finance/IS Action Required Advisory Board/Commission Recommendation ☐ Motion ☐ Approval ☐ Public Hearing Date: ☐ Denial ☐ Ordinance 1st Reading Date: ☐ None Forwarded ☐ Ordinance 2nd Reading Date: ☒ Not Applicable ☐ Resolution Comments: ☐ Information or Direction Walkthrough of the Final Draft of the IT Strategic Plan. ☐ Information Only ☒ Council Direction ☐ Consent Agenda Staff Recommendation: Recommended Language for Motion: NA Project / Issue Relates To: [Identify which goal(s), master plans(s) your issue relates to.] ☒Council Goals/Priorities ☐Adopted Master Plan(s) ☐Not Applicable ISSUE BEFORE COUNCIL: Presentation of the IT Strategic Plan.
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