GULBERWICK, QUARFF & CUNNINGSBURGH COMMUNITY COUNCIL - MEETING ON TUESDAY 22 JANUARY 2013 IN THE CUNNINGSBURGH SCHOOL AT 7.30PM AGENDA 1. Apologies 2. Approval of Minutes of Meeting held on Tuesday 27 November 2012* 3. Matters arising from Minutes 4. Police Report 5. Finance 6. Applications for Grants 7. Planning – Three wind Turbines, Freelight (Shetland) Ltd* Weekly list 8. Gulberwick Together 9. Refresh of the Blueprint for Education Update 10. Platform Shetland Ltd* 11. Review of Licensing* 12. AOCB 13. Date of next meeting – Tuesday 26 February 2013 *denotes papers attached GULBERWICK, QUARFF & CUNNINGSBURGH COMMUNITY COUNCIL 2 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 27 NOVEMBER 2012 IN THE CUNNINGSBURGH SCHOOL AT 7.30PM PRESENT Mr E MacPherson Mrs T Chivers Mr R G Feather Dr A Titheradge Mr J A Nicolson Mr A Ockendon Mr G Malcolmson Mr N Henderson Mrs L Johnston Mr I Jarmson EX OFFICIO Mr G Smith Mr B Fox Mr P Campbell Dr J Wills (part time) IN ATTENDANCE Phil Crossland Mrs J Clark CHAIRMAN Mr E MacPherson 1. APOLOGIES Mr C Smith Ms A Westlake 2. PHIL CROSSLAND, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES, SIC Chairman welcomed Mr Crossland to the meeting. Mr Crossland began by explaining that there is a new approach to Shetland-wide budgets so a budget prioritisation programme has been implemented to identify how many services can be supported, i.e. transport and environmental services. Any capital spend across the whole SIC would come out of the budget. The rolling programme of proposed road works has disappeared and has been replaced by the Shetland-wide budget. There are 150 works requests on the Roads list and officials have to decide which jobs are deliverable within budget. Some jobs are cheap but some are very expensive, therefore, the priority at the moment is to maintain what we already have. All agreed that prioritisation of schemes should be open and transparent. It is desired to compile a priority list by 31 March 2013. This would help manage the expectations of the public. Quarff Road safety It is a remote reality that the Kjurkhul and Wester Quarff junction upgrade will happen in the next 5-10 years. At the previous meeting he attended it was suggested to put a 50mph speed limit in place. Both A & B Roads have been subject to a speed limit review and Quarff is consistent with the national policy so it is unlikely that the speed limit will be changed. However, Mr Crossland agreed to ask his officers to fill the puddle at the Wester Quarff junction and look at timber edging with a hardcore footpath. He will also ask his officers to look into a hard standing area for the buses to pull off the main road. The desired passing place on the Easter Quarff road is considered a new scheme but a low priority due to the road being straight with good visibility. Mr Crossland added that it is now SIC policy not to replace soft verges on side roads. Stunken Brae, Gulberwick It was stressed that the residents of Gulberwick saw the proposed improvement of Stunken Brae as an extremely urgent priority within the community. Mr Crossland advised the group that the estimated cost of the proposed improvement scheme at Stunken Brae is £180,000. The landowner is in dispute over the acquisition of the land. Members asked Phil Crossland to continue with the land acquisition so in the event of money becoming available the scheme could go ahead. Members asked if it would be possible to look at lower cost options for Stunken Brae. Mr Crossland replied by saying that road officers have reviewed the scheme and the existing road is delivering the minimum service. Any upgrade would be considered a new scheme. He stated that safety is not the only priority. Statistically the accident rate for the area is not high. Statistics are based on reported accidents which result in injury, not damage-only accidents. Members noted that the walkway at Langton Corner, Gulberwick, had been completed at a cost £32,000. It was felt that although it had been achieved at a high cost, the path is well used and much appreciated by residents. Cunningsburgh The desired barrier at Valleygarth, Aithsetter is considered major works as a barrier foundation would need to be laid. Suggestions It was noted that there is a lack of junction markings from Observatory to Cunningsburgh School. Perhaps cost effective reflective signs/markers could be beneficial. It was pointed out that not cutting grass verges in the summer may lead to decaying long grass which may allow more snow to build up thus creating an issue when it comes to road clearing in the winter. A member asked if it would be possible to do a good number of the cheap jobs which would reduce the number of jobs on the list. Mr Crossland responded by explaining that they have to look at how many people in Shetland would benefit by the improvements. A member asked if the proposal to spend £250,000 on the installation of an improved broadband connection would come out of the same Shetland-wide budget. If so, why is this being prioritised over a road safety issue at Gulberwick? Councillor Wills responded by saying that the broadband connection would be an enormous benefit the whole of Shetland and support education and many other services. Councillor George Smith advised the group that the SIC councillors are currently attending a series of seminars which is giving a total picture of achieving a saving of £30m. It is hoped that the public will rethink their priorities when they realise the implications of the proposed cuts and reduce the significance of the current discussions. Chairman thanks Mr Crossland for attending the meeting. Phil Crossland confirmed that a formal report would be sent to Mrs Clark summarising the main points of the meeting. ***Phil Crossland left the meeting at 8.30pm*** 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 6 November 2012 were approved on the motion of Mr A Ockendon and Mrs T Chivers. 4. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE PREVIOUS MINUTES . Shurton Brae Bypass A letter dated 1 November 2012 from Roads to a Gulberwick resident had been circulated to members and was noted. Some remedial works will be carried out in the area. Gulberwick Playpark Gates An email dated 15 November 2012 from Ian Smith, Roads, was read and noted. The gates are on order and will be erected as soon as possible. Langton Corner, Timber Footpath An email dated 14 November 2012 from Ian Smith, Roads, had been circulated to members and was noted. 5. POLICE REPORT Nothing to report. 6. FINANCE Mrs Clark verbally reported on the finances of the Community Council. The current bank balance is £8,630.30. 7. APPLICATION FOR GRANTS A letter dated 14 November 2012 from Sita Goudie, Shetland Amenity Trust, had been circulated to members. Attached to the letter was a list of the groups that had participated in the Redd Up. Members agreed to donate £50 to each group from the Environmental Services budget. They are as follows: Cunningsburgh Football Club – running costs Cunningsburgh Primary School - to purchase dictionaries Fladdabister & Ocraquoy Settlement Design Statement Supporters – running costs Gulberwick Community Hall – running costs Gulberwick Together – community events Hillhead Group – Juvenile Diabetes Shetland Quarff Scaffies – Lerwick & Bressay Parish Church Quarff Youth Club – running costs Shetland Under 16s Football Club – running costs Wester Quarff Residents – Shetland Aid Trust Voxter Corner – Hillswick Wildlife Santuary 8. PLANNING . Weekly Lists a) An application dated 14 November 2012 to create a residential development comprising of detached houses, apartments and development sites for individual dwellings with associated services and infrastructure. On inspection of a copy of the application form it was noted that 16 dwelling houses are proposed. Referring to the proposed Local Development Plan it was noted that the site had already been proposed for development but there may be issues with draining and sewerage. Members agreed that although they did not object to the application they have major concerns regarding the Stunken Brae area of road which is particularly hazardous in winter conditions. The following issues were also highlighted: . Existing road infrastructure is inadequate for the existing properties . Junction signage in the area is poor . Existing sewer is running at capacity . Area of land may have draining issues (as noted in the Proposed Local Development Plan) Mrs Clark to respond accordingly. b) An application dated 16 November 2012, by Mr M Bain, to erect a garden shed at Mendoza, Cunningsburgh is pending consideration. There were no comments on this item. 9. GULBERWICK TOGETHER It was reported that Gulberwick Together are considering applying for a Climate Challenge Fund Grant to help pay for a cycle path with the aim of reducing the carbon footprint of the residents of Gulberwick. 10. GULBERWICK BAD WEATHER CONTINGENCY PLAN Nothing to report 11. REFRESH OF THE BLUEPRINT FOR EDUCATION UPDATE Councillor George Smith gave an update on the issue. He explained that there are two elements to the budget decision. The first element being the reduction of the school estate which will be implemented from school years 2014/2015 to 2016/2017. The second element being the reduction of classroom resources, including staffing, some of which has already been implemented from school year 2012/2013. It was noted that if schools are kept open there will be less resources in them. It is the desire of Councillors to maintain the quality of education. The proposed new Anderson High School would be funded by 1/3 SIC, 2/3 Scottish Government.
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