Wednesday, July 13, 1977 Asadha 22, 1899 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (Series) v o l. m [June 23 to July 4, 1977/Asadha 2 to 13, 1899 (Saks)] ***<**> Second Session, i*77/i*9J (Saka) (Vol. I l l contains Nos. 11 to 20) L O K SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI • C ONTENTS • • No. 28, We.Ues.iay, Ju'y 13, 1977 lAsadha 22, 1899 (*Saka) C o l u m n s Oral Answers to Questions : * , . ‘Starred Questions Nos. 445, 447 and 449 to 451 . I—29 ; Short Notice Question No; 17 • • 29— 40 Written Answers to Questions : Starred Questions Nos. 446, 448, 452 to 460 and 462 to 464 . 40—61 U.istarreJ Questions Nos. 3285 to 3299, 3301 to 3369, 3371 to 3432, 3434 to 3437 and 3439 to 3461 .... 61—220 Papers Laid on the Table . ........................................ 220—23 Committee o;i Private Members Bills and Resolutions— Second Report . ... 223 Statement re. Discontinuance of Institution o f Civilian Awards— Shi^Morarji Desai ............................................................ 224 Tributes toihe Speaker (Shri N. Saajiva Redly) on his relinqui­ shing t ie office of Speaker . 225—236 Shri Morarji D e s a i ..................................................................... 228 Shri Yeshwant Rao Chavan . 228-29 Shri Jyotirnaoy Bosu ................................ 229—31 Prof. P. G.. M a v a la n k a r ............................................................231-32 Shri M. N..Govindan N air. ..................................................232-33 Shri V. Arunachalam . * . ...................................... 233-34 Shri Tridib C h a u d h u r i ........................................■ . 234 Shri G. M. B a n a tw a lla ............................................................234-35 Shri dhitta B a s u ......................................................................235-36 Shri A. E. T. B a r r o w ............................................................ 236 Demandslfor Grants- 1977-78— Ministry o f Home Affairs . 237—390 Shri Ram Vilas Paswan ..................................................239—48 Shri Ramji Lai S u m a n ........................................................... 248— 55 •The sign + marked above the name o f a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor o f the House by that Member. (H) C o l u m n s Shri M. Kalyanasundaram ......................................... 255—63 Shri Om Prakash T y a g i .............................................................263— 71 Shri F. H. Mohsin .............................................................271— 78 Shri D. N. Tiwary ...................................................278— 86 Shrimati Rano M. Shaiza ....... 286—90 ‘Shri Kusuma Krishna Murthy . 290— 99 ‘ Shri B; C. Kambte . • .....................................................299—303 Shrimati Renuka Devi Barkataki. ..... 303— 309 - Shri Ram Marti . 309— 18 Dr. Henry A u s t i n ............................................3*8— 22 “’Shri Eduardo F a le ir o ........................................ .................... 322—26 Shri Ram Jethmalani . • . 326— 37 Shri Jyotirmoy B o s u ................................. 337—42 Shri Charan. S i n g h ................................................... 342— 382 Announcement re: Resignation o f the office of the Speaker . 266 • • Half-an-Hour Discussion— Rise in Prices o f Essential Commodities— Dr. Laxminarayao Pandeya . 391— 98 Dr. Sushila Nayar . 399-400 Shri K. Lakkappa* ........ 401—4°3 Shri Jyotirmoy B o s u ................................403-404 Shri Mani Ram Bagri. < . 405—4 °7 Shri Mohan Dharia . 407— 16 LOK SABHA DEBATES ,2 LOK SABHA THE MINISTER OF HOME AF­ FAIRS (SHRI CHARAN SINGH): (a) and (b). A Wirelss message was sent Wednesday, July 13, ldll/Asadha 22, 1899 ( Saka) to all State Governments and Union Territory Administrations on 26 th June, 1975, advising them, inter-alia, The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the to make preventive arrests to the Clock extent necessary to prevent formation of crowds or processions or any from [Mr. Speaker in the Chair] of agitation likely to lead to violence ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS in the context of emergency. Another message was sent on the same jlay, Orders for arrest and release of persons advising them to consider arrest/ de­ tention of all influential and active *445. SHRI NIRMAL CHANDRA elements of the Bharatiya Jana Sangh JAIN: Will the Minister of HOME AFFAIRS be pleased to state: and RSSS A message was also issued on 28th June, 1975 to the Chief Min­ (a) the nature of the orders issued isters, requesting them that the Min­ orally, through wireless, telephone or ister for Information & Broadcasting some other medium by the Central be consulted in case it was considered Government for the arrest of workers, employees and othehr persons to the necessary by them to arrest editors of State or District Administration from newspapers or journalists. Govern­ the 24th to 30th June, 1975 after the ment have no record of orders issued promulgation of emergency in the orally or by telephone in this behalf. country ; However, it is well-known that cer­ (b) the number of such orders; tain important leaders were arrested even prior to the issue of formal ins­ lc) whether a list 0f all the arrest­ ed persons, under MISA or under any tructions on 26th June, 1975. other rule, used to be sent to the Cen­ tral Government; and (c) As required under the provis­ ions of MISA the State Governments (d) whether the orders of their re­ furnished to the Central Government lease were issued by the Central Gov­ particulars of persons detained under ernment, or the State or the District the Act. There is no such provision Administration were competent to under the Defence and Internal Secu­ order their release? rity of India Rules, 1971. 1351 LS— 1. 3 Oral Answers JULY 13, 1977 ,v- Oral Answers (d) The detaining authorities were 5mr>r ^ far «d«ia competent to revoke the detention orders passed by them as per provi­ $ 5n^#iTrn+ ^ir *r*f *r P>h% sions of the law. However, the Cen­ }<*>IS?T %f%7RT?ft m *T®£ tral Government had issued guidelines W | I 5PT <TT SRT *JcT in October 1975 by which the State Governments were requested, inter | ? 5TtT ^ ?nft ’TX-W^ft PKW- alia, to consult the Central Govern­ frq-f % « < + u «<^(iv4 % ^q- ment before revoking any detention ♦ 1 n 5rtrnr ift* w&\ ^rrft- order made under MISA by invoking section 16A of the Act. ^ n ^Ftf f^ T R I, HT WT vt I ? ^ 5 “ ^ : stiztst *T1[T5TT, STPT SFT^ft *TRTT sft Smftwfe «ft ftrf : HMHt^T ^ STT^ f£, fpr ^ % ^t 1 n ^ I *1 *lY ^Tft tr^> cTT %TT *ft *TFT I ^TcT, eft ^TcT f^TT ?Tft ^Tcft TTPRhr *reft *ft % % t • Jfft rf^T ti % rftT TT f+^Tl TT ?pft ^ f^TT ^ f% 26 vsjrT %■ stt%9 t cft^T ^Tff fann | I % ozrf^rraY ^fr pK4dK % £ | <Tf*ft s**ft fiR % ft*ft fTc^r f^TT SHRI C. M. STEPHEN: On a point *tft ^ ^ rciHT f t i ^ ft ^ f t of order. It is just for your guidance. Let us guided by rules. I did not *T *V b \< % HK<q|k raise it earlier because you had admit­ 3ft, STETFT *T*ft «ft jftTTT^ft ^rrf, ted the question. This is under rule m j irm h r jfsft ^ft Tt *ft ^3- 41 (xxii), which says: fwr i ^rct ^nft % <r<rr- “ it (the question) shall not ordina­ rily ask about matters pending be­ ftr^Tft *rtr cfftrfr *nTo tt^ o fore any statulory tribunal or statu­ % <reTftrernft i ?tr% ^tTT ^ tory authority performing any judi- L srk qfd^rftr w z : cial or quasi-judicial functions or any commission or court of enquiry | fa 25 tTRte vV TTcT ^ft f t tftft appointed to enquire into, or investi­ snreS3 TFSTTtftpF SFTWrrf P lW K gate, any matter but may refer to f?# ^ «T I sfhTrft f f^TT nmY matters concerned with procedure or subject or stage of enquiry, if it 1 2 3PT J*ff ££ *lf «ft, tftT is not likely to prejudice the consi­ ¥*TT^ft rmRTT . deration nf the matter by the tribu­ nal or commission or court of enqui­ MR. SPEAKER: Come to the ques ry”. tion. sft fa*m ^ Justice Shah who is presiding over S ’TT^ft q1 sf^TT f the Commission has made it clear that it is within his jurisdiction to go into *TT *rf^ hP<^^ ^5T55T the incidents precedent to the procla­ sir* if ?ft »rf «ft *rtr <^V> mation of Emergency and those follow­ STt*£*T qft »lf «ft I 9ft ^ ftj^3PT5T ing the proclamation of Emergency— justification for the proclamation of ? ^ w i t *i l<; «t>i*cW«<wi»i<fl ^TT^ft Emergency and the steps taken fol­ <TT % JPT^T i f U T r t t e lowing Ihe proclamation of Emergency. This matter concerns proclamation oJP * n f t ? R T q frm ?f%?ft % ?ft Emergency and steps taken thereunder. p R MtTTT 3IT <T I 9 TrT Strictly speaking, this question is not 5 Oral Answers ASADHA 22, 1890 (SAKA) Oral Answers 6 permissible, but you have permitted it. S% *T « K + K JTT *rf3R§fc ^T When supplementaries are asked, the point I have laised may be taken care of. Question 447 will also be covered 5re^t ^ I *fcft % '3vR ft by this objection as the matter is pend­ ^ 1% ^THTT-Wf % yTTRTt ing before an Inquiry Commission. jtt q^nrf ^t f^R'Rnr ^ft arRrr MR. SPEAKER: After all, it does not rTrVTvfhr ^ T *f^t Tt STTWTWr bar the House from discussing it. This information also will go to the <t JTf «ft I JT9?T ^ | 1% «ft Commission; whatever information is ^ T T ^ f t T % *3%TJT ^nTT^TT given here will also go to the Commis­ TsT % ^ ^ft WT «ft fa«JM<u| sion. The cnly thing is, we have to be very careful. That is all. The House T t TT f*lr.'tn 1 <. f%JTT *T*TT is not barred from discussing the Emer­ «n ? ? fk *ft ^ t Pk w k *nr gency totally; there cannot be a blan­ •I ^ <ft W S#t 5T^?T ^t ?TWTf *TT HfTV ket bar like this.
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