Orthodox Presbyterian Assembly Makes Declaration on the Confession of 1967 he approval of the proposal to revise the confes­ T sional position of the United Presbyterian Church in the United States of America by two-thirds of the presbyteries of that church brings near to completion a long process of departure from the position of a catholic, evangelical, and reformed church. The Or­ thodox Presbyterian Church was brought into exist­ ence when believers who sought to resist this depar­ ture a generation ago were thwarted in their efforts at reform and were forced to withdraw from the church. The Thirty-fourth General Assembly of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, meeting at Long Beach, California, on April 28, 1967, regards it as its solemn responsibility, therefore, to make the follow­ ing declaration concerning the proposed constitu­ tional revision of the United Presbyterian Church: 1. The proposed constitutional revision - includ­ ing the Confession of 1967, which is designed to give expression to the faith of the church today, and the revised forms of subscription - effectively removes the Bible from its position as the only infallible rule of faith and life, and thereby repudiates the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, King and Head of the church. The Confession of 1967 disallows written re­ velation; it refuses to speak of the Bible as inspired l., by the Holy Spirit and therefore the Word of God; it speaks of the Bible as the "word of God" only in the context of its reception and interpretation by the church. 2. The repudiation of the doctrine of Scripture of the Westminster Confession of Faith is but one aspect (continued on page 55) A story from Korea for young readers have come to see are about to begin. The filmstrip told the story of Daniel's three friends who had to face the fiery furnace because they would Two Sisters not bow down to the king's idol. ~yu~g Sook grabbed Bong Sook's arm in fright when she saw the picture of GRACE HARD the terrible fire into which the three young men were to be thrown, and 'm going to tell you a story about B.S.: Yes, that is strange. But it they both gasped in surprise when the I two little girls in Korea. Now, must have something to do with their three were found alive. Kyung Sook maybe this conversation never took religion. I've even heard them call couldn't help asking a question even place just as I've set it down here, First Day, 'Rest Day.' And you know though the "tall man with the long but from what I know about Korea that the Christians do rest on that day nose" was talking: and Koreans, it very well could have and don't do any work they don't have K.S.: Do you really think God happened this way. The girls are Bong to. I guess it's all just part of being a could take care of his believers like Soak, eleven years old, and Kyung Jesus-person. Anyway, don't worry that, so that they wouldn't be burned Soak, nine years old. about it, there are going to be a lot of in such a terrible furnace? K.S.: (running into her yard) Big children there that never went to B.S.: Hm-mm. I don't know. If sister! Big sister! Guess what I saw church before. They won't know what God is so powerful, why did Mrs. down at the Christians' worship build­ to do, either. Sim's only cow die after she believed ing! There's a big sign out front that K.S.: I suppose I shouldn't feel in him? But the pictures showed that says they are showing pictures to­ strange; I've watched enough of the this God is able to do wonderful night. Do you think Mother will let services through the windows. Why, I things. Maybe we'll have to come to us go? believe I could even sing some of their the Lord's Day school and learn more B.S.: I don't know; let's ask her. songs! about this. But let's not let Grandmother hear us K.S. (in a whisper): My! The place K.S.: Sh-h, they've asked the Amer­ ask. You know that she doesn't want is crowded already. (But an old ican man to show some more pictures. the family to have anything to do with woman near the door points out a Another Bible Story Christians because she thinks the vil­ little empty spot on the floor and the lage spirits will get angry with our two girls wriggle into place there.) A little shiver ran through the girls family. Remember what she said about K.S.: Bong Sook, look how tall that as the title of the next filmstrip was Mrs. Sim? - that Mrs. Sim has only man is who's talking. He must be an announced; "Naarnan the Leper." But had bad luck since she became a American. What is he saying? soon the two girls were putting them­ Christian, and that her only cow B.S.: What do you mean? He's selves in the place of the little servant wouldn't have died if she hadn't made talking Korean; can't you understand girl who wanted to help her kind the spirits angry by becoming one of your own language? master get rid of his terrible disease. those 'Jesus-people.' K.S.: Korean? How can a long­ On the way home, the girls talked K.S.: Yes, but I don't think Mother nosed foreigner be speaking Korean? about what they had heard at the end would mind our going. She's always es: I don't know; I guess he of that story. talking about the big change that came learned it. Be quiet and listen. K.S.: I'd hate to be a leper, even over Mr. Kim since he became one of if I know God could heal me. those Jesus-people. Why, he doesn't The Foreigner Speaks B.S.: Yes, but don't you remember even go to the wine shop any more, Mr. Hard, the strange foreigner that the preacher said everyone is like and remember how he used to be so about whom the girls were speaking, a leper inside if his heart is not clean? mean to his wife and children when is closing his sermon with a prayer. He said our sins make us unclean be­ he was drunk? Father says he can't be As those in the church sing the clos­ fore God. That's even worse than bribed any more to get special favors ing hymn of the worship service, the being a leper. from the government for his friends. minister asks them to move forward K.S.: But if God could heal the to make room for those coming in leper, couldn't he get rid of our sin, Many Questions just to see the pictures. Even though too? K.S.: Aren't you a little scared to go the girls thought the place was B.S. I think so. Isn't that what the into the Christians' worship building? crowded when they came in, by jam­ preacher said? - something about be­ B.S.: Scared? Why should I be? ming up close to each other, they can lieving in Jesus to have our lives freed Don't lots of our friends go to Lord's make enough room so that almost from sin. Kyung Sook, we'll just have Day school there? twice the number of people can now to go back to the church next week K.S.: Maybe we won't know what be seated! The room is buzzing as and learn more about this Jesus-way, to do. The Christians do some strange more and more children crowd in and because I want to be made clean from things. For instance, they call it Lord's Mr. Hard gets the filmstrip projector my sin that makes me ugly in God's Day school. Why don't they call the ready to work. After some words of sight. first day of the week 'First Day' like introduction, the lights go out and the K.S.: Yes, let's do. I want to be everybody else does? children sigh, for the pictures they clean inside, too. The Presbyterian Guardian is published monthly (except combined in July-August) by the Presbyterian Guardian Publishing Corp., 7401 Old York Rd., Phila., Pa. 19126, at the following rates, payable in advance in any part of the world, postage prepaid: $3.00 per year ($2.50 in Clubs of ten or more); $1.00 for four months; 25c per single copy. Second Class mail privileges authorized at the Post Office, Philadelphia, Pa. 50 The Presbyterian Guardian Captain with the Mighty Heart HENRY W. CORAY Chapter 3 THE SCHOLAR wo Princeton Seminary students Dr. Machen was unyielding. In his joyous and quite undismayed in all Twalked out of Machen's class in Christian Faith in the Modern World the sorrows and all the battles that Beginners' Greek. he has this to say: may come upon him in the world. "I can't stand that man," one of In Christianity and Liberalism you I hold that Biblical writers, after hav­ them said. ing been prepared for their task by will find this ringing affirmation: "Why?" the other asked. providential ordering of their entire The doctrine of plenary inspiration "Well - he's such a perfectionist lives, received, in addition to all that, ..
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