June 24, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1347 One of the organization’s most noteworthy ac- pecially with both the Royal Australian Navy Network for her years of outstanding and dedi- tions is its recent outpouring of aid and sup- and with Great Britain’s Royal Navy. In doing cated community service in multiple capacities port to the people of the nations affected by so, he has not only strengthened our bonds for the JPS Health Network. the devastating earthquake and tsunami in with these most trusted allies, but has also en- Mrs. Green received the award at the an- Southeast Asia in December 2004. The United hanced national security. nual JPS Health Network Volunteer Apprecia- Nations is critical to the balance and well- Admiral Butler joined the Navy via the Nu- tion Luncheon in recognition of the over 4000 being of all nations, and makes significant ad- clear Power Officer Candidate Program in hours of community service she has worked vances in the world every day; however, struc- 1975 after graduating from the University of during the last 8 years. Veda earned a reputa- tural reforms are necessary to ensure that the Texas at Austin with a Bachelor’s of Science tion as someone who truly cares about others organization can continue its noble efforts to in Chemistry. His sea duty assignments have through her work as a volunteer at the infor- effect positive change. As the United Nations included: Division Officer on board USS Will mation desk and in pastoral care. seeks to reform itself, this resolution sends the Rogers (SSBN 659); Navigator/Operations Of- JPS Health Network is an organization com- message that Members of Congress are will- ficer on board USS James K. Polk (SSBN mitted to improving the health of families ing to work with them to ensure a future hu- 645); Navigator/Operations Officer on board throughout my district. The Network includes manitarian successes. USS James Madison (SSBN 627); and Repair John Peter Smith Hospital, the JPS Institute I look forward to working with Representa- Officer on board USS Proteus (AS 19). for Health Career Development, and a network tive SHAYS and my other colleagues to honor Admiral Butler’s shore assignments have in- of community-based health centers, home the United Nations for 60 years of good work cluded: Attack Submarine Training Head for care and psychiatric services at Trinity Springs and to pledge the support of Congress as the the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Sub- Pavilion. That such a large organization with organization moves forward. marine Warfare); AN/BSY–1 Submarine Com- so many different great people associated with f bat and Acoustic System (PMS417) Chief En- it would choose Mrs. Green speaks quite high- gineer for Program Executive Officer, Sub- ly of her. TRIBUTE TO REAR ADMIRAL JOHN marine Combat and Weapons Systems; Sea It is with great honor I stand here today to D. BUTLER Wolf Class Submarine (PMS350) Assistant recognize a woman who has touched so many Program Manager (Design and Construction) people on a personal level and asked nothing HON. RON PAUL for Program Executive Officer, Submarines; in return. OF TEXAS Strategic and Attack Submarines (PMS392) f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Major Program Manager for Naval Sea Sys- TRIBUTE TO HOWARD ELINSON Friday, June 24, 2005 tems Command; and Executive Assistant and Naval Aide to the Assistant Secretary of the Mr. PAUL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- Navy (Research, Development and Acquisi- HON. HOWARD L. BERMAN ognize and honor Rear Admiral (Lower Half) tion). He has also served in temporary assign- OF CALIFORNIA John D. Butler, a Texas City, Texas, native ments attached to the Applied Physics Labora- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES who retires after 31 years of faithful service tory Ice Station, Arctic Ocean; Supervisor of Friday, June 24, 2005 from the United States Navy on July 1, 2005. Shipbuilding, Groton, CT, and Newport News, Many of us have come to know and recog- VA; and attached in support of U.S. Embas- Mr. BERMAN. Mr. Speaker. Mr. WAXMAN nize Rear Admiral Butler over the past two sies at Cairo, Egypt; Moscow, Russia; and and I ask our colleagues to join us today in years as he has served as the Program Exec- Panama City, Panama. Over the course of his honoring Dr. Howard Elinson, who was born utive Officer (Submarines) since February career, Admiral Butler has helped to design, on the 11th of January, 1940 in New York City 2003. During his tenure as the Navy’s top sub- build, and deliver a total of 23 submarines— and who passed away on Friday June 17th, marine acquisition officer, Rear Admiral Butler nearly one-third of today’s total force. 2005 in Los Angeles at Midway Hospital. delivered USS Virginia (SSN 774) and USS Admiral Butler’s personal awards include the Howard earned his B.A. and his Ph.D. in Jimmy Carter (USS 23). Virginia’s commis- Legion of Merit (3 awards), Meritorious Serv- Sociology at UCLA. He taught for 1 year at sioning in October 2004 ended the longest ice Medal (3 awards), Navy Commendation Yale and for 7 years at UCLA. He worked as drought of submarine commissioning in that Medal, Navy Achievement Medal, in addition Administrative Assistant and Consultant for 27 service’s 105-year history. Whereas Virginia is to other service and unit awards. years for Congressman HENRY WAXMAN. Six the first of her class, Jimmy Carter is the last Mr. Speaker, Admiral Butler has given 30 of those years were when WAXMAN was a of the Sea Wolf Class. Jimmy Carter brings a years of service to the Navy, to Congress, and State Assemblyman. host of new and revolutionary capabilities to to the people of the United States of America. Howard is survived by his beloved and de- the fleet that will help the United States to win He has served our Nation well and has helped voted brother Mark who is an admired and re- the Global War on Terror. to ensure that our undersea fleet remains the spected high school teacher of Social Studies Under Rear Admiral Butler’s watch, the sub- best in the world. He has left a large and in the Los Angeles City School system. He marine construction industry has been, vir- meaningful legacy and I am honored to rise also serves as an Adviser to the L.A. Unified tually, reborn. He was a driving force in today to express my appreciation for Admiral School District, instructing Social Studies transitioning the Virginia Class’ second Block Butler and for his wife Eileen who has served teachers on the best techniques for teaching Buy contract into a Multi-Year agreement that her Nation right along side her husband. Being Social Studies. will save an estimated $80 million per sub- a Navy wife is not an easy task, and she has Howard Elinson was and is unforgettable to marine over the five-hull agreement. Currently, been nothing less than a model of courage, any or all who knew or met him (no matter there are six Virginia Class submarines under patience, and devotion. how casually or for how short a time). He construction and an additional three ships Mr. Speaker, colleagues, please join me in changed the life of everyone in his personal under contract. wishing Admiral and Eileen Butler: ‘‘Fair winds orbit by his magnetic personality his unique in- Admiral Butler has also made great efforts and following seas and long may your big jib sight into the human condition, his sharp wit in converting four Ohio Class Trident Ballistic draw!’’ his gigantic intellect his mastery of any human Missile Submarines into the transformation behavior subject, and his generosity and kind- f SSGNs. Each of these 560-feet long, 18,000- ness. ton submarines will be able to carry up to 154 HONORING VEDA GREEN WINNER But, unknown to most Californians and precision-guided Tomahawk Land-Attack OF THE SPIRIT OF JPS VOLUN- ‘‘Angelenos’’ (and unmentioned in media ac- cruise missiles, 66 Navy S and to support cov- TEER OF THE YEAR counts) Howard Elinson changed the face of ert Special Operations, each SSGN will be California and Los Angeles politics. able to carry two Dry-Deck Shelters, two Ad- HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS It was Howard Elinson who conceived and vanced SEAL Delivery Systems, or one of OF TEXAS invented individually targeted computerized each top the ships’ integrated lock-in/lock-out IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mail—the campaign technique that was instru- trunks. With the Ohio Class’ inherent stealth, mental in the 1968 primary election victory of these SSGNs, the first of which delivers in No- Friday, June 24, 2005 HENRY WAXMAN for State Assembly (by, still to vember 2005, will be a potent warfighter in the Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to this date, the largest margin against an incum- Global War on Terror. honor the service and commitment of Mrs. bent—this one a 26 year incumbent—of his Admiral Butler has also acted as an emis- Veda Green. Mrs. Green was named the Spirit own party), and the 1972 primary and general sary with allied nation’s undersea forces, es- of JPS Volunteer of the Year by JPS Health election victory of HOWARD BERMAN for State VerDate jul 14 2003 05:48 Jun 25, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A24JN8.015 E24PT1 E1348 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 24, 2005 Assembly (the general against, ironically, a 26 and in-depth learning at state conferences Instructional Specialist, Assistant Principal, As- year Republican incumbent).
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