THE INDEPENDENT TO UNCOVER NEWSPAPER SERVING THE TRUTH NOTRE DAME AND AND REPORT SAINT Mary’s IT ACCURATELY V OLUME 48 ISSUE 114 | THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 2015 | NDSMCOBSERVER.COM S tudents celebrate Easter at the Vatican Campus Ministry organizes trip to Rome over Easter break for students studying abroad in Europe By JACK ROONEY Campus Ministry, said the M anaging Editor pilgrimage, one of several offered by Campus Ministry DUBLIN — As the clouds throughout the year, is spe- parted and the rain stopped cial not only because of its in St. Peter’s Square at the location in Rome but also Vatican last Sunday morning, its timing with the Church’s more than 100 Notre Dame Easter celebration. students were on hand to cel- “[The pilgrimage] is so ebrate Easter Sunday Mass, tied to the liturgical season,” led by Pope Francis. Lichon said. “It’s simply just The Mass, part of a pil- opening the space for the grimage organized by Notre students to experience it. Dame Campus Ministry, Especially when you’re study- brought together juniors cur- ing abroad, there are students rently studying abroad across who come to a new city, and Europe to celebrate Easter as there are so many things to a community in Rome. do, but we really put Rome in John Paul Lichon, assis- a particular light where we’re Courtesy of Campus Ministry | The Observer tant director of retreats, pil- Notre Dame students who are studying abroad in Europe journey to Rome to celebrate Easter Mass at the grimages and spirituality for see VATICAN PAGE 6 Vatican as part of a Campus Ministry pilgrimage. L e Mans lit blue for B reaking Barriers Fashion autism awareness Show unites community By ANDREA VALE to the Notre Dame events because of them. Not only N ews Writer calendar. that, but it also aims to raise “The goal of this fashion money for future activities so The second annual show is first and foremost to that the benefits of the fashion Breaking Barriers Fashion display the beauty of friend- show will last even after the Show was held at the Morris ship and convey the dignity last walk.” Inn on Wednesday night. and worth of people with de- Freeman said the money The show featured members velopmental or intellectual raised from the fashion show of Best Buddies, the Special disabilities,” the description will be used to benefit LOGAN, Olympics, Special Friends and read. which funds student initia- Super Sibs to simultaneously “It is different from other tives for the Best Buddies, exemplify the work of each fashion shows because of Special Olympics, and Special group and encourage others the mission of the models,” Friends and Special Sibs clubs to join, as well as “break down freshman Meghan Freeman, in the area. the barriers for the full inclu- a volunteer for the show, said. Senior Alexis Pala has been sion of people with develop- “This fashion show strives a Buddy and student research- mental disabilities and help to to embrace our differences er within Best Buddies since MONICA VILLAGOMEZ MENDEZ | The Observer spread awareness in the South and celebrate the bonds and Le Mans on Saint Mary’s campus will be lit blue for the month of Bend community,” according friendships that have formed see FASHION PAGE 6 April in order to raise awareness about autism. By HALEIGH EHMSEN “I think the glowing blue S aint Mary’s Editor light, which will shine through- Writer reflects on career out the month of April, shows The iconic Le Mans bell tower how supportive Saint Mary's is By RAHCEL O’GRADY lethal sniper Wednesday McEwen said the book on Saint Mary's campus glows of all,” Lazovich said. N ews Writer night at Washington Hall. and its screenplay original- blue this month in honor of Lazovich said she hopes the “Someone said to me, the ly endured some struggles Autism Awareness. blue light will probe students to C o-author of bestselling book sounds like someone to remain true to the core President of the Students ask questions. book American Sniper and walked into a bar, sat down of what Kyle talked about Supporting Autism club “I think people will ask a lot of trial attorney Scott McEwen with someone and they to him, and he tried to de- Angelina Lazovich said she questions about why the tower discussed the challenges turned a recorder on and pict that as accurately as heard about the national is blue, which is a good thing, of staying true to the story said tell me about the war, possible. Autism Speaks campaign because it will further help our throughout the production and that’s exactly what the “The story in the book was “Light It Up Blue” and thought cause of spreading awareness of the blockbuster film and book was. It was about all really about God, family it would be a good way for Saint of Autism in the community,” the importance of accurate- the experiences of Chris’s and country,” McEwen said. Mary’s to show support of those ly representing the life of life, all those years of war,” with autism. see AUTISM PAGE 5 Chris Kyle, America’s most McEwen said. see AUTHOR PAGE 6 NEWS PAGE 3 VIEWPOINT PAGE 9 SCENE PAGE 11 JEWELL LOYD PAGE 20 FOOTBALL PAGE 20 2 THE OBSERVER | THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 2015 | NDSMCOBSERVER.COM TODAY Have a question you want answered? QUESTION OF THE DAY: Email [email protected] ndsmcobserver.com What would you title a movie based on your life? P .O. Box 779, Notre Dame, IN 46556 024 South Dining Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556 Editor-in-Chief Jordan Ryan Garrett Blad AndrewGreg HGadleyastelum Managing Editor Business Manager freshman senior M e ghan Jack Thomassen Rooney A l Jeffex Jirschele Liptak Lyons Hall Zahm House Asst. Managing Editor: Mary Green Asst. Managing Editor: M Leatthewsley Stevenson DeFranks Asst. Managing Editor: M Weiarisa Lin Iati “Diary of the Average College “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.” Asst. 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