ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Archiv für Naturgeschichte Jahr/Year: 1908 Band/Volume: 74-2_2 Autor(en)/Author(s): Lucas Robert Artikel/Article: Hymenoptera für 1907. 1-74 © Biodiversity Heritage Library, http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/; www.zobodat.at Hymenoptera für 1907. Bearbeitet von Dr. Robert Lucas. (Inhaltsverzeichnis siehe am Schlüsse des Berichts. A. Publikationen (Autoren alphabetisch). Adelung, ]V. N., Wolmann, L. M., Kokujev, N. R., Kusnezov, N. J., Oshanin, B., Rimsky-Korsakov, M. N., Ruzskij, M. D., Jacobson, 0. G. [Verzeichnis der im Jahre 1901 —1904 in der Schlüsselburger Festung von M. V. Novorusskij gesammelten Insekten.] St. Petersburg. Horae Soc. Entom. Ross. T. 38. 1907 p. CXXXVIII—CXLV [Russisch]. Adlerz, Ciottfrid. Jakttagelser öfver solitära getingar. Arkiv Zool. Bd. 3. No. 17, 1907 p. 64. — Beobachtungen über solitäre Wespen. Alfken, J. D. (I). Über die von Brülle aufgestellten Halictus- Arten. Zeitschr. f. System. Hym. u. Dipt. Jhg. 7, 1907, p. 62—64. — C^). Die südamerikanische Bienengattung Lonchopria Vachal. t. c. p. 79. — (3). Neue paläarktische Halictus-Arten. t. c. p. 202—206. — (4). Apidae. Fauna Südwest-AustraUens, hrsg. von W. Mi- chaelsen und R. Hartmeyer. Bd. 1. Lfg. 6. Jena (G. Fischer), 1907 p. 259—261. — (5). Eine neue paläarktische Halictus-Art. Gas. Geske Spol. Entomol. vol. 2, 1905 p. 4—6. Andre, E. (I). Liste des Mutillides recueillis a Geylan par M. le Dr. Walther Hörn et description des especes. Deutsch, entom. Zeitschr. Berlin 1907 p. 251—258. — Spilomutilla (1), Promecilla (1 + 1 n. sp.), Mutilla (11 + 3 n. sp.), insgesamt 17 Spp. — (3). Description d'une nouvelle espece de Mutillide de Java. Zeitschr. f. syst. Hym. Jhg. 7, 1907, p. 207—208. — (3). Description d'especes de Mutillides appartenant au Museum histoire naturelle de Paris, t. c. p. 337—349. — (4). Insectes hymenopteres mutillides (collections recueillies par M. M. de Rothschild dans l'Afrique Orientale anglaise). Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris 1907 p. 326—327. — (5). Sur le genre Dimorphomutilla Ashm. de la famille des Mutillidae. Rev. entom. Caen T. 25. 1906, p. 126—128. — (6). Siehe Kieffer, J. J. u. Tosquinet etc. Arnesen, John M. Biavlsskolen i Roskilde. Stipendieberetning. [Die Schule für Bienenzucht in Roskilde. Reisebericht.] Kristiania, Tidssk. Norsk Landb. vol. 14, 1907 p. 131—134. AurivilHus, Chr. Svensk insektfauna. [Schwedische Insekten- fauna]. 13. Hymenoptera. Aculeata. Pompilidae. Entom. Tidskr. Arg. 28, 1907 p. 1—30. Archiv 1908. II. 2. 2. 1 © Biodiversity Heritage Library, http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/; www.zobodat.at 2 V. Insecta. Hyraenoptera für 1907. Autraii, Eugene. Qu'est ce que l'Enodia fervens Conil ? Bull. Soc. Entom. Paris 1907 p. 207. Baker, C. F. (I). The bec genus Pasiphae in North America. Invert. pacif. vol. 1 p. 141, — (2). American bees related to Melecta. Invert. pacif. vol. 1 1907 p. 142—145. — (3). Some new Gorytes-like wasps. op. cit. vol. 1 1907 p. 161—167. — (4). A new mutillid near Brachycystis from California, t. c. p. 177. Barth, George P. (I). Observations on the nesting habits of Gorytes canaliculatus Packard. Milwaukee, Bull. Wis. Nat. Hist. Soc, N. Ser., vol. 5, 1907 p. 141—149. — (3). On the nesting habits of Psen barthi Viereck. Bull. Wis. Nat. Soc. Milwaukee n. s. vol. 5. 1907 p. 251—257. Boas, J. E. V. Über einen eigentümlichen Sack, in dem gewisse Ichneumoniden-Puppen stecken. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. f. System. Bd. 25. 1907 p. 321—328, 1 Taf. Bonnier, G. Sur quelques exemples d'un raisonnement collectif chez les Abeilles. Compt. rend. Acad. Sei. Paris T. 145, 1907 p. 1380 —1385. Bordas, L. Sur les glandes cutanees ou glandes sternales des Vespidae. Compt. rend. Soc. Biol. Paris T. 62. 1907 p. 978—979. Bouvier, E. L. Sur les nids aeriens de l'Abeille mellifique (nouveaux faits). Bull. Soc. Entom. Paris 1907 p. 294—296. Bouwmaiin, B. E. Heeft Fahre toch goed gezien? (Ammophila hirsuta or lutaria?) [Hat Fahre doch richtig beobachtet?] De Levende Natuur, Amsterdam vol. 12, 1907, p. 93—94. Brues, Charles T. (1). New chalcid-fUes from Cape Colony. Bull. Wisc. Nat. Hist. Soc. Milwaukee, N. ser. vol. 5. 1907 p. 46—53. — {%). Notes and descriptions of North American parasitic Hymenoptera. 3. t. c. p. 54—62. — (3). Notes and descriptions of North American parasitic Hymenoptera. 4. t. c. p. 96—111. — (4). Notes and descriptions of North American parasitic Hymenoptera. 5. t. c. p. 150— 161. Burkill, J. H. Notes on the pollination of flowers in India. Note No. 4. On cotton in Behar, Calcutta. Journ. Assoc. Soc, Bengal n. ser, 1907 p. 517—526. von Büttel -Reepen, H. (I). Entstehen Drohnen aus befruchteten Eiern? Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der geschlechtlichen Präform-ation. Bienenwirtsch. Centralbl., Hannover, Bd. 40. 1904 p. 34—39, 50—55, 67—71, 83—86, 98—102, 114—117. — (2). Zur Psychobiologie der Hummeln. I. Biol. Centralbl. Leipzig, Bd. 27, 1907 p. 579—587, 604—613. — (3). Psychobiologische und biologische Beobachtungen an Ameisen, Bienen und Wespen. Naturw. Wochenschr. Jena Bd. 22, 1907 p. 465—478. © Biodiversity Heritage Library, http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/; www.zobodat.at A. Publikationen (Autoren alphabetiscli). 3 Canieron, P. (1). On some Hymenoptera collected by Mr. G. C, Dudgeon at Buxa, Bhotan. The Entomologist vol. 40 1907 p. 3—8. — Tenthred. : Allantus (1). — B r a c o n. : Iphiaulax (1). — Ichneumon.: Hadrocryptus (1), Cratojoppa (1), Acanthojoppa (1), Buodias (1 bek.). — p h i o n. : Paniscus (1 bek.) ? — Fossores: Pompilus (1 bek.). — {%). On some new Central American Vespidae. t. c. p. 62—64, 79—83. — p. 62—64: Zethoides Cam. non Fox. — Zethus (Didy- mogastra) (3 n. spp.). — p. 79—83 : Zeth. (Didymog.) (3 n. spp.) Zethus (2). — (3). Two new species of Agathinae (Braconidae) from Borneo. t. c. p. 229—230. — Euagathis (1), Cremnops (1). — (4). New Microjoppa from Trinidad, t. c. p. 269. — In. sp. — (5). Description of a new species of Ichneumon from Vancouver Island, t. c. p. 277. — 1 n. sp. — (6). Description of a new species of Crabronidae from Borneo. t. c. p. 283, — Dasyproctus (1 n. sp.). — (T). Three new bees from the oriental zoological region. t. c. p. 284—286, — Nomina (1 n. sp.), Colletes (1 n. sp.), Megachile (1 n. sp.). — (8). On the bornean Tiphiidae, including a new genus. t. c. p. 287—288. — Cyanotiphia n. g. (1 n. sp.), Tiphia (1 n. sp.). — Über- sicht über die Tiphia-Arten von Borneo. — (9). On some undescribed phytophagous and parasitic Hyme- noptera from the oriental Zoological region. Ann. Nat. Hist. (7) vol. 19 p. 166—192. — (10). A contribution to the knowledge of the Hymenoptera of the oriental region. op. cit. vol. 20. p. 10—30, 81 —92. — (II). On the Scottish species of Oxyura (Proctotrypidae). Part 1. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist. Edinburgh 1907 p. 31—34. Part 2. t. c. p. 158—61. — (12). A Contribution towards a knowledge of the Scottish Cryptinae (Ichneumonidae). t. c. p. 88—93. — (13). Hymenopterological notes. 1. Nocturnal Hymenoptera. 2. Alpine Hymenoptera. t. c. p. 221. — (14). Hymenoptera of the Dutch Expedition to New Guinea in 1904 and 1905. Part IL Parasitic Hymenoptera. Tijdschr. v. Ent. 's Gravenhage vol. 50, 1907, p. 27—57. — (15). On some new genera and species of parasitic Hymenoptera from the Sikkim Himalaya. t. c. p. 71 — 114. — (16). Description of a new species of Epeolus from Mexico. Zeitschr. f. System. Hym. u. Dipt. Jhg. 7, 1907 p. 136. — (11). A new species of Pristaulacus from the Sikkim Himalaya. t. c. p. 222—223. — (18). A new Central American species of Monedula. t. c. p. 317—318. — (19). Description of a new species of Dielis from Ecuador, t. c. p. 318—319. — (30). Descriptions of two new genera and four new species of Indian parasitic Hymenoptera. t. c. p. 462—466. 1* — © Biodiversity Heritage Library, http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/; www.zobodat.at 4 "V. Insecta. Hymenoptera für 1907. — (31). On some new genera and species of Ichneumonidae from the Himalayas. t. c. p. 466—469. — (32). On new Vespidae collected by Prof. C. F. Baker in Western North and Central America. Invert. pacif. vol. 1. 1906. p. 145 153. — (33). On some Vespinae from Belize, t. c. p. 150—153. — (34). Descriptions of three new species of social Vespidae, with note on Polybia albopicta Sm. t. c. p. 154—156. — (35). New species collected by Prof. F. C. Baker in Nevada and Nicaragua, t. c. p. 156—159. — (36). Descriptions of new American Tiphiidae. t. c. p. 167—177. — (31). On the Parasitic Hymenoptera collected by Major C. G. Nurso in the Bombay Presidency. Journ. Nat. Hist. Soc, Bombay vol. 17, No. 3, 1907 p. 578—597. — (38). Description of a new genus and some new species of Hymenoptera captured by Lt.-Col. C. G. Nurse at Deesa, Matheran and Ferozepore. Journ. Nat. Hist. Soc. Bombay vol. 17, 1907 p. 1001 —1012, op. cit. vol. 18 p. 130—136. — (39). Description of a new species of Hymenoptera from Borneo. Journ. Straits Asiat. Soc. No. 48. 1907 p. 1—26. — (30). Description of a new species of Apanteles from Ceylon. Spolia Zeylan. (Colombo) vol. 5 p. 17— 18. — (31). Descriptions of species of parasitic Hymenoptera, chiefly in the collection of the South African Museum, Cape Town. Ann. South African Mus. (Cape Town) vol. 5, 1907, p. 203—225. Carpentier, L. (I). Sur quelques larves de Chalastogastra. Zeitschr. f. System. Hym. u. Dipt. Jhg. 7, 1907 p. 134—135. — (3). Additions au Catalogue des Hymenopteres de France. Feuille jeun. Natural., Paris, T. 36, 1906, p. 200, T. 37, 1907 [1906] p. 19—20. Chateau, E. Quelques zoocecidies recueillies autour de Salornay- sur-Guye.
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