
Answers Research Journal 8 (2015):171–186. www.answersingenesis.org/arj/v8/lizard-kinds-order-squamata.pdf $Q,QLWLDO(VWLPDWLRQRIWKH1XPEHUVDQG,GHQWLÀFDWLRQRI Extant Non-Snake/Non-Amphisbaenian Lizard Kinds: Order Squamata Tom Hennigan, Truett-McConnell College, Cleveland, Georgia. $EVWUDFW %LRV\VWHPDWLFVLVLQJUHDWÁX[WRGD\EHFDXVHRIWKHSOHWKRUDRIJHQHWLFUHVHDUFKZKLFKFRQWLQXDOO\ UHGHÀQHVKRZZHSHUFHLYHUHODWLRQVKLSVEHWZHHQRUJDQLVPV'HVSLWHWKHODUJHDPRXQWRIGDWDEHLQJ SXEOLVKHGWKHFKDOOHQJHLVKDYLQJHQRXJKNQRZOHGJHDERXWJHQHWLFVWRGUDZFRQFOXVLRQVUHJDUGLQJ WKHELRORJLFDOKLVWRU\RIRUJDQLVPVDQGWKHLUWD[RQRP\&RQVHTXHQWO\WKHELRV\VWHPDWLFVIRUPRVWWD[D LVLQJUHDWIOX[DQGQRWZLWKRXWFRQWURYHUV\E\SUDFWLWLRQHUVLQWKHILHOG7KHUHIRUHWKLVSUHOLPLQDU\SDSHU LVmeant to produce a current summary of lizard systematics, as it is understood today. It is meant to lay a JURXQGZRUNIRUFUHDWLRQV\VWHPDWLFVZLWKWKHJRDORIHVWLPDWLQJWKHQXPEHURIEDUDPLQVEURXJKWRQ WKH $UN %DVHG RQ WKH DQDO\VHV RI FXUUHQW PROHFXODU GDWD WD[RQRP\ K\EULGL]DWLRQ FDSDELOLW\ DQG VWDWLVWLFDO EDUDPLQRORJ\ RI H[WDQW RUJDQLVPV D WHQWDWLYH HVWLPDWH RI H[WDQW QRQVQDNH QRQ DPSKLVEDHQLDQOL]DUGNLQGVZHUHWDNHQRQERDUGWKH$UN,WLVKRSHGWKDWWKLVSDSHUZLOOHQFRXUDJH IXWXUHUHVHDUFKLQWRFUHDWLRQLVWELRV\VWHPDWLFV Keywords: $UN(QFRXQWHUELRV\VWHPDWLFVWD[RQRP\UHSWLOHVVTXDPDWDNLQGEDUDPLQRORJ\OL]DUG ,QWURGXFWLRQ today may change tomorrow, depending on the data Creation research is guided by God’s Word, which and assumptions about that data. For example, LVIRXQGDWLRQDOWRWKHVFLHQWLÀFPRGHOVWKDWDUHEXLOW naturalists assume randomness and universal 7KHELEOLFDODQGVFLHQWLÀFFKDOOHQJHLVWRLQYHVWLJDWH FRPPRQGHVFHQW,QNHHSLQJZLWKWKHVHDVVXPSWLRQV VHYHUDOTXHVWLRQVVXUURXQGLQJZKDWWKHNLQGLVKRZ WKH\ DUH JUDGXDOO\ PRYLQJ DZD\ IURP /LQQDHDQ to recognize it, and the mechanisms involved with KLHUDUFKLHVDQGWRZDUGWKH3K\OR&RGHV\VWHP 9LWW RUJDQLVPDO GLYHUVLÀFDWLRQ %URSK\ DQG .UDPHU DQG &DOGZHOO SS² 6HH 5RVV /LJKWQHUHWDO6DQGHUVDQG:LVH for an in-depth discussion regarding taxonomic 7XUQHU:LOOLDPV:LVH:RRG hierarchy assumptions and methodologies within :RRGHWDO:RRGPRUDSSH /LQQHDQDQGFODGLVWLFV\VWHPV,QFRQWUDVWFUHDWLRQ In previous papers, the current understanding biologists recognize the God of Scripture as the of most herptile systematics was overviewed and &UHDWRU RI DOO ´NLQGVµ DQG DVVXPH ´IRUHVWµ UDWKHU QXPEHUVRINLQGVHVWLPDWHG +HQQLJDQDE WKDQ ´WUHHµ WKLQNLQJ ZKHQ LQWHUSUHWLQJ ELRORJLFDO DE 7KHSXUSRVHRIWKLVSDSHULVWRVXUYH\ GLYHUVLW\DQGGLVSDULW\,QVWHDGRIWKHWUHH RUWUHHV the current understanding of lizard biosystematics of life that represent evolutionary random processes DQGWD[RQRP\ H[FOXGLQJVQDNHVDQGDPSKLVEDHQDV and universal common descent, the creationist may DQGXVHDYDLODEOHLQIRUPDWLRQWRPDNHDSUHOLPLQDU\ visualize individual trees in a forest as the originally HVWLPDWHRIWKHLGHQWLÀFDWLRQDQGQXPEHUVRIH[WDQW FUHDWHGNLQGV7KHVHSDUDWLRQRIHDFKWUHHUHSUHVHQWV OL]DUG NLQGV 7KH FRQFOXVLRQV EURXJKW IRUWK ZLOO QR WKH GLVFRQWLQXLW\ EHWZHHQ NLQGV DQG WKH GHJUHH RI doubt change with future data as our understanding EUDQFKLQJUHSUHVHQWVWKHGLYHUVLÀFDWLRQRIWKDWNLQG of creation biosystematics improves. RYHUWLPHVLQFHWKHFUHDWLRQ6SHFLÀFDOO\FUHDWLRQLVWV DUHLQWHUHVWHGLQKRZFUHDWXUHVKDYHGLYHUVLÀHGIURP 7KH6WDWHRI%LRV\VWHPDWLFVDQG7D[RQRP\7RGD\ the originally created baramins and the archetypes Biosystematics is the science of discovering, WKDW OHIW WKH $UN :KLOH DQDWRPLFDO JHQHWLF DQG classifying, and organizing biological diversity. The molecular data will be incorporated in this taxonomic science of identifying taxa and naming organisms analysis, and taxonomic categories will be based on is taxonomy. There is no universally accepted 8HW] WKHUH LV QRW HQRXJK NQRZOHGJH DERXW procedure for classifying organisms and currently biochemistry to draw universal conclusions regarding WKHVH GLVFLSOLQHV DUH LQ JUHDW ÁX[ DV UHVHDUFKHUV the biological history and taxonomy of organisms. are placing more importance on accumulating Adding to the complexity, little hybridization data new genetic and molecular data for phylogeny is available and statistical baraminology data has GHYHORSPHQW PXFK LV EHLQJ FKDQJHG DFFRUGLQJO\ RQO\EHHQGRQHIRUDIHZVTXDPDWHWD[D %URSK\DQG Therefore, how organisms are named and organized .UDPHU:RRG 7KHUHIRUHLWLVLPSRUWDQW ISSN: 1937-9056 Copyright © 2015, 2016 Answers in Genesis, Inc. All content is owned by Answers in Genesis (“AiG”) unless otherwise indicated. AiG consents to unlimited copying and distribution of print copies of Answers Research Journal articles for non-commercial, non-sale purposes only, provided the following conditions are met: the author of the article is clearly identified; Answers in Genesis is acknowledged as the copyright owner; Answers Research Journal and its website, www.answersresearchjournal.org, are acknowledged as the publication source; and the integrity of the work is not compromised in any way. For website and other electronic distribution and publication, AiG consents to republication of article abstracts with direct links to the full papers on the ARJ website. All rights reserved. For more information write to: Answers in Genesis, PO Box 510, Hebron, KY 41048, Attn: Editor, Answers Research Journal. The views expressed are those of the writer(s) and not necessarily those of the Answers Research Journal Editor or of Answers in Genesis. 172 T. Hennigan to consider the following precautions and perspectives. information includes average snout to vent length %DUDPLQRORJLVWVWHQGWRHTXDWHNLQGVZLWKWKHIDPLO\ 69/ RUDYHUDJHWRWDOOHQJWK 7/ DVHVWLPDWHGE\ DQGIRUPDQ\FDVHVZLWKJRRGUHDVRQ :RRG 9LWWDQG&DOGZHOO $WWLPHVGHVFULSWLRQVPD\ However, we should carefully analyze the structures, EH UHPLQLVFHQW RI D KHUSHWRORJLFDO ÀHOG JXLGH WKH\ behaviors, and physiologies of members of a putative are meant to compare and contrast behaviors and NLQGDQGORRNDWWKHJHQHWLFUHDVRQVZK\DFHUWDLQ processes that may be relevant for distinguishing PHPEHU RI D NLQG GRHVQ·W KDYH FKDUDFWHUV WKDW FRQWLQXLW\DQGGLVFRQWLQXLW\EHWZHHQNLQGV RWKHU PHPEHUV SRVVHVV :LOVRQ :LWKLQ KLV Trinitarian character God is diverse and we would Infraorder Iguania H[SHFWWKDWKLVFUHDWLRQZRXOGUHÁHFWWKDWGLYHUVLW\ 1. Dragon Lizard Kind—)DPLO\$JDPLGDH³ When we better understand what mechanisms are JHQHUD³VSHFLHV³69/ PP LQ involved in the production of differences, we should be better able to infer whether they are traits produced E\GLUHFWFUHDWLRQSRVW)ORRGGLYHUVLÀFDWLRQWKURXJK XQNQRZQNQRZQGHVLJQHGJHQHWLFPHFKDQLVPVDQG or random mutations. Suborder Squamata: Lizards /HSLGRVDXULGV EDVHG RQ /LQQDHDQ WD[RQRP\ DUH FXUUHQWO\ FODVVLÀHG DFFRUGLQJO\ &ODVV 5HSWLOLD 6XEFODVV'LDSVLGD6XSHURUGHU/HSLGRVDXULDDQGWZR 2UGHUV5K\QFRFHSKDOLD 6XERUGHU6SKHQRGRQWLGD³ WXDWDUDV DQG 6TXDPDWD ´OL]DUGVµ WKDW DOVR LQFOXGH VQDNHV DQG DPSKLVEDHQDV 6TXDPDWHV have the greatest diversity of all reptile taxa and representatives can be found on all continents except $QWDUFWLFD 8HW]9LWWDQG&DOGZHOOSS ² Based on evolutionary assumptions, squamates Fig. 1. Agama mwanzae 3KRWRJUDSK &KPHKO KWWS HQZLNLSHGLDRUJZLNL$JDPLGDH have more than 50 shared-derived traits that include a single, fused premaxillary and single parietals, reduced nasals, no vomerine teeth, specialized wrist DQG DQNOH MRLQWV KRRNHG ÀIWK PHWDWDUVDO SDLUHG FRSXODWRU\ RUJDQV KHPLSHQHV VDFFXODU RYDULHV vomeronasal organ separated from the nasal FDSVXOH ODFULPDO GXFW MRLQHG WR WKH YRPHURQDVDO duct, femoral and preanal glands, and an egg tooth in KDWFKOLQJV 9LWWDQG&DOGZHOOS 7KRXJK DPSKLVEDHQDVDQGVQDNHVDUHQHVWHGZLWKLQOL]DUGV DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH SKLORVRSKLFDOPDWHULDO QDWXUDOLVW paradigm, I infer from the biblical creation paradigm WKDW WKH\ DUH VHSDUDWH NLQGV DQG WKHUHIRUH QRW related to one another. Any traits in common can also be interpreted as sharing a common Creator, rather Fig. 2. Sitana ponticeriana 3KRWRJUDSK -1 *DUJ than a common ancestor. Therefore, for the rest of KWWSHQZLNLSHGLDRUJZLNL$JDPLGDH WKLV SDSHU OL]DUGV ZLOO UHIHU WR WKH QRQVQDNH DQG Found in Africa, Asia, and Australia, dragon non-amphisbaena members of squamata. OL]DUG JHQHUDO FKDUDFWHULVWLFV LQFOXGH SOHXURGRQW $V RI $XJXVW WKHUH DUH NQRZQ OL]DUG WHHWK 1RWH ZKLOH PRVW QRQDPSKLVEDHQDQRQ VSHFLHV PDNLQJ WKHP WKH PRVW VSHFLRVH H[WDQW VQDNHOL]DUGFODGHVKDYHSOHXURGRQWWHHWKRUWHHWK UHSWLOHJURXSHYHQZLWKRXWFRQVLGHULQJVQDNHVDQG WKDW FRPH IURP WKH VLGH RI WKH MDZ $JDPLGDH amphisbaenas, with new ones being discovered every DQG &KDPDHOHRQLGDH KDYH DFURGRQW WHHWK ZKLFK \HDU 8HW] 9LWW DQG &DOGZHOO S FRQQHFW WR WKH ERQH VXUIDFH 2WKHU GUDJRQ OL]DUG What follows are brief descriptions of each lizard characters include no teeth on the pterygoid bone, JURXS DV SHU 8HW] WKH HVWLPDWHG NLQGV DV MX[WDSRVHG VFDOHV FRYHU WKH ERG\ GRUVRYHQWUDOO\ WHQWDWLYHO\LGHQWLÀHGDWWKHIDPLO\OHYHODVSHU:RRG DQG LQWUDVSHFLÀF K\EULGV SURGXFLQJ SDUWKHQRJHQLF /LJKWQHU DQG5RVV 2WKHU RIIVSULQJ +DUWPDQ*HLVVOHUDQG%|KPH8HW] $Q,QLWLDO(VWLPDWLRQRIWKH1XPEHUVDQG,GHQWLÀFDWLRQRI([WDQW1RQ6QDNH1RQ$PSKLVEDHQLDQ/L]DUG.LQGV 173 9LWW DQG &DOGZHOO S ,W KDV EHHQ suggested that some species of Phrynocephalus and Cophotis ceylanica are viviparous while most are RYLSDURXV 9LWWDQG&DOGZHOOS 9LYLSDULW\ is thought to have evolved from oviparity but some OL]DUGVVXFKDVVNLQNVFDQDOWHUQDWHEHWZHHQELUWK modes depending on environmental conditions +DQGZHUN $PRQJ WKH PRVW ZHOO NQRZQ members of Agamidae are the gliding lizards of genus Draco. 2. Chameleon Kind³)DPLO\&KDPDHOHRQLGDH³ Fig. 5. Brookesia micra JHQHUD³VSHFLHV³69/ PP LQ 3KRWRJUDSK)*ODZ-.|KOHU 70 7RZQVHQG DQG 0 9HQFHV KWWSFRPPRQV ZLNLPHGLDRUJZLNL)LOH%URRNHVLDBPLFUDBRQBDBPDWFKB KHDGMSJ SUHKHQVLOH WDLOV KHDG FDVTXH ´KHOPHWµ DURXQG
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