Publications for Lisa Jackson Pulver 2021 2019 Jackson Pulver, L. (2021), Australia Day criticised as a Jackson Pulver, L., Kelly, T. (2019). Aboriginal engagement, celebration of aggression; scholars advocate for changing the Aboriginal evaluation: Owning an date. Phoenix TV South Pacific & Australia - News. evaluation through comprehensive co-design. Australian McElhaney, J., Helmer, J., Briggs, M., Andrew, M., McGilton, Evaluation Society International conference 2019, Victoria: K., Moeke-Pickering, T., Jackson Pulver, L., McKenna, E. Australian Evaluation Society Ltd. (2021). Developer/Adapter Method: A Community-Based Fitzpatrick, S., Haswell, M., Williams, M., Meyer, L., Jackson Approach to Improve Health in Indigenous Communities. Pulver, L. (2019). Change starts from within us. In Odette International Journal of Indigenous Health, 16(2), 291-307. <a Mazel, Caitlin Ryan and Cindy Ahearn (Eds.), Lime Good href="http://dx.doi.org/10.32799/ijih.v16i2.33082">[More Practice Case Studies Volume five, (pp. 20-34). Victoria: The Information]</a> University of Melbourne. Griffiths, K., Ring, I., Madden, R., Jackson Pulver, L. (2021). Sullivan, E., Vaughan, G., Jackson Pulver, L., Walsh, W., In the pursuit of equity: COVID-19, data and Carapetis, J., Peek, M., Frawley, J., Remond, M., Li, Z., Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people McLintock, C. (2019). Epidemiology of Rheumatic Heart in Australia. Statistical Journal of the IAOS, 37(1), 37-45. <a Disease in href="http://dx.doi.org/10.3233/SJI-210785">[More Pregnancy in ANZ. Heart, Lung, and Circulation, Information]</a> 28(supplement 2), S44. Jackson Pulver, L. (2021), The Drum [Television series Chino, M., Ring, I., Jackson Pulver, L., Waldon, J., King, M. Episode], 28 April 2021. Panel discussion. (2019). Improving health data for indigenous populations: The Jackson Pulver, L. (2021), Vaccine, Quarantine and Life international group for indigenous health measurement. Outside the Big Cities [Q&A: Television series episode]. Panel Statistical Journal of the IAOS, 35(1), 15-21. <a Discussion. href="http://dx.doi.org/10.3233/SJI-180479">[More Information]</a> 2020 Fitzpatrick, S., Haswell, M., Williams, M., Nathan, S., Meyer, Nelson, M., Lim, K., Boyd, J., Cordery, D., Went, A., Meharg, L., Ritchie, J., Jackson Pulver, L. (2019). Learning about D., Jackson Pulver, L., Winch, S., Taylor, L. (2020). Accuracy Aboriginal health and wellbeing at the postgraduate level: of reporting of Aboriginality on administrative health data Novel application of the Growth and Empowerment Measure. collections using linked data in NSW, Australia. BMC Medical Rural and Remote Health, 19(2), 1-13. <a Research Methodology, 20(1), 267. <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.22605/RRH4708">[More href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12874-020-01152-2">[More Information]</a> Information]</a> Jackson Pulver, L., Williams, M., Fitzpatrick, S. (2019). Social Pollock, W., Peek, M., Wang, A., Li, Z., Ellwood, D., Homer, Determinants of Australia's First Peoples' Health: A Multi- C., Jackson Pulver, L., McLintock, C., Vaughan, G., Knight, level Empowerment Perspective. In Pranee Liamputtong M., et al (2020). Eclampsia in Australia and New Zealand: A (Eds.), Social Determinants of Health, (pp. 175-214). prospective population-based study. Australian and New Docklands: Oxford University Press. Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 60(4), 533- Jackson Pulver, L. (2019). Successes and failures in indigenous 540. <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/ajo.13100">[More healthcare � what have we learned and where do we need to Information]</a> go? Partnerships for Better Health, Sydney: Sydney Jackson Pulver, L. (2020), Education in the Age of COVID-19, Partnership for Health, Education, Research & Enterprise [Q&A:Television series episode]. Panel discussion. (SPHERE). Arkles, R., Jankelson, C., Radford, K., Jackson Pulver, L. Shand, F., Mackinnon, A., O�Moore, K., Ridani, R., Reda, (2020). Family caregiving for older Aboriginal people in urban B., Hoy, M., Heard, T., Duffy, L., Shanahan, M., Jackson Australia: Disclosing worlds of meaning in the dementia Pulver, L., et al (2019). The iBobbly Aboriginal and Torres experience. Dementia, 19(2), 397-415. Strait Islander app project: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Trials, 20:198, 1-10. Jackson Pulver, L. (2020), How COVID-19 is hitting our communities, [The Point: Television series episode]. Panel Griffiths, K., Coleman, C., Al-Yaman, F., Cunningham, J., discussion. Garvey, G., Whop, L., Jackson Pulver, L., Ring, I., Madden, R. (2019). The identification of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Jackson Pulver, L. (2020). Indigenous students need support in Islander people in official statistics and other data: Critical the Covid crisis. The Australian (Newspaper), 13 July 2020. issues of international significance. Statistical Journal of the Sullivan, E., Vaughan, G., Li, Z., Peek, M., Carapetis, J., IAOS, 35(1), 91-106. <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.3233/SJI- Walsh, W., Frawley, J., Remond, M., Remenyi, B., Jackson 180491">[More Information]</a> Pulver, L., et al (2020). The high prevalence and impact of rheumatic heart disease in pregnancy in First Nations 2018 populations in a high-income setting: a prospective cohort Jackson Pulver, L., Black, J., O'Brien, L. (2018). Building study. BJOG, 127(1), 47-56. <a Schools & Skills to Meet Demand. Out There Summit 2018, href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1471-0528.15938">[More NSW: Western Sydney Leadership Dialogue. Information]</a> Jackson Pulver, L., Black, J., O'Brien, L. (2018). Building Schools & Skills to Meet Demand. Out There Summit 2018, transitions and early education experiences of an urban NSW: Western Sydney Leadership Dialogue. Aboriginal cohort. Educational Studies, 42(1), 54-71. <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03055698.2016.1148583">[Mor Jackson Pulver, L. (2018). Clinical and Cultural Competence in e Information]</a> a Fast Changing World. National Medicines Symposium 2018 : Population to Personal Healthcare: The future is now, NSW: Jackson Pulver, L. (2016), Our Future Our Way - Talking NPS MedicineWise. Intergenerational Trauma Webinar. Haswell, M., Jackson Pulver, L. (2018). Getting It Right for Schutze, H., Jackson Pulver, L., Harris, M. (2016). The uptake Aboriginal People Gets It Right for Everybody: Reflections of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health assessments fails from Australia. Annual Conference of The International Society to improve in some areas. Australian Family Physician, 45(6), for Environmental Epidemiology. International Society for 415-420. Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE). Blignault, I., Haswell, M., Jackson Pulver, L. (2016). The value Jackson Pulver, L. (2018), Open Saturday: Lecture by of partnerships: Lessons from a multi-site evaluation of a Professor Lisa Jackson Pulver AM. national social and emotional wellbeing program for Indigenous youth. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, Belton, S., Kruske, S., Jackson Pulver, L., Sherwood, J., Tune, 40, 53-58. <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1753- K., Carapetis, J., Vaughan, G., Peek, M., McLintock, C., 6405.12403">[More Information]</a> Sullivan, E. (2018). Rheumatic heart disease in pregnancy: How can health services adapt to the needs of Indigenous women? A 2015 qualitative study. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 58(4), 425-431. <a Vaughan, G., Bootle, L., Jackson Pulver, L., Peek, M., Sullivan, href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/ajo.12744">[More E. (2015). AMOSS and AMIHS partnership to make a Information]</a> difference: Rheumatic heart disease in pregnancy. Women and Birth, 28S, S30-S30. Vaughan, G., Tune, K., Peek, M., Jackson Pulver, L., Remenyi, B., Belton, S., Sullivan, E. (2018). Rheumatic heart disease in Dennis, S., Hasan, I., Jackson Pulver, L., Wilson, I., Zwar, N. pregnancy: strategies and lessons learnt implementing a (2015). Experiences and views of a brokerage model for population-based study in Australia. International Health, primary care for Aboriginal people. Australian Health Review, 10(6), 480-489. 39(1), 26-32. <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/AH13205">[More Kemp, L., Grace, R., Comino, E., Jackson Pulver, L., Information]</a> McMahon, C., Harris, E., Harris, M., George, A., Mack, H. (2018). The effectiveness of a sustained nurse home visiting Sullivan, E., Dickinson, J., Vaughan, G., Peek, M., Ellwood, D., intervention for Aboriginal infants compared with non- Homer, C., Knight, M., McLintock, C., Wang, A., Pollock, W., Aboriginal infants and with Aboriginal infants receiving usual et al (2015). Maternal super-obesity and perinatal outcomes in child health care: A quasi-experimental trial - The Bulundidi Australia: a national population-based cohort study. BMC Gudaga study. BMC Health Services Research, 18(1), 1-13. <a Pregnancy and Childbirth, 15(1), 1-10. <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12913-018-3394-1">[More href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12884-015-0693-y">[More Information]</a> Information]</a> 2017 Jackson Pulver, L. (2015), Questions from the Lab�is Australia and the Jackson Pulver, L. (2017). Can we really shape the agenda in near region ready for the next attack of flu?. South Australia � Demographic profile of Aboriginal South Australians. Aboriginal Leaders� Forum No. 7, South 2014 Australia: Health Performance Council. Blignault, I., Jackson Pulver, L., Fitzpatrick, S., Arkles, R., Jackson Pulver, L. (2017). Indigenous health policy, closing the Williams, M., Haswell, M., Grand Ortega., M. (2014). A gap (session:
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