THE I + edicaI+. UVUaLI THE JOURNAL OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. EDITED BY NORMAN GERALD HORNER, M.A., M.D. VOLUTME I, 1931. JANUARY TO JUNE. XtmEan 0n PRINTED AND PUBLISHED AT THE OFFICE OF THE BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, TAVISTOCK SQUARE, LONDON, W.C.1. i -i r TEx BsxTzSu N.-JUNE, 19311 I MEDICAL JOUUNAI. rI KEY TO DATES AND PAGES. THE following table, giving a key to the dates of issue andI the page numbers of the BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL and SUPPLEMENT in the first volume for 1931, may prove convenient to readers in search of a reference. Serial Date of Journal Supplement No. Issue. Pages. Pages. 3652 Jan. 3rd 1- 42 1- 8 3653 10th 43- 80 9- 12 3654 it,, 17th 81- 124 13- 16 3655 24th 125- 164 17- 24 3656 31st 165- 206 25- 32 3657 Feb. 7th 207- 252 33- 44 3658 ,, 14th 253- 294 45- 52 3659 21st 295- 336 53- 60 3660 28th 337- 382 61- 68 3661 March 7th 383- 432 69- 76 3662 ,, 14th 433- 480 77- 84 3663 21st 481- 524 85- 96 3664 28th 525- 568 97 - 104 3665 April 4th 569- 610 .105- 108 3666 11th 611- 652 .109 - 116 3667 18th 653- G92 .117 - 128 3668 25th 693- 734 .129- 160 3669 May 2nd 735- 780 .161- 188 3670 9th 781- 832 3671 ,, 16th 833- 878 .189- 196 3672 ,, 23rd 879- 920 .197 - 208 3673 30th 921- 962 .209 - 216 3674 June 6th 963- 1008 .217 - 232 3675 , 13th 1009- 1056 .233- 244 3676 ,, 20th 1057 - 1100 .245 - 260 3677 ,, 27th 1101 - 1146 .261 - 276 INDEX TO VOLUME I FOR 1931 READERS in search of a particular subject will find it useful to bear in mind that the references are in several cases distributed under two or more separate but nearly synonymous headings-such, for instance, as Brain and Cerebral; Heart and Cardiac; Liver and Hepatic; Renal and Kidney; Cancer and Carcinoma, Epithelioma, Malignant Disease, New Growth, Sarcoma, etc.; Child and Infant; Bronchocele, Goitre, and Thyroid; Diabetes, Glycosuria, and Sugar; Light, Roentgen, Radium, X Rays; Status Lymphaticus and Thymus; Eye, Ophthalmia, and Vision; Pyelography and Urography; Lunacy and Mental Diseases; Sunlight and Ultra-violet; Bicycle and Cycle; Motor and Automobile; Association, Institution, and Society, etc. Subjects dealt with under various main iesadings in the JOURNAL have been set out in alphabetical order under their respective headings-for example, "Correspondence," "Leading Articles," "The Week," "Reviews," etc. Original Articles are indicated by the letter (0). A. ADAM, James: Bath treatment for deafness, ALLMAN, Dora, appointed resident medical 621 (0)-Liver therapy in asthma, 686 superintendent of the Armagh Mental Hos- Abdomen, lower, pain in (W. Fletcher Shaw), ADAMS, A. Wilfrid:-Spinal anaesthesia: a study pital, 910 269 of 250 consecutive cases, 785 (0), 869.955 ALLPORT, N. L.: New method for detecting Abdominal diagnosis. See Diagnosis ADAMS, James A., obituary notice of. 160 decomposition products in anaesthetic chloro- Abdominal emergencies, earlier diagnosis of, ADAMS, S. F.: The diabetic child, 105 form, 849 (C. H. Fagge), 50 (0) ADAMSON, H. G.: Treatment of varicose uleera- Almoner, the hospital (leading article), 715 Abdominal injury, an unusual (D. Mi. Suther- tion, 284-Indolent ulcers of the leg, 399 ALSTON, J. Mi.: Concentrated antipneumococcal land), 264 ADAMSON, J. W. W., appointed a commissioner serum in the treatment of lobar pneumonia, Abdominal symptoms, acute, Meokel's diver- of the Board of Control, 282 817 ticulum as the cause of (A. Harvard Baker), AD&MBON, ft. Hon. William- The new Falkirk ALTOUNYAN, E. H. B.: Hydatid cyst of liver 262 (0). See also Diverticulum Infirmary, 153-Paying patients in hospitals, simulating subphrenic abscess, 15 Aberdeen. See Scotland 724 Ambulance movement, history of, review of ABERNETRY, Christine: Two cases of syDhilitic Addison's disease, extract of suprarenal cortex book on, 901 spondylitis, 1112 (0) in, 480 Ambulance Service, Home: New x-ray unit for, Abernethy, John (1764-1831), 718, 719 Adenoids, removal of, a simplified method 321-Annual report, 722-Quarterly report, 1134 ABRARAM5ON, Leonard: Treatment of psycho- (O. Popper), 92 (0). 164-A correction, 164- Ambulance service of the London County neuroses, 17 Correspondence on, 164 Council, circular re, 41 Abrodil for intravenous pyelography, 20,625 Adenoids: Report of committee, 232 Ambulance service, motor, in Wales, 681 Abscess, brain. See Abscess, cerebellar Adenoids and tonsils, removal of in the out- Ambulance work, new x-ray unit for. 321 Abscess of breast, 480, 524 patient department (J. Arnold Jones), 217 (0) American Journal of Clinical Pathology, first Abscess, cerebellar (Courtenay Yorke), 891 (0)- Adenoids. See also Tonsils issue, 876 Correspondence on, 1001, 1049,1139 Adenoma of cervix, perforating (Miles Phillips), Amidopyrin in measles, 33, 734 Abscess, subphrenic (W. D. Doherty and R. P. 541 Amoebiasis, intestinal, treatment of (P. H. Rowlands), 168 (O)-Correspondence on, 241, ADIE, W. J.: Early symptoms of common Manson-Bahr), 846 770 organic nervous diseases, 403-Pseudo-Argyll Amoebic hepatitis with haematemesis (R. E. Abscess, subphrenic, simulated by hydatid cyst Robertson Pupils with absent tendon reflexes, Drake-Brockman), 444 (0) of liver (E. H. R. Altonnyan), 15 928 (0). 1091 Amputation stump, cutaneous horn on an (F. E. Acad4mie de M6decine: Expresses the opinion ADLER, Alfred: The practice of individual Mayne and Laurence O'Shaughnessy), 624 that public exhibitions of hypnotism are un- psychology, 139, 148 - The structure of Anaemia, aplastio, 1048 desirable, 163-The B.C.G. controversy, 861- neurosis, 148 Anaemia, pernicious, hog's stomach in treat- Antitetanic serum, obligatory use of, 861- ADLrER, Laurence D.: Acute puerperal inversion, ment of: report of 108 cases (John F. Wilkin- Etiology of disseminated sclerosis, 943 96 son). 85 (0). 585-Correspondence on, 158- Adrenal cortex and sex characters (L. B. Gaster siccata (B.D.H.) in, 359 ACADEMY, RoYAL, OF MEDICINE IN IRELAND: Broster), 743 (0) Anaemia, pernicious, liver treatment of (Janet Section of Laryngology and Otology.-Bi- ADRIAN, E. D.: Messages in sensory nerve fibres Vaughan), 584-Discussion, 585 lateral abductor paralysis, 270 - Laryngo- and their interpretation, 979 Anaemia, pernicious, and mental disorder fissure for epithelioma of the vocal cord, Advertisements of medicated wines (parlia- (Norman R. Phillips). 980 270-Splint for use in operation for septal mentary note), 40 Anaemia, pernieious, of pregnancy," and resection, 270-Retrosternal goitre, 270-" A Africa, child welfare in, conference on, 778- "tropical anaemia," treatment of (Lucy retrospect of laryngology," 270-Intracranial Parliamentary notes on, 1143 x Wills), 1059 (0) complications of ear disease, 937-Papilloma Africa, South:-Silicosis in: Report of the Anaemia, pernicious, with scleroderma, 1007, of the right vocal cord, 937-Vallecular Miners' Phthisis Bureau, 28-Reports of the 1100, 1145 dysphagia, 937-Abseess of temporal lobe, 937 Transvaal Mine Officers' Association, 1033. Anaemia, pernicious, treatment of with glycerin -Epithelioma of fauces treated by diathermy, See also Silicosis of pepsin, dilute hydrochloric acid, and nux 937-Operation for lateral sinus thrombosis, African tick fever. See Fever, tick vomica (Lieut.-Col. H. C. Keates). 894 937-Temporal lobe abscess, 937 AGNEW, Harvey: A medical survey of Canada, Anaemia, tropical," and " pernicious anaemia Section of Medicine.-Treatment of psycho- 461 of pregnancy," treatment of (Lucy Wills), neuroses, 17-Oedema and nephrosis, 586 AHEmAD, Captain Hadji Dabiruddin, O.B.E. con- 1059 (0) Section of Obstetrics.-President's address: ferred on, 70 Anaesthesia, avertin, 35,330, 1095 Piuerperal sepsis. 99-Analgesia in labour, 669 AIcKIN, J.: Erythromelalgia, 961 Anaesthesia in childbirth (J. St. George Wilson), Section of Pathology.-Unusual tumours, 401 AINGER, William Bradshaw. obituary notice of, 497 -Myelomatosis, 401-Tumour of neck-malig- 249 Anaesthesia, ether-oxygen, fatality from nant endothelioma C?), 402-Unusual renal Air Force, Royal:-Annual Bill, 607-Cerebro- explosion during, 915 tumour, 402 spinal meningitis, deaths from (parliamentary Anaesthesia. Gwathmey, in labour (O'Donel Sectio; of Surgery.-Treatment of fractures, note), 566-Cerebro-spinal fever in. in 1931 Browne), 669 31-The role of plastic surgery, in the treat- (Wing Commander H. B. Whittingham, Anaesthesia, inhalation (R. J. Mlinnitt), 627 ment of lupus vulgaris, 403-Spontaneous Flight Lieutenant J. M. Kilpatrick, and Flying Anaesthesia in midwifery, routine, 364, 474 perforation of jejunal ulcers, 541-Spinocain Officer E. W. B. Grifflths), 1101 (0)-Health Anaesthesia, spinal (A. Wilfrid Adams), 785 (0), anaesthesia, 541-Popliteal aneurysm, 708- report, 409-Invalidity rates (parliamentary 869, 955-Correspondence on, 914, 955 Spontaneous rupture of the spleen, 708 note), 291-Medical service of: Promotions, 71 Anaesthesia, spinal, hypnosis with, 962 -Numbers of medical officers (psrliamentary Anaesthesia, spinocain (R. W. Shaw), 541 Accident prevention (Eric Farmer), 716 notes), 522, 608, 689, 960, 1143-Accidents, Anaesthesia, surgical, convulsions during (J. Accidents, aircraft, number of (parliamentary number of, 960, 1143-Shortage of medical Ross Mackenzie), 224, 440 (0), 685 - Corre- notes), 960, 1143 officers. 1052 spondence on, 562. 685, 1002, 1095 Accidents, street, flrst aid in: L.C.C. replyto a Air travel, medical problems of, 947 Anaesthetic choice of (I. W. Magill), 265-Dis- jury rider, 292-Treatment of shock following, Air, " unipolar," 367-Experimental work at cussion, 265 868. See also Shock Frankfort, 367 -Anaesthetic screen. See Screen Accidents, traffic (Irish Free State), 512 AITKEN, Janet: Mary Scharlieb memorial, Anaesthetics, review of books on, 850 ACHARD, Professor:-The Oedema of Bright's 475 Analgesia in childbirth, 524. See also Labour Disease: a correction, 102-Appointed a com- ALAJODANINE, Th. (and Georges GUILLAIN): Analgesia in labour (O'Donel Browne), 669 mander of the Legion of Honour. 567 Etudes Neut ologiques, rev., 499 Analysis, organic, review of book on, 940 Acidosis from the clinician's point of view Alcohol and motorists (parliamentary note), 959. Anaphylaxisi. serum (W. S. Brindle and R. E. (Leonard Findlay), 433 (0) See also Motor Jackson), 220-Correspondence, 424, 516, 559, Acidosis and seborrhoea (John T.
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