This Week COVERING TOWNSHIPS OF HOLMDEL, MADISON One Section MABLIIORO, MATAWAN AND -16 PAGES MATAWAN BOROUGH Member Member . 00th YEAR 5th WEEK National Editorial AMoeUtloa MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, JU lV si, 1958 New fertey ]>reM'A*aooUttan Single Copy Ten Cents Boarding Home Matawan Home Destroyed In Saturday Blaze Holmdel Needs Proceeds From “Lemon” Sale Madison Board Gains Approval Radar Speed Unit Appoints Nurse Residential Zone Chief Phillips Asks Opposition Losoi : In Ravi tie Dr. Area lior Check On Autos Move To Got Delay . Matawan Zoning Board ol Police Chief Joseph Phillips Appointment of a s c h o o I Adjustment Monday voted to recommended to the Holmdel mirso spilt ihe Madison Town- - recommend to the' borough ahlp Ilimid of Education at a council a variance be granted Township Commttteo Thurs­ special meeting Thursday, The Mrs. Else Scheie for property day a radar speed check should bonrd also tried Ineffectually lo at the northeast corner of Ra­ be purchased at a oost ol $500. get somewhere on hiring nn nd- vine Dr. and Aberdeen Rd.. so Mayor James It. Ackerson re­ minlatrutlve a a s t a t u n t lo that the house located there ln ported the type recommended straighten out tho Jumbled a Class “ A” residential z o n e school bus transportation proh- may be used as a boarding j by the cblel had provep satis­ loin during lhe limnth of Aug­ home. ----- -- factory ln use ln Shrewsbury ust, . The board imposed the re­ ■Township, Tlie mayor believed 5t I s s Carol Delhanco. as striction there must be no al­ such a unit- would bo excellent olmlrmnn of the health com- teration of the external struc­ foi* use on llolmdcl Rd. in the mttteo, recommended tlie up- ture of the house. The board Hazlet nren, and If an agree­ poliitmeul or Mra. Doris Me- will allow changes In the inter­ ment could be made with Rar- Quire, Laurence llnrhnr, fo r ior to suit the ueeds of the Itall.Township, on Bethany Rd. thc nurse's poet at u $3200 sal­ business to be conducted there. T li e latter road forms the ary, Robert LaMura, Matawan, boundary between the tw o attorney for the applicant, ex­ townships, . Arlo Hinkle, manager of the J. J. Newberry Co, Store. Stanley Kordzlnskl, former Weit Frout St., Koyport. itirveyi more than 500 lemons, left hoard president, askeil why plained that the boarding house Plans lor renovating the for­ by patron* last week who took advantage of Newberry's Mrs. Mcaulro waa given pref­ was cot to be confused with a mer school building at Craw- "Lemon" sale. Idea was to pay full price for an article on erence over other applicants, nursing home; He said that a 'Jord’s Corner lor a municipal •alo and receive a tierond Item for one lemon. Mr. Ulnklo one of whom lmd lmd ns much boarding home la one In which hall ran Into something of a said lie has barrels of lemonade on sale tills week,. as five yenr'H oxpcidrnco ln there Is allowed only one bed BW- snag with th» report that thero school work, lie Questioned U patient, according to the State The home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shea, New Brunswlok Ave., Matawan. was destroyed br was only $1158 ln the oapltnl It wore because Mrs. McGuire department of Institutions and fire Saturday. Mrs. Shea and her daughter, Kathleen, 18, were hurt In the fire which broke Improvement (und. Commit­ waa "a local resident" and the Agencies ruling; all others out when a can of gasoline spilled.and was ignited in the kitchen.’ Three other children teeman Ernest E. Peseux, In Tri-County Sale Building Permit person wllh the school exper­ must' be able to get about and escaped without injury. Above firc m e n run hoses to the building, tlie rear cfwlilch already charge d! the project, was con- ience did not como from the take care of themselves. He ls flaming furiously. • • ■ ' ., - ■ lldcnt a means bl overcoming township. ■ acknowledged the original ap­ this difficulty could bo found. Urged In Voting Use Is Queried plication bad specified only the Mayor . Aokorson Informed Fully Qualified For I'osltlen - live persons were to be k e p t Full Report Promised New Town Hall Peter Genovese, representing - Stockholderi At Marlboro Owner Sees Mlsa Delbasco explained tlmt there that the state .will allow, Matawan Family the township board of educa­ ' Freehold Meeting Asienment Avoided Mrs, Mcaulro was a register­ for any boarding home, but he . Jasper Johnson, of tho Jo* tion. a second pump, for tlie ed nursn nnd fully Qualified In acknowledged now lt was plan­ scph J. Seaman Co., Perth Jail Damaged flevcn-hundred-nnd-alxly oua- ' A roQuost for tho display of her opinion, to perform school ‘ ned to have eight persons at Flees Home Fire Amboy, who Is conducting a present tank would not bo In­ tomnr-atookholdera of the Trt- building permits to avpld can- duties. She Doted Mrs. Mo- the house as the- state tnspec- thorough audit of Matawan stalled at Crawford’s Corner County:--Rural Electric-Co., olrucllon,—additions -and-lm- .Quire had.donated.her,services ... tors-had-declded'lt could com­ Sister Saved Lives Township books, Raid yester­ Unruly Prisoner In School ro ’.he board and the inc., by a margin of bettor than provemonls to houses and oili­ to school and other olvlo needs . fortably hold that many as the Of Two Young Boys day he will Issue a complete Matawan Twp. Cell township could keep tholr use 10 to ono, have voted to author­ er structures being mndo with­ In emergencies without- com­ ■282-by-156-foot grounds were report ot^his findings as soon of gasoline recorded soparato-' ize tho on-operattvo’a'board of out IJ, being reported to tho as- pensation. , . ... •. ample for it. A Matawan mother and one as the audit is completed. A violent outburst by a Cliff­ ly, The mayor-averred that aa directors to negotiate wllii the sossov, was asked by Ennsloy David Watson challenged Mr. : Question Raised Oi her three daughters suffer­ Tho audit was ordered to de­ wood youth yesterday resulted the gasoline would be deliver­ Jcraey Central Power and Boyce, a spectator at tlio Marl Kordalnskl's true tntorost - In Question was raised If there ed second degree burns Satur­ termine the exaot amount of ln his being given one year ln ed; tb tho tank In the .township’s Light Co. for the possible sale boro Township Commlttoo dmlleiytlng "this one appoint­ might be many more persons day as gasoline exploded and publlo funds allegedly em­ thc county jail with a suspend­ home and the two pumps pf Tri-County to the larger util­ Thursday, He said lio know of ment nut of 63 on the staff." brought to the house. If th e burned but their home at 21 bezzled by former Township ed sentence, 8100 fine nnd $5 would be drawing from th e ity, ' ' three such undertakings In Ills Re noted tho linnlth committee board did not Impose a restric­ New Brunswick Ave., Mata­ Collector Charles J. Kelly. * costs and then put on a year’s same tank, the separate re­ The voto waa recorded at a section of tho township on was givnu u free lmnd-tn tin) tion. After some deliberation, wan. Mrs. Frank Shea and her Mr. Jokuson said he Is probation by Magtstrnte Luth­ cordings would bo meaningless apoolal meeting of Trt-County’a which no building-permits over past on choice of miiaea. Miss the members decided that If the daughter. Kathleen, 18, were "making progress” on thc er A. Foster, Malawnn. Town* and tho now pump an extra ex­ membership—at— th e Jewish woro shown and tints ho was Delbasco observed Mrs. Mo- Btate Department of Institu­ treated- by Dr. S.M .-L'a zo w, audit which was begun July ship. Damaging the new town­ pense, Community .Center, Freehold, fairly .certain, the. work novel' aulro met all scliuu‘1 nunc re- tions and Agencies approved Matawan. Kathleen was trans­ 7 after a shortage reportedly- ship hall "was one of his of­ To Compile Ordinances was discovered by Mr. John­ fenses. On recommendation of ’ Jo­ About 509 pprahns were pros­ hud conm to llio attention of Qnlremeiits, - ____ _ thc premises for more th a n ferred to Perth Amboy Gener­ seph J. Seaman A Co., tlio aud­ ent, Of these, 318 approved tho uascasor. William Joyce Joined Mr.. eight persons, It would be dif­ al Hospital. son July 3. On that date, the Capt. J. Edgar Wilkinson, opening negotiations with JSP- Btucy Matthews, zoning offi­ Kotdzmsltl In upholding th e ficult to moke a local restric­ , Mrs. "Shea, who suffered a resignation of Mr. Kelly as township police, signed o o m- itor, lt was voted to hire Philip l-.L and 30. disapproved. Proxies tion stand up agnjnst the rul­ collector and treasurer was Costello, municipal clerk of the cer, reminded tlio committee right of hoard members to.con-_i sprained ankle when tlie kitch­ accepted and he was charged plalnt alleging . the defendant Clly of Perlh Amboy, to com­ made the Una! tally (107 to 03 ho lmd asked for a regulation lest lhc.muvo of llio lio lfllh ing. lrom Trenton. “ ' en of the house was enveloped formally with embezzlement. Joseph Bork, 19, Prospect pile Uie nutirly 200 ordinances tn (avor ot negotiating. lo mnkb tho display of o a r d s ooimnlik'O. He objected strung- TTf. Conrow Wyckoff.
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