S11892 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE December 15, 2000 Sharing this experience with Bill we act, Democrats in the Senate will pended entirely, or mostly on work Cohen is his wife, Janet Langhart read the names of some of those who generated by the defense industry, and Cohen. She has been equally enthusi- have lost their lives to gun violence in they were in danger of failure. astic in her role supporting himÐand the past year, and we will continue to In an effort to help these businesses, military personnel throughout the do so every day that the Senate is in Congressman Dixon sponsored legisla- worldÐas a ``First Lady of the Pen- session. tion to assist small businesses in mak- tagon.'' In the name of those who died, we ing the difficult transition to new mar- Janet Langhart Cohen's tireless and will continue this fight. Following are kets. His efforts saved innumerable selfless work for our men and women in the names of some of the people who small businesses from going under and uniform, and their families, has been were killed by gunfire one year ago now many are thriving because of his remarkable. She has been committed today. foresight and stewardship. Most re- to making sure that the American peo- December 15, 1999: cently he was the very able Ranking ple's hearts and minds are fully joined Jerome Anderson, 26, Washington, Member of the House Permanent Se- with those who are wearing the uni- DC; Danta Dandridge, 17, Washington, lect Committee on Intelligence. He was form. Thanks to Janet Langhart DC; Diane Gibbs, 39, Atlanta, GA; a voice of reason and restraint in an Cohen, soldiers, sailors, airmen and Jimmy Gibbs, 21, Atlanta, GA; Kasmas arena that often lends itself to hyper- Marines have come to know how much Hall, 18, Miami-Dade County, FL; bole and grandstanding. Julian served they are appreciated by their fellow Byron Johnson, 21, Pittsburgh, PA; his country well in this capacity. Americans. Antoine Omar, 19, Boston, MA; Glenn Congressman Dixon was known for To this end, Janet Langhart Cohen Roundtree, 29, Chicago, IL; Oscar his intelligence, political savvy and called on the USOÐand their volunteer Segura Nieto-Lopez, 32, St. Paul, MN; strong character. While Julian surely entertainersÐto bring the message Ricky Truss, 27, Detroit, MI; William had much lift to accomplish, he truly from the homefront to our forward de- Wilder, 39, New Orleans, LA; Venis made a difference while he walked ployed military men and women. She Woods, 29, Philadelphia, PA; and Un- among us. He was a family man and a recognized that the USO helped those identified Male, 24, Newark, NJ. man of the people. He will be missed. in the military who are far from home We cannot sit back and allow such Our prayers are with his family, friends give in to laughter rather than give senseless gun violence to continue. The and people he served so well. way to loneliness and despair. With the deaths of these people are a reminder f USO, Janet Langhart Cohen reinvigo- to all of us that we need to enact sen- rated the spirit of our warriors. sible gun legislation now. DRUG ADDICTION TREATMENT Understanding the important rela- ACT OF 2000 f tionship between the men and women Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, I rise of the Armed Forces and the USO, TRIBUTE TO CONGRESSMAN today with my colleague, Senator Janet Langhart Cohen led the effort to JULIAN DIXON HATCH, Chairman of the Judiciary build a lasting exhibit to the USO in Mr. SHELBY. Mr. President, I rise in Committee, to comment on a provision the Pentagon. Thanks to her, the trib- tribute to a friend and colleague, Ju- of the recently enacted omnibus chil- ute was unveiled just a few short weeks lian Dixon. Congressman Dixon honor- dren's health legislation (H.R. 4365; ago. To many, she is now also recog- ably represented the 32nd District of Public Law 106±310) that established a nized as the ``First Lady of the USO.'' California for more than 22 years. Ju- number of excellent children's health Together, Bill and Janet have been a lian and I were members of the Con- programs. The bill also included impor- dynamic team. They have tackled gressional Freshman Class of 1978. It tant new legislation, the Drug Addic- many of the problems facing military was my pleasure to serve with him for tion Treatment Act [DATA], which I families today. They have also circled more than two decades. authored along with Senator HATCH, the globe together to demonstrate Everyone in the Senate knew him working with our colleagues Senators their combined conviction and support and I know no member of the House or BIDEN and MOYNIHAN. It will make a for our men and women in uniform Senate who did not like him, as well as wherever they are deployed. Only re- revolutionary difference in the way in respect him. His life exemplified public cently, Bill and Janet completed their which we battle heroin and other opi- service and his actions were always third trip to Kosovo since the June 1999 ate addiction. motivated by truth, justice and com- Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, my col- end of the air campaign. In our brief years, Secretary Cohen, passion. He was without question a league from Michigan is correct. Addi- through tireless work, study, and trav- Distinguished Gentlemen. tionally, as my colleagues are aware, el, has continued to develop his already During his tenure in office, Congress- the bill reauthorized the operation of formidable understanding of global, man Dixon accomplished many things. the Substance Abuse and Mental economic and national security issues. He was always magnanimous in victory Health Services Administration, and And as had been the case during his 24 and gracious in defeat and accepted dif- established and reinforced penalties for years of service in the Congress, Sec- ficult assignments, such as the Chair- illegal manufacture, sale, and posses- retary Cohen's conviction for sup- manship of the House Ethics Com- sion of certain illicit drugs. porting the troops continued without mittee in 1989. It is a responsibility Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, when im- question. that few members seek and only the plemented, the DATA bill, as we call it, Anyone who has been privileged to most selfless accept. Congressman will change significantly the way opi- serve in the Department of Defense, es- Dixon did so, and the House of Rep- ate addiction is addressed by allowing pecially as the ``Top Gun,'' knows resentatives is a better place for his qualified physicians, for the first time, there is no more difficult a job in the service. to prescribe in their private offices, Executive Branch of our government. From 1957 to 1960, he served as an en- substances which block the craving for Bill Cohen earned his place in history, listed man in the United States Army, heroin and otherwise address this dead- alongside the best, and the men and rising to the rank of sergeant. This ex- ly addiction. women in uniform render a respectful perience made him a life long advocate Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, as Sen- ``hand salute.'' for the men and women in the Armed ator LEVIN knows, the DATA bill in- f Forces. He understood their hardships cludes a provision similar to one appli- and needs as well as any member of the cable for many years to both the Med- VICTIMS OF GUN VIOLENCE Congress. The military services have icaid and Medicare programs, which Mrs. BOXER. Mr. President, it has lost a good friend. makes clear that basic decisions about been more than a year since the Col- At the conclusion of the Cold War, the way medicine is practiced are to be umbine tragedy, but still this Repub- our defense expenditures were cut dra- made by physicians and patients, not lican Congress refuses to act on sen- matically. Literally, hundreds of mili- by the federal government. sible gun legislation. tary installations, large and small, Mr. LEVIN. In other words, it is our Since Columbine, thousands of Amer- around the Nation were slated for clo- intent that with respect to the amend- icans have been killed by gunfire. Until sure. Thousands of small businesses de- ments to the Controlled Substances VerDate 15-DEC-2000 01:21 Dec 18, 2000 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15DE6.085 pfrm04 PsN: S15PT2 December 15, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S11893 Act made by the provisions incor- a former reserve for harvesting fur particular note is the use of marine porated in H.R. 4365, decisions by quali- seals. The Commerce Department, act- protected areas to serve as replenish- fied physicians about the appropriate ing through the National Oceanic and ment zones. The U.S. Coral Reef Task means to treat their patients and to Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Force has called for setting aside 20 prescribe and dispense medications are has been involved in municipal and so- percent of coral reefs in each region of not a proper matter for government cial services on the islands since 1910. the United States that contains reefs regulation. In 1983, NOAA tried to remove them- as no-take areas. However, many of the While the bill clearly provides au- selves from administering these pro- U.S. islands that have coral reefs have thority for the Department of Health grams. However, despite the $20 million significant cultural ties to these reefs. and Human Services to issue regula- in funds the Pribilof Islands received to It is imperative that any new marine tions to expand the pool of qualified replace future annual Federal appro- protected areas are developed in close physicians, it is not the intention of priations, the Pribilof Islanders claim cooperation with the people of these is- our legislation that those regulations that the terms of the transition proc- lands and account for traditional and extend to the practice of medicine.
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