Abraham 3; Moses 4:1-4 The Pre-Mortal Existence of Mankind Notes and Teachings All non-scriptural quotes are highlighted in blue. Introduction make my rulers; for he stood among those that were This lessons focuses on teachings regarding the pre- spirits, and he saw that they were good.” (Abraham mortal existence of man as found in Abraham and 3:22) Moses. The doctrine of premortality is essential to In the words of the Prophet Joseph Smith: maintaining a proper perspective of mortal life. Elder “God himself, finding he was in the midst of spirits and Neal A. Maxwell (1926-2004), member of the Quorum of glory, because he was more intelligent, saw proper to the Twelve Apostles, taught that institute laws whereby the rest could have privilege to advance like himself.” [Teachings of the Prophet Joseph the adversary relentlessly uses the absence or Smith, sel. Joseph Fielding Smith, (1976), p. 354] disbelief of this doctrine to shrink man’s perspective. We know little more than this of what our conditions One-dimensional man with only a one-dimensional was then. Nor does it serve useful purpose to speculate view of the world will surely focus upon the cares of or wrest the scriptures seeking after mysteries. (Mine the world, yielding to the things of the moment. Errand from the Lord: Selections from the Sermons and Writings of Boyd K. Packer [2008], pp 7-8; emphasis added) (“Premortality, a Glorious Reality,” Ensign, Nov. 1985, p.17). The teachings found in Abraham 3 and Moses 4 are Though we lack full understanding of the pre-mortal crucial. These verses speak of (1) the growth and realm of mankind, the scriptures gives us certain vital development of God’s spirit offspring, (2) a council that information that is essential to understand. President was held regarding the creation of the earth, and (3) a Boyd K. Packer of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles war! observed: Abraham 3 introduces us to all three of these important teachings. Joseph Fielding McConkie, Professor of No more profound truth has been conveyed to us in the Religion at Brigham Young University, describes the Restoration than the knowledge of our premortal layout of this chapter in these words: existence. No other church knows or teaches this truth. The doctrine is give only in outline form, but salient facts No teaching device is used more effectively or are repeated often enough in the revelations to assure us frequently in the scriptures to expand understanding of certain fundamental truths. than "likening" the principle being taught to something The facts are these. already understood by those being instructed. This is We lived in the presence of God our Eternal Father what is taking place in Abraham 3. The chapter divides prior to our mortal birth. itself into very natural parts: the first seventeen verses We use such words as omnipotent and omniscient to deal with planets and their relationship one to another; describe Him and feel them inadequate. Should not the the last eleven verses speak of pre-earth spirits and word God be enough? Does it not bespeak such glory their relationships one to another. At first glance, it may that without the presence of priesthood power of appear that Abraham is dealing with two separate ideas, godliness, mortal man could not behold His face and each deserving a chapter of its own. A more careful live? reading, however, reveals that the second part of the He is Elohim our father. The familiar word father chapter is a deliberate restatement of the first. Each reverently spoken does not demean him but greatly lifts principle describing the relationship of one star or planet us up. to another proves to be equally descriptive of the nature The scriptures teach us that we are His offspring, His and relationship of pre-earth spirits one to another. The children. revelation on planets ends in the eighteenth verse And they further teach intelligence, or spirit, has where the revelation on pre-earth spirits begins. The existed from all eternity. We know also that we were two parts of the revelation are welded at that point with individuals. We are told more than once in the the words "as, also," which is simply to say what is true revelations that we were clothed in a spirit body. We of the stars is "also" true of the spirits. (“The Heavens know no more than that the spirit body was created in Testify of Christ,” in Studies in Scripture, Vol. 2: The Pearl of Great the image of our Father. Price, ed.s Robert L. Millet and Kent P. Jackson [1998], 240) The most fundamental of all endowments given to us is agency. To repeat, the few crucial facts we know about our status in premortal life: “man was also in the Abraham 3:2-5. Christ and Kolob beginning with God.” We lived in the presence of God our Eternal Father; we are His offspring. Intelligence, Abraham learned of premortality through an object or spirit, was organized as spirit bodies before the lesson. The object from which the lessons were derived world was. We were endowed with agency. Authority was a vision of the universe, which was used as a type had been conferred and leaders chosen. and shadow of Christ and the premortal spirits. Abraham From the scriptures: was first shown many great (large) stars with one star, “God saw these souls that they were good, and he Kolob, being “nearest unto the throne of God” (Abraham stood in the midst of them, and he said: These I will 3:2). Joseph Fielding McConkie offered the following observations regarding the symbolism of Kolob: "many great ones . near unto" Kolob (Christ) (v. 2). 2. These stars were the "governing ones" (v. 3). The leading role in the vision of the planets obviously 3. All stars are to sustain or be governed by "the great one" goes to Kolob. We can summarize what we learn (v. 3). Each ruling star has a "set time" for its revolutions. about Kolob from the text and Facsimile #2 as follows: 4. The star with the longer "set time" rules above the star with the lesser "set time" (vv. 4-7). 5. Anytime there is a star with a set time that has another star above it, then there will be another "planet whose 1. "The name of the great one is Kolob, because it is near reckoning of time shall be longer still" (v. 8). That is, for every unto [God]" (v. 3). star there is a greater star until we come to Kolob (Christ), for 2. Kolob is "after the manner" or in the likeness of the Kolob (Christ) "is set nigh unto the throne of God, to govern Lord (v. 4). all those planets which belong to the same order" (v. 9). 3. Kolob is the "first creation" (v. 2; Fac. 2:1). 6. To Abraham the Lord said: "It is given unto thee to know 4. Kolob is the "nearest unto the throne of God" (v. 2; Fac. the set time of all the stars that are set to give light, until thou 2:1). come near unto the throne of God" (v. 10). 5. Kolob is "first in government" (Fac. 2:1) and is "to govern all those which belong to the same order" (v. 3). Now note what Abraham is taught concerning the 6. Kolob holds "the key of power" (Fac. 2:2). 7. There are "many great ones" near Kolob; these are the pre-earth spirits: governing ones (vv. 2-3). 8. Kolob is the source of light for others (Fac. 2:5). 1. Abraham was shown that among the great hosts of 9. "Kolob is the greatest of all the Kokaubeam [stars] . pre-earth spirits many had–through "exceeding faith and because it is nearest unto [God]" (v. 16). good works" (Alma 13:3)–merited the designation "noble and great" (v. 22). The reader is now invited to compare the 2. Of these "noble and great" spirits the Lord said, "These I will make my rulers" (v. 23). characteristics of Kolob with scriptural descriptions of 3. Those spirits who rebelled at the choice of Christ as their Christ: Redeemer were cast out (vv. 27-28). 4. All prophets of God were subject to the discipline of the 1. The name of the Savior is "the Great I Am" (D&C 29:1). house of God. None knew this principle better than Abraham. 2. Christ is in the "brightness" of God's "glory, and the 5. Abraham was also told that whenever there were two express image of his person" (Heb. 1:3). spirits, one more intelligent than the other, "then there shall 3. "I was in the beginning with the Father," Christ said, be another more intelligent than they" (v. 19). "and am the Firstborn" (D&C 93:21). 6. Though it is not recorded for us, Abraham undoubtedly 4. Christ is described as being "in the bosom of the had revealed to him some knowledge of the destiny and Father" (D&C 76:25). mission of his fellow prophets. Such experiences were 5. Christ has promised, "I will be your ruler when I come" common to the ancient seers. (D&C 41:4). Prophesying of his coming, Isaiah said, "the government shall be upon his shoulder" (Isa. 9:6). He is Recognizing the relationship between Kolob and "Lord of lords, and Kings of kings" (Rev. 17:14). Christ and between the stars and the spirits gives 6. It is Christ who holds the keys of all power.
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