govtrnors island historic district DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES fNTRODl!Cf-JQN he Governors Island Historic District is a on meeting building, fire code, and handicap Archeology T unique resource within New York City and accessibility requirements. The Guidelines for the country. The design of its buildings retains a Implementing the Standards focus on Sire De­ Within the historic district, there are level of historic and architecmral integrity sel­ velopment, Building Treatment, New Con­ areas where the likelihood of finding archeo­ dom found in a property as old. In order to pro­ struction & Additions, Landscaping, and Demo­ logical resources will be high (see archeologi­ tect the character of this National Historic Land­ lition, with emphasis placed on appropriate tech­ cal probability map on page 27 of this docu­ mark, work within the historic district musr fol­ niques for trearmenc and design, and avoiding ment.) Any project that involves ground dis­ low the guidance outlined in this document. In damage ro existing architectural and archeologi­ turbing activity, such as building demolition, support of thar requirement, the U.S. General cal resources, and landscape features. new construction, the planting of trees, instal­ Services Administration has created a Preserva­ The Preservation & Design Standards, lation of utility lines outside of existing tion & Design Manual, consisting of three docu­ along with rhe Design & Development Guidelines, trenches, and similar projects, has the risk of ments, to assist property owners and develop­ will be the basis for project reviews by the New encountering both historic and prehistoric ar­ ers-Preservation & Design Standar·ds, Design York Stare Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) tifacts. & Development Guidelines, and Building & and rhe New York City Landmarks Prservation Accordingly, all such projects in these Proper·ty Summmy Sheets, each dated January Commission (Commision.) 28, 2003. This document, the Design & Devel­ areas must be submitted to the SHPO for re- opment Guidelines, was created ro assist prop­ v1ew. erty owners in developing appropriate treatment proposals and new construction designs that will ensure continued preservation of the National Hisroric Landmark District. The Design & Development Guidelines is organized as a series of sections defining the history and significance of the historic district, the character defining elements that contribute to the district, and the established Standards by which work in rhe historic disuicr would be car­ ried out. These are followed by Guidelines for View high above Governors Island. The upper right portion Implementing the Standards, along with guidance ofthe Island is the Historic Di1trict a1ui National Historic Landmark. 5 govtrnors island historic district DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES View ofGovernors Island looking north with Manhattan Skyline in the background. Historic district is at the north md ofthe Island (} govtmori iiiand hiitoric diitrict DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES ....PoLICY . 'iC~~ ..t....-~ ........ ··- & GoALs he National Hiscoric Preservation Act of developmenr. Accordingly, the district has To meet these goals, GSA has con­ T 1966 established that it is the policy of been designated a National Historic Landmark ducted extensive work on the identificacion and the United States government to promote and by the Secretary of the Interior. This designa­ evaluacion of the buildings, structures, land­ support preservation of our national heritage. tion places the district among a select group of scapes, open spaces, vistas, and archeological That heritage is a broad range of resources that resources in our country that rise above the resources found within the Historic District. encompass che hiscory and progress of our average hiscoric property. The results of this detailed work are found in country from pre-Western settlements through To enable the General Services Admin­ the Building & Property Summary Sheets. The contemporary development. If it is feasible, istration ro fulfill irs responsibilities under the appropriate treatment of these resources is properties that reveal and trace the culture, National Historic Preservation Act (Public Law ensured through application of rhe Preserva­ hiscory, architecture, and science of rhe United 89-655; U.S.C. 470 er seq) on Governors Is­ tion & Design Standards, and the Design & Scares should be preserved and maintained. land, the agency has established a number of Development Guidelines. This policy can be fulfilled in a number of goals for development of the site and treatment ways-by preserving the sires, buildings, and of its resources. It is GS~s intent to establish structures chat the government itself occupies; controls and guidance that will: by developing programs at the federal, State, and local levels that encourage private preser­ • ensure thatfuture development ofthe vation efforts; and, by ensuring rhar the fed­ historic district recognizes and preserves those eral government takes no action chat would en­ aspects of the property that represent its his­ danger or cause damage co our national heri­ toric and architectural significance; tage. In disposing of Governors Island, Gen­ • ensure that significant elements ofthe eral ServicesAdministracion is required co meet historic district are preserved and used; the federal policy by ensuring that all prudent • ensure that significant elements ofthe and feasible steps are taken co protect the re­ historic district are treated in a manner that source as it is transferred out of federal owner­ preserves their historic and architectural integ­ ship. rity; and, The Governors Island Historic District • ensure thatpublic access to the Island is part of our national heritage. It represents is allowed and promoted. significanr periods in our nation's history and Decorative cannon overlooking Nelson Park. 7 govtm~ors island hiJtoric district DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES A view over a portion ofthe historic district, with Fort jay in the foreground, looking northeast to Lower Manhattan. 8 govrrnors island historic distric& DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES thq /WSQlJRCE overnors Island comprises 172 acres of As expressed in the National Historic In this location, the Castle controlled G land in Upper New York Bay, one-half Landmark designation for the property, "The the waters west and southwest of Manhattan, mile off the southern tip of Manhattan. Ap­ historic district is a loosely knit collection of between itself and Liberty Island. Fort Jay was proximately 121 acres of the north half of the individual historic properties and features, and placed at the highest point of land on the Is­ Island were designated a National Historic several complexes of related buildings erected land, affording an unobstructed view on all Landmark by the U.S. Department of the In­ during various military eras." sides to the waterfront. The third fortifica­ terior in 1985. New York City Landmarks The early fortifications, Castle Will­ tion, South Battery, was situated at the south­ Preservation Commission designated the area iams, Fort Jay, and the South Battery, occupy east corner of the Island, facing Buttermilk as a historic district in 1996. Within the Gov­ what were the most strategic defensive posi­ Channel. As the Island's function shifted from ernors Island Historic District there are 102 tions on the Island. Castle Williams was con­ a fortification to an Arsenal, and later a mili­ buildings, 75 of which have been identified as structed on the north point of the Island, lo­ tary base, buildings and structures were added character defining elements of the district, and cated to protect the entrance to New York to accommodate new needs and uses. A group­ of historic significance. In addition, within Harbor. ing of Arsenal structures was constructed on the boundaries of the historic district are site the north side of the Island, and garrison func­ features and landscapes that are important char­ tions were located along the flat hilltop south­ acter defining elements in understanding the east of Fort Jay. resource. Architectural styles on the Island range from early fortification to Colonial Revival, with a liberal distribution of nondescript utili­ tarian structures. The earliest fortifications were constructed using red sandstone, with a majority of the other buildings within the his­ toric district constructed of red brick. The use of red brick, with light stone trim, serves to unite the historic features within the historic Partial view of Castle Williams showing sandstone walls and district, as does the overall scale of the build­ deep recessed window openings. Overview ofG overnors Isla nd showing the National Historic ings, usually not higher than two or three sto­ Landmark to the left (north end), Castle Williams in the foreground, Ft. Jay in the center oft he District. ries tall. 9 - . governors island historic district DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES These buildings established the eastern edge of an open space later named 'Nolan Park.' In the last half of the 19th century additional resi­ dential units were erected around this open space, fully enclosing the park. In the last part of the 19th century, the southwest portion of the Island was the site of new Officers' Housing, which originally faced the harbor. These are large, red brick struc­ tures constructed using standardized Army Quartermaster plans. The last large grouping are 13 Georgian Revival buildings constructed between 1924-1940 to accommodate
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