alternative island touring > visiting the greek islands off-the-beaten track Financed by C.I. Leader+, Co-financed by Ministry of Rural Development and Food - European Community EAFFG-G, Development Corporation of Local Authorities of Cyclades S.A., Development Agency of Dodecanese (AN.DO) S.A. 38 IONIAN ISLANDS ZAKYNTHOS luscious mountains characterize the At Keri, on sea rocks, there is the very ZAKYNTHOS eastern part of the island, where the important endemic species of Zakyn- fertile plains lie. In the northwest there thos limonium, but also the mod- are higher mountains, scarce vegeta- est caper (Capparis spinosa), kritamo tion and steep cliffs, that dive vertically (Crithmum maritimum) and thalasso- into the sea and form impressive caves. chorto (Salsola aegea). The scenery is different on the sand Flora dunes of Laganas and Kalamaki where With its Mediterranean sunlight, fre- there are some sand-loving species, such Venetians called it “the Flower of the quent rainfalls and the good “house- as galingale (Cyperus capitatus), Echi- Orient” and modern travellers discover keeping” of its residents, Zakynthos nophora spinosa, Eryngium maritimum, a spot of rare natural beauty and mod- looks like a vast, well-preserved gar- Euphorbia paralias, Juncus acutus, Medi- ern civilisation. den. In the east of the island, one finds cago marina and Pancratium maritimum. The most important marine park of mainly olive tree groves but also citrus, Greece, a cedar forest, sea caves, peach, plum, apricot and pine trees, Fauna breathtaking beaches, horseback rid- numerous palm trees and the famous Except for the famous sea turtle Caret- ing by the sea waves are some of Za- vineyards. Locals are particularly fond ta caretta, Zakynthos hosts one of the kynthos gifts. Discover traditional vil- of bottlebrush (Callistemon spp) with largest populations of the Mediterra- lages in vineyards and olive tree groves, its reddish flowers and the multi-col- nean Monachus monachus seals in poets and authors that marked Greek oured bougainvilleas which decorate Greece; they nest in rocky caves along literature, sounds of mandolins and many of the island’s gardens. the island’s western coasts. serenades. Vegetation is different on the west Due to its geographical location and Zakynthos invites travellers to explore side, on Mount Vrachion, where there rich flora, the island has numerous bird it and discover its beautiful locations. is mostly bushy vegetation, such as populations. It is, therefore, an ideal lo- bushy cypresses, lentisk (Pistacia len- cation for bird watching and attracts Natural wealth tiscus), kermes oak, phillyrea (Phillyrea the interest of Greek and international ecotourists annually. Rock partridges The study of rocks on the island indi- latifolia) and, less frequently, myrtle, (Alectoris graeca), Eleonora’s falcons cates that the history of Zakynthos deciduous oak and pine trees. (Falco eleonorae), shags (Phalacrocorax dates back to 700,000 years ago, in the Some native species are contained in aristotelis), Cretzschmar’s Buntings Lower Pleistocene period, when consid- island flora, such as and peonies cro- (Emberiza caesia), Sardinian Warblers erable geological transformations were cuses, while there are 40 or more wild (Sylvia melanocephala) that are only taking place on the whole planet. The orchid species of special beauty. 13cm in size, Subalpine Warblers (Sylvia discovery of the prehistoric settlement The islands of the gulf, Keri and some cantillans) and booted eagles (Aquila in Agios Nikolaos, Vassilikos, as well as parts of Vassilikos, are the only loca- pennata) frequently pass through the is- the tools discovered at numerous sites tions on the island where one finds typ- land and some lay their eggs here. Also, on the island testify to the long human ical Mediterranean maquis vegetation, during the bird migration season, island presence on Zakynthos. lentisk (Pistacia lentiscus), kermes oak, skies teem with turtle doves (Streptope- A varied terrain creates the island’s Spanish broom (Spartium junceum), lia hypopyrrha), woodcocks (Scolopax), unique natural beauty. Low hills and dog roses, bramble shrubs, etc. song thrushes (Turdus philomelos), Eur- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Where was the first Marine Park in Greece created? ZAKYNTHOS IONIAN ISLANDS 39 extra Town of Zakynthos: pale coloured manor houses, Venetian arcades, loggias and a cobblestone road that leads to Bohali district at the Venetian Castle, where medieval Zakynthos lay. The Lions of Agios Markos, sleepless guard- tips ians at the castle gate welcome visitors. Excavations have brought to light a plethora of churches built between 11th and 18th c. as well as ruins from the Byzantine period and the English rule. asian Hoopoes (Upupa epops) and wild area of 14.2km2, and a peripheral zone toi Nissoi (floating islands), is a group swans (Cygnus). Alykes are the resting of 31.2km2. of small islands off the bay of Laganas. grounds for many herons, little egret For this reason almost the entire bay They belong to the National Zakynthos’ (Egretta garzetta) and collared pratin- is a protected area, which is divided in Marine Park and are included in the Im- coles (Glareola pratincola). zones where different restrictions to portant Bird Area (IBA) list. The rich fauna of the island is comple- human activity apply, depending on The largest island is Stamfani, with an mented by colourful butterflies. Clouded the time of year. area of 2.5km2, and the second largest 2 Yellow butterflies (Colias croceus), also Once the eggs are laid, it will take 50 to is Arpyia, a mere 1.5km . known as Ionian butterflies, with yel- 75 days and nights for the baby turtles About 200 flora species have been low wings, the brownish Freyer Grayling to hatch and start running to the sea, recorded on the Strofades; 35% of butterflies (Neohipparchia fatua), but orientated by light. This is why it is im- Stamfani is covered by a cedar forest, also Spotted Fritillary butterflies (Meli- portant that there should be few lights one of the largest in Western Greece taea didyma) with their intense orange- around the sand, so that baby turtles in regard to area, tree size and natural coloured wings are a colourful note. will not be disoriented. Those who make propagation. Zakynthos’ Marine Park it to the sea and survive difficulties and The entire group of islands is an im- marine predators will return to the same portant passage and resting stop for Zakynthos’ Marine Park is unique in its place where they hatched to lay their numerous migrating birds and, there- kind in the entire Mediterranean Sea own eggs. The sex of the newly born fore, an ideal spot for bird-watching. and was created in 1999. It was the turtle is determined by the temperature Approximately 146 bird species have first Marine Park in Greece with its own at which their eggs are incubated. Thus, been recorded here! management agency and it became a more male turtles are born on Maratho- Some of the birds that fly by the Strofades model for other areas in Greece. Its nissi, where temperatures are lower! importance for the survival of the now islands are the black and white spotted famous but still threatened by extinc- Turtles are reptiles and can reach up to flycatchers (Muscicapa striata), nightin- tion Caretta carretta sea turtle is great. 1.25m in length and 180k in weight; gales (Luscinia megarhynchos), Cory’s In the Mediterranean and in Greece, they have a brown-reddish shell and shearwaters (Calonectris diomedea), and in particular, there are also other sea large head. The most interesting piece turtledoves (Streptopelia capicola). turtle nesting beaches, such as in the of information that we have about them western Peloponnese, in the gulf of is that the species appeared on the earth Water sports Lakonia, on Crete, Cephalonia, Rhodes approximately 150 million years ago and A classic destination for Greek and in- and elsewhere, but the bay of Laga- has managed to survive until today. This ternational sailing enthusiasts alike, the nas is the animals’ largest and most alone is reason enough for us to protect island has six marinas to choose from, important refuge. Egg-laying beaches it. Finally, it should be noted that Zakyn- depending on wind direction during are those of Laganas, Sekania, Daphni, thos’ Marine Park attracts ecotourists one’s stay on Zakynthos. Kalamaki, Gerakas and on the small is- from all over the world. lands of Marathonissi and Pelouzo, all Diving located around Laganas Bay. In fact the Strofades An organised diving centre and numer- park covers a sea area of 89.2km2, land The Strofades, otherwise known as Plo- ous diving spots offer divers the oppor- 40 IONIAN ISLANDS ZAKYNTHOS tunity to explore the beautiful sea bed the following are some indicative itin- and the foot of Mount Skopos are only around the island. Sea cave complexes, eraries offered: some of the locations where bikers can huge rocks and poseidonia meadows A very interesting itinerary on the north enjoy unique routes. There are firms make diving here a unique experience. side is that leading from the traditional that hire equipment and organise bik- village of Ano Volimes to Faros. It is a ing escapes. Sea kayaking 6.5km hike of medium difficulty, during It is the most beautiful way to enjoy the which one encounters most of the Medi- Horse riding sea and the tiny islets around Zakynthos; terranean fauna species of the island; this On Zakynthos one can go horse riding on it is also a unique opportunity to race a is why it is called the “botanic trail”. the sandy beach or on the green hills and explore the island on horseback. Riding Μοnachus monachus seal. A visit to the The classic mountainous hike on the centres at Kalamaki and Gerakari give Blue Caves will reward visitors with their west part of the island connects the vil- travellers the opportunity to get to know rocky formations and incredible water lages of Kiliomenos and Loucha.
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