Web Application Architecture Principles, protocols and practices Leon Shklar Richard Rosen Dow Jones and Company Web Application Architecture Web Application Architecture Principles, protocols and practices Leon Shklar Richard Rosen Dow Jones and Company Copyright 2003 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 8SQ, England Telephone (+44) 1243 779777 Email (for orders and customer service enquiries): [email protected] Visit our Home Page on www.wileyeurope.com or www.wiley.com All Rights Reserved. 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Web application architecture : principles, protocols, and practices / Leon Shklar, Richard Rosen. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-471-48656-6 (Paper : alk. paper) 1. Web sites—Design. 2. Application software—Development. I. Rosen, Richard. II. Title. TK5105.888.S492 2003 005.72—dc21 2003011759 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 0-471-48656-6 Typeset in 10/12.5pt Times by Laserwords Private Limited, Chennai, India Printed and bound in Great Britain by Antony Rowe Ltd, Chippenham, Wiltshire This book is printed on acid-free paper responsibly manufactured from sustainable forestry in which at least two trees are planted for each one used for paper production. Contents Acknowledgements xiii 1. Introduction 1 1.1 The Web in Perspective 1 1.2 The Origins of the Web 2 1.3 From Web Pages to Web Sites 3 1.4 From Web Sites to Web Applications 4 1.5 How to Build Web Applications in One Easy Lesson 5 1.5.1 Web page design resources 5 1.5.2 Web site design resources 5 1.5.3 Web application design resources 6 1.5.4 Principles of web application design 7 1.6 What is Covered in this Book 8 Bibliography 9 2. Before the Web: TCP/IP 11 2.1 Historical Perspective 11 2.2 TCP/IP 13 2.2.1 Layers 13 2.2.2 The client/server paradigm 14 2.3 TCP/IP Application Services 16 2.3.1 Telnet 16 2.3.2 Electronic mail 16 2.3.3 Message forums 24 2.3.4 Live messaging 25 2.3.5 File servers 25 2.4 And Then Came the Web... 27 2.5 Questions and Exercises 27 Bibliography 28 vi Contents 3. Birth of the World Wide Web: HTTP 29 3.1 Historical Perspective 29 3.2 Building Blocks of the Web 30 3.3 The Uniform Resource Locator 30 3.4 Fundamentals of HTTP 32 3.4.1 HTTP servers, browsers, and proxies 33 3.4.2 Request/response paradigm 33 3.4.3 Stateless protocol 34 3.4.4 The structure of HTTP messages 35 3.4.5 Request methods 37 3.4.6 Status codes 42 3.5 Better Information Through Headers 46 3.5.1 Type support through content-type 48 3.5.2 Caching control through Pragma and Cache-Control headers 51 3.5.3 Security through WWW-Authenticate and Authorization headers 53 3.5.4 Session support through Cookie and Set-Cookie headers 56 3.6 Evolution 59 3.6.1 Virtual hosting 60 3.6.2 Caching support 61 3.6.3 Persistent connections 62 3.7 Summary 63 3.8 Questions and Exercises 63 Bibliography 64 4. Web Servers 65 4.1 Basic Operation 66 4.1.1 HTTP request processing 67 4.1.2 Delivery of static content 69 4.1.3 Delivery of dynamic content 71 4.2 Advanced Mechanisms for Dynamic Content Delivery 81 4.2.1 Beyond CGI and SSI 81 4.2.2 Native APIs (ISAPI and NSAPI) 81 4.2.3 FastCGI 81 4.2.4 Template processing 82 4.2.5 Servlets 84 4.2.6 Java server pages 85 4.2.7 Future directions 87 Contents vii 4.3 Advanced Features 88 4.3.1 Virtual hosting 88 4.3.2 Chunked transfers 89 4.3.3 Caching support 90 4.3.4 Extensibility 91 4.4 Server Configuration 91 4.4.1 Directory structure 92 4.4.2 Execution 92 4.4.3 Address resolution 93 4.4.4 MIME support 94 4.4.5 Server extensions 95 4.5 Server Security 96 4.5.1 Securing the installation 96 4.5.2 Dangerous practices 97 4.5.3 Secure HTTP 98 4.5.4 Firewalls and proxies 98 4.6 Summary 100 4.7 Questions and Exercises 100 Bibliography 102 5. Web Browsers 103 5.1 Architectural Considerations 105 5.2 Processing Flow 107 5.3 Processing HTTP Requests and Responses 112 5.3.1 HTTP requests 113 5.3.2 HTTP responses 120 5.4 Complex HTTP Interactions 125 5.4.1 Caching 125 5.4.2 Cookie coordination 128 5.4.3 Authorization: challenge and response 129 5.4.4 Re-factoring: common mechanisms for storing persistent data 131 5.4.5 Requesting supporting data items 133 5.4.6 Multimedia support: helpers and plug-ins 134 5.5 Review of Browser Architecture 136 5.6 Summary 139 5.7 Questions and Exercises 139 Bibliography 140 viii Contents 6. HTML and its Roots 141 6.1 Standard Generalized Markup Language 141 6.1.1 The SGML declaration 143 6.1.2 Document type definition 146 6.2 HTML 150 6.2.1 HTML evolution 151 6.2.2 Structure and syntax 152 6.3 HTML Rendering 157 6.3.1 Cascading style sheets 158 6.3.2 Associating styles with HTML documents 159 6.4 JavaScript 161 6.5 DHTML 164 6.5.1 ‘Mouse-Over’ behaviors 164 6.5.2 Form validation 165 6.5.3 Layering techniques 167 6.6 Summary 168 6.7 Questions and Exercises 169 Bibliography 169 7. XML Languages and Applications 171 7.1 Core XML 172 7.1.1 XML documents 172 7.1.2 XML DTD 175 7.1.3 XML schema 177 7.2 XHTML 182 7.3 WML 183 7.4 XSL 186 7.4.1 XSLT 186 7.4.2 XSL formatting objects 189 7.4.3 What is so important about XSL? 195 7.5 Summary 197 7.6 Questions and Exercises 198 Bibliography 199 8. Dynamic Web Applications 201 8.1 Historical Perspective 201 8.1.1 Client-server applications 201 8.1.2 Web applications 202 8.1.3 Multi-tier web applications 203 Contents ix 8.2 Application Architecture 203 8.2.1 Interpreting and routing client requests 205 8.2.2 Controlling user access to the application 208 8.2.3 Enabling data access 216 8.2.4 Accessing and modifying content 223 8.2.5 Customizing content for presentation 231 8.2.6 Transmitting the formatted response 235 8.2.7 Logging and recording application activity 235 8.3 Database Processing Issues 237 8.3.1 Configuration 238 8.3.2 Transactions 239 8.3.3 Best practices 241 8.4 Summary 242 8.5 Questions and Exercises 242 Bibliography 243 9. Approaches to Web Application Development 245 9.1 Programmatic Approaches 246 9.1.1 CGI 246 9.1.2 Java Servlet API 247 9.2 Template Approaches 247 9.2.1 Server-Side Includes (SSI) 249 9.2.2 Cold Fusion 250 9.2.3 WebMacro/Velocity 252 9.3 Hybrid Approaches 254 9.3.1 PHP 254 9.3.2 Active Server Pages (ASP) 255 9.3.3 Java Server Pages 256 9.4 Separation of Content from Presentation 259 9.4.1 Application flexibility 259 9.4.2 Division of responsibility for processing modules 261 9.5 Frameworks: MVC Approaches 262 9.5.1 JSP ‘Model 2’ 262 9.5.2 Struts 264 9.6 Frameworks: XML-Based Approaches 266 9.7 Summary 267 9.8 Questions and Exercises 269 Bibliography 270 x Contents 10. Application Primer: Virtual Realty Listing Services 271 10.1 Application Requirements 273 10.2 Application Development Environment 274 10.3 Anatomy of a Struts Application 276 10.4 The Structure of the VRLS Application 278 10.4.1 Controller: ActionServlet and custom actions 282 10.4.2 View: JSP Pages and ActionForms 288 10.4.3 Model: JavaBeans and auxiliary service classes 295 10.5 Design Decisions 297 10.5.1 Abstracting functionality into service classes 297 10.5.2 Using embedded page inclusion to support co-branding 298 10.5.3 A single task for creation and modification of customer profiles 300 10.6 Enhancements 301 10.6.1 Administrative interface 301 10.6.2 Enhancing the signup process through e-mail authentication 304 10.6.3 Improving partner recognition through a persistent cookie 305 10.6.4 Adding caching functionality to the DomainService Class 306 10.6.5 Paging through cached search results using the value list handler pattern 307 10.6.6 Using XML and XSLT for view presentation 308 10.6.7 Tracking user behavior 310 10.7 Summary 311 10.8 Questions and Exercises 311 Bibliography 312 11.
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