US 20090038977A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2009/0038977 A1 Tilton (43) Pub. Date: Feb. 12, 2009 (54) PRINTED PACKAGING Publication Classification 51) Int. C. (75) Inventor: Sheph Tilton, Laguna (51) B65D 75/36 (2006.01) ills, CA (US) B65D 75/28 (2006.01) Correspondence Address: B65D 73/0075/32 30.82006.O1 SIES ir (52) U.S. Cl. ............. 206/469; 53/416:53/485; 206/462: 9 206/484: 2O67459.5 IRVINE, CA 92.614 (US) s (57) ABSTRACT (73) Assignee: One Source Industries, LLC, High visual impact plastic packaging is described as well as Irvine, CA (US) methods for producing such packaging. Sealing portions of a package to each other in an interwoven manner is described. (21) Appl. No.: 12/028,754 Printing on multiple surfaces of a package to obtain appealing 1-1. visual effects is described. Methods of sealing plastic pack (22) Filed: Feb. 8, 2008 ages are described, including some that use heat sealing tech O O niques. Plasticized or laminated paperboard materials can be Related U.S. Application Data used, as well as plastic materials such as mineral-based mate (60) Provisional application No. 60/888,939, filed on Feb. rials, polylactic acid, and recycled and/or recyclable polyure 8, 2007. thane. Patent Application Publication Feb. 12, 2009 Sheet 1 of 18 US 2009/0038977 A1 Sty Ya s S N S Y Patent Application Publication Feb. 12, 2009 Sheet 2 of 18 US 2009/0038977 A1 5/ 3A SS QQ A-44444444 Patent Application Publication Feb. 12, 2009 Sheet 3 of 18 US 2009/0038977 A1 S Patent Application Publication Feb. 12, 2009 Sheet 4 of 18 US 2009/0038977 A1 35 57 34 Zavassaf%26,666s 4 57 Patent Application Publication Feb. 12, 2009 Sheet 5 of 18 US 2009/0038977 A1 53 3. 574 Patent Application Publication Feb. 12, 2009 Sheet 6 of 18 US 2009/0038977 A1 //22/7 Milling 7(25/7 Printing 72.7/7 Printing 7/22/7 Cutting 7/764 Filling 7/27/7 77% / Patent Application Publication Feb. 12, 2009 Sheet 7 of 18 US 2009/0038977 A1 772 //A Z% // Patent Application Publication Feb. 12, 2009 Sheet 8 of 18 US 2009/0038977 A1 - 2// 25Z 27A A Z Patent Application Publication Feb. 12, 2009 Sheet 9 of 18 US 2009/0038977 A1 227 24 226 225 2/2 272 232 2/4 2/7 4 /7 Patent Application Publication Feb. 12, 2009 Sheet 12 Of 18 US 2009/0038977 A1 r 5.5/7 523 26 52.7 222 275 5/6 373 ()6/7 No. 4 /6 Patent Application Publication Feb. 12, 2009 Sheet 13 of 18 US 2009/0038977 A1 776 776 A // Patent Application Publication Feb. 12, 2009 Sheet 14 of 18 US 2009/0038977 A1 Patent Application Publication Feb. 12, 2009 Sheet 15 of 18 US 2009/0038977 A1 Patent Application Publication Feb. 12, 2009 Sheet 16 of 18 US 2009/0038977 A1 Patent Application Publication Feb. 12, 2009 Sheet 17 of 18 US 2009/0038977 A1 s s Patent Application Publication Feb. 12, 2009 Sheet 18 of 18 US 2009/0038977 A1 US 2009/0038977 A1 Feb. 12, 2009 PRINTED PACKAGING 0008. One method of manufacturing a package, the method can comprise providing a first Substantially flat por REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS tion having an opening, providing a blister portion having a protruding blister and a substantially flat flange with at least 0001. This application is also a non-provisional of U.S. one hole, providing a second Substantially flat portion, Provisional Patent Application No. 60/888,939, filed Feb. 8, extending the protruding blister through the opening of the 2007, the entire disclosure of which is hereby incorporated by first Substantially flat portion, and sealing the second Substan reference herein and made part of this specification. tially flat portion to the first substantially flat portion through the at least one hole. In some instances, providing a first BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Substantially flat portion having an opening and providing a second Substantially flat portion can further comprise provid 0002 1. Field of the Invention ing first and second substantially flat portions that both extend 0003 Invention embodiments disclosed herein relate to beyond the Substantially flat flange in at least one dimension, product packaging. More specifically, some embodiments and the method further can comprise sealing the second Sub provide for a retail product display package that is not only stantially flat portion to the first substantially flat portion at highly attractive, but also efficient to manufacture. the portions that extend beyond the substantially flat flange. 0004 2. Background of the Invention In some instances, sealing the second Substantially flat por 0005. Manufacturers and retailers commonly attempt to tion to the first substantially flat portion at the portions that make their products more attractive to customers by using packaging. However, Some of the packages that attract buyers extends beyond the substantially flat flange can further com are expensive to manufacture. Often, less expensive packag prise creating a seal that extends Substantially around the ing looks unprofessional and sometimes unsightly. Further periphery of the first and second substantially flat portions. more, many inexpensive packages are not theft-resistant and 0009. Another method of interweaving portions of a blis can be easily torn or otherwise opened by potential thieves in ter package through sealing can comprise providing a front a retail store. For example, blister packs are not sufficiently package portion, providing a backpackage portion, providing secure, due to readily-torn cardboard portions. Clamshell a blister package portion having a hole, Sealing the back packaging can be more tamper-resistant than blister packs, package portion directly to the blister package portion, and but in current forms, it has drawbacks as well, because gen sealing the backpackage portion directly to the front package erally a cardboard insert must be separately printed and then portion through the hole in the blister package portion. Some positioned within the packaging by human hands. Indeed, methods can further comprise providing a pattern of multiple many of the complex folds and features employed to make holes in the blister package and sealing the back package clamshell packaging more tamper resistant make Such pack portion directly to the front package portion through the pat aging expensive to manufacture. For example, the thick plas tern of multiple holes. tic often used is relatively expensive, and assembly steps are 0010 Some embodiments can include a first flat portion difficult to automate. Furthermore, many of the packaging having printing thereon and a plurality of regions of increased genres described above do not make use of recycled materi stiffness, a second flat portion having printing thereon and an als, leading to increased manufacturing costs. Additionally, opening therein, a central portion with a peripheral region Some plastic packaging is exposed to heat during transport positioned between the first and second flat portions and a and storage prior to display for sale, or in display locations. cavity portion protruding from either the first flat portion or Some packaging is susceptible to heat, which can cause por the second flat portion. The first flat portion and the second tions of the packaging to curl, deforming the aesthetic appear flat portion can be secured together to secure the peripheral ance of the packaging. region of the central portion in place. In some embodiments, 0006. Therefore, a package that is capable of displaying at least one of the first and second flatportions is composed of informative product information, can be cheaply manufac a mineral-based material. Such as a material composed of tured, is relatively rugged, and can comprise a highly attrac limestone. In some embodiments, at least one of the first and tive design would be of great benefit to the retail sales indus second flat portions is composed of a polylactic acid. In some try. embodiments, the central portion has a plurality of holes. In Some embodiments, the first and second flat portions are secured by contact made between the first and second flat SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION portions through at least one of the plurality of holes. In some 0007 Invention embodiments described herein have sev embodiments, the first and second flat portions are secured eral features, no single one of which is solely responsible for through the use of an adhesive. In other embodiments, the first their desirable attributes. Without limiting the scope of the and second flat portions are secured through heat-sealing. In invention as expressed by the claims that follow, some of the Some embodiments, the holes are regularly spaced around the prominent features will now be discussed briefly. Embodi periphery. In some embodiments, the regions comprise com ments disclosed in this application provide for packaging that pacted portions of the first flat portion. In some embodiments, solves many of the problems encountered in the past. For the regions have an irregular geometric shape. In other example, some embodiments are inexpensive to manufacture embodiments, the regions have a quadrilateral shape. In yet and highly attractive. Furthermore, Some embodiments pro other embodiments, the regions have a longer dimension in a vide high impact point-of-sale marketing. Various materials first direction than in a second direction, where the second can be used in accordance with the disclosed embodiments, direction is transverse to the first direction. including recycled and Virgin plastics or mineral-based mate 0011. In some embodiments, a printed package compris rial or bio-based material. The disclosed inventions provide ing a first portion formed from polylactic acid having printing for Superior quality and environmentally favorable packaging thereon, a second portion having printing thereon and an with unique visual appeal.
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