Regd. No. NE 907 _... The Mizoram Gazette EXTRA ORDINARY , Published by Authority Vol. XIll Aizawl Friday 19. 10. 1984. A,vina 27, SE 1906 Issue No.4' N OTIFI CA TION No. LAD/VC-I/84i7, the 19th October, 1984. In continuation to this Department's Notification No. LADjVC-I/80j7 dt. 1. 2.1982 and in exerices of the powers conferred by rule 4 of the: Mizoram (Election to Village Councils) Rules, 1974. The Lt. Governor (Administrator) of Union Territory of Mi­ zoram is pleased to appoint the Addl. Deputy Commissioners of Aizawl and Lunglei Districts as Asstt. Registration Officers for the Village Council election within their respective jurisdictions. -r-.;o. LADjVC-I/84,/8, the 19th October, 1984. As provided under Rule 35 of the Mizorem (Election to Village Councils) Rules, 1974. the Lt. Governor (Administrator) of Mizoram is pleased to constitute the Election Tribunal to hear and dispose of all election petitions arising out of the General Election to Village Councils in 1984 and also out of fresh election during the term of the coming new Village Councils with the following members :- 1. AddL District Magistrate, Aizawl District. Chairman 2. Shri Hrangaia of KhatJa, Aizawl. Member 3. Shri Khuangliana, Chandman Veng, Aizawl. Member 4. Shri C. Thansiama of Tlabuug. Member Non-Official members are entitled to get TA / DA or sitting allowances at the minimum scale laid down for Grade 'A' Officers . Further, as provided under Rule 33 of the said Rules, the Administrator is pleased to appoint the Director, Local Admn. Deptt. and Circle Officer, Local Administration Department, Lunglei for Aizawl Distri7t and Lunglci District respectively to receive all election petitions submitted by a candidate, and he Will pass on the petitions to the Tribunal for disposal. Ex-4~/84 I No. LADjYC--I/84/9, the 19th October, 1984. In exercise of the powers conferred by rule 43 of the Mizoram (Election to Village Councils) Rules. 1974. the Lt. Governor (Administrator) of the Union Territory of Mizoram is pleased to order that a person who offers himself as a candidate for election to a Village Council will arrange for himself a wooden ballot box at his own expense in a constituency where he is a candidate. The size of the ballot box should be one foot square made of sawn timber having a hole of two inches long and half an inch wide on the upper side for easung of votes. No. LAD/VC-Ij84/lL the 19th October, 1984. In exercise of the powers conferred by rule 5 of the Mizoram (Election to Village Councils), Rules, 1974. the Lt. Governor (Administrator) of the Union Territory of Mizoram is pleased to call upon each Village Councils Constituency to elect number of members to the Village Councils as per Govt, Notification LAD/VC-I/84/25 dt. 19/10/84 and to appoint date for such election as follows :- I. All Village Council Constituencies in Ist. November, 1984. If necessary, election Aizawl and Lunglei Districts. may be continued on 2nd November, 1984. No. LAD/VC---I/84/25, the 19th October. 1984. In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-rule (7) of rule 4 of the Lushai Hills Autonomous District (Administration of Justice) Rules, 1953, as adapted. sub-rule (2) of rule 3 of the Mizoram (Election to Village Councils) Rules, 1974. and sub-section (2) and (3) of section 3 of the Lushai Hills District (Village Councils) Act, 1953 (Act No. V of 1953) as adapted. the Lt. Governor (Administrator) of the Union Territory of Mtzoram is pleased to declare the Village shown in the Annexure as Village Council Constituencies and to fix the number of seats to be nominated and number of seats to be elected for each Constituency in Aizawl and Lunglei District .J to form Village Councils. H. Raltewna, Dy. Secretary to the Govr. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department. • 3 Ex-48/84 A'INEXURE Canst>. Name of Village .Constituency No. of No. ot No. of Total 1\0. of No. Houses scats to be seats to be V C elected nominated .rcmber, --------- 2 3 4 5 ..._--- " AIZAWL DiSTRICT' 1. Tlangnuam 217 4 2 , Kulikawn 267 4 2 "(, 3. Thakthing 163 3 2 5 ,.• Vcnghnuui . [71 3 2 5 5. Salem 137 3 2 5 (; , Mission Veng 413 5 3 8 7. Miss-on vcngthlang 227 4 2 6 8 Rcpulic vcng 659 7 3 10 9. Mualmawi (TTl) 124 3 2 5 10. Venghlui 348 5 2 7 11. Bethlehem 638 7 3 10 12. Khatla 516 6 3 9 13. Bungkawn 499 5 3 8 • 14. Mauhawk 274 4 2 6 15. Tuikual 772 7 3 10 16. Dinthar 211 4 2 f (; 17. Vengthar 2« 4 2 , 18. Vaivakawn 345 5 2 • 19. Hunthar 102 3 2 5 20. Zotlang 117 3 2 5 21. Chawnpui [48 3 2 5 22. Rangvarnual 82 3 1 4 23. Luangmual 322 5 2 7 24. Chawlhhmun 103 3 2 5 25. Tanhril 211 4 2 26. Sakawrtuichhun 126 3 2 "5 27. Armed veng 683 7 3 10 28. Chhingaveng 448 5 3 8 29. Saron veng 3III 5 2 7 30. Dawrpui 36& 5 2 7 3t. Zarkawe [98 3 2 5 32. Electric Veng 491 5 3 8 33. Ramthar 364 5 2 7 34. Chanmari 831 7 3 10 35. Ramhlua 713 7 3 10 , • Ex -48/84 4 Consty. Name of Village/Constituency No. of No. of No. of Total No. --of No. Houses seats to be seats to be VIC elected nominated members 1 2 3 4 5 6 36. Ramhlun Vengthar 109 3 2 5 37. Chaltlang 558 6 3 9 38. Bawngkawn 369 5 2 7 39. Durtlang 760 7 3 10 40. Zemabawk 775 7 3 10 41. Melthurn 208 4 2 6 42. S. Hlimen 206 4 2 6 43. Khawchhete 101 3 2 5 44. Lungleng I (Vawkzawn) 69 3 I 4 45. Lungleng II 64 3 1 • 46. Hualngohmun 87 3 1 4 47. Thingdawl 101 3 2 5 48. Kelsih 91 3 1 4 49. Muallungthu 132 3 2 5 50. Tachhip 114 3 2 ~ 51. Aibawk 101 3 2 5 52. Sateek 166 3 2 5 53. Phulpui 127 3 2 5 54. Maubuang 88 3 1 4 55. Thiak 93 3 1 56. Sumsuih 132 3 2 •5 57. Hmuifang 34 3 1 • 58. Chamring 29 3 I • 59. Lamchhip 79 3 1 • 60. Lungsei 29 3 1 • 61. Samlukhai 179 3 2 5 62. Sialsuk 359 5 2 7 63. Sailam 77 3 1 • 64. Thenzawl 595 6 3 9 65. Buangpui 27 3 1 66. Neihlch 36 3 1 • 67. Muthi 54 3 1 •4 68. Sihphir 577 6 3 9 69. Lungdai 695 7 3 10 70. Serkhan 63 3 1 • 71. Nieapul 117 3 2 5 72. Lungmuat 68 3 1 • 73. N. Chaltlang 52 3 1 • 5 Ex-48j84 ... .. __ . -_._----------_. _.---_..,------- .-'-_._--_. ----' ~-- Consty. Name of Village/Constituency No. of No. of No. of Total No. of No. Houses seats to be seats to be VIC elected nominated members --_. 1 2 3 4 5 6 74. Bukpui 226 4 2 6 75. Saizawl 26 3 1 4 76. Thingthelh 55 3 1 4 77. N. Hlimen 147 3 2 5 78. Saipum 115 3 2 5 79. Zanlawn 104 3 2 5 80. Kawnpui 749 7 3 10 81. Hartoki 328 5 2 7 82. N. Bualpui 133 3 2 5 83. Thingdawl 445 5 3 8 84. Builum 59 3 1 4 85. Kolasib 'So 336 5 2 7 86. Kolasib 'N' 441 5 3 8 87. Kolasib Venglai 467 5 3 8 , 88. Kolasib Diakkawn 365 5 2 7 • 89. Bairahi 501 6 3 9 90. Bilkhawthlir 485 5 3 8 91. Phaisen 86 3 1 4 92. Chawnpui 'N' 61 3 I 4 93. Buhchangphai 147 3 2 5 94. Saipbai 126 3 2 5 95. Vaircngte 431 5 3 8 96. Phainuam 65 3 I 4 97. Sairang 441 5 3 8 98. Lengre 42 3 1 4 99. Nghalchawm 47 3 1 4 roo. W. Scrzawj 38 3 1 4 J01. Mualkhang 62 3 1 4 102. Lengpui 310 5 2 7 103. Hmunpui 118 3 2 5 104. Rawpuichhip 20<5 4 2 6 105. Tuahzawl 55 3 1 4 106. Dampui 138 3 2 5 !O7. Mamit 873 7 3 10 108. Tlangkhang 50 3 1 4 '0':1, W. Pbaileng 512 6 3 9 110, Tuipuibari I 232 4 2 6 Ill. Tuipu.bari II 313 5 2 7 I [,-43/84 (, ---- - -- Consty. Name of Village/Constituency No. of No. of No. of Total No. of No. Houses seats to be seats to be ViC elected nominated members -- ----- ------ 2 3 4 5 6 112. Chhippui 69 3 I 4 /13. Lallcn 118 3 2 5 /14. Saithuh 32 3 I 4 115. Phuldungsei 203 4 2 6 116. Parvatui 131 3 2 5 J 17. Pukzing 53 3 I 4 JIB. Marpara 611 7 3 10 1I9. w. Bunghmun 508 6 3 ') 120. Darlak 61 3 I 4 J21. Kawrterhawveng 267 4 2 6 122. Tuidam 267 4 2 (, 123. Kawrthah 262 4 2 6 124. RengdiJ 283 4 2 6 125. Zamuang 233 4 2 6 126. Chuhvel 106 3 2 5 127. Saikhawthlir 96 3 I 4 128. Suarhliap 183 3 2 5 129. Lokicherru 278 4 2 6 130. Borai 164 3 2 5 131. Hriphaw 139 3 2 5 132. Zawlpui 63 3 I 4 1J3.
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