
1932 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 3849 1870. Also, petition of the Alice Adams Bible Class, Fort legal examiner to the Committee on Pensions from March 4, ' 1931, Ky., to March 4, 1932, second session of Seventy-first Congress and first Thomas, protesting against modification, resubmission, session of Seventy-second Congress. or repeal of the eighteenth amendment; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. WARREN. Mr. Speaker, this resolution and the one 1871. By MrL SUTPHIN Cby request): Petition of Catholic which I intend to offer immediately following are the regular Daughters of America of Ca1·teret, N. J.; protesting against resolutions passed in reference to the special examiners as­ the passage of Bouse bills 4739 and 4757; to the Committee signed to the Committees on Pensions and Invalid Pensions. on Education. I am instructed by the Committee on Accounts to inform 1872. By Mr. TABER: Petition of Jennie D. Draper and the House that it will not be the future policy of the com­ others, urging the support of the maintenance of the pro­ mittee to approve these two resolutions. hibition law and its enforcement; to the Committee on the Mr. STAFFORD. Will the gentleman yield? Judiciary. Mr. WARREN. I yield. 1873. Also, petition of Gertrude L. Sanders and others, Mr. STAFFORD. I notice we are virtually g1vmg back urging the support of the maintenance of the prohibition pay to the gentleman, because the resolution provides for law and its enforcement; to the Committee on the Judiciary. payment from March 1, 1931, to March 1, 1932. What is.the 1874. Also, petition of Ladies' Aid and Universalist Church reason for the belated introduction of this back-pay resoiu­ of Auburn, N. Y., urging the support of the maintenance of tion, even though the amount is small? the prohibition law and its enforcement; to the Committee Mr. WARREN. It is for the past year. This resolution on the Judiciary. is for services rendered up until March 4 of this year. 1875. Also, petition of Lucy Ingersoll and others, urging Mr. STAFFORD. We will cease this practice after this the support of the maintenance of the prohibition law and resolution is adopted? its. enforcement; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. WARREN. That is the unanimous opinion of the 1876. By Mr. TIMBERLAKE: Petition of the Church of committee. the Nazarene, Boulder, Colo., protesting against submission Mr. STAFFORD. And the gentleman believes this $600 is of the eighteenth amendment to a referendum vote in the a small amount for terminating this service? States; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. WARREN.· That is correct. 1877. By Mr. WEEKS: Petition of Woman's Christian The resolution was agreed to. Temperance Union of Waterbury, Vt., protesting against AMY C. DUNNE modification, resubmission, or repeal of the eighteenth amendment; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. WARREN. Mr. Speaker, I offer a privileged resolu­ 1878. Also, petition of Woman's Christian Temperance tion and ask its immediate consideration. Union of East Arlington, Vt., protesting against modification, The SPEAKER. The gentleman from North Carolina resubmission, or repeal of the eighteenth amendment; to the offers a resolution, which the Clerk will report. Committee on the Judiciary. The Clerk read the resolution, as. follows: 1879. Also, petitions supporting maintenance and enforce­ House Resolution 96 Resolved, That there be paid out of the contingent fund of the ment of the eighteenth amendment from Fair Haven, Vt.; House of Representatives $465 to Amy C. Dunne for extra. and to the Committee on the Judiciary. expert services rendered the Committee on Invalid Pensions from 1880. By Mr. YATES: Petition of Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. March 11, 1931, to December 19, 1931, as assistant clerk to such Smith, G. W. Rollins; C. A. Hedges, and other citizens of committee by detail from the Veterans' Administration. Moweague, Ill., opposing any modification of the eighteenth The resolution was agreed to. amendment; to the Committee on the Judiciary. JAMES W. BOYER, JR. Mr. WARREN. Mr. Speaker, I offer a further resolution HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and ask for its immediate consideration. The · SPEAKER. The gentleman from North Carolina SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1932 offers a further resolution, which the Clerk will report. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. The Clerk read the resolution, as follows: The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., House Resolution 118 offered the following prayer: Resolved, That there be paid out of the contingent fund of the We beseech Theel our Father, that Thou wilt quicken all House $600 to James W. Boyer, jr., for extra and expert services as expert legal examiner to the Committee on World War Veter­ who walk in the way of duty and those who may search out ans' Legislation. neglected duty, and may they take upon themselves the whole service of our country. We thank Thee that Thou Mr. STAFFORD. If the gentleman will yield, will the dost overflow with tenderness and grace, and that they gentleman explain to the House whether this is the cus­ come to us who are full of faults and weaknesses; we praise tomary resolution for these services? I do not recall that Thee that Thou art our remedy and our hope. 0 God, may the House has heretofore ever paid extra services to any our country build that new heaven and that earth in which clerk of the Veterans' Bureau. I do recall having paid for dwelleth righteousness and happiness; then men shall be extra services to clerks connected with the Committee on able to stand the wear and the tear of the exigencies of Pensions and the Committee on Invalid Pensions. time and change. Do Thou minister to the social influence Mr. WARREN. This is a customary resolution that has of the family by affection. by refined taste, and by that. peace been passed in this case for the last two years. There are and joy which have their pattern in Thee. Amen. only three. These are the three I have just presented. The resolution was agreed to. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and approved. EXPENSES INCURRED BY COMMITTEE ON COINAGE, WEIGHTS, AND MEASURES FRED R. MILLER Mr. WARREN .. Mr. Speaker, I offer a further resolution Mr. WARREN. Mr. Speaker, I offer a priVIleged resolu­ and ask for its immediate consideration. tion from the Committee on Accounts and ask for its imme­ The SPEAKER. The gentleman from North Carolina diate consideration. offers a further resolution, which the Clerk will report. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from North Carolina The Clerk read the resolution, as follows: offers a privileged resolution, which the Clerk will report. The Clerk read the resolution, as follows.: House Resolution 136 .Resolved, That the expenses of conducting the investigation House Resolution 89 authorized by House Resolution 72., incurred by the Committee Resolved, That there be paid out of the contingent fund of the on Coinage, Weights, and Measures, acting as a whole or by sub­ House $600 to Fred R. Miller for extra an.d expert services as expert. committee~ shall lite paid GUt of the contingent fund of the House 3850 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE _FEBRUARY 13 on vouchers authorized by the committee, signed by the chairman committees. The gentleman will have to address his inquiry thereof and approved by the Committee on Accounts, but shall not exceed $5,000. to the chairman of the committee having the bill under consideration. The resolution was agreed to. Mr. BRAND of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, the hearings were IMPEACHMENT CHARGEs-REPORT FROM COMMITTEE ON THE finished yesterday and I am satisfied that any Member can JUDICIARY see the testimony to-day or on Monday morning. Mr. SUMNERS of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I offer a report Mr. LAGUARDIA. That will be very satisfactory, and. I from the Committee on the Judiciary, and I would like to thank the gentleman for the information. give notice that immediately upon the reading of the report COMMENCEMENT OF TERMS OF PRESIDENT, VICE PRESIDENT, I shall move the previous question. MEMBERS OF CONGRESS, ETC. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Texas offers a re­ Mr. JEFFERS. Mr. Speaker, I move that the House re­ port, which the Clerk will read. solve itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the The Clerk read the report, as follows: state of the Union for the further consideration' of the joint HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-RELATIVE TO THE ACTION OF THE COM­ resolution <S. J. Res. 14) proposing an amendment to the MITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY WITH REFERENCE TO HOUSE RESOLU­ Constitution of the United States fixing the commencement TION 92 of the terms of President and Vice President and Members Mr. SuMNERS of Texas, from the Committee on the Judiciary, of Congress and fixing the time of the assembling of submitted the following report (to accompany H. Res. 143): I am directed by the Committee on the Judiciary to submit to Congress. · - the House, as its report to the House, the following resolution The motion was agreed to. adopted by the Committee e-n the Judiciary indicating its action Accordingly the House resolved itself into the ·Conultittee with reference to House Resolution No. 92 heretofore referred by the House to the Committee on the Judiciary: . of the Whole House on the state of the Union for the further Whereas Hon. WRIGHT PATMAN, Member of the House of Rep­ consideration of the joint resolution (S. J. Res. 14), with Mr. resentatives, filed certain impeachment charges against Hon. BUL WINKLE in the chair. Andrew w. Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury, which were referred The Clerk read the title of the joint resolution. to this committee; and Whereas pending the investigation of said charges by said com­ Mr.
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