Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-60110-9 — The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Constantine Edited by Noel Lenski Index More Information Index S Abantus. See Amandus Alfoldi,¨ A., 9 Abd al-Malik, 394 Alica, Gothic king, 329, 359 Abinnaeus, Flavius, commander, 326, Allectus, 41 330, 344 Amandus, naval commander, 76 Ablabius, Flavius, Praetorian Prefect, 99, Amasis, 123 187 Ambrose, bishop of Milan, 98, 145, Abraham, 142 304 Achyron, 82 Amida, 343, 392 “Acts of Pilate,” 68 Ammianus Marcellinus, historian, 27–28, actuarii, 333 153 , 344, 367–368 Actus beati Silvestri papae. See Sylvester, Anastasia (half-sister of Constantine), 73, Pope 169 Ada Cameo, 269 Anastasius, emperor, 243 adaeratio. See commutation Anatolia, 162 Adamklissi. See Tropaeum Traiani Ancyra, 125 Adrianople, battle(s) of, 4, 73, 74, 75, 338 Anicia Juliana, 300 adultery, 210–211 annona. See taxation Aegae, 153 , 174, 336 Anonymous Valesianus. See Origo Aelafius, 147 Constantini Aeneas, 192 Antioch Africa, 41, 65, 117–119, 146, 151 –153 , buildings, 257, 268, 292 227, 230, 326, 330, 342 church of, 117, 128, 148 Agentes in Rebus, 188 civic politics, 186, 193 Agilo, Magister Peditum, 366 Constantine’s visit, 80, 379 Agri Decumates, 4, 353 and Constantius II, 81 Agri deserti, 227–229 council(s) of, 146, 148, 149 Ain Rchine, 186 and Diocletian, 48 Aksum, 380, 386–387 as imperial capitol, 45 Alamanni, 38, 102, 332, 342, 350–351, and Licinius, 338, 341 353–356, 359, 363–367 Antoninianus, 234 Alexander, bishop of Alexandria, 80, Antoninus Pius, emperor, 38, 160 124, 146, 150 Anullinus, Proconsul, 72 Alexander the Great, 378 Aper, Praetorian Prefect, 39 Alexander Severus, emperor, 38 Aphaca, 153 , 174 Alexandria, 41, 80, 130, 146, 148, 329, Aphrodisias, 47, 234, 269 379 Aphrodite, 174 459 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-60110-9 — The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Constantine Edited by Noel Lenski Index More Information Index Apollo, 66, 114, 160, 166, 263. See also and Christianity, 117, 146 Sol-Helios and Constantius, 59 Apollonius of Tyana, 174 military operations, 39, 42, 353 apologists, Christian, 127 monetary policy, 234 Aquileia, 69, 89, 100, 231 and Palmyra, 383 Aquincum, 342 and the Sun cult, 51, 162, 264 Arabs, 329, 380, 385–386 Aurelius Achilleus, usurper, 327 Arch of Constantine, 15 , 17, 70, 256, Aurelius Gaius, soldier, 325, 335, 342 258–260, 262, 271, 281 Aurelius Victor, historian, 26 Ardeatina, Church of the via, 290 aureus, 50 Arelate. See Arles aurum coronarium. See taxation argenteus, 50 aurum oblaticium. See taxation Argentoratum, battle of, 102, 364 Autun, 65, 228, 230, 243 Ariaric, 360 Auxentius, bishop of Durostorum, 374 Arius, 80, 124, 130, 146–147 auxilia palatina, 327. See also foederati Arian controversy, 80, 123–125. See also Nicaea, Council of Babylon, 60, 378 Arinthaeus, Magister Militum, 329 Bagaudae, 40 Aristakes, Armenian bishop, 381, 388 Balkans, 41, 42, 59, 65, 74, 100, 354, 364 Arles, council of, 22, 45, 72, 118–119, baptism, 117, 139 125, 335 barbarians, 331, 347–369 Arnobius, 154 Barbatio, magister peditum, 332 Armenia, 41, 81, 95, 343, 380, 384, Barbegal, 227 387–388, 391 Barberini Roma, 268 army, 45–46, 52, 240, 244, 325–343, 353 Bardaisan, 381 Arras horde, 56 Barnabas, epistle of, 143 Arsacids. See Parthians Barnes, T. D., 9–10, 133, 148 Ascaric, 63 Basilica Apostolorum, 288 Arsak, Armenian king, 393 Basilica Constantiniana. See Lateran Ascension, Church of. See Eleona church Basilica asceticism, 150 Basilica Nova, 63, 280–285, 291–292 Asclepius, 153 Basilica Salvatoris. See Lateran Basilica Asclepiodotus, 45 Bassianus, imperial candidate, 73 astrology, 164 Bastien, P., 245 Athanasius, 130, 146, 148–149, 150 , 153 , Baths of Constantine, Rome, 281 154 , 193 Baynes, N., 8, 132, 298 Athens, 36 Belgrade Rider, 269 Attuarii. See Franks Bemarchius, historian, 77, 156 audientia episcopalis. See episcopalis audientia Berbers, 152 Augusta Taurinorum. See Tur in Berenson, B., 271 Augustus, emperor, 37, 40, 67, 160, 208, Beroea, 74 215, 255–256, 261, 264, 267, 378, Bethlehem, 79, 144, 293 380 betrothal gifts, 214 Augustus, title. See Tetrarchy bishops, 131–132, 145–149, 150 , 220 Aula Palatina, Trier, 279 Bonitus, Frankish general, 27, 330, 359, Aurelian, emperor 366 accession, 355 Bononia (Bologna), 231 administration and building, 43 Bononia (Boulogne), 61, 342 460 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-60110-9 — The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Constantine Edited by Noel Lenski Index More Information Index Borromini, architect, 284 Charlemagne, 298, 303 Bosporus, 72–77, 286–291 children, 217 Boulogne. See Bononia Chiragan, 265, 269 Britain, 40, 41, 45, 61, 81, 319 , 330, 377 chi-rho, 20, 71, 104–105, 336 Brown, P., 150 Chrestus, bishop of Syracuse, 22 Bructeri. See Franks chrismon. See chi-rho Burckhardt, J., 7, 133 Christ, 266 Burgundians, 356 Christianization. See conversion Byzacium, 220 Christian persecutions Byzantium, 74, 75–76. See also and Christian schism, 147–150 , 151 Constantinople, 4 Decian, 36, 288 “Great Persecution,” 52–53, 67, 120, Caecilian, Bishop of Carthage, 72, 121, 141, 169, 174, 244, 336 117–118, 146 Lactantius and, 24 Caelian Hill, 282 and other religious persecutions, 167 Caesar, title. See Tetrarchy Christogram. See chi-rho Caesarea of Cappadocia, 388 chrysargyron. See taxation Caesarea of Palestine, 146 Chrysopolis, battle of, 76, 183 Calderone, S., 13 church architecture, 282–291 Callipolis, 76, 329 Cibalae, battle of, 3, 74 Calocaerus, usurper, 81, 337 Cinderella, 309 Campona, 75, 359 circiform churches, 287–291 Campus Ardiensis, battle of, 74 circumcellions, 152 candidati, 328, 336 Cirta, 152 capitatio iugatio. See taxation cities, 47–48, 229 Capua, 291 Claudius Gothicus, emperor, 39, 66, 192, Caracalla, emperor, 50 355, 358 Carausius, usurper, 40, 41, 356–357 climate change, 226 Carinus, emperor, 39, 44, 337, 355–356 Codex Justinianus, 16, 21 Carnuntum, conference of, 54, 65 Codex Theodosianus, 16, 21, 173 Carpi, 355–356, 357 coins, 67, 75, 82, 104–105, 260–262, Carthage, 117–119, 146, 151 338, 359. See also monetary policy Carus, emperor, 45, 355–356 Cologne. See Colonia Cassiodorus, 303 coloni, 210, 225, 232, 233 catacombs, 269, 270 Colonia, 20, 63, 230, 342, 357, 363 Caucasus mountains, 380 comes, title, 189–191, 196–199 Celsus, vicar of Africa, 120 comes rei privatae, 190 censitores, 49 comes sacrarum largitionum, 190 C¸emberlitas¸. See porphyry column of comitatus, 45, 46, 49, 327–328, 329, Constantine 331–332 cemetery church type. See circiform commutation, 241 churches confiscations, 243 Centcelles, 267 consistorium, 43 Cercadilla, 20–21 Constans, emperor, 78, 81, 95, 99, 100, Cerealis, Neratius, 97 105, 131, 152 , 332, 363 Cernjachov.ˇ See S¸intana-de-Mures – Constantia (half-sister of Constantine), Cernjachovˇ culture empress, 61, 69, 72, 76, 78, 93, 96, Chalcedon, 76 98, 116–121, 338 461 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-60110-9 — The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Constantine Edited by Noel Lenski Index More Information Index Constantia (daughter of Constantius II), quinquennial celebrations, 73, 78, 171 empress, 96, 103 and Rome, 70, 78, 117–118, 280–282 Constantia, city. See Maiuma saint, 305 Constantiana Daphne. See Daphne and Sol-Helios, 16, 77, 116, 154 , 170, Constantina (daughter of Constantine, 174, 256, 262, 263–264 wife of Hannibalianus), 96, 98, 101, vision(s), 4, 24, 67, 71, 114, 131, 144, 267, 290 170 Constantine I, emperor. See also “Oration Constantine II, emperor, 74, 78, 80, 93, to the Saints”; Donations of 95, 99–100, 263, 332 Constantine; Arch of Constantine “Constantinian question, the.” See accession, 54, 62, 92–93, 330, 337 Constantine, conversion administration and legislation, Constantinople. See also Byzantium; 183–191, 196–200, 205–221, 242 Senate of Constantinople; pophyry birth and education, 3, 4, 59, 60, 129, column of Constantine 148, 168, 378 buildings, 77, 197, 231, 266, 291–292, “bishop of those outside,” 154 , 382 295, 313 building program, 263, 266, 278–295 and the church, 146, 151 and the Christian persecutions, 52, 68, Constantine’s burial, 82 126, 128 foundation of, 3, 4, 77–78, 174, and Claudius Gothicus, 66, 74, 192, 192–193, 195, 257, 265, 280–285, 205–206, 305, 358 291–292, 311 –313 , 341, 379, 381 conversion, 3, 6–10, 14–15 , 71–72, populace, 77 113–116, 139, 299 Tyche of, 174, 264, 266 death and interment, 82, 267, 268, Constantius I Chlorus, emperor 294–295, 392 accession, 41, 54, 59, 60, 356 and Donatism, 61, 116–121 and the army, 326–327, 342 dynastic successors. See dynasty and Christianity, 24, 53, 68, 117, 169 early career, 60, 61, 307, 378 and Constantine, 59, 92–93, 141, 306, and ecclesiastical controversy, 80, 308 124–125, 147, 149, 379 death, 54, 61 and ecclesiastical endowments, 247 dynasty, 74 “the Great,” 2 images of, 258 images of, 77, 86, 144, 154 , 256, imperial titulature, 51 260–264, 280, 291 and paganism, 162 imperial titles, 18, 64, 65, 88 Constantius II, emperor legend, 298–317 accession, 78, 95, 99 “Letter to the Eastern Provincials,” 4, birth and upbringing, 94 22, 172–173, 377, 381 and bishops, 149 liberality, 194–195, 199, 246 death, 102 and Licinius, 65, 69, 72–77, 171, 329, dynasty, 26, 96–98, 99 360 marriage(s), 96 and Maxentius, 66, 68–71, 259 military operations, 81–82, 99, 101, and Maximian, 64, 66 102, 329, 332, 333, 343, 363–365, military operations, 63, 69, 74, 75, 81, 384, 391–393 340–341, 357–362 propaganda, 105 and paganism, 3, 77–78, 79, 153 , 160, and the relics of Paul and Timothy, 295 169–176, 237–238, 244, 266, 390 Constitutio Antoniniana, 50 and Persia, 313 –317 , 389–394 consulship, 47, 75 462 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-60110-9 — The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Constantine Edited by Noel Lenski Index More Information Index conversion, 115, 137–142, 361–362, administration, 46, 48, 50, 185–186, 385–389 188, 228, 231, 232, 240, 243–244 Cordoba.
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