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III FIRST QUARTER, 1908 No. Survey of the Field United States. — There seems to be in over eleven hundred indictments by the throughout the country a steady growth grand jury for Sunday work within its in the demand for religious legislation, but jurisdiction. In Chicago twenty-two relig- mostly, at the present time, along the line ious and reform organizations (Protestant of the Sunday closing of saloons. This, and Catholic) have united in demanding put forth as a temperance a closed Sunday for that measure, is forming prec- city. The Chicago offi- edents for future legisla- cials have not yet yielded tion of a more decided to the demands of these religious stamp. In New bodies. A decision ren- York City, Chicago, Kan- dered by Justice O'Gor- sas City, and Washington, man, of the New York D. C., active campaigns ' supreme court, declared are being conducted at the all Sunday shows, dances, present time in the inter- and entertainments ille- ests of. stricter Sunday gal. Police Commissioner observance. In various Bingham at once declared cities special days have his purpose of enforcing been set apart by the the Sunday law in har- clergy for working up a mony with Justice O'Gor- Sunday-enforcement senti- man's decision, and as a ment in their respective result for several Sundays churches. Certain relig- in succession everything in ious journals have had the nature of an entertain- much to say concerning ment, even illustrated lec- the playing of such tures in Y. M. C. A. halls, games as baseball and in New York City, was football on Sunday by JUSTICE O'GORMAN prohibited. But this Puri- soldiers and sailors on tanical Sunday was not government reservations, and strongly appreciated even by the Sunday-enforce- worded protests have been sent to Pres- ment advocates, and the police commis- ident Roosevelt and the Secretary of the sioner has tempered his orders to the police Navy against the Sunday games. The gov- force to such an extent that entertainments ernment has not yet seen fit to suppress of a certain class be permitted. The these games. The work done by Judge police are to exercise their discretion in the Wallace, of Kansa's City, Mo, has resulted matter. Already there is a tendency to 2 LIBERTY swing back to the old order of things. In be there on the first closed Sunday. Trade other and smaller cities similar drastic ac- was more fully suspended than in most tion has been threatened. American cities, but there will be little The question of whether Christmas gain in that with every evil resort left services should be conducted in the public open to make money and mischief." Just schools, in which Jewish children would as it was in the Dark Ages, when occupa- be required to participate in Christian tions were prohibited on Sunday, the people songs, has provoked an interminable amount went to the shows. Then the religious of discussion. Nearly all the press utter- overseers of the government had laws en- ances we have seen upon the controversy acted compelling the people to go to church. have been to this effect : " This is a Chris- That is the next logical step; and as our tian country, and if the Jews do not like it, religious politicians to-day can not accom- they do not need to come here,"— thus plish their object without taking it, will utterly repudiating the principles of Christ, they hesitate to take the step? In the and overlooking the fact that in this matter of the separation of church and country, church and state are supposed to state in France, many Catholics are claim- be separated. The same can be said of the ing that it has been a good thing; their discussion concerning the omission of the fears of disaster have not been realized; motto on the gold coins of the United the number of candidates for the priest- States. The kernel of wisdom to be ob- hood has not been lessened; and the priests tained from this latter discussion is this: have been brought into closer touch with If we fail to declare ourselves a Christ- the people. And yet the French govern- ian nation (when we are not), God will ment is severely denounced by Catholics fail to recognize us as a Christian nation everywhere for making the separation; and (when we are not) ; and that if we do not wherever Rome has a grasp upon any nationally recognize him by stamping his country, she not only seeks to maintain name on our coins, he will not recognize her grasp, but to strengthen it, as is the us individually, or put his name upon us. case now in South American countries. The discussion has shown plainly that very Germany.— A press report from Berlin many good people who profess to believe says: " The ' English Sunday' is not in the separation of church and state do not wanted in Germany." A campaign has been know what such a condition means; and if entered upon in Germany to bring about they did, they would be against it, and a stricter observance of Sunday by intro- would be in favor of a union of the state ducing some of the rigid laws which gov- with the church,— their church,— and the ern the observance of that day in England. enforcement of its religious rites and cere- Mass meetings have been held to protest monies by law. against laws to enforce a stricter observ- It is now proposed that the great " Lay- ance of the day. But the Germans of some men's Missionary Movement " shall turn sections, notably Frankfort, are getting a its attention to the work of securing a rather' close copy of the "English Sunday." better observance of Sunday. Laws clo- In Frankfort the theaters, restaurants, and sing saloons on Sunday have been declared tram-cars are about the only concerns that constitutional by the Supreme Court of are doing business. Asked how this con- the United States. dition was brought about against the will of the people, the reply was made: " The France.— Rev. W. F. Crafts, in the authorities thought it would be a benefit, Northwestern Christian Advocate of Dec. and so it was done. We must sometimes II, 1907, says of conditions in France: introduce reforms against the will of the " France having long tried the ' holiday public. And the Jews ?— In Frankfort, Sunday,' and found it a work day, has where the Jews are numerous, not a mur- mur seems to have been heard. The good turned from the solitary position it long Jews take their two Sundays instead of occupied as the only civilized nation having one, and make no fuss about it —perhaps no Sunday law. It was our privilege to because it would be of no use." Editorial Temperance Reform by the restriction of the traffic in intox- icating liquors, while hundreds of volumes THE minds of the people of the District would be insufficient to contain the record of Columbia are being agitated over the of disaster, crime, and decay directly trace- temperance question, and earnest efforts able to intemperance. are being put forth to secure from Con- For these reasons, and because we regard gress legislation which shall prohibit the it as within the proper sphere of civil gov- sale of spirituous liquors within this terri- ernment to legislate upon a question so in- tory, which is under its exclusive control. timately connected with the life, liberty, We heartily favor this effort for the prohi- and pursuit of happiness of all citizens. bition of the liquor traffic, for the following we make this plea, and, if opportunity of- reasons: — fers, shall cast our votes, in favor of pro- t. Intemperance is one of the greatest hibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors in foes to national life and prosperity. the District of Columbia. 2. Intemperance undermines the very foundations of civil society. 3. Intemperance unfits the citizen for the Church and State proper discharge of his duties either in Our Ground of Opposition private or public life. 4. Intemperance leads to the disregard WE desire that it shall be distinctly un- of the natural rights of man, and, conse- derstood that we do not advocate the com- quently, to the increase of crime. plete separation of church and state, or of 5. Intemperance is the most effective religion and government, because of hostil- agent in filling the courts with criminal ity either to the church or religion on the cases and the jails and prisons with con- one hand, or to the state or civil government victs. on the other hand. We profess the religion 6. Intemperance imposes a burden upon of Jesus Christ and labor for the coming society by subtracting from the producing of his kingdom. We accept the instruc- power and adding to the consuming power. tion of the Scriptures : " Let every soul be 7. Intemperance changes homes into subject unto the higher powers. For there hells; and hells do not constitute a safe is no power but of God: the powers that foundation for civil government and na- be are ordained of God." We stand upon tional existence. This was well expressed the true American idea of the relation be- by the Indian chief who thus summed up tween the church and the state, which has the effects of " fire-water " upon his peo- been well expressed, as far as this phase ple: " Once we were powerful ; we were a of it is concerned, by Dr.
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