\; UDC: 572. 02(22) Title: Insula: international journal of isl. Cat. no: 211537 Date: 08 Apr 20 Subscription no: l Note: (. (2^^3| l TER1 ATIONAL JOURNAL F ISLAND AFFAIRS SPMNG 1992 YEAR l No. l -* ^. ^ (GTU... DU) ç^-^. ItàBana rAmbiente t(^JL^^ -* Tk- -*. &L ^0 T? n^îQ -^ ^GTC^C^^^^JL^)? ntents iE Tl l THE Rff 18 US Editorial Culture an£ Dr. Pier Giovanni d'Ayala "^.. Kno^^ PARIS07 SP - FRANCE Popular use of Médicinal Bibliothèque News fi"om thé Islands Plants in thé and tfae World Maltese Islands 34 Guido Lanfi-anco Croatian Islands at War 4 Nenad Starc Seamen, thé Island and tke Faith: thé Eynnpte Japon: Thé Renwte Islands of Ouessant 36 Development Act 10 Françoise Pérou Shigeyoshi Wake Library Traditwnal System of Thé Seychelles - A plan for Management Development 14 in Nicobar Islands 4l E-mail : library@unesco. org Nina Tômudd G. Prakash Keddy Tel. :+33 (0)1 45 68 03 56/60 7, Place de Fontenoy 75007 Paris, France Thé UNESCO Progmmnie: Tke Aivhipelago of Finland: Satellite Monitoring between Two A/vhetypes 45 Sea-level Rise 17 Errka J. Maula Insula's Page 48 Dossier: Global Warming News troïxi MAB 49 and Sea-level Rise Book Reviews 50 Contributions 52 Within thé framework of thé Mediterranean Spécial Programme for Action Thé Pivblems of Atoll States: Meeting thé Thrvat (MEDSPA), promoted by thé European Community - Général Directorate for thé of Global Wanning 19 Environment - two significant projects hâve been implemented over thé last John ConneU Front Cover: two years. An old map of thé islaivls of Giiadehupe and Marie Gahnte Does thé Sea-level Rise? y:ïX3!-^ywi:. \ Thé Presidency of thé Région of Sicily commissioned substantial réclamation Science uersus Fears 26 work on thé coastal area of thé Egadi Islands and, in particular, thé cleaning ^^^^-^fei',. \/' up and restoration of certain areas of natural beauty of thé Island of Insula's Guest Marettimo, which had been drastically polluted by thé deliberate dumping of An Interview with Federico r\ r-Aîfê^ills&- ' hydrocarbons in thé sea. Mayor, Director-Général ^. !^ÏSSS^^S3^.\ UNESCO 29 At thé same time, effective coopération between thé Région of Puglia and thé ^^.^^S^^^ A'!^\^ '^Jt'^.. 's^-'-... :. ^-"' ./'. l \ \ Comune of thé Tremiti Islands has allowed for completion of thé reorganization Islanders at Work of thé system of solid waste collection, transport and treatment in thé arcipelago, a task which included thé intégral land réclamation of thé dumping Thé Sait Gar-deris - sites throughout thé whole territory. a Disappewing Art 31 Pier Giovanni d'Ayala ® 1S \8L Islanders at Work International Journal d'tor'a of Island Affài Spring 1992 Pier Giovanni d'Ayala a new Journal is ready for thé printer, those who hâve ontributed to it sometimes expérience a twinge of uneasiness. Does it reaUy satisfy thé nods whi.ch first prompted Editorial thé idea of laimching it? Is it as good as might As to thé other two questions raised above, thé Board be expected, considering thé means and efiforts frank answer is that fhis issue is only partly devoted to its production? Dos its treatmeut suoessful, but l am confident that thé experi- Editer: hâve thé universality of approach that is de- ence gamed in preparing it under aU sort of Pier Giovanni d'Ayala manded by an International Journal? constraints includins i.ime, wiU constitute a Co-editor: valuable asset foi thé forthoming issues. Lino Briguglio Thé answer to thé first question would appear Editorial Assistant: to be positive. Almost two décades of research Let .us however ome to thé ore of our présent Marie-France Baud and experiment in matters related to sustain- endeavour. In a world in which islands hâve able development of islands, onducted under been onsidered as a kind of irrelevant mythol- Srientific advisory committee: thé aegis of UNESCO's Man and thé Biosphère ogy for neo-Rousseauists, paradises of un- Prof. Péter Serracino In^ott, Malta Prof. G. Prakash Reddy, India Transporting sait Programme (MAB) which supports this Jour- touched nature where to consiune updated Prof. IBroshi Kakazu, Japan nal, hâve contributed progressively to create a dreams about good and evU, it is clear that Prof. Patrick Niuui, Fyi world-wide network of scholars from aU disd- islanders nowadays wish to hâve a word to say. Prof. WiUiam BeUer, USA plines, institutions, decision-makers and fi- Their realities and their life are weU beyond Prof. Harry Cooossis, Greeo nally island people who now feel that thé time mythologies and much doser to hardship than has corne for a ÛTiitful dialogue among aU to poisoned ftziit of paradise. those considering islands and their progress as a shaod héritage. This Journal wishes to touch upon thé real PiAUshed by thé Intemationa] Sdentific problems of islands and to open a fonun where Coundl for Island Development with thé When organizing thé "Islands 2000" Intema- thé word of one islander can be exchanged with support of UNESCO in collaboration with tional Conférence in Taormma-Giardini (Sic- thé hopes of another islander weU beyond thé thé Foundation for International Studies, Une of his horizon. Malta. ily) in May 1992, thé International Sdentific Counal for Island Development (DSTSULA) sent Produod by Formatek Ltd., Malta out a questionnaire to potential partidpants Thé authors represented in this issue are in- asking them if thé idea of an International deed ontributing to thé vast contemporary Material appearing in this jouma] cannot Journal of Islands Affairs was a usefùl one and debate on environment and development with be published without thé prior permission rf so, requesting suggestions onoming pos- a welome emphasis on thé human side of de- of thé Editor. sible ontents and thèmes to be treated. We velopment and culture. We wish to deepen were astonished when we received some seven such an exploration of thé island microcosm hundred answers most of them positive and with thé help of aU our readers so as to repro- For aubsCT-iption, information and suggestions rich with predous advios. duce m thé next issues their own acount of please write to: insula, their reflections and experienos. It is hoped Such a response plaod on thé shoulders of a that this Journal wUl stmiulate such contribu- c/o Division of Ecol<^ical Sciences 7, Hace de Fontenoy few of us, hère at INSULA's headquarters, thé tions and so enrich fhe exchanges of knowl- 75007 PANS burden of preparing and launching thé first edge £ind expérience between cultures and Cndits for Photos: FRANCE issue of thé Journal. peuples {rom aU islands of thé world. page 5, 6 ; Wakc - Page 10; Tel: 33 l 45 68 40 56 Babic - UNESCO - page 15 ; Brigand - pages 36, 38, 39; Fax: 331 40 65 98 97 Jacana - p&ge 27; d'Ayala - pages 2, 32, 33. insu a News fiwm thé Islands and thé World News from fhe Islands and tfae World tion decreased to 165,624. To- structiire of thé eonomy while on thé Croatian islands. In 1961 wards thé end of thé World War II immense régional and urban they decreased to 139,491 and in Croatian Islands at War and right afler it some islanders problems caused by such policy 1971 to 127,063. In 1981, with left thé northem islands, but thé remained hidden. Thé famous 112,208 inhabitants, thé islands An Agony in thé Adriatic main reasons being économie, Socialist tendency to equalize were less populated than m 1857, with thé Americas and AustraUas people and nations was impUritly thé year of first onsus in thé Nenad Starc thé main destinations. Thé first extended to régions no matter Adriatic. census in thé soaaUst era was how différent. Production quo- It showed that thé r ^ made in 1948. tas, prios, taxes, aid ..., every- Vital statistics give a picture of a he Adriatic sea takes a very lie mside thé January isotherm of Austria, Italy and finally Yugo- island population was already thing that was launched from thé dying archipelago. Birth rates down to 151, 835. small part of thé Planet's waters. 6°C. Except for a couple of vo1- slavia. Until very reontly they ontre was equally aimed for thé ranged from 10 to 15 per thou- plains and for thé coast, for thé Even in thé Mediterranean where canic islets they are ail charac- were constantly a part of some sand, and until recently, thé sex it takes 4. 6 peront of thé water terised by hardly 5% of agricul- much larger state, often an em- It is hard to say whether this gen- cities and thé villages, thé moim- and thé âge stractures were seri- tains and thé islands. surface, it is no more than a bay ture soi!. Thé coasts are as di- pire, that never paid them much eral departiu-e would hâve con- ously unbalanod. Thé âge oefE- tinued in thé absence of Social- cient defined as thé ratio between with maritime features that do verse as can be. ClifFs, rocks, attention. It was not on1y this This tumed thé island decUne thé number of inhabitants aver not distinguish it from other small pebble and sand beaches, shal- lack of attention that caused slow ism. It did, however, and stayed on Croatian islands fi-om 1945 till seas. What makes it spécial, low bays and deep inlets are found island development in thé Adri- into an agony. Centrally deter- 60 years of âge and thé number of 1990. It introduced thé belief that however, are its islands. There everywhere from Kvamer islands atic, however. mined prios of grapes, wine and popiilation under 20 is usually history can be directed and accel- considered critical if it exceeds are 1233 along thé east and 10 in thé north to Dalmatiaii islands fish shocked thé fragile island erated, together with thé ideol- eonomy, while crade rules as to 0.
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