IS THIS YOUR LIFE ?• '}474i4 ~~? "l had a very -strange vision the other day. This is the account of a remarkable and alarm· And I have been greatly perplexed as to ing vision, received by General William Booth, whether or not I should tell it to others. founder of the Salvation Army. General Booth The chief difficulty I find concerning it is was outstandingly courageous and zealous in his life and service for his Lord and for his fellow· that it seems to lay me open to the charge men. of being too severe, in seeming to shut out There may be certain parts of this vision and of heaven a great multitude who are expect­ testimony with which you will not agree. How· ing to go there. Because I portray the gate ever, do not allow these differences to keep you narrower than the Bible is supposed to make from receiving the admonition, the warning and it. inspiration which God has for you here. Is this your life and its results which are envisioned In this it will be considered, perhaps, that here? the vision I received is at fault, and there­ i fore, somewhat misleads. But on its behalf I I may suggest that as heaven is, as the negro said, "a mighty big place," it may be only some special part of the vast Continent of , Blessedness that is referred to. In my vision I thought that so far as the , world was concerned, Agur's prayer was an­ swered in regard to me, for I had neither poverty nor riches. All my wants were sup­ plied. I had leisure, and friends, and home, and all that was necessary to make me happy. Page One Then also, I thought that I was a Chris­ seized me. I became terribly sick all of a tian. Most of my close friends professed to sudden. In fact, in just a few hours I was be the same. We visited together at each brought to the very brink of death. This was other's homes, joined in amusements, busi­ serious business, indeed. Everyone about me ness, politics and many other things. In short, was in great confusion. And those who loved we bought and sold, and married, and acted me were paralyzed with fear. as though the world we were in were going Some took action. The proper medicines to last forever. were administered. There were consultations In this vision I was one who was active among several physicians. And the members in religious activities. In fact, I considered of my family hurried to my side from far myself to be quite a shining light. I always and near. Friends and acquaintances came. attended church on Sunday. And I taught I was given the best medical care possible in the Sunday School. Now and then, though -but all proved in vain. not very often, I visited the sick. And in I could feel that the medicines weren't addition to these good deeds I gave a little helping. And yet I didn't feel anything very money to support Christian work. much. I don't know whether this was be­ In all this I was quite sincere. I had no cause of the suddenness of the sickness or idea of playing the hypocrite. It's true that the deadening character of the narcotics I didn't stop to consider what Christianity which the physicians gave me. But strangely really was, although I talked freely enough enough I seemed to be the least disturbed about it at times, and pitied people who person in the place. didn't profess to be Christians. I felt as though I were in a dream. I knew I seldom, if ever, considered what Jesus I was ilI--dangerously ill-because a relative Christ required. Nor was I very concerned had insisted on my being informed of my about the lost, although I heard these mat­ real condition. And yet I was not disturbed ters occasionally discussed in my presence. about the fact. I thought I would recover. I had gotten into a, definite rut in thought Most people do, I suppose, until the hand and action and profession. And I went on of death is actually upon them. from day to day, hoping that everything And if I did not recover, I had no reason would tum out all right in the end. to be terribly concerned, because, wasn't I But in my vision I thought that without a Christian? Hadn't I been converted? Didn't any apparent warning a dangerous fever I believe the Bible? Why should I fear? Page Tu'o Page Three And wasn't I continually hearing hymns ways been a favorite of mine: being sung and prayers offered that 1 might . 4;1 am a poor sinner, just nothing at all, be restored to health, and if not, that I But Jesus Christ is my all in alL" might pass away without suffering, and have It was with this sentence on my lips-a a good time of it in heaven? sentence taken up and reproduced at my But even so, disquieting thoughts did funeral service-that a cold numbness seemed cross my mind-because 1 couldn't keep out to come creeping over me, and a great diffi­ questions that kept arising as to whether I culty of breathing seized me. My friends had truly followed Jesus Christ and had done were alarmed. I read it in their faces. Some my duty to a perishing world with my time prayed, while {lthers wept. And my dear and influence, and money and family. And ones moistened my lips and kissed my brow. questions would come and go that were very Meanwhile a strange faintness seized me. difficult indeed to answer. Yet it was all in I lost consciousness. My next sensation was a dreamy way. How could it be otherwise, altogether beyond description. It was the with the burning fever lapping up the vital thrill of a new and celestial existence. I was current, and my brain all benumbed, and in heaven. my energies laid prostrate. After the first feeling of surprise had So when I complained that I didn't have somewhat subsided, I looked around me, and much joy or assurance, I quite naturally took in the situation. It was way beyond any­ agreed readily to the suggestion that my thing of earth-positively delightful. And condition prevented this. And I felt, more­ yet some of the more beautiful scenes and over, that if I were not "ready" 1 had neJther sounds and feelings of the world I had just the time nor energy to begin so serious a left appeared to be repeated in my new expe­ business over again as the salvation of my rience in enchanting fashion. Still no human soul. Besides, how could I confess that I had eyes ever beheld such perfection, such been mistaken all these years, and that my beauty. No earthly ear ever heard such music. life had been a failure? No! It was too late, No human heart ever experienced such and I was too ill for any such confession. ecstasy, as it was my privilege to see, hear, One thing I could do, and that I did. I and feel in the celestial country. cast myself, with what force of soul I had Above me was the loveliest of blue skies. left, on the mercy of my Savior. And again Around me was an atmosphere so balmy and again I repeated a verse which had al- that it made my whole physical frame vibrate Page Four Page Five with pleasure. Flowing by the bank of roses And then suddenly, a new set of feelings on which I found myself reclining was the began to creep over me. Strange as it may clearest and purest water of a river that seem, I felt somewhat lonely and a little seemed to dance with delight to its own sad, even in the midst of this infinite state murmurings. The trees that grew upon the of bliss. Because up to this moment I was banks were covered with the greenest foliage, alone. Not one of the bright beings who and laden with most delicious fruit--sweet were soaring and singing in the bright ether beyond all earthly sweetness. And by lifting above me, nor the ones who were hastening up my hand I could pluck and taste. hither and thither, as though bent upon In every direction above and around me some high mis&.ion, had spoken to me or the whole air seemed not only to be laden approached me. with the sweetest perfumes coming from the I was alone in heaven! Then, in a still fairest flowers, but filled with the fairest stranger and mysterious way, I appeared to forms. For, floating about me were beautiful feel in myself a sort of unfitness for the beings whom I felt by instinct were angels society of those pure beings who were sail­ and archangels, seraph and seraphim, cherub ing around me in indescribable loveliness. and cherubim, together with the perfect How could it be? Had I come there by mis­ blood-washed saints who had come from our take? Was I not counted worthy of this glo­ own world. They were sometimes far, and rious inheritance? It was indeed a mystery. again coming nearer. My thoughts went back to earth. And all The whole sky at times seemed to be full before me, as though unfolded by an angel's of white-winged, happy, worshiping, joyous hand, the record of my past life was unrolled beings.
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