Public Document Pack NORTH WEST (INNER) AREA COMMITTEE Meeting to be held on Thursday, 11th April, 2013 at 7.00 pm in the Woodsley Road Community Centre, 64 Woodsley Road, Leeds, LS3 1DU MEMBERSHIP Councillors M Hamilton - Headingley; J Walker - Headingley; N Walshaw - Headingley; C Towler - Hyde Park and Woodhouse; G Harper - Hyde Park and Woodhouse; J Akhtar - Hyde Park and Woodhouse; B Atha - Kirkstall; J Illingworth - Kirkstall; L Yeadon - Kirkstall; J Bentley - Weetwood; S Bentley - Weetwood; J Chapman - Weetwood; Agenda compiled by: West North West Area Leader: Jane John Grieve Maxwell Governance Services Unit Tel: 336 7858 Civic Hall LEEDS LS1 1UR Tel: 22 43836 Produced on Recycled Paper A A G E N D A Item Ward Item Not Page No Open No PROCEDURAL BUSINESS 1 APPEALS AGAINST REFU SAL OF INSPECTION OF DOCUMENTS To consider any appeals in accordance with Procedure Rule 25 of the Access to Information Procedure Rules (in the event of an Appeal the press and public will be excluded). (*In accordance with Procedure Rule 25, written notice of an appeal must be received by the Chief Democratic Services Officer at least 24 hours before the meeting.) 2 EXEMPT INFORMATION - POSSIBLE EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC 1 To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report. 2 To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information. 3 If so, to formally pass the following resolution:- RESOLVED – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following parts of the agenda designated as containing exempt information on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information, as follows: B Item Ward Item Not Page No Open No 3 LATE ITEMS To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration. (The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes.) 4 DECLARATION OF DISCL OSABLE PECUNIARY INTEREST To disclose or draw attention to any disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 13 -16 of the Members’ Code of Conduct. 5 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENC E To receive any apologies for absence. 6 OPEN FORUM In accordance with Paragraphs 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, at the discretion of the Chair a period of up to 10 minutes may be allocated at each ordinary meeting for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee. This period of time may be extended at the discretion of the Chair. No member of the public shall speak for more than three minutes in the Open Forum, except by permission of the Chair. 7 MINUTES OF THE PREVI OUS MEETING 1 - 12 To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 21 st February and 7 th March 2013 (Copies attached) C Item Ward Item Not Page No Open No 8 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE PREVIOUS 13 - MEETING 14 To consider matters arising from the previous meetings held on: 21 st February and 7 th March 2013. (Report attached) 9 AREA CHAIRS FORUM 15 - 20 To receive, for information and comment the minutes of the last meeting of the Area Chairs Forum held 9 th January 2013 (Copy attached) 10 Headingley; CHILDREN'S SERVICES AREA COMMITTEE 21 - Hyde Park UPDATE REPORT 56 and Woodhouse; To consider a report by the Director of Children’s Kirkstall; Services which provides a six monthly update on Weetwood the work of Children’s Services in the North West (Inner) Area. The report sets out a summary of performance at area committee level with a broader summary of city level performance, and builds on previous reports with additional local context and tracking of local indicators. The majority of education results are presented in this report, including tables of headline results for all Leeds schools and links to additional information. (Report attached) D Item Ward Item Not Page No Open No 11 Headingley; DEVELOPMENT OF AREA LEAD ROLE 57 - Hyde Park 64 and Woodhouse; To consider a report by the Assistant Chief Kirkstall; Executive (Customer Access and Performance) Weetwood which intends to clarify the role of the Area Lead and brings initial proposals to the Area Committee for their input, shaping and providing feedback with a view to introducing the revised roles in the new Municipal year. (Report attached) 12 Headingley; WEST NORTH WEST HOME S LEEDS - 65 - Hyde Park INVOLVEMENT WITH AREA COMMITTEES 76 and Woodhouse; To consider a report by West North West Homes Kirkstall; Leeds which outlines there involvement in the Area Weetwood Committee process and seeks to explore ways of making that involvement as meaningful and productive as possible. (Report attached) 13 Headingley; WELLBEING FUND 2012 - 13 - UPDATE 77 - Hyde Park REPORT 86 and Woodhouse; To consider a report by the Assistant Chief Kirkstall; Executive (Customer Access and Performance) Weetwood which provides an update on the budget position for the Wellbeing Fund for 2012/13 and notes those projects agreed for support from the Wellbeing Fund for 2013/14. The report also highlights the current position of the Small Grants and skips pots and those Small Grants and skips that had been approved since the last meeting. (Report attached) E Item Ward Item Not Page No Open No 14 Headingley; DATES, TIMES AND VEN UES OF AREA 87 - Hyde Park COMMITTEE MEETINGS 2013/14 92 and Woodhouse; To consider a report by the Chief Officer Kirkstall; (Democratic and Central Services) which seeks the Weetwood Area Committee’s formal approval to the schedule of meetings for the 2013/2014 Municipal year. The report also request Members if they wish to continue with the Committee’s current meeting venue arrangements or whether they would seek to review such arrangements. (Report attached) 15 DATE AND TIME OF NEX T MEETING 93 - 94 To note that the next meeting will take place on Thursday 16 th May 2013 at 2.00pm in the Civic Hall, Leeds. F Agenda Item 7 NORTH WEST (INNER) AREA COMMITTEE THURSDAY, 21ST FEBRUARY, 2013 PRESENT: Councillor J Akhtar in the Chair Councillors N Walshaw, C Towler, B Atha, J Illingworth, J Bentley, S Bentley and J Chapman Officers: Joanne Clough – Park and Countryside Service Steve Carey – Leeds Benefit Service Lynne Hamshaw – West North West Homes Ryan Platten – Community Planning Officer Jane Maxwell – West North West Area Leader Stuart Byrne – West North West Area Support John Grieve – Governance Services Members of the Public: D Alcorn – Leeds Met Students Union A Vickerson – Leeds Met Student J Feather - Dig 2 Ride S Sayers – Dig 2 Ride L Mawson – Dig 2 Ride Amanda Jordan – University of Leeds Sue Buckle – SHCA Dawn Carey Jones – Local Resident Amit Roy – Hyde Park Unity Day Josh Booth – Hyde Park Unity Day Hayley Miller Hyde Park Unity Day 54 Late Items There were no late items 55 Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest. Apologies for Absence Apologies for absence were received from: Councillors: M Hamilton, G Harper, J Walker and L Yeadon. 57 Open Forum Draft minutes to be approved at the meeting to be held on Thursday, 7th March, 2013 Page 1 (i) BMX Trial and Dirt Jump Track – Members heard representations from“Dig2ride”, a Charitable company set up to promote BMX cycling in the Kirkstall area. The Group wish to use the former municipal waste tip at Dobbie Row, Kirkstall as a BMX trial and dirt jump track for the local community. It was reported that the Group had encountered difficulties in obtaining insurance and were now seeking the assistance of the Area Committee in securing indemnity insurance for the site. RESOLVED - (a) To support “Dig2ride” in obtaining the necessary indemnity insurance for the site (b) That the issue be referred to the City Council’s Insurance Manager with a view to assisting in the insurance arrangements (Councillor Illingworth declared an interest in this item as a Trustee of the Company “Dig2ride”) (ii) Hyde Park Unity Day – Members heard representations from the organisers of the Hyde Park Unity day. This annual event brings together local residents and community groups to participate in a variety of activities throughout the day. Event organisers were now seeking the support of the Area Committee to extend the current hours of operation from 7.00pm until 9.00pm which other similar events currently had. RESOLVED – (a) To support an extension of the hours of operation for the Hyde Park Unity Day from 7.00pm until 9.00pm. (b) That the views of the Area Committee be made known to West Yorkshire Police and the Parks and Countryside Service. (iii) Former Ash Grove Social Club – Sue Buckle (SHCA) thanked Members for their support in objecting to a recent planning application to convert the former Ash Grove Social Club into four residential flats with car parking. Ash Grove residents were grateful for Members involvement with this application. (iv) Student Safety on Woodhouse Moor – Members heard representations from Leeds Met Student’s Union who were concerned about the safety of students when crossing Woodhouse Moor and Beckett’s Park at night. There were no paths with adequate lighting across the parks and keeping to the paths around the parks extended the walking distance.
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