
十六 shí liù sixteen / 16 二八 èr bā 16 / sixteen 和 hé old variant of 和 / [he2] / harmonious 子 zǐ son / child / seed / egg / small thing / 1st earthly branch: 11 p.m.-1 a.m., midnight, 11th solar month (7th December to 5th January), year of the Rat / Viscount, fourth of five orders of nobility 亓 / 等 / 爵 / 位 / [wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4] 动 dòng to use / to act / to move / to change / abbr. for 動 / 詞 / |动 / 词 / [dong4 ci2], verb 公 gōng public / collectively owned / common / international (e.g. high seas, metric system, calendar) / make public / fair / just / Duke, highest of five orders of nobility 亓 / 等 / 爵 / 位 / [wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4] / honorable (gentlemen) / father-in 两 liǎng two / both / some / a few / tael, unit of weight equal to 50 grams (modern) or 1&frasl / 16 of a catty 斤 / [jin1] (old) 化 huà to make into / to change into / -ization / to ... -ize / to transform / abbr. for 化 / 學 / |化 / 学 / [hua4 xue2] 位 wèi position / location / place / seat / classifier for people (honorific) / classifier for binary bits (e.g. 十 / 六 / 位 / 16-bit or 2 bytes) 乎 hū (classical particle similar to 於 / |于 / [yu2]) in / at / from / because / than / (classical final particle similar to 嗎 / |吗 / [ma5], 吧 / [ba5], 呢 / [ne5], expressing question, doubt or astonishment) 男 nán male / Baron, lowest of five orders of nobility 亓 / 等 / 爵 / 位 / [wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4] / CL:個 / |个 / [ge4] 弟 tì variant of 悌 / [ti4] 伯 bó father's elder brother / senior / paternal elder uncle / eldest of brothers / respectful form of address / Count, third of five orders of nobility 亓 / 等 / 爵 / 位 / [wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4] 呼 hū variant of 呼 / [hu1] / to shout / to call out 郑 Zhèng Zheng state during the Warring States period / surname Zheng / abbr. for 鄭 / 州 / |郑 / 州 / [Zheng4 zhou1] 臣 chén state official or subject in dynastic China / "Your Servant", form of address used when speaking to a ruler / to submit oneself to the rule of or acknowledge allegiance to / to serve a ruler as his subject / Kangxi radical 168 咱 zá see 咱 / [zan2] 咱 zán variant of 咱 / [zan2] 翼 yì wing / area surrounding the bullseye of a target / to assist / one of the 28 constellations of Chinese astronomy / old variant of 翌 扎 zhā variant of 紮 / |扎 / [zha1] 咬 yǎo variant of 咬 / [yao3] 瑟 sè a type of standing harp, smaller than konghou 箜 / 篌 / , with 5- 25 strings 侯 hóu marquis, second of the five orders of ancient Chinese nobility 亓 / 等 / 爵 / 位 / [wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4] / nobleman or high official 歼 jiān to annihilate / abbr. for 殲 / 擊 / 機 / |歼 / 击 / 机 / , fighter plane 劫 jié to rob / to plunder / to seize by force / to coerce / calamity / abbr. for kalpa 劫 / 波 / [jie2 bo1] 哩 lī this (Cantonese) / see also 呢 / [ni1] / see also 哩 / 哩 / 羅 / 羅 / |哩 / 哩 / 罗 / 罗 / [li1 li1 luo1 luo1] 哩 li (modal final particle similar to 呢 / [ne5] or 啦 / [la5]) 啥 shá dialectal equivalent of 什 / 麼 / |什 / 么 / [shen2 me5] 匈 xiōng old variant of 胸 / [xiong1] 咧 liē see 咧 / 咧 / [lie1 lie1] 呐 ne final particle of a sentence (abbr. for 呢 / 啊 / |呢 / 啊 / [ne5 a5) 呐 na sentence-final particle (abbr. for 呢 / 啊 / [ne5 a5] or variant of 哪 / [na5]) 臀 tún old variant of 臀 / [tun2] 阮 Ruǎn surname Ruan / small state during the Shang Dynasty (1600-1046 BC) located in the southeast of modern-day Gansu Province 尧 Yáo surname Yao / Yao or Tang Yao (c. 2200 BC), one of Five legendary Emperors 亓 / 帝 / [wu3 di4], second son of Di Ku 帝 / 嚳 / |帝 / 喾 / [Di4 Ku4] 竺 dǔ variant of 篤 / |笃 / [du3] 嚓 chā (onom.) snap / pop / see 喀 / 嚓 / [ka1 cha1] 哧 chī sound of giggling / see 呼 / 哧 / [hu1 chi1] 药 yào medicine / drug / cure / CL:種 / |种 / [zhong3],服 / [fu4],味 / [wei4] 欤 yú (final particle expression doubt or surprise, similar to 吗 / or 呢 / ) 椋 liáng see 椋 / 鳥 / |椋 / 鸟 / [liang2 niao3] 蛔 huí old variant of 蛔 / [hui2] 甬 tǒng variant of 桶 / [tong3], bucket / (classifier) cubic dry measure (5 pecks 亓 / 斗 / , approx half-liter) 徵 zhǐ 4th note in pentatonic scale 亓 / 音 / [wu3 yin1], roughly sol / see also 徵 / |征 / [zheng1] 篆 zhuàn seal (of office) / seal script (a calligraphic style) / the small seal 小 / 篆 / and great seal 大 / 篆 / writing in seal script 椤 luó see 桫 / 欏 / |桫 / 椤 / [suo1 luo2] 啮 niè variant of 嚙 / |啮 / [nie4] / to gnaw 燮 xiè old variant of 燮 / [xie4] 与 yú (same as 歟 / |欤 / , final particle expression doubt or surprise, similar to 吗 / or 呢 / ) 斛 hú ancient measuring vessel / fifty liters / dry measure for grain equal to five dou 亓 / 斗 / (before Tang, ten pecks) 龢 hé harmonious / archaic version of 和 咤 zhà see 叱 / 咤 / [chi4 zha4] 咩 miē old variant of 咩 / [mie1] 苣 jù lettuce, see 萵 / 苣 / |莴 / 苣 闶 kāng in 閌 / 閬 / , open space in a structure 嘌 piào purine / see 嘌 / 呤 / [piao4 ling4] 么 me suffix, used to form interrogative 甚 / 麼 / |什 / 么 / [shen2 me5], what?, indefinite 這 / 麼 / |这 / 么 / [zhe4 me5] thus, etc 傈 lì Lisu ethnic group of Yunnan, see 傈 / 僳 吒 zhà variant of 咤 / [zha4] 熘 liū quick-fry / sim. to stir-frying, but with cornstarch added / also written 溜 刖 yuè to amputate one or both feet (punishment in Imperial China) / see also 亓 / 刑 / [wu3 xing2] 雠 chóu to collate / to proofread / variant of 仇 / [chou2] 衿 jīn collar / belt / variant of 襟 / [jin1] 堇 jǐn clay / old variant of 僅 / |仅 / [jin3] / violet (plant) 裣 liǎn see 襝 / 衽 / |裣 / 衽 / [lian3 ren4] 僬 jiāo see 僬 / 僬 / [jiao1 jiao1] 莳 shí see 蒔 / 籮 / |莳 / 箩 / [shi2 luo2] 鈤 rì archaic translation of element germanium Ge32 鍺 / |锗 / [zhe3] 颡 sǎng forehead / (省 / 称 / ) abbr. for kowtow 稽 / 顙 / |稽 / 颡 / [ji1 sang3] 吖 ā phonetic a, similar to 呵 / -azine, see 吖 / 嗪 / [a1 qin2] 周 zhōu week / weekly / variant of 周 / [zhou1] 藴 yùn variant of 蘊 / |蕴 / , to accumulate / to hold in store / to contain / to gather together / to collect / depth / inner strength / profundity 攴 pū to tap / to knock lightly / old variant of 撲 / |扑 / [pu1] 箜 kōng ancient harp / cf 箜 / 篌 / , Chinese harp 廑 jǐn careful / hut / variant of 僅 / |仅 / [jin3] 膫 liáo male genitals / old variant of 膋 / [liao2] 课 kè subject / course / CL: 門 / |门 / [men2] / class / lesson / CL:堂 / [tang2],節 / |节 / [jie2] / to levy / tax / form of divination 咸 xián variant of 鹹 / |咸 / [xian2] 邻 lín variant of 鄰 / |邻 / [lin2] 齧 niè variant of 嚙 / |啮 / [nie4] 筼 yún see 篔 / 簹 / |筼 / 筜 / [yun2 dang1] 锯 jū variant of 鋦 / |锔 / [ju1] 転 zhuǎn Japanese variant of 轉 / |转 虰 dīng see 虰 / 蛵 / [ding1 xing2] 骚 sāo trouble / disturbance / rumpus / flirty / coquettish / abbr. for 離 / 騷 / |离 / 骚 / [Li2 Sao1] / literary writings / smell of urine / foul smell / male (animal) (dialect) 莴 wō lettuce, see 萵 / 苣 / |莴 / 苣 箫 xiāo xiao, a free reed mouth organ with five or more pipes blown from the bottom / same as 排 / 簫 / |排 / 箫 / also translated as pan pipes 谘 zī variant of 咨 / [zi1] 赀 zī to estimate / to fine (archaic) / variant of 資 / |资 / [zi1] 鋭 ruì Japanese variant of 銳 / |锐 阆 láng in 閌 / 閬 / , open space in a structure 鲧 Gǔn Gun, mythical father of Yu the Great 大 / 禹 / [Da4 Yu3] 蓣 yù see 薯 / 蕷 / |薯 / 蓣 / [shu3 yu4] 筝 zhēng guzheng or long zither / long zither with 13 to 16 strings, developed from guqin 古 / 琴 / during Tang and Song times / Japanese koto 豊 fēng variant of 豐 / |丰 / [feng1] 祘 suàn variant of 算 / [suan4], to calculate 謡 yáo Japanese variant of 謠 / |谣 隣 lín Japanese variant of 鄰 / |邻 鯀 gǔn variant of 鮌 / |鲧 / Gun, mythical father of Yu the Great 大 / 禹 䲠 chūn see 鰆 / 魚 / |䲠 / 鱼 / [chun1 yu2] 糺 jiū archaic variant of 糼 / |纠 / [jiu1] 筜 dāng see 篔 / 簹 / |筼 / 筜 / [yun2 dang1] 同 tòng see 衚 / 衕 / |胡 / 同 / [hu2 tong4] 赑 bì see 贔 / 屭 / |赑 / 屃 / [Bi4 xi4] 蛵 xíng see 虰 / 蛵 / , less common word for dragonfly 呪 zhòu variant of 咒 / [zhou4] 冖 mì "cover" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 14), occurring in 军 / , 写 / , 冠 / etc / see also 禿 / 寶 / 蓋 / |秃 / 宝 / 盖 / [tu1 bao3 gai4] / see also 平 / 寶 / 蓋 / |平 / 宝 / 盖 / [ping2 bao3 ga 冂 jiōng radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 13), occurring in 用 / , 同 / , 网 / etc / see also 同 / 字 / 框 / [tong2 zi4 kuang4] 囍 xǐ double happiness (similar to 喜 / 喜 / ) / symbol of good luck, esp. marriage 斞 yǔ stack of grain / dry measure equivalent to 16 斗 / [dou3] or 160 liters 㐅 wǔ archaic variant of 亓 / [wu3] 㐜 chóu variant of 仇 / [chou2] 丩 jiū archaic variant of 糼 / |纠 / [jiu1] 乶 Fǔ phonetic pol, used in Korean place name / see Polha 乶 / 下 / [Fu3 xia4], Korean place name in former Hamgyeongdo Province 咸 / 鏡 / 道 / |咸 / 镜 / 道 / [Xian2 jing4 dao4] 偺 zán variant of 咱 / [zan2] 刦 jié variant of 劫 / , to rob / to plunder / to seize by force / to coerce / calamity 刧 jié variant of 劫 / , to rob / to plunder / to seize by force / to coerce / calamity 刼 jié variant of 劫 / , to rob / to plunder / to seize by force / to coerce / calamity 厗 tí old stone or mineral, possibly related to antimony Sb 銻 / |锑 / [ti1] 哱 bō phonetic bo / used in onomatopoeia / see 呼 / 呼 / 哱 / [hu1 hu1 bo1], hoopoe bird 囨 piān expression of contempt equivalent to 呸 / [pei1] 塩 yán Japanese variant of 鹽 / |盐 壻 xù variant of 婿 / , son-in-law / husband 憙 xǐ variant of 喜 / [xi3] 検 jiǎn Japanese variant of 檢 / |检 淸 qīng variant of 清 / [qing1] 畁 bì variant of 畀 / [bi4] 緑 lu:4 Japanese variant of 綠 / |绿 莭 jié variant of 節 / |节 / [jie2] 齚 cuò variant of 齰 / [cuo4] 齩 yǎo variant of 咬 / [yao3] 屃 xì see 贔 / 屭 / |赑 / 屃 / [Bi4 xi4] 卪 jié archaic variant of 節 / |节 / [jie2] 媠 duò old variant of 惰 / [duo4] 槖 tuó variant of 橐 / [tuo2] 爯 chèn old variant of 稱 / |称 / [chen4] 爯 chēng old variant of 稱 / |称 / [cheng1] 文章 wén zhāng article / essay / literary works / writings / hidden meaning / CL:篇 / [pian1],段 / [duan4],頁 / |页 / [ye4] 评论 píng lùn to comment on / to discuss / comment / commentary / CL:篇 / [pian1] 作品 zuò pǐn work (of art) / opus / CL:部 / [bu4],篇 / [pian1] 报 告 bào gào to inform / to report / to make known / report / speech / talk / lecture / CL:篇 / [pian1],份 / [fen4],個 / |个 / [ge4],通 / [tong4] 报道 bào dào to report (news) / report / CL:篇 / [pian1],份 / [fen4] 课程 kè chéng course / academic program / CL:堂 / [tang2],節 / |节 / [jie2],門 / |门 / [men2] 河南 Hé nán Henan province (Honan) in central China, abbr.
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