INDEX OF ORGANISMS Acer negundo 33 Drosophila mojavensis 153-155, 157-161 Acheta domesticus 65, 265 Drosophila pseudoobscura 19-22, 25-26, Agelenopsis 33,49, 51 28-29, 64, 79, 83, 218 Agelenopsis aperta 33-34, 37, 39, 47 Drosophila paulistorum 2, 97-98, 100-105, Alsophila pometaria 297,299 107 Aneides 291 Drosophila persimilis 19, 22, 64 Aplysia 255, 258-261 Drosophila simulans 64, 79, 84-85, 200, Aplysia calijornica 255 238-239 Archips argyrospilus 305, 307 Drosophila willistoni 20, 207 Archips mortuanus 307 Enallagma hageni 115 Archips semijeranus 305 Ephestia kuehniella 104 Argyrotaenia velutinana 264, 311 Erwinia carnegieana 155 Asclepias curassavica 7 Euphydryas chalcedona 300 Asclepias syriaca 9, 111 Ferocactus acanthodes 154 Aspila virescens 169 Garanium barbadense 169 Bastardia 164 Garanium carolinianum 163 Bastardia viscosa 163 Garanium dissectum 163, 165 Battus philenor 120 Gargaphia solani 135-138, 140-141 Biston betularia 247-248, 252 Gossypium hirsutum 163 Bombyx mori 322 Grapholitha molesta 269, 311 Cajanus cajan 163 Heliothis 168, 312 Callosobruchus macultatus 145-146, 151 Heliothis virescens 55-56, 58-59, 163-164, Carnegiea gigantea 153 166-169 Choristoneura fumijerana 312 Heliothis zea 56, 169 Colias 64, 173, 175-178, 180-181,297 Juniperus osteosperma 33 Colias eurytheme 176, 180-181,312 Ips paraconfusus 306-307 Colias meadii 178 Ips pini 306-307, 312-313 Colias philodice eriphyle 174-182 Lathyrus leucanthus 174 Drosophila 2, 4, 20, 23, 29, 64, 79, 86, 89, Limax maximum 323 155, 197-199, 207, 210, 215-216, 218-220, Liriomyza 186 223, 226, 231-233, 237, 240-241, 243, Liriomyza sativae 185-186, 188, 193 247-248, 251-252, 263, 273, 288, 320-321, Mamestra brassi.cae 323 323 Medicago sativa 174 Drosophila grimshawi 161 Metepeira spinipes 45-52 Drosophila melanogaster 9, 28-29, 61, 80-82, Nicotiana tabacum 163 85, 152, 187-192, 195-196, 199,201,205, Oncopeltus fasciatus 7-10, 13, 16-17 212-213,221,226-228,230-231,237-238, Opuntia ficus-indica 154-155 240-241, 276, 299 Ostrinia nubilalis 263, 308, 310-313 329 330 Index of Organisms Papilio australis 119, 125, 128 Saccharomyces cerevisiae 155 Papilio eurymedon 119-120, 124 Schistrocerca gregaria 323 Papilio glaucus canadensis 119-122, 124-129 Schizocosa 63 Papilio glaucus glaucus 119-131 Schizocosa ocreata 63, 66-75 Papilio multicaudatus 119-120, 124 Schizocosa rovneri 63, 66-75 Papilio polyxenes 295 Solanum carolinense 136 Papilio rutulus 119-121, 125 Spodoptera Iittoralis 307-308 Patalene olyzonaria puber 300 Spodoptera litura 307 Pectinophora gossypiella 169 Sporobolus flexuosus 33 Phormia 320, 323 Stenocereus gummosus 158-159 Phormia regina 161 Stenocereus thurberi 153 Pieris brassicae 323 Teleogryllus com modus 64 Pieris napi macdunnoughii 296-297 Teleogryllus oceanicus 64, 264, 276 Platanus wrightii 33 Tetraopes tetraophthalmus 110-112, 114-115 Platynota flavedana 304-305 Trifolium resupinatum 163 Platynota idea usa/is 304 Vicia americana 174 Plethodon 291 Vicia villosa 163 Rhagoletis 3 Vigna unguiculata 147 Rhagoletis mendax 4 Yponomeuta cagnagellus 299 Rhagoletis pomonella 3-4 Yponomeuta malinellus 299 SUBJECT INDEX Adaptationist program. 173 Behavior (continued) Adaptive behavior pleiotropy and interactions among loci a~ determinants coevolution model. 248 of. 60 evolution of. 248 territorial. 33. 34. 38. 40 mutation and. 297 cis-vaccenyl alcohol and. 227 pleiotropic model. 248 Bruchid beetle. 145-152 spider mites. 297 geographic strains. 145 ARe/el1ops;s aperta. territoriality and. 34 host preference. 297 Alcohol adaptation. 248-249 mating behavior :-,train variations. 149 alcohol dehydrogenase and. 248 oviposition behavior. 146 genetic basis. 248 male effect on. 145 Allozyme analysis. 36 Buyozoan~. sociality. 43 Artificial selection. natural selection and. 291 Budworm moths. hybrids. pheromone phenotypes. 312 Associative conditioning. 241 Butterflies Associative learning. 323 inheritance of court~hip communication systems in. 64 Assortive mating. 80. 83 supergene. 64 founder-flush·crash episodes and. 85 host plant preference and. 186 Cankerworms, 299 negative. 312 Cannibali,m Aversion learning. 323 genetic variability in propensity for. 55-56 polygenic model. 59 Bark beetle. pheromone. as a strong behavioral antago­ Carboxylesterase. see EST-6 nist. 306 Caterpillars Behavior feeding behavior. 320 adaptive. 248 gu~tatory receptors. variability responses of. 323 aggressive, 44 Cellular function. sex and. 278 alcohol avoidance. 252 Central excitatory stale classification. 319 consequence of establishing. 322 defined. 319 defined. 322 digging, 200 duration. 322 effect of a carboxylesterase on. 223-236 Central inhibitory state egg layering. 255 defined. 322 escape. 276 duration. 322 genes and. 19. 273 Cercal sensory system. 276-278 genetic control, mutation and. 4 Chemical ()vipo~ition preference assay. 17R genetic correlations Chromosomal polymorphism evolution and. 197 Drosoph;{a pseudoohscura, 19 phenotypic and genotypic. 197 gcotactic behavior and. 21 genetic methods used for dissection of. 275 Chromosome number. reproductive i~olation and. 85 habitat selection. 33 Circadian rhythm host choice. 173. 174. 175 courtship song and. 218 induction as means of altering. 323 evidence for genetic control. 215-221 male lipids and. 227 of locomotor activity. 238 maternal defensive. 135-143 mutation~ and. 232 mating. see Mating behavior thoracic nervou~ sy~tcm and. 21 X physiological capacities and. 295 Cladogene,is. ftush-crash cycles and. 79 331 332 Subject Index Classical conditioning, 322 Drosophila melanogaster (('olltinun/) Coadaptation vagility among strains, 30 genetic hypotheses, 247 Drosophila mojarensis unive"ality, 247 hahitat selection behavior, 153-162 Coleoptera, feeding behavior, 320 oviposition behavior. congenital preference in, 161 Co/ia,1 philoJice niplnlt, host utilization, 174 Dro,\Ophila pauIiS{()nWl Colonies endosymbionb, 97 invertebrates, 43 cell-wall dcticiency, IOJ I'S social groups, 43 identification of, 102-105 Color polymorphism tetracycline and, 105 genetic and physiological mechanism in, 126 ubiquity, 102 significance, 129 flow diagram of pas~age of infectiou~ agenb in. 103 Colorado potato beetle, 320 hybrid sterility, 98 Corn borer, 308-317 neotropical semispecic~. 97 Cotton leafworm moth, 307 sexual selection, 98 Coumhip, 33, see also Mating behavior Drosophila pseudoob,H'ura. chromo~omal polymorphi~m, Courtship song 19 location of genes controlling. 64 Drosophila simu/ans. a... ideal ~pecimcn for mating exper­ prestimulation, aftereffects, 241 iments, 85 rhythm, circadian rhythm and, 218 species-specificity, 238 Eastern tiger swallowtail butterfly, 119-134 Cricket~. mating behavior. 2 color determination by autosomal gene. 121 color polymorphism Damselfly genetic and phy~iological mcchani~m~ in, 1~6 mating behavior, 115 ~igniticance. 12Y reproduction character di~placemcnt in \\-ing patterns. cytoplasmic inheritance a~ explanation for variation in 306 offspring. 124 Digging behavior, polygenic control, 200 female wing paltern~. alterations in, 126 Directional selection reproductive isolation, 119 genetic correlations alllong traib in. 285 subspecies, 119 pleiotropy and, 285 Egg laying hormone Disruptive selection, polymorphism, 295 encoding in polyprotein precursor. 256 DNA ~equencc. variations in. transcriptional ~pecificity gene, 256 and, 260 gene family Drosophila precu",,, polypeptides encoded hy, 259 alcohol adaptation, 248-249 secificity, 259 circadian rhythm. di\fupted, 232 gene products. 256 EST-6 and behavior of. 223-236 polyprotein precursor. 257 feeding bchavior, 320 target tissue, 255 hybrids between species of. 64 Egyptian cotton Icafworm moth, 307 male courtship song rhythm, circadian rhythm and, 218 Elens-Wattiaux mating chamber, 101 mating behavior, 2 End()~ymbionts mating ~ite~. 86 Drosophila paulis/orunJ, 97 mating ~ong, location of genes controlling, 64 identification, 102-105 model for ("cillator, 218 tetracycline and, 105 mutation, circadian defects, 232 ubiyuity, 102 populations. microgeographic genetic variation. 20 Epipharyngeal receptors, 320 seminal fluid. components of. 232 Escape behavior. induced hy cercal stimulation, 276 ,exual receptivity of mated females, EST-6 and, 226 EST-6 sexual selection, 89-95 bio,ynthesis, 224 song rhythms, species-specificity, 238 electrophoretic varianb. 223 sterile male remating experimenh. 224-225 genetic locus. 213 thoracic nervous ~y ... tem, circadian rhythm and. 21S I()cu~, ontogenetic expres~ion. 224 Drosophila wimshaH'i, coloni/ation of plant host, 161 long-term behavioral effects, 224 Drosophila melanogasler mating behavior and, 230-231 courtship pheromone sy~tem. genetic control of. 312 remating and. 224 mating speed. genetic basis, 64 short-term behavioral effccb. 226 third instar larvae, 19~-208 substrate for. 227 age and behavior, relationship between, 202-206 tra'bport for female, 224 larval foraging behavior. 198-202 Esterase, 40 prepupation behavior. 206-208 Eurporean corn borer, 30X-317 Subject Index 333 Evolution Host preference (col1linucd) basic factors for, 153 mutation of taste receptors and. 299 host preference, 300 silkworm, 299 host utilization, 174 specificity, 299 Host suitability, host choice behavior and, 182 Feeding behavior, 320-322 Host utilization, 173-184 aversion behavior, 323 Colias philoilicc eripln'lc, 174 caterpillar, 320 evolution, 174 Coleoptera, 320 in no-choice situations l'S choice situations. 181 Drosophila, 320 Hydrozoans, 43 genetic analysis, 321 genetic control. 322 Induction, 322 Lepidoptera, 320 behavioral changes by,
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