CONGRESSIONAL 'RECORD-. HOUSE. 1919; - Senator )IcKELLAn. You haYc namf'cl ix of th<'m. IJaye all these con- AI o tlJe· following resolution: cerns gotten contract. from the Gon~rnmcnt? Senate resolution -:123. Mr. RICE. No, sir. Senator l\IcKELLAn • . Which ones han~ not? R cso lrPd, That the Senate expresses its profounu !';Ort'OW in the lleatll 1\Ir. RrcE. The ::\lartin Co.-- of lion. W'ILLLBI HuGHES, late a Senator from the State of New .Jersey. Senator McKELLAR. 'l'he ~Iartin C'o. has not? Re~olt;e(l, 'l'hat as a mark of respect to the memory of the deceased Mr. RICE. The ::\I:ntin Co. has bad contracts. thu Senate, in pur ·uance of an order heretofore made, assembles to Senator :\JcKELLAR. All right, sir. · · enable hi.. associates to pay proper tribute to his h1gh character antl Mr. RICE. The Edgewater has had contracts; the Soutbtn=iU:;c anu the cti~tinguishell public services. - · Fi!';kdale have had contracts. Re,11olred, 'l'hat the Secretary communicate the e re olutions to the • enator ::\IcK};LJ•. ~n. And the l\Iansfield? House of H£'presentatives and transmit a copy thereof to the family of · Mr. RICB. '.fhey had one or two contract in the spriJ?-g. the uecea~(>lJ. Senator McKELLAR. The Slatersville? Resolved, That as a further mark of respect to the memory of the Mr. RICE. Only one or t\\'O, Iecently. We ha>e been giying them some uecea ·ed the Senate do now atljourn. recently. SEX ATE lULL UEFERRED. :Mr. CHAMBERLA.IX I mote that the Senate take a recess until12 o'clock noon to-morrow. Unc.ler clause 2 of Rule XXIV, Senate bill of the following title Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr. Presic.lent, before the recess is was taken from the Speaker's table and referrec.l to its appro­ taken I think we slwuld point out to the Senator from Nevada priate. committee, as indicated below: that the amendment which he proposes to this bill unc.loubtedly S. 4887. An act making an appropriation for a _sewer system will deJa~· the bill in conference. This is one of the most im­ at the Carson Indian School at Ste,Yart, NeY.; to the Committee portant bills which has come before the Senate. It inYolves the ou Indian Affairs. ettlement of nearly $2,000,000,000 worth of contracts. This · 'l'HE TIAJLRO.-\DS. legislation should have been pas. cc.l two months ago; anc.l I do 1\fr. G).. R~'ER. ~Ir .• 'peaker, I want to insert in t.he REcORD lwpe the Senator will not press that amendment on this bill some resolutions passec.l by the State Senate of Texas touching when the time come . the railroac.l question. RECESS. The SPEAKER. Is there objection? Mr. CHAMBERLAIN. I renew my motion for a recess until l\Ir. DENISON. Reserving the right to object, l\Ir. Speaker, 12 o'clock noon to-morrow. will the.gentlernan state what is the nature of the resolutions? The motion was agn~ed to; and (at 4 o'clock anc.l GO minutes Mr. GAR~~R. They express the opinion that the railroads p. m.) the Senate took a recess nntil to-morrow, 'Vec.lnesday, ought to he turnell back to the owners of them. If the gentleman .Tnuuury 29, 19Hl, nt 12 o'cloc:k meridian. wants to know the. ubstnnce of it, that is what it is. The S.PEAJOJR. Is there objection? ~.rbere was no .objection. I-lOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Following are the resolutions refe'n·ed to: · " Thereas postwar and reconstrt~ction conuitions have brought these Tm:soAY, Janum'.lf 28, 1919. United ~fates of America many probleins of great import, anti perhaps the one of greatest importance i~ the qu·estion of Government owner­ ship of the railways of the Un it ~ll ~ta~~s; and , . The Hout'e met :it 11 o'clock n. m. Whereas our great democratic President, m whose Wistiom we have every The 'lwplain, HeY. Henry X Cou(len, D. D., off~rec.l tlle fol­ reason to confide, in his address to Congre~s on December 2, said: lo,,·ing prayer: •• The questicn which causes me the greatest concern is the question or J,eatl us, 0 Loru Goc.l, our HeaYenLy Father, by Thy counsels the policy to be adopted . to,,·ard the railroatlE. I frankly turn to .your counsel upon it";· aiul after making other ilhim1nating state· through the remaining congressional hours of this day. ments on .this subject, further says. ''Let me say at once that I have Give to these Repre. entati...-es of our people clear minds, no answer ready. The only thing that Is perfectly clear to me is that conscientious scruples, high ideals, that they may hallow Thy it Is not fair. either to the publi: or to the owners of the railroads to leave the question una·u:wered and that it will pres·ently become my name in aU the legislatiYe acts t~1ey rnny reconl in history. Iu duty to relinquish control of the roads, even before the expiration o:C tbe spirit of the Lord Jesus Chri. t. Amen. 1 he statutory period, unle:s the1·c sball appear some clear prospect in The Journal of the proceeeings of yesterday was reac.l anc.l up- the meantime of a legislath-e solution. Their release would at least produce one elenlfmt of its solution, ;lamely, rei·talnty anti a quick ln·oved. stimulation of private initiat.lvP.": and MESS.AOE FRO~I THE SENATE. 'Vhereas in wisdom, so characteristic of the man, our President has . turned to Congre:;;s for counsel on this momentous subject, in his keen A message from the Senate, by Mr. Walc.lorf, its elll'olling sense of justice endeavoring to ·ueal fairly with the owners of the rail- clerk, annouucec.l that the Senate had passed bill of the follow­ roads and protectively to the pu!Jlic welfare; and · . Whereas we feel that the Congress of the United States will, by. being ing title, in wllich the concurrence of the Honse of Representa­ informed of public sentiment, !Je hetter · able to solve and direct the tives was requested : course of the problem, anti recognizing the necessity, ·as expressed in S. 4887. An act making au appropriation for a sewer system the President's address, of relinquishing control of the railroads as quickly as possible and the certainty of conditions that said release at the Carson Indian Sclwol at Stewart,- Nev. of the railroads by the Federal Government would immediately e taU.. The messnge also announced that the Senate had agreec.l to lish ; therefore, be ft the amendments of the House of Representatives to the bill Resolud by t11e Senate of tltis t11e Thirfy-si.rth I,egislature of the (S. 2784) to authorize the purchase by the city of Mcl\linnville, State of Tea:as, That we fayor the return of the railroads to their ownen1 in as immeuiately as it can be accomplished without confusion or losses; Oreg., of certain lanc.ls formerly embraced the grant to the be it further • . Oregon & California Railroac.l Oo. nnd revested in the United Ilesol·r:ed, That we believe and think private owner. hip untler strong States by the net approved .June 9, 1916. Government co.1trol and regulation in service, income, and disbursements is desirable, and we do not believe Federal Government ownership of The message also announcec.l that the Senate hac.l pas ec.l the railroads is for the best interests of the people at this time; be it further following resolutions: Resolved, That the secretat·y of the senate forward properly authen­ Senate resolution 430. ticated copies of this resolution to each United States Senator and Mem­ ber of Congress from Texas for their consideration, and a copy to the Rcsolred, That the Senate has hearu with profound sorrow the an­ chief clerks of the bouse of representatives and the senate of each State. nouncement of the death of the Hon. EowAnD EvERETT RoBBI~s, late a Uepresentative from the State of Pennsylvania. EXTE_-siO~ OF REMARKS. Resol1:ed, That a committee of seven Senators be appointed by the Vice President to join the committee appointed on the part of the l\Ir. 1\IO:NTAGUE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to llouse of Representatives to attend the funeral of the deceased. ResoZred, That the Secretary communicate n. copy of these resolutions extenc.l my remarks in the RECORD by printing the Jetter of Chief to the llousP. of Representatives. Justice Taney, under date of February 16, 1863, known as his Resol~:ed, That as a further mark of respect to the memory of the remonstrance against the impositiou of an income tax upon juc.li­ deceased the Senate do now adjou~n. cial salaries, and also the opinion of Attorney General Hoar in Anc.l that the Yice President, umle.r the second resolution, had relation to the same. I do this for the benefit of the conferees nppointed Mr. PE~ROSE, ~Ir. KisG, l\.Ir. OVERli.AN, 1\lr. 'VARREN; of the House anc.l the few lurking 1overs of the Constitution A.fr. BAIRD, Mr. THOMPSON, and l\1r. KNox as said committee on throughout the country. the part of the Senate. The SPEAKER. Is there objection? Also the following resolution: There was no objection. • Senate resolution 422. ADillNISTRATION OF THE OVER!L-\~ ACT. Rellolrecl, That the Senate expresses its profound sorrow in the death o! Hon.
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