Thursday 21 November 2019 NEWS YOU CAN USE FREE According to Viljoen there were building debris, garbage and garden During her visit Viljoen was saddened by the state of one of the monkey cages where they had dirty drinking water. PHOTOS: NICOLE tools lying on piles on site while some rakes were left in the trees. VILJOEN. According to the SPCA there Bernie Naude and Nicole Viljoen of the Middag Jol show were three filthy cages that were started a petition to close down the Bloemfontein Zoo. discovered on Sunday but they have Courant received photos that showed dirty and green water surrounding the animal enclosures. since been cleaned out. EndNomaqhawe Mtebele of theenclosures, the gardens road looked terrible and are overgrown. for Enclosures which Bfn have the zoo to beZoo? closed. We will go so far as to [email protected] you could see trash between the plants,” she animals in them are kept in a good state,” approach the courts,” said Viljoen. explained. explained Khedama. Bloemfontein SPCA Senior Inspector Thousands of locals have come together to Viljoen expressed that many of the He added that many of the animals are Reinet Meyer expressed that although the show their support for a petition to close the animal’s living spaces were neglected. “The out of sight during the day to avoid the heat. organisation is against keeping wild animals Bloemfontein Zoo. The petition has gained hippo area was disgusting. There were no “Due to the October and November heat in zoos, the creatures at the local zoo are over 4000 signatures on Wednesday after it animals in sight. The large camp close to the waves, the animals do not willingly come indeed taken care of. “We inspect the zoo at went viral on Tuesday. According to Nicole road barely had grass and the animals were out of their sleeping quarters. The City is least once a month and our last inspection Viljoen who started the movement, the taking shelter under the little shade provided. looking into other best practices to ensure was on Sunday but if there are complaints, closure of the zoo is the only sustainable way It felt like I was moving through an animal cooler environments for the animals,” said we visit immediately,” she explained. to ensure that the animals are taken care of. concentration camp,” added Viljoen. Khedama. “We found that all the animals have food Viljoen, who co-presents the Radio However, according to Managung The initiative aims to gain 100 000 and are in good condition but there were Rosestad Middag Jol show with Bernie Metro Municipality spokesperson Qondile signatures from locals to close down the three filthy cages, which we issued a warning Naudé, claimed that conditions are Khedama, the cleanliness of enclosures are zoo and then hand the petition over to over. They were rectified that afternoon,” worsening after she paid a visit to the zoo prioritised. “Cleanliness of the zoo is given the Mangaung Municipal Manager. “The added Meyer. about two months ago. “As we made our priority. However, there are enclosures which Middag Jol team wants to join hands with If you want to sign the petition, visit www. way through the entrance towards the are currently empty, and those enclosures the community in this regard and calls for chng.it/cXYYFCBG6p. 2 Gemeenskap • Community Bloemfontein Courant • 21 November 2019 Huurder desperaat oor bad vol riool in Brandwag Seithati Semenokane rioolpyp reg voor hul woonstel. [email protected] “Daar loop ’n pad voor ons woonstel verby wat deur ander inwoners Twee inwoners van die Brandwag- gebruik word om by hul woonstelle woonstelle kla oor die stank en riool uit te kom. Daar is ook ’n verstopte wat hulle in hul eenmanswoonstel rioolpyp hier. Die maatskappy, oorweldig. Chris de Lange en sy Freshco, wil nie die rioolpyp kom vrou kon die afgelope tyd nie hul regmaak nie en ons opsigter het voordeur oopmaak vir vars lug nie aan my gesê dat hulle nie die geld Ruan Dercksen, Peter van der Merwe, Lizelle Kruger, Henri Kruger, en meeste van hul gloeilampe werk het daarvoor nie,” voeg hy by. Theuns Hanekom, Nico Coetzee en Shaun Matuwane nie weens die klam toestand in die De Lange het aan Bloemfontein FOTO: PIERCE VAN HEERDEN woonstel. Courant vertel dat daar wel mense Die Vrystaat Maatskaplike gekom het om die rioolpyp te Behuisingsmaatskappy (Freshco) is herstel, maar dat hulle net ’n gat verantwoordelik vir die bestuur van gegrawe het en toe verdwyn het. BIC vat hande met die maatskaplike behuisingsprojek “En dit stink, die gemors wat uit die maar ondervind reeds ’n geruime riool kom is groen en slymerig. Nou tyd finansiële probleme. sukkel ons om daardie gemors wat Koot Niemann “Ek woon al vir agt jaar in hierdie in ons bad beland deur die uitlaat Pierce van Heerden te werk. woonstel en het geen probleme daar uit te kry.” Chris de Lange [email protected] “Die doel van die Global gehad toe ek hier ingetrek het nie. Nadat Bloemfontein Courant Education-week is om Die woonstel was mooi skoon en probeer het om kommentaar oor As deel van die Global opvoeders en leerders aan te ons het gehoor dat as ons die plek die aantygings van Frescho te kry, buite reg te maak, maar hulle het Education-week het lede van moedig om opvoedkundige vir vyf jaar huur, dit ons eiendom sal is daar gesê dat daar wel iemand verdwyn,” sê De Lange. BIC Vrystaat/Noord-Kaap ’n aktiwiteite te ondersoek asook word, wat ons gepas het aangesien gestuur is om die rioolpyp te herstel. Teen druktyd het Bloemfontein inkleurkompetisie vir die Koot bewusmaking te skep oor die ek en my vrou werkloos is en Die De Langes stem saam dat daar Courant steeds geen reaksie Niemann Intermediêre Skool breër wêreld en ons eie rol as Sassa-toelaes ontvang,” verduidelik iemand opgedaag het maar die gekry van die opsigter nie, wat gehou met die doel om ’n wêreldburgers. Chris de Lange. probleem is nie opgelos nie. “Hulle veronderstel was om te reageer verskil te maak deur kreatief Theuns Hanekom, skoolhoof Vir die afgelope paar maande het ’n paar mense gestuur, omtrent sodra hy terug was by die Frescho- te wees. Op 15 November het van die skool, het aan sukkel hulle egter met ’n verstopte drie of vier keer, om die rioolpyp kantore. BIC 2000 kristalblou-penne Bloemfontein Courant gesê die aan die skool geskenk, saam skool waardeer die pogings met 20 geskenkpakke vol van BIC opreg, veral die feit lekkergoed. dat die maatskappy in die skool Volgens die belê. “Die meeste leerders streeksbestuurder van BIC FS/ van die skool kom uit moeilike NC, Henri Kruger, was die doel omstandighede en sommige van die dag om ’n verskil in die het nie eens ’n pen of potlood gemeenskap in Bloemfontein by die huis nie. Dit beteken te maak en ook om te help baie vir ons as skool dat BIC met die opvoedkundige besluit het om in die toekoms ontwikkeling van die leerders. van ons leerders te belê,” het “Dit was vir ons belangrik om Hanekom gesê. aan hierdie spesifieke skool te Koot Niemann Intermediêre skenk en ook om die kinders op Skool is ’n laerskool met 1300 te voed oor die belangrikheid leerders wat geleë is naby van onderwys en waarom dit die ou Thaba Nchu-PAD in belangrik is om hard op skool Bloemspruit, Bloemfontein. FS Madeira Flower De Lange sê iemand het gekom om die Festival set to dazzle riool te herstel, maar daar is net ’n gat gegrawe en niks het verder gebeur nie. Die klam toestande het gelei tot beskadigde mure in die De Langes se woonstel. The annual Free State Madeira festival has a lot more to offer Flower Festival, will once again including music, art, theatre, be dazzling residents in and dance, workshops, exhibitions, around Parys. and other family-friendly GOOD COMPANY TO KEEP A joint venture between the entertainment. Among last 1(:&203$1<5(*,675$7,216 Free State government and the year’s most loved and talked 6+(/)&203$1,(6 Autonomous State of Madeira about favourites were the flower 37<&&&+$1*(6 and hosted by The Free State carpets portraying Tata Nelson &219(56,216 Gambling, Liquor and Tourism Mandela and Mama Albertina 02,$'237,216 Authority, the Free State Madeira Sisulu as part of the centenary 5(6725$7,216 Flower Festival sees the quaint celebrations. $118$/5(78516 little town of Parys transforming The festival attracts more 6+$5(&(57,),&$7(6 into a dazzling wonderland, than 40 000 visitors, and 6+$5(75$16)(56 complete with a kilometre- boosted the local economy and ,1&20(7$;7$;&/($5$1&( long procession of floral floats, flower industry. The Free State 9$75(*,675$7,216 dancers, performers, and larger- Department of Agriculture has ,03257 (;32575(*,675$7,216 than-life puppets. also assisted 5 SMMEs in the %%%((9(5,),&$7,216 Created with over 200,000 floriculture sector. These SMMEs 75$'(0$5.6 flowers from local flower farmers, are now farming their own &,'%&2,'$3$<(8,) the Big 5 Route inspired floral flowers and are already thriving, floats are designed by Madeiran supplying local retailers with master floriculturist João Egídio. the goal of expanding to export Egídio spends his time in the internationally. country mentoring local up-and- This year, the festival will be coming flower arrangers in the taking place from 28 November art of designing floral pieces on a 2019 until 1 December 2019 in :KDWVDSS7 grand scale. Parys and the entrance is free. EORHP#SW\RQOLQHFR]DZZZSW\RQOLQHFR]D And while festival goers info@bloemfonteincourant.
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