Printed by DEDALO - Pisa - DEDALO by Printed Photo: Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Press O ce O Press Bochum, Ruhr-Universität Photo: Graphics: Răzvan Adrian Marinescu, University of Pisa of University Marinescu, Adrian Răzvan Graphics: under the Lifelong Learning Programme. Learning Lifelong the under sion through its Directorate General for Education and Culture, Culture, and Education for General Directorate its through sion by the University of Pisa and supported by the European Commis- European the by supported and Pisa of University the by CLIOHWORLD is an Erasmus Academic Network, coordinated coordinated Network, Academic Erasmus an is CLIOHWORLD Tel +39 050 2215443 2215443 050 +39 Tel 56126 Pisa, Italy Pisa, 56126 Via P. Paoli N.15, Paoli P. Via Department of History, of Department University of Pisa of University [email protected] Răzvan Adrian Marinescu, webmaster Marinescu, Adrian Răzvan [email protected] Laura Burgisano, project assistant project Burgisano, Laura [email protected] Anna Maria Pult, manager Pult, Maria Anna C ONTACTS [email protected] Carla Salvaterra, co-coordinator Salvaterra, Carla [email protected] CLIOHWORLD Guðmundur Hálfdanarson, co-coordinator Hálfdanarson, Guðmundur [email protected] Ann Katherine Isaacs, coordinator Isaacs, Katherine Ann C OORDINATORS The CLIOH-WORLD Partnership Project Partners Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (NL) Karl-Franzens-Universität, Graz (AT) Universiteit Utrecht (NL) Paris-Lodron-Universität, Salzburg (AT) Universitetet i Oslo (NO) Universiteit Gent (BE) Uniwersytet w Białymstoku (PL) Nov Balgarski Universitet, So a (BG) Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków (PL) So yski Universitet “Sveti Kliment Ohridski”, So a (BG) Universidade de Coimbra (PT) Panepistimio Kyprou, Nicosia (CY) Universidade Aberta (PT) Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Prague (CZ) Universidade Nova de Lisboa (PT) Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg (DE) Universitatea Babeş Bolyai din Cluj-Napoca (RO) Ruhr-Universität, Bochum (DE) Universitatea “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iasi (RO) Technische Universität Chemnitz (DE) Universitatea “Ştefan cel Mare” Suceava (RO) Roskilde Universitetscenter (DK) Linköpings Universitet (SE) Tartu Ülikool (EE) Uppsala Universitet (SE) Universitat de Barcelona (ES) Univerza v Mariboru, Maribor (SI) Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (ES) Univerzita Mateja Bela, Banská Bystrica (SK) Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao (ES) Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana (TR) Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (ES) Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Trabzon (TR) Oulun Yliopisto, Oulu (FI) University of Aberdeen (UK) Turun Yliopisto, Turku (FI) ueen’s University, Belfast (UK) Université Pierre Mendès France, Grenoble II (FR) University of Sussex, Brighton (UK) Université de Toulouse II- Le Mirail (FR) e University of the West of England, Bristol (UK) Ethnikon kai Kapodistriakon Panepistimion Athinon (GR) University of Edinburgh (UK) Panepistimio Dytikis Makedonias (GR) University of Strathclyde (UK) Aristotelio Panepistimio essalonikis (GR) Swansea University(UK) Miskolci Egyetem (HU) Primrose Publishing (UK) Coláiste na hOllscoile Corcaigh, Cork (IE) Ollscoil na hÉireann, Gaillimh-Galway (IE) Associate Partners Háskóli Íslands, Reykjavik (IS) Universität Basel (CH) Università di Bologna (IT) ISHA- International Student of History Association Università degli Studi di Milano (IT) Universiteti i Tiranes (AL) Università degli Studi di Padova (IT) Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci (BA) Università di Pisa (IT) Univerzitet u Sarajevu (BA) Università degli Studi di Roma Tre (IT) Osaka University, Graduate School of Letters (JP) Vilniaus Universitetas, Vilnius (LT) Univerzitet “Sv. Kliment Ohridski”- Bitola (MK) Latvijas Universitāte, Riga (LV) Moskowskij Gosudarstvennyj Oblastnoj Universitet (RU) L-Università ta’ Malta, Msida (MT) Univerzitet u Novom Sadu (SCG) THE PROJECT CLIOHWORLD WORK GROUPS CLIOHWORLD is an Erasmus Academic Network, now in its second WG1: European Union and European Integration History year. It is based on the ndings of several previous projects. It intends to Most History Departments and Faculties o er very little on the History of take an important further step towards increasing the critical understand- the EU itself. Courses and programmes are more common in Faculties of ing - on the part of European students and citizens in general - of Europe’s Political Science, Law, or Economics. WG1 is mapping this situation, iden- past, present and future and its role in the wider world. e underlying tifying examples of good practice. It also promotes a more incisive historical motive is to ght xenophobia at its base, encouraging an inclusive Euro- aspect in the area of European Studies. pean citizenship by providing the necessary tools for learners of all ages. WG2: World History, Global History and Periodisation e main goals of previous and parallel European History Network WG2 looks at how World and Global Histories di er, mapping the projects (CLIOH, CLIOHnet, CLIOHnet2, CLIOHRES) have been present situation, identifying good practice, and promoting ways to in- to improve the understanding of national histories as they are studied, crease understanding of how World and Global Histories are conceived taught and learned in European universities. We have emphasised putting in di erent cultural contexts. WG2 takes a critical look at Eurocentric into contact and creating links between national historical narratives, pre- research and historiography. It discusses di erent types of chronology and paring tools and materials to structure history programmes that can make periodization systems used in World and Global History. learners aware of how national historical viewpoints have been created, WG3: E-learning and Digitization and how and why they may contrast with the beliefs and understandings ICT has produced a sea change in historical research, learning and teach- about history in neighbouring countries. ing. WG3 builds on the History Network’s past experience in e-learning; it attempts to make the products and resources of the History Networks CLIOHWORLD uses its consolidated experience and methodology to more visible and more user friendly for researchers, students and teachers deal with further challenges: rst, to develop learning and teaching of EU around the world. history itself, including European integration and expansion, and, second, to promote knowledge of the links with the histories of other continents WG4: Developing EU-Turkey Dialogue as well. Many Europeans today still consider the Ottoman Empire and the Repub- lic of Turkey to be ‘outside’ of Europe, even if many European countries, e main products envisaged are plenary working meetings, meetings of including EU member states, were once part of the Ottoman Empire. A smaller working groups, dissemination activities in all partner countries, similar kind of tunnel vision a icts History learning and teaching in Tur- development of links with European and World History associations in key. WG4 supports Intensive Programmes in Turkey and designs strategies other continents, production and dissemination of Guidelines and Refer- and materials for learning and teaching in both Turkey and the EU. ence Points for Higher Education programmes in EU and World History, development and implementation of an EU History quality label based on WG 5: Regional and Transnational History Tuning competences and state of the art internal quality enhancement pro- Regional and/or transnational history is usually taught today in course cedures, development of the www.cliohworld.net website, production and units bearing other names. WG5 identi es examples of good practice, and dissemination of new materials for innovative history teaching and learning. is creating guidelines based on an agreed frame of reference, so that History Departments and Faculties can develop this sector and describe their o er in an optimal way. COLLABORATION WITH OTHER PROJECTS CLIOHRES.net is a Sixth Framework Network of Excellence. It is CLIOHWORLD’s sister Network. In it 180 researchers from 45 Uni- versities are pioneering a new model for European historical research. CLIOHRES has produced nearly forty volumes of research results: they THE CLIOHWORLD QUALITY INITIATIVE are available on www.cliohres.net and in book form. e experience of the European History Networks in the area of “quality” TUNING started as a project (“Tuning Educational Structures in Eu- began with the participation of CLIOHnet in the TEEP 2002 project, rope”), university designed and driven, to give substance to the Bologna in which the European Network of uality Assurance Agencies rst de- Process. Developed by academics coming from many European countries, signed and tested a non-invasive non-prescriptive procedure for Universi- it has produced guidelines and reference points for designing degree pro- ties to evaluate the quality of their degree programmes. grammes. Tuning is now a world-wide process: History is a pilot subject area in Europe, Latin America , the Russian Federation, Georgia and the A quality commission in the CLIOHnet2 Network re ned the Self- Kyrgyz Republic. Tuning will soon start in the USA and in other coun- Evaluation Manual, and CLIOHnet2 partner Universities carried out the tries and continents as well. procedure, including site visits from members of the commission. e CoRe 2 Project is coordinated by the NUFFIC ( e Netherlands Or- uality is a major theme in CLIOHWORLD; achieving real quality ganisation for International Cooperation in Higher Education), the UK in University history
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