For the study of Liberal, SDP and Issue 41 / Winter 2003 / £5.00 Liberal Democrat history Journal of LiberalHI ST O R Y The Fall of the Lloyd George Coalition Meeting report Margaret Macmillan, Andrew Thorpe, John Barnes, Stuart Ball Andrew Hudson The history of the Lib-Labs Labour interests within the Liberal Party Jaime Reynolds and Robert Ingham Archie Macdonald MP for Roxburgh and Selkirk, 1950–51: biography Jürgen Frölich The German Liberals Between third force and marginal force Adrian Slade ‘Hard man’ with heart Interview with Bill Rodgers Liberal Democrat History Group Oral history Interviewers needed We would like to hear from nother new, but related, anyone willing to volunteer HISTORY History Group project some time to interview a Ais a new publication: small number of key Liberal an Oral History of twenti- (or SDP or Liberal Demo- eth century Liberalism – a crat) activists about their thematic study of the Liberal period in the party, and their GROUP NEWS Party and liberalism, drawing experience in particular areas upon interviews with Lib- (campaigning, for example, eral activists and politicians, or policy-making, or party Contribute to Whatever your experi- as well as autobiographical organisation). ence, you are welcome to sources. Liberal Democrat Guidance will be given contribute. If you have or Many of the necessary with questions and interview history know of party records or interviews have already been techniques. other documentary material conducted, for other pur- If you are able to help, he Liberal Democrat that might be of historical poses (such as PhD theses), please write to Robert Ing- History Group is aiming interest please give us details. and we hope that the new ham, the Journal’s Biographies to establish an archive T Liberal Archive (see left) Editor, who is coordinating of personal recollections of will also contribute valuable the project, at: party history. Large or small material. We’d now like as many Maybe your story is a brief We also, however, need to • biographies@liberalhisto readers of the Journal as pos- anecdote, or maybe it’s a interview a number of key ry.org.uk; or sible to send us your Liberal, lifetime memoir. Feel free party figures – and for that • 10 Beltinge Road, Herne SDP and Liberal Democrat to write your story whether we need help! Bay, Kent CT6 6DB anecdotes and recollections: it be 100 words or 10,000 every story is vital. words long. What sort of information Be honest are we looking for? This is the most important ‘The View from Knowsley’ We’re looking for personal thing about any story on this recollections and information site. We want it to be a accu- A Conference at Knowsley Hall, Liverpool; 19–20 March 2004 from people who have been rate and authentic. ‘The View from Knowsley’ will be an unparalleled opportunity to active (or whose forebears discuss the work of statesmen on both sides of British politics for the were active) in the Liberal, best part of a century. Social Democrat or Liberal What will happen to your For historians, the Earls of Derby are particularly interesting in Democrat parties. story? party political terms, having both a Whig/Liberal and a Conservative Our main aim is to ensure inheritance. that the party’s ‘folk Although the fourteenth Earl of Derby is known to history as a What are our main areas memory’ is preserved. Conservative Prime Minister, he made his political reputation as a of interest? Your contributions will be Whig, and in the 1830s served in the great reforming Cabinet of Earl Our interest ranges across the archived and we aim to make Grey. Melbourne saw Stanley – as he was then known – as a future whole history of the Liberal them accessible for research- leader. Democrats and its predeces- ers through our website, the The fifteenth Earl, having long been on the ‘liberal’ wing of the sors from the nineteenth cen- Journal of Liberal History and Conservatives, eventually joined Gladstone’s second government tury to the present day. other publications. after spectacularly falling out with Disraeli. His diary is a rich source We would like to hear for the history of both parties. memories of party personali- In addition, the seventeenth Earl served in Lloyd George’s ties, elections, local constitu- Send contributions to: government and acted on its behalf as ambassador in Paris. ency history, triumphs and Liberal Democrat His- The conference will include presentations about the fourteenth Earl’s disappointments. tory Group Liberal Archive earlier career, the fifteenth Earl’s work as a Liberal Colonial Secretary project, at: and the seventeenth Earl’s role, as well as their Conservative contributions. Cover illustration • biographies@liberalhisto The author of the fourteenth earl’s first modern biography and the ‘The Great Improviser’, from ry.org.uk; or editor of the fifteenth earl’s diaries will both be presenting papers, Punch, 9 June 1920 - Looyd along with a range of historians discussing a fascinating and long- George still in command of the • 10 Beltinge Road, Herne neglected area of political history. Coalition (see meeting report, Bay, Kent CT6 6DB page 29). More details can be found at www.viewfromknowsley.com 2 Journal of Liberal History 41 Winter 2003 Journal of Liberal History Issue 41: Winter 2003 The Journal of Liberal History is published quarterly by the Liberal Democrat History Group. ISSN 1479-9642 The history of the Lib-Labs 4 Andrew Hudson considers the history of what became known as Lib- Editor: Duncan Brack Labbery: the representation of labour interests in parliament through the Deputy Editor: Sarah Taft Liberal Party Assistant Editor: Siobhan Vitelli Biographies Editor: Robert Ingham Reviews Editor: Dr Eugenio Biagini Biography: Archie Macdonald 11 Jaime Reynolds and Robert Ingham analyse the career of Archie Patrons Macdonald (1904–83), Liberal MP for Roxburgh and Selkirk 1950–51 Dr Eugenio Biagini; Professor Michael Freeden; Professor Earl Russell; Professor John Vincent Letters to the Editor 15 Editorial Board Peter Hatton and Larry Iles Dr Malcolm Baines; Dr Roy Douglas; Dr Barry Doyle; Dr David Dutton; Professor David The German Liberals 16 Gowland; Dr Richard Grayson; Dr Michael Hart; Peter Hellyer; Ian Hunter; Dr J. Graham Jones; Between third force and marginal force. Dr Jürgen Frölich outlines the Tony Little; Professor Ian Machin; Dr Mark Pack; role of the Free Democratic Party in German Federal politics Dr John Powell; Jaime Reynolds; Iain Sharpe ‘Hard man’ with heart 23 Editorial/Correspondence Interview with Bill Rodgers; by Adrian Slade Contributions to the Journal – letters, articles, and book reviews – are invited. The Journal is a refereed publication; all articles submitted will Report: The Liberal Party and general 25 be reviewed. Contributions should be sent to: elections since 1945 Duncan Brack (Editor) 38 Salford Road, London SW2 4BQ with David Butler and Neil Stockley; report by David Cloke email: [email protected] All articles copyright © Journal of Liberal History. Report: The fall of the Lloyd George 29 Advertisements Coalition with Margaret Macmillan, Andrew Thorpe, John Barnes and Stuart Ball; Adverts are welcome; please contact the Editor for rates. report by Graham Lippiatt Subscriptions/Membership Reviews 37 An annual subscription to the Journal of Paddy Ashdown: The Ashdown Diaries, Vol. 2, 1997–1999, reviewed by Liberal History costs £15.00 (£7.50 unwaged Alan Leaman; Jane Jordan: Josephine Butler, reviewed by Paddy Beck; rate). This includes membership of the History Sheila Gooddie: Mary Gladstone: A Gentle Rebel, reviewed by Tony Little Group unless you inform us otherwise. The institutional rate is £25.00. Overseas subscribers should add £5.00; or, a Archives 43 special three-year rate is available for £55.00 The David Owen Papers at Special Collections and Archives, University of (individuals) or £85.00 (institutions). Liverpool Library; by Maureen Watry Cheques (payable to ‘Liberal Democrat History Group’) should be sent to: Patrick Mitchell 6 Palfrey Place, London SW8 1PA; email: [email protected] Liberal Democrat History Group The Liberal Democrat History Group promotes the discussion and research of historical Cover design concept: Lynne Featherstone topics relating to the histories of the Liberal Democrats, Liberal Party, and SDP, and of Liberalism. The Group organises discussion meetings and produces the Journal and other Published by the Liberal Democrat History occasional publications. Group, c/o 38 Salford Road, London SW2 4BQ For more information, including details of publications, back issues of the Journal, tape Printed by Kall-Kwik, records of meetings and archive and other research sources, see our web site at: 426 Chiswick High Road, London W4 5TF www.liberalhistory.org.uk. December 2003 Hon President: Earl Russell Chair: Tony Little Journal of Liberal History 41 Winter 2003 3 THE HISTORY OF THE LIB-LABS Andrew Hudson considers the history of what became known as Lib-Labbery: the representation of labour interests in parliament through the Liberal Party. Lib-Labs have been defined by F. A. S. Craig as ‘Candidates who were in most cases nominees of the local Liberal and Radical Associations but who Labour MPs in the ib-Labbery in these sit- parliamentary career was over and campaigned mainly on Commons: Francis uations was not an alli- was nominated for his record as a Carrouthers ance with the Labour campaigner for maritime safety. trade union and labour Gould, The Party. Cooperation with It would also exclude honorary 1 Westminster issues.’ According to Gazette, 10 the Labour Party coex- figureheads such as Batty Langley February 1906 Listed with Lib-Labbery during who was made the first president Shepherd, the term the first decade of the last century of the National Association of ‘Lib-Lab’ probably but, by that time, Lib-Labbery Railway Clerks, largely because was in the process of being super- they wanted an MP as a figure- originated as a term seded by the Labour Party.
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