397 M. Pavelka, J. Roth, Functional Ultrastructure: Atlas of Tissue Biology and Pathology, Third Edition, DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091

397 M. Pavelka, J. Roth, Functional Ultrastructure: Atlas of Tissue Biology and Pathology, Third Edition, DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091

Index A Blood , 380–394 Actin fi laments , 38, 176, 184, 186, 196, 258, 340, 350, 352 basophilic granulocytes , 386 brush border , 176 eosinophilic granulocytes , 384 brush cell , 186 erythrocytes , 380 nuclear actin , 26 erythropoiesis , 380 Adhering junctions , 196, 226, 258, 290, 294, 350 lymphocytes , 390 Adipose tissue , 330, 332 monocytes , 388 brown , 332 neutrophilic granulocytes , 382 white , 330 reticulocytes , 380 Aggresomes , 52, 180 thrombocytes , 392, 394 Alport’s syndrome , 214 Blood–brain barrier , 358 Alveoli , 288 Bone , 336, 338 Amphisomes , 148 mineralization , 336 Amyloid fi brils , 326, 328 osteoblasts , 336 Amyloidosis , 326 osteoclasts , 338 Anchoring junctions , 196 osteocyte , 336 Anderson disease , 64 osteoid , 336 Annulate lamellae , 42 resorption , 338 Apomucin , 40 Bone marrow , 380, 392 Apoptosis , 30, 48, 148, 268 cells of the erythroid lineage , 380 Arterial wall , 300 megakaryocytes , 392 Articular cartilague , 334 Bowman’s layer , 324 Astrocytes , 356, 358, 368 Brefeldin A , 94, 96, 98 Atomic force microscopy , 24, 328 effect on retrograde transport of internalized WGA , 98 Autophagic cell death , 30 Golgi apparatus disassembly , 94, 96 Autophagy , 148, 150, 152 tubulation of Golgi apparatus and endosomes , 96 autolysosomes , 148 Brush border , 176, 188, 258, 262 autophagosomes , 148 Brush cell , 186 crinophagy , 226 cytosolic protein aggregates , 152 ER-phagy , 152 C mitophagy , 152 CADASIL. See Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy pexophagy , 150 (CADASIL) selective autophagy of cellular organelles , 152 Cajal body , 6, 20 Axon , 298, 344, 352, 356, 358, 360, 362, 366, 368, 370, 372 Cadherins, 196, 202, degeneration , 370 Camillo Golgi , 68 regeneration , 370 Capillaries , 248, 294, 298 continuous , 294 fenestrated , 298 B sinusoidal , 248 Basal bodies , 274, 282 Cardiac muscle , 350 Basal labyrinth , 208, 230 intercalated disk , 350 renal tubules , 208 myofi brils , 350 submandibular gland , 230 Cartilage , 334 Basement membranes , 212 Caveolae , 118, 126, 352 Descemet’s membrane , 216 cholera toxin , 126 glomerular basement membrane , 214, 302 smooth muscle cells , 126, 352 skin , 218 Cell crawling , 184 smooth muscle cell , 212 Cell division , 28 Basophilic granulocyte , 386 Cells in culture , 184 Birbeck granules , 124 Cells of Ito , 248 M. Pavelka, J. Roth, Functional Ultrastructure: Atlas of Tissue Biology and Pathology, Third Edition, 397 DOI 10.1007/978-3-7091-1830-6, © Springer-Verlag Vienna 2015 398 Index Cellular interdigitations , 206, 258 Cytoskeleton , 172–180 Central nervous system , 356, 358, 360 actin fi laments , 176 blood–brain barrier , 358 intermediate fi laments , 178 glial cells , 356 microtubules , 172, 174 neuron , 356 Cytosolic coat proteins (COPs) , 58 synapses, synaptic terminal , 358, 360 Centrioles , 94, 122, 172 Centrosome , 172 D Ceramide-transfer protein , 92 Descemet’s membrane , 216 Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy (CADASIL) , 354 Dermal-epidermal junction , 218 Cerebrospinal fl uid , 256 Desmin , 340, 352 Chondrocytes , 334 Desmosomes , 178, 196, 202, 226, 258, 278, 280, 350 Choroid plexus ependyma , 256 belt desmosome , 196, 226, 258 Chromatin , 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 28 fascia adhaerens , 350 condensed chromatin (heterochromatin) , spot desmosome , 178, 196, 202, 226, 258, 278, 280, 350 6, 8, 10, 14, 16, 18, 28 Dinofl agellates , 36 euchromatin , 6, 20 Disseminated endocrine system , 244 Chromosomes , 6, 12 Duchenne muscular dystrophy , 346 interphase chromosome domains , 12 Dysproteinemic neuropathies , 374 Chylomicron retention disease , 64 Cilia , 274, 282, 284 E axoneme , 282 Elastic fi bers , 318 ciliopathies , 284 Electron tomography , 88, 90, 360 immotile cilia syndrome , 284 Endocytic trans Golgi network , 90, 118, 120 Kartagener syndrome , 284 Endocytosis , 90, 116, 118, 120, 126, 128, 130, 132 olfactory epithelium , 274 Birbeck granules , 124 tracheo-bronchial epithelium , 282, 284 caveolae , 118, 126 Ciliated cells , 282 clathrin-dependent endocytosis , 116, 118 Clara cells , 286 clathrin-independent , 118 Clathrin-dependent transport , 116, 118, 132 endocytic pathways , 118 Cochlea , 270, 272 endocytic TGN , 90, 118, 120 basilar membrane , 270 fl uid-phase endocytosis , 128 organ of Corti , 270, 272 Golgi apparatus , 120 Reissner’s membrane , 270 late endosomes , 118 scala tympani , 270 lysosomes , 118, 130, 132 scala vestibuli , 270 macropinosomes , 118 Collagen fi bers , 314, 316, 318 phagocytosis , 118, 128 Compound secretion , 112, 232 receptor-mediated endocytosis , 116, 122 Concanavalin A (Con-A) , 44 recycling endosomes , 118 Condensing vacuoles , 2, 68, 102, 224, 226 retrograde traffi c into Golgi apparatus , 120 Congenital hepatic fi brosis , 254 sorting endosomes , 118 Connective tissue , 314–324 tubular pericentriolar endosomes , 122 Bowman’s layer , 324 vesiculated endosomes , 118 collagen fi bers , 314, 316, 318 virus endocytosis , 116 collagen fi brils , 318, 322 Endoneurium , 364 dense connective tissue , 322 Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) , 2, 6, 22, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, elastic fi bers , 318 50, 52, 54, 56, 252, 260, 340, 342 eosinophilic granulocyte , 320 ER-associated degradation , 66 fi broblast , 314, 316, 318 lipid droplet biogenesis , 166 fi brocytes , 316 membrane contact sites , 194 loose connective tissue , 314 rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) , 2, 6, 22, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, macrophage , 314, 316, 320 44, 46, 48, 50, 52 mast cell , 320 sarcoplasmic reticulum , 340, 342 plasma cells , 320 smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) , 54, 56, 166, 340, 342 Connexons , 198 transitional elements , 58 COP I-coated vesicles , 58, 88, 94 Endosomes , 96, 114, 118 COPII-coated vesicles , 58 Brefeldin A , 96 Cornea , 216, 276, 322, 324 multivesicular endosomes , 114 Bowman’s layer , 324 tubular pericentriolar endosomes , 122 corneal epithelium , 276 Endothelium , 248, 294, 298, 300, 302 corneal stroma , 322 endothelio-pericyte interactions , 300 Descemet’s membrane , 216 endothelio-smooth muscle cell interactions , 300 Crigler-Najjar syndromes I and II , 56 endothelium in continuous capillaries , 294 Crohn’s disease , 236 endothelium in fenestrated capillaries , 298 Cystinosis , 146 endothelium in glomerular capillaries of the kidney , 302 Cytocenter , 94, 172 endothelium in liver sinusoidal capillaries , 248 Cytomegalovirus , 32 Eosinophilic granulocyte , 320, 384 Index 399 Epidermis , 202, 278, 280 secretory and endocytic pathways , 84 dermal-epidermal junction , 218 subcompartments , 86 epidermal fl uid barrier formation , 280 three-dimensional models , 88, 90 keratinocytes differentiation , 280 tilt series , 88 layers , 278 Epidermolysis bullosa simplex , 220 Epineurium , 364 H ERGIC-53 , 58 Heat shock response , 100 ER-Golgi-intermediate compartment (ERGIC) , 58 Hemidesmosomes , 218 Erythroblasts , 380 Hepatocyte , 54, 246, 248, 250, 252 Erythrocytes , 380 Hereditary nephritis , 214 Erythropoiesis , 380 High-pressure freezing , 86, 88, 92, 94, 96 Erythropoietic protoporphyria , 170 Human immunodefi ciency virus (HIV) , 116 Exocytosis , 2, 34, 102, 108, 226, 236 Hyaline arteriolosclerosis , 296 Exosomes , 114 I F I-cell disease , 134 Fabry disease , 138 Immunogold labeling , 34, 40, 44, 46, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, 80 Farber disease , 142 Immotile cilia syndrome , 284 Fenestrated capillary , 298 Insulin , 240, 242 FIB-SEM. See Focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy Insulinoma , 242 (FIB-SEM) tomography Intercalated cells of kidney , 238 Fibroblast , 314, 316, 318 Intercalated disk , 350 Fibrocyte , 316 Intermediate fi laments , 26, 178, 180, 186, 196, 202, 262, 278, 280, Filaggrin , 280 340, 352 Filopodia , 184 brush cell , 186 Fluid-phase endocytosis , 128 desmin , 340, 352 Focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) keratinocyte , 178, 278, 280 tomography , 4 keratins , 178, 278, 280 Freeze fracture replica , 22, 182, 198, 292 lamins , 26 Mallory bodies , 180 neurofi laments , 362 G Intestinal absorptive cell , 174, 176, 188, 258, 260 Gap junctions , 198, 350 Invadopodia , 210 freeze-fracture replica , 198 Invadosomes , 210 Gaucher disease , 136 Islets of Langerhans , 240 Gilbert syndrome , 56 Glycocalyx , 188, 190, 192 antennulae microvillares , 188 J cell type specifi city and domains , 190 Junctional complex , 102, 196, 226, 258 changes in tumors , 192 maculae adhaerentes , 196, 226, 258 Glycogen , 168 zonula adhaerens , 196, 226, 258 Glycogenosis type I , 168 zonula occludens , 196, 226, 258 Glycogenosis type II , 146 GM2 gangliosidoses , 140 Goblet cells , 76, 112, 232, 282 K Golgi apparatus , 2, 50, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 80, 82, 84, 88, 90, 92, Kartagener syndrome , 284 94, 96, 98, 100, 118, 120, 132, 172, 174, 252 Keratinocytes , 178, 278, 280 antero-and retrograde traffi c , 92 Keratins , 178, 278, 280 Brefeldin A , 94, 96, 98 Kidney , 208, 214, 238, 262, 264, 302, 304, 306, 308, Camillo Golgi , 68 310, 312, 326 ceramide-condensing compartments , 92 amyloidosis , 326 COP I-coated vesicles , 88, 94 basal labyrinth , 208 endocytosis , 84, 90, 118, 120 distal tubule , 208 ER-Golgi relationships , 92 fi ltration machinery , 302 Golgi reassembly and stacking proteins , 68 glomerular basement membrane , 214 Golgi stack organization , 68 glomerulus and disorders , 302, 304, 306, 308, 310, 312 heat shock response , 100 intercalated cells , 238 maturation of asparagine-linked N -glycans , 72 parathyroid hormone response , 264 microtubule disruption , 174 proximal tubule , 208, 262, 264 oligosaccharide trimming , 72 Kupffer cell , 128, 248 pathway of toxins , 84 protein N -glycosylation , 66, 72, 74 protein

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