Contents III Contents Foreword VII Habitat Adaptation and Distribution BUNNELL, D.B., ESHENRODER, R.L., KRAUSE, A.E., ADAMS, J.V.: Depth segrega­ tion of deepwater ciscoes (Coregonus spp.) in Lake Michigan during 1930-1932 and range expansion of Coregonus hoyi into deeper waters after the 1990s (with 5 figures and 5 tables) 3-24 PRATT, T.C.: The distribution and abundance of deepwater ciscoes in Canadian waters of Lake Superior (with 8 figures and 5 tables) 25—41 TYAGUN, M.L.: Relief structure of scales in Coregonid fishes from Lake Baikal: differences between morpho-ecological groups of omul (Coregonus migratorius Georgy) and Siberian whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus pidschian Gmelin) (with 5 figures and 2 tables) 43-53 TYAGUN, M.L. & KHODZHER, T.A.: Relief Structure of Coregonid Scale through Reconstruction of Stereopair Three-dimensional Images (with 5 figures) 55-63 YULE, D.L., SCHREINER, D.R., ADDISON, P.A., SEIDER, M.J., EVRARD, L.M., GEVING, S.A., QUINLAN, H.R.: Repeat surveys of spawning cisco (Coregonus artedi) in western Lake Superior: timing, distribution and composition of spawning stocks (with 8 figures and 4 tables) 65-87 WANZENBOCK, J., PAMMINGER-LAHNSTEINER, B., WINKLER, K., WEISS, S.J.: Experi­ mental evaluation of the spawning periods of whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus complex) in Lake Mondsee, Austria (with 2 figures and 1 table) 89-97 Life History Variation and Migration BROWN , R .JDAUM, D.W., ZURAY , S J.CARTER III, W.K.: Documentation of Annual Spawning Migrations of Anadromous Coregonid Fishes in a Large River using Maturity Indices, Length and Age Analyses, and CPUE (with 8 figures and 1 table) 101-116 JOKIKOKKO, E., HUHMARNIEM, A., LESKELA, A., VAHA, V.: Migration to the sea of river spawning whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus L.) fry in the northern Baltic Sea (with 5 figures and 1 table) 117-125 ROESCH, R.: Gonadosomatic index of pelagic spawning female whitefish (Core­ gonus lavaretus L.) in Lake Constance-Upper Lake (with 2 figures) 127-132 http://d-nb.info/1021677973 IV Contents TALLMAN, R.F. & HOWLAND, K.L.: Seasonal migration patterns of lower Macken­ zie River coregonids (with 5 figures and 1 table) 133-146 THOMAS, G. & ECKMANN, R.: Reproduction vs. growth: indications for altered energy fluxes in Lake Constance whitefish through size-selective fishery (with 5 figures and 1 table) 147-157 VANGERWEN-TOYNE, M., TALLMAN, R.F., GILLIS, D.: Comparison of life history traits between anadromous and lacustrine stocks of broad whitefish (Coregonus nasus): An intra-specific test of Roff's hypothesis (with 4 figures and 1 table).. 159-173 Evolutionary Genetics and Systematics BYCHENKO, O.S., SUKHANOVA, L.V., AZHIKINA, T.L., SVERDLOV, E.D.: Search for genetic bases of species differences between Lake Baikal coregonid fishes: whitefish, C. baicalensis, and omul, C. migratorius (with 2 figures and 1 tables) 177-186 GORDEEVA, N.V., KARMANOVA, O.G., SHITOVA, M.V.: Biological and genetic diver­ sity in peled (Coregonus peled) populations, introduced beyond south edge ofthe range, into Tuvinian lakes (with 5 figures and 2 tables) 187-196 PAMMINGER-LAHNSTEINER, B., WINKLER, K.A., WEISS, S., WANZENBOCK, J.: Does segregated spawning time prevent the introgression of stocked whitefish species into native species? A morphometric and genetic study in Lake Mondsee, Austria (with 4 figures and 3 tables) 197-208 SENDER, D.S., NOVOSELOV, A.P., STUDENOV, I.I., GURICHEV, RA.: The Origin of Coregonid Fishes of the White Sea Kuloi Plateau (with 4 figures and 5 tables) ... 209-227 SIWERTSSON, A., KNUDSEN, R., AMUNDSEN, P.-A.: Temporal stability in gill rak­ er numbers of subarctic European whitefish populations (with 3 figures and 2 tables) 229-240 STOTT, W.,EBENER, M.P.,MOHR, L., SCHAEFFER, J., ROSEMAN, E.F., HARFORD, W.J., JOHNSON, J.E., FIETSCH, C.-L.: Genetic structure of lake whitefish, Coregonus clu- peaformis, populations in the northern main basin of Lake Huron (with 4 figures and 6 tables) 241-260 SUKHANOVA, L.V., SMIRNOV, V.V., SMIRNOVA-ZALUMI, N.S., BELOMESTNYKH, T.V., KIRILCHIK, S.V.: Molecular Phylogeography of Lake Baikal Coregonid Fishes (with 6 figures and 2 tables) 261-283 YAKHNENKO, V., KLIMENKOV, I., MAMONTOV, A., YAKHNENKO, M.: Intra- and inter­ specific features of the composition and structure of blood cells of coregonid 285-297 fishes from the East-Siberian region (with 8 figures and 3 tables) Contents V VECSEI, P., BLACKIE, C.T., MUIR, A.M., MACHTANS, H.M., REIST, J.D.: A prelimi­ nary assessment of cisco (Coregonus spp.) diversity in Yellowknife Bay, Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories (with 8 figures and 5 tables) 299-322 Fisheries and Stock Assessment ECKMANN, R.: Massive stocking with hatchery larvae may constrain natural recruitment of whitefish stocks and induce unwanted evolutionary changes (with 1 figure and 2 tables) 325-336 GORMAN, O.T.: Successional Change in the Lake Superior Fish Community: Population Trends in Ciscoes, Rainbow Smelt, and Lake Trout, 1958-2008 (with 8 figures and 1 table) 337-362 JAPOSHVILI, B.: Long-term assessment of a vendace (Coregonus albula L.) stock in Lake Paravani, South Georgia (with 5 figures and 2 tables) 363-369 SANDLUND, O.T., DISERUD, O.H.,N/ESJE,T.F.: Lessons to Learn from 123 Years of Catch Data from a Small Scale Whitefish Fishery (with 5 figures) 371-382 URPANEN.O., KESKINEN,T., MARJOMAKI,T.J.,SAKOMAA, V., SALO, H.,SYRJANEN, J., VIUANEN, M.,KARJALAINEN, J.: Effects of mass fish removal on coregonid larval abundance in a large mesotrophic lake (with 6 figures and 2 tables) 383-395 Impacts of multiple stressors: Climate Change, Industrial Development, and Invasive Species FAGAN, K.-A., KOOPS, M.A., ARTS, M.T., SUTTON, T.M., POWER, M.: Lake whitefish feeding habits and condition in Lake Michigan (with 3 figures and tables) 399^15 JACOBSON, P.C., CROSS, T.K., ZANDLO, J., CARLSON, B.N., PEREIRA, D.P.: The effects of climate change and eutrophication on cisco Coregonus artedi abun­ dance in Minnesota lakes (with 6 figures) 417—427 LUMB, C.E. & JOHNSON, T.B.: Retrospective growth analysis of lake white- fish (Coregonus clupeaformis) in Lakes Erie and Ontario, 1954-2003 (with 12 figures and 4 tables) 429-454 RENNIE, M.D., EBENER, M.P., WAGNER, T.: Can migration mitigate the effects of ecosystem change? Patterns of dispersal, energy acquisition and allocation in Great Lakes lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) (with 7 figures, 3 tables and 2 appendices) 455^476 VI Contents ROSEMAN, E.F., KENNEDY, G., MANNY, B.A., BOASE, J., MCFEE, J.: Life History Characteristics of a Recovering Lake Whitefish Coregonus clupeaformis Stock in the Detroit River, North America (with 8 figures and 4 tables) 477-501 Conservation and Species at Risk ETHERIDGE, E.C., BEAN,C.W., MAITLAND, P.S., BALLANTYNE, S., ADAMS,C.E.: Dis­ continuous infraspecific variation in ecological and morphological traits has con­ sequences for conservation of powan (Coregonus lavaretus) in Scotland (with 7 figures) 505-517 HAAKANA, H.& HUUSKONEN, H.:The endangered whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus pallasi) population in the Koitajoki River, eastern Finland: the present state and threats (with 10 figures and 1 table) 519-533 TOLENTINO, S. & MOON, M.: Artificial Reef Construction and use by three endemic Coregonid whitefishes in Bear Lake, Utah, USA (with 2 figures and 1 table) 535-546 WINFIELD, I.J., ADAMS, C.E., BEAN, C.W., CAMERON DURIE, N., FLETCHER, J.M., GOWANS, A.R., HARROD, C., JAMES, J.B., LYLE, A.A., MAITLAND, P.S., THOMPSON, C., VERSPOOR, E.: Conservation of the vendace (Coregonus albula), the U.K.'s rarest freshwater fish (with 3 figures) 547-559 .
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