THE CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE AT THE UNIVERSITY AT BUFFALO 2015 YEARBOOK 布法罗孔院2015年年鉴 孔子学院 The Confucius Institute at the University at Buffalo 布法罗大学孔子学院 Table of Contents 目录 Remarks from the Director..................................................................................... 3 院长寄语 University at Buffalo Leadership Exchanges with Chinese Colleagues........... 4 布法罗大学领导与中国的交流互访 Chinese Language Teaching Programs............................................................... 7 中文语言教学 Cultural and Exchange Activities.......................................................................... 10 文化交流活动 Academic Programs at UB.................................................................................... 16 UB学术活动 Other Developments............................................................................................... 22 其它发展 Remarks from the Director 院长寄语 2015 witnessed another fruitful year Board of Advisors for their excellent advice and oversight, and to for the UB Confucius Institute (UBCI). CAS Dean Bruce Pitman and Associate Dean Millie Chen for their This yearbook should demonstrate that great leadership in promoting the cause of UBCI. Finally, I am UBCI has provided great service to UB grateful to all the friends of UBCI for the inspiring and continuous in the area of China Studies and to local support. school districts, and has made a positive difference in the lives of many students 2015年见证了布法罗孔子学院又一丰硕的一年。此年度报告充分 both on the UB campus and in the local 展示了UB孔院为开展中国领域的研究和中小学教学提供了极大的 community. 支持和服务。给UB学生以及当地社区的居民生活带来了积极的影 响。 The Institute has accomplished numerous significant programs in the areas of Chinese language teaching and community cultural 布法罗孔院完成了在中文语言教学和社区文化活动等领域的众多 activities. On top of our continuing projects, UBCI established 有意义的项目。首先在2015年,布法罗孔院在Orchard Park 学区 in 2015 two new Chinese programs in the Orchard Park School 和Akron 学区建立了新的中文项目 (现在我们在西纽约的11个学 District and Akron Central Schools (now we have 11 programs in 校及学区开展了中文项目,中文学生人数达3639人) 。此外,我 Western NY K-12 schools, and are teaching 3,639 K-12 students). 们还在City Honors School建立了新的孔子课堂,扩展了HSK和 We also have developed one new Confucius Classroom at YCT考试项目,并举办了由中国顶尖音乐学院中央音乐学院的师生 City Honors School, significantly expanded the HSK and YCT 带来的精彩演出。 programs, and hosted a remarkable performance by students and faculty of the Central Conservatory of Music, China’s top 更重要的是,布法罗孔院进一步履行让自己融入UB学术生活主流 music conservatory, to name a few highlights. 这一使命。与UB教育学院合作,布法罗孔院在2015年启动了中文 作为第二语言的教育硕士项目,及纽约州中文教师资格证项目。 More importantly, the Confucius Institute has further fulfilled its 在2015年,我们进一步增添了孔子阅览区的图书,设立了“孔子 expanded mission of integrating itself into the mainstream of 教育家奖”,成立了中国文化俱乐部,每月都会开设中国文化讲 UB’s academic life. UBCI, working with the Graduate School 座及展示。为16位UB海外学习项目的学生争取到国家汉办奖学金 of Education, has launched in fall 2015 a Master of Education 的资助, 组织及赞助了三场学术会议和七个UB孔子学院杰出讲 and New York State Certification Program in Teaching Chinese 座。 as a Second Language. In 2015, we further contributed to the Confucius Reading Area, established a “Confucius Educator 在2015年6月,布法罗孔院搬到了位于UB Commons的新的办公和教 Award,” set up a Chinese Club with monthly presentations on 学场所。 在此我想特别感谢UB副教务长兼UB孔院理事会理事长 Chinese culture, secured 16 scholarships from Hanban for Stephen Dunnett教授,他为孔院办公空间的改善发挥了重要作 participants in the UB Study Abroad in China program, organized 用。我还要感谢我的员工,UB孔院副院长Bruce Acker和卢峭梅以 and co-sponsored three academic conferences and seven UBCI 及学生助理高秀娇和詹欣卉。正是他们的努力,孔院很多宝贵的 Distinguished Lectures. 项目才可以有效实施。我还要感谢汉办和我们尊贵的合作伙伴首 都师范大学的慷慨支持,感谢UB理事会成员的宝贵建议和监督, In June 2015, UBCI moved into a new office and classroom suite 以及UB文理学院院长Bruce Pitman教授 及副院长 Millie Chen教 in the UB Commons. I would like to especially thank UB Vice 授为促进孔院事业发展所作出的出色领导。最后,我感谢UB孔院 Provost and UBCI Board Chair Professor Stephen Dunnett, who 各界朋友的一如既往的支持和鼓励。 played an instrumental role in obtaining the new space for UBCI. I wish to thank my staff—UBCI Associate Directors Bruce Acker — Jiyuan Yu 余纪元 and Maggie Lu and student assistants Xiujiao Gao and Xinhui Zhan—for diligently and effectively carrying out so many valuable programs. Thanks are due to Hanban and our valuable partner Capital Normal University for their generous support, to the UBCI 3 University at Buffalo Leadership Exchanges with Chinese Colleagues 布法罗大学领导与中国的交流互访 UB President Satish K. Tripathi Meets with Hanban Director General Xu Lin 布法罗大学校长 Satish K. Tripathi与国家汉 办/孔子学院总部总干事许琳会面 In April 2015, UB President Satish K. Tripathi and Vice Provost for International Education Stephen C. Dunnett met with Hanban/ Confucius Institute Headquarters Director General Xu Lin in Beijing. Tripathi and Dunnett were accompanied by President Gong Huili and other senior administrators from Capital Normal University, UB’s Chinese partner in the Confucius Institute. The meeting focused on UBCI’s three primary areas of work: (1) K-12 language programs, (2) community cultural events, and (3) teaching and research at UB. Xu particularly wanted to know about the positive impact the Confucius Institute has had on academic activity at UB, and invited Dr. Dunnett, who is also UBCI’s Board Chair, to speak on this topic at the North American Directors Conference in June. 在2015年4月,布法罗大学校长 Satish K. Tripathi教授和主管 国际事务的副教务长Stephen C. Dunnett教授在北京会见了国家 汉办/孔子学院总部总干事许琳。布法罗大学合作伙伴首都师范大 学的校长宫辉力及其他首师大官员也参加了会面。 会谈主要包含布法罗孔院在西纽约地区的中小学教学,社区文化 活动以及在布法罗大学的教学和研究等三方面的内容。许主任特 别想知道孔子学院在布法罗大学学术活动中的积极影响力,并邀 请同时作为孔院理事会主席的Stephen C. Dunnett教授,在六月 举行的北美和大洋洲孔院院长会议上作主题演讲。 UB President Satish Tripathi meets with Xu Lin, Director General of Hanban of China. 布法罗大学校长 Satish K. Tripathi和国家汉办/孔子学院总部总干事许琳 会面 4 UBCI Board Chair Stephen C. Dunnett Speaks at North American Directors Meeting 布法罗孔院理事会主席Stephen C. Dunnett教授 在北美和大洋洲孔院院长会议上讲话 At the invitation of Hanban Director General Xu Lin, UB Vice Provost for International Education and UBCI Board Chair Stephen C. Dunnett presented a keynote address at the June 2015 North American Directors conference in Honolulu. Dr. Dunnett addressed the Confucius Institute’s positive experience promoting and expanding China-related teaching, research, and academic exchange at UB; and offered programming suggestions for Confucius Institute directors to implement at their own universities. Stephen C. Dunnett at Honolulu Directors meeting. Stephen C. Dunnett教授在檀香 山的孔院院长会议上讲话 授国家汉办主任许琳邀请,布法罗大学主管国际事务的副教务长 兼孔院理事会主席Stephen C. Dunnett教授于2015年6月在檀香山 举行的北美和大洋洲孔院院长会议上发表主题演讲。Stephen C. Dunnett教授介绍了孔子学院在布法罗大学推动和扩大与中国相关 的教学、科研和学术交流的积极经验,并为到会的孔子学院院长提 出有效开展活动的的建议方案。 UBCI Hosts Senior Officials from China’s Central Conservatory of Music 布法罗孔院接待中央音乐学院高级官员 On October 3, 2015, UBCI Board Chair Stephen Dunnett and Director Jiyuan Yu met in Buffalo with senior leaders of the Central Conservatory of Music (CCOM) in Beijing to discuss opportunities for exchange and collaboration. The Chinese delegation included Party Secretary of CCOM Guo Shulan and CCOM Professors UBCI Board Chair Stephen Dunnett and Director Jiyuan Yu meet with Central Yuening Liu, Ya Dai, Qiang Zhang, and Lexin Zhang. Conservatory of Music Party Secretary Guo Shulan. 布法罗孔院理事会主席Stephen Dunnett教授以及孔子学院院长余纪元教授与中央音乐学院党委书记郭淑兰教授会见 2015年10月3日,布法罗孔院理事会主席Stephen Dunnett教授以 及孔子学院院长余纪元教授在布法罗接见了中央音乐学院党委书 记郭淑兰以及刘月宁、戴亚、张蔷、张乐心等教授。 5 Shi Lin Lin Senior Administrators from Guizhou 汉办官员史琳琳来访 University Visit UB 贵州大学校领导访问布法罗大学 Program Officer Shi Lin Lin of Hanban/Confucius Institute Headquarters visited the UB Confucius Institute on October 23. In A delegation of officials from Guizhou University, including addition to meeting with UBCI Director Jiyuan Yu and Associate university Party Secretary Xiaoquan Yao, visited UB in March Directors Maggie Lu and Bruce Acker to discuss program 2015 to introduce their university to the UB community and developments, Ms. Shi visited the increasingly impressive discuss potential collaboration. They met with UBCI Director Confucius Reading Area in Lockwood Library. Ms. Shi was in Jiyuan Yu and Associate Director Maggie Lu. Buffalo traveling with the Nanjing Normal University Performance Tour. 贵州大学党委书记姚小泉率学校有关领导一行于2015年3月来布法 罗大学访问,就两校合作的可能性进行了探讨并会见了布法罗孔 汉办文化处项目官员史琳琳于10月23日访问布法罗孔院。史琳琳 院院长余纪元及中方院长卢峭梅。 除了就布法罗孔院项目发展与孔院院长余纪元、中方院长卢峭梅 及副院长Bruce Acker进行会谈外,还访问了越来越引人注目的位 于Lockwood 图书馆的孔子阅览室。史琳琳是随南京师范大学三巡 团来布法罗访问的。 UBCI Director Jiyuan Yu with Party Secretary Xiaoquan Yao and other administrators from Guizhou University. 布法罗孔院院长余纪元教授与贵州大学代表团合影 6 Chinese Language Programs in Local Schools 中文语言教学项目 By fall 2015, the UB Confucius Institute had 14 teachers placed Confucius Institute Teachers, Fall 2015 in schools throughout Erie and Niagara Counties, along with one Haige Chang(常海鸽) Orchard Park Central Schools visiting professor in the UB Chinese Language Program. Chinese (常建军) guest teachers affiliated with UBCI taught a total of 3,639 students Jianjun Chang East Aurora Union Free Schools in 2015. This signature program continues to have a major impact Dandan Chen(陈丹丹) Nardin Academy on students, other teachers, schools and communities throughout Junye Guo(郭军叶) Elmwood Franklin School Western New York. UBCI is excited to partner with the Orchard Ying Kang(康英) Tonawanda City School District Park and Akron school districts to launch new Chinese language Fang Li(李芳) Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart programs in fall 2015. Junhong Li(李俊红) Department of Linguistics, 截止到2015年秋季,布法罗孔院已经在西纽约地区中小学派遣了 University at Buffalo 14位汉语教师,1位访问教授在布法罗大学中文项目。孔院2015 Lifeng Li(李丽枫) Niagara Catholic Jr./Sr. High School 年注册学生3639人。这一有意义的项目给西纽约地区的学生、教 Yueru Li(李月如) Lewiston Porter Central 师、学校和社区继续带来巨大的影响。布法罗孔院在2015年秋季 School District
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