Mustang Da il y California P o l y f e c ri r I an Luis O b i s p o Volume 54, No. 24 Tuesday, Oct. 24,1989 Cal Poly Foundation employee, wife killed in Honduran plane crash Apodaca was 'real friend, dedicated' By Steve Harmon Managing Editor Cal Poly Foundation employee Eduardo Apodaca, 49. and his wife, Maria, SO, were killed Saturday when the plane they were passengers on crashed into a hillside about 20 miles from Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Apodaca was on assignment with the Cal Poly Foundation —> the university’s fund-raising department — working with the □ 8Mr«latadatory,pag«6 Eduardo Apodaca Americans — were feared dead, U.S. Agency for International ofHcials said. The plane was on Development to help develop route from San Jose. Costa Rica, schoolbooks for Honduranto Managua, Nicaragua. T. SHANE OILMANIMuaUng Dally children. Apodaca was assigned in May As bus rldorshlp has Ineroasad this yoar, so has ovarerowding on many of tha morning routas. He was also helping to create 1988 to develop a contract that videos, slideshows and manualscoordinated work between the to assist college professors and Cal'Poly Foundation and the In­ other instructors in teaching. ternational Institute for The Tan-SAHSA Flight 414 Early morning bus riders Research and the U.S. AID. He Honduran jet carrying 164 peo­had been employed with Cal Poly ple broke apart in the air and since 1973. crashed in flames Saturday as it complain of overcrowding His job required that he travel prepared to land. As many as frequently between Honduras 144 people — 15 of whom were See APODACA, page 6 Passengers often exceed 72-person max By Nadya WUliams have reported serious over­ bus system and come up with Poly grad dies following suwwmw___________ crowding to her office. recommendations for change, She said she sees no real she added. The city’s four Students riding the city danger on the buses at present routes have not been changed 2-year battle with AIDS buses to early morning classes and feels that students, being for several years. have often felt like sardines in mostly "younger, able-bodied Knofler cautioned that the Wagner was first a can. passengers,” have no problems change process is slow. First, student diagnosed By the time certain routes — standing for the last few proposals must be made and especially No. 4 — approach minutes of the ride to campus. approved by several organiza­ with fatal disease campus, every available seat A city bus driver, who tions and committees, then the nd standing space is taken, wishes to remain anonymous, budget process must be com­ By Steve Harmon Ctudents complained. Over­ recently expressed his con­ pleted. Managing EdHor_____ crowding has also plagued cerns about overcrowding. A federal grant is needed to Cal Poly graduate Ronald routes 1 and 2 during the peak "If a driver carries that buy a new bus, an 18-month Wagner, diagnosed as the uni­ hours between 8 and 9 a.m. many people (more than 72). process alone, she added. Leas­ versity’s first student with and 3 and 4 p.m. it’s my understanding that he ing a bus is a much quicker op­ AIDS in 1987, died Friday at *Tve beoi on Route 4 when or she is responsible if cited by tion. Ahimsa Hospice in Laguna students from Valencia the highway patrol,” he said. Joe Risser, the campus Beach. CaUf. He was 24. Apartments (on Ramona ’Carrying more than 72 liaison with SLO Transit, said Nancy Waugh, his girlfriend, Street) and Stenner Glen (on passengers could be a real overcrowding was inevitable as said Wagner had been in and out Santa Rota Street) have Tilled disaster, especially with an in­ the popularity of the buses has of the hospital for the past six the bus beyond its capacity,” experienced ^river.” increased steadily since free months but that he fought a hard said sociology major Kathiyn Knofler said that tandem use for students began three battle against the deadly syn­ Robbins. "One morning I buses run behind the regularyears ago. drome. He will be buried this Monoid Wognor In Juno 1M8 ol heard the driver say on his ones twice each morning, He suggested that buses run weekend in Denver, where his radio that he had 90 Monday through Thursday, on to school every 15 minutes in­ family resides. passengers.” Route 1 from City Hall down stead of the present half hour, **He didn’t give up even The maximum number of Mill Street to Poly and on he said. though he was diagnosed half Wagner was an aeronautical passengers that the large 35- Route 4 from Ramona Street Risser, who is chair of the way through his university engineering student who gradu­foot buses can legally carry is to the campus to accommodate Mass Transit Advisory Com­ career.” said Waugh, a 1987 Cal ated with honors in 1988 with a 72, according to Nancy extra riders. mittee, said nearly 290,000 Poly graphics communication 3.96 OPA. Knofler, the city’s transit The City Council has students rode city buses last graduate. ” He could have given Doral Sandlin, head of the manager. allocated $50,(X)0 to hire a Fiscal year, a steady increase of up and dropped out of school likeaeronautical engineering Knofler said that no drivers consultant to study the entire Sec Buses, page 5 so many do, but he kept in school department, said Wagner was an andexceUed.” Sm WAGNER, page 5 And now Make a run for Rampant a word... the border... Racism Do TV ads under­ Although, the border of A former L.A. estimate our intel­ the Taco Bell on Santa policeman describes ligence? Reporter Rosa will soon change. his firsthand Cyndi Smith thinks so. To where? Find out. experience. 2 Tuesday. Oct. 24,1989 Mustang Daily Opinion [ ] Mustang D aily iReponer’s Notebook Tara Giambalvo Edttof'inchwt Doug DiFranco Steve Harmon Managing Editor. Graphics & Design Managing Editor. Content Laura Fleischer Stewart McKenzie Opinion Editor A & E Editor Christine Kohn Roh Lorenz Insight Editor Sports Editor Amher Wisdom Andy Harding Photo Editor Htustrator Peggy Yeyna Ed Hein Busmass Managoi A dviser Advertising Oirseters: Michelle Hertig. Ron Same National Acet. Easoulivs: Kathy Conlan ProducUen Managsr; Oahn Hershberger Account Executivos: John Alexiou, Sheryl Anderson. Mark Azevedo. Kim Carlson, Hope Hennessy. Chiis Hewitt, Stan Merriken, Janene Snedeker, Herod Lowery (Coitections) ClaaaHled AdvehW no; Kathy Conlan, Manager; Tracy Fowler. Dan Malone; Businesa Directory; Cathy Lung CirouMlon Managar: Mark Powars Cireulation: Cindy Fowtar Computer Operalione: Dan Malone UnivaraNy GrapMc Systems: Laura S|obarg. General M«tagar. Bill Kennedy. Production Manager; Mike Beaubau, Paste up Manager; Lisa Wong, Electronic Imaging Manager Derek Richmond. Camera/Stripping Manager; Gary Wood, Sheetfed Manager; Steve Avery, Web Publications Managar; Rich Berry, Sales Manager; Nikki Berschneider, Saies Representative; M »by Zacuto, Estimator; Red Heeach, Adviser. Ads insult public’s intelligence The Mustang Daily is pubishod Monday through Friday duràtg FaN. Winter and Spring quarters by the Joumakam Department Unségriqd editorials represent the majority view of Lately I’ve almost been afraid tions about tampons and the Edilorial Board. Advertising « soieiy tor informalionel purposes end dose not rapreeem douches. Well, men, here’s the an andorsamani by toe pubisher or universlly. The kkàlan gOaHy offices are located in to watch the television. Not Room 226 of toe Graphic Arte Buikfcng. Csi Poiy University, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407. because of the hours I’ll spend truth — WE DON’T! If I were to Telaphone: (805) 756-1143. rotting my brain or because of call up my mom and tell her I the depressing things I’ll see on just haven’t felt fresh lately, The newspaper for Cal Poly. Since 1916. network news. But because of she’d either (a) hang up on me, (b) the commercials. tell me to take a shower or (c) It seems as if advertisers feel send me some deodorant, but they can’t sell a product these definitely not (d) launch into a days without insulting the two minute speech about the vir­ Editorial public’s intelligence. Don’t get tues of douching. me wrong: I don’t mind having Then, there’s that special breed my intelligence insulted by wat­ of commercials we on the Central Not enough buses forching suchdemand shows as ’’Married Coast are privileged enough to With Children,” ’’Just The Ten see — the “ SLO mades.” SLO- What’s blue and white and looks like a can of human sardines?of Us” and ’’Out of This World.” made commercials always look Why, it’s a SLO Transit bus on its way to Cal Poly at 8 and 9 on At least I can choose whether or not to watch these like they’ve been filmed in a warehouse out on weekday mornings. shows. But boy do I get mad when I’m getting South Higuera and sound like they’ve been Students who have been relying on public transportation thisreally into ”60 Minutes,” my mind pondering the recorded at the bottom of Laguna Lake. I can even quarter have encountered new meanings to the phrases ’’move toplight of the homeless or the fate of a dictator of picture the creation of some of these commercials. the back of the bus” and ’’just a little more,” in true Cal Poly some small country, and my whole train of thought Local proprietors who’ve had one too many are learn-by-doing form. is interrupted by one of those new ’’yuppie” com­ sitting around the bar at Bull’s; suddenly one It hasn’t been uncommon for the bus drivers to repeat thesemercials for Kool-Aid.
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