IPNFSTJNQTPO GPSOPOQSP¾UT 5IF5SVUI"CPVU)PX 1FPQMF3FBMMZ5IJOL 8IBU*U.FBOTGPS 1SPNPUJOH:PVS$BVTF "(VJEFUP#FIBWJPSBM &DPOPNJDTGPS /POQSP¾U-FBEFST ,BUZB"OESFTFO "MJB.D,FF BOE .BSL3PWOFS "GSFFF#PPL GSPNZPVSGSJFOETBU /FUXPSLGPS(PPEBOE 4FB$IBOHF4USBUFHJFT 5IJTF#PPLJTNBEFQPTTJCMF CZBHSBOUGSPN&WFOU sm 5IJTF#PPLXBTXSJUUFOCZ,BUZB"OESFTFOBOE"MJB.D,FF4DPUUXJUIIFMQGSPN.BSL3PWOFS "CPVU/FUXPSLGPS(PPE 5IF)PNFPG&BTZ"GGPSEBCMF0OMJOF'VOESBJTJOH At Network for Good, we don’t just give you a "CPVU4FB$IBOHF4USBUFHJFT DonateNow button—we help you make sure people click on it. And we don’t just give you an email tool— Sea Change Strategies is a boutique strategic marketing we help you run a great campaign. We help you become and fundraising group specializing in high intensity an online fundraising and marketing superhero without partnerships with remarkable causes. superhuman e!ort or a big budget. Our product is sea changes. What’s a sea change? It might Here are a few of the ways how we can help nonpro"ts be a new way of working. Or a new way of talking about succeed online: your work. It might be turning a one-way conversation into a two-way conversation. Or activating a cadre of 1. Easy, a!ordable fundraising solutions: Get donations super-volunteers eager to take you to the next level. on your website with DonateNow Every project is custom cra$ed to meet the needs of our 2. Email campaign and newsletter tools: EmailNow partner organizations. Every group needs its own sea powered by Emma for sending and tracking mass emails changes. and telling you which messages work best Clients include the Monterey Bay Aquarium, 3. Free weekly fundraising and marketing tips: Sign up International Rescue Committee, Conservation here for great advice in your inbox each week International and Environmental Defense Fund. 4. Fundraising123.org: Our free online learning center Visit us at SeaChangeStrategies.com and get more ideas is "lled with ideas and best practices on what it takes to and resources including our study, !e Wired Wealthy: be an online fundraising superhero Using the Internet to Connect with Your Middle and Major Donors. We’re biased, but we think there are many good reasons to work with us: sm ☑ Kinship. We understand you because we're a nonpro"t too ☑ Value. We handle the tough parts of fundraising for you ☑ ROI. Our customers raise $25 for "CPVU&WFOU every dollar they spend ☑ Support. We provide lots of training and Event 360 helps nonpro"ts manage the art and science of support via phone, email and chat event fundraising. Visit www.event360.com to learn more. OFUXPSLGPSHPPE]TFBDIBOHFTUSBUFHJFT IPNFSTJNQTPOGPSOPOQSP¾UT TQFDJBMPGGFSGPS JOUSPEVDUJPO SFBEFSTPGUIJTHVJEF 8IBUJTCFIBWJPSBMFDPOPNJDTBOE XIZEPFTJUNBUUFSUPZPV QSJODJQMF PGG 6OEFSTUBOE)PNFS CVUEPOµUVTF IJTFUIJDT TFUVQ QSJODJQMF GPS$VTUPN%POBUF/PXGPS POMJOFEPOBUJPOQSPDFTTJOH 5IFMFGUCSBJOOFFEOPUBQQMZ QSJODJQMF 4UJDLUPTPDJBMOPSNT OPUNBSLFUOPSNT °PS°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±BOJOTUBOU TBWJOHT 8IFOZPVTVCTDSJCFUPCPUI$VTUPN %POBUF/PX"/%&NBJM/PXGPSZPVSFNBJM PVUSFBDIXJUIUIFEJTDPVOUDPEF'&##00, CFGPSF.BSDI ZPVµMMTBWFPGGZPVS $VTUPN%POBUF/PXTFUVQGFF±BOJOTUBOU TBWJOHT OFUXPSLGPSHPPE]TFBDIBOHFTUSBUFHJFT IPNFSTJNQTPOGPSOPOQSP¾UT JOUSPEVDUJPO 8IBUJTCFIBWJPSBMFDPOPNJDTBOEXIZ EPFTJUNBUUFSUPZPV ²5IFSFµTEF¾OJUFMZOPMPHJDUPIVNBO human mind — a framework of eight guiding principles CFIBWJPS gleaned from recent behavioral economics research that should change the way we approach nonpro"t marketing "OEUIFSFµTOPNBQBOEBDPNQBTT and fundraising. %ese principles will help you explore XPVMEOµUIFMQBUBMM³ the psychology behind decision-making so you can cra$ more e!ective messages that will win the hearts and ±#KPSL minds of your audience. In her song “Human Behavior,” Bjork has one part of 8IBUJTCFIBWJPSBMFDPOPNJDTBOEXIZ the equation right: %ere is de"nitely no logic to human EPFTJUNBUUFSUPZPV behavior. People make illogical choices all the time. We cave to For too long, nonpro"t marketers and fundraisers social norms. We make choices that aren’t good for us. have decided how to communicate based on thinking We buckle to authority, even when it doesn’t make sense. grounded in direct marketing and economics. We opt for a small, immediate satisfaction instead of big, %e problem with this approach is that it assumes long-term gain. %e list of illogic is long. And it adds up people are coolly logical and make their decisions to people making decisions that are o$en contrary to about supporting a cause based on a rational, linear their own best interests. thought process. We’ve laid out the cases for why our causes matter based on facts and numbers. But while we may be irrational, we are not unpredictable. Bjork is wrong on this point. We do have a map. %e problem is most people don’t think like Alan Greenspan. %ey are more like Homer Simpson — Over the past few years, there has been a revolution in limited in attention, over-endowed with impulse, the understanding of how people make decisions — and ruled by emotion. including decisions about charitable giving and public engagement. Books like the aptly named Predictably Enter behavioral economics. Irrational and Nudge reveal radical insights into human behavior that turn many of our cherished assumptions as Behavioral economics is a reaction to this truth. It marketers, fundraisers and fellow human beings — yes, rejects “rational choice theory” or “rationality” — the marketers are human beings! — on their heads. dominant theoretical paradigm in economics. When we say rationality, we mean the idea that a person balances We think that anyone promoting a good cause can the costs against bene"ts before taking an action and bene"t from these insights, which is why we wrote this will make the decision that is in his or her best interests eBook. %ink of it as your map to the mysteries of the (Allingham, 2002). OFUXPSLGPSHPPE]TFBDIBOHFTUSBUFHJFT IPNFSTJNQTPOGPSOPOQSP¾UT Behavioral economics challenges the notion that So what is a nonpro"t marketer or fundraiser to do? Well, people will choose the best action or the most logically you might be surprised at how small shi$s in messaging presented choice and explores the bounds of rationality can have a signi"cant impact. By understanding how — identifying social, cognitive and emotional factors people really think and applying some key principles that can in&uence the decisions people make. from behavioral economics, you can do a far better job at compelling people to do the right thing. %e big takeaway? People don’t arrive at most decisions through a process of weighing costs against bene"ts. We For instance, the following messages all use principles are irrational. In their book Nudge, Richard %aler and of behavioral economics to in&uence their audiences’ Cass Sunstein put it simply: Real people make decisions decisions. like Homer Simpson, not Spock. (Or Alan Greenspan, for that matter.) t Frances Osborne’s !e Bolter is an Oprah Winfrey Book Club selection. Buy it now. So why is behavioral economics important to nonpro"t t A majority of guests who stay in this hotel reuse their organizations? towels. Join them and reuse your towel to help save the environment. For us, these irrational decisions have high stakes. We’re t Any money you donate will go to Rokia, a seven-year- not asking people to buy a Coke. We’re asking them to old girl who lives in Mali, Africa. protect our environment, to safeguard our children, to "ght for human rights. We’re asking them to change the %is eBook identi"es why messages like these work and world. focuses on takeaway lessons you can put into practice immediately. %eir individual decisions — which o$en don’t take into account one’s own best interest let alone the interest We provide tips and checklists in each section to help of the greater good — matter a lot. We need to be sure you think of ways you might apply the principles in your we’re asking people in the right way, or their Homer work. And as always, we urge you to test those ideas so brains might undo our Spock arguments. Why? that you can determine if and how behavioral economics works for you. t For fundraisers, donation-making decisions can make or break our bottom lines and a!ect our ability to We hope you enjoy this — and we encourage you to share grow our reach and services. your reactions. Visit us at www.Fundraising123.org (and t For program sta!, decisions can li$ or sink an join us at our session at the 2010 Nonpro"t Technology advocacy call-in campaign directly a!ecting policy. Conference) to continue the conversation. We welcome t For politicians, decisions eventually determine who your inner Homers, your inner Spocks and your passion wins and who loses. to do good — all of which we share. t )BQQZ3FBEJOH ,BUZB "MJBBOE.BSL OFUXPSLGPSHPPE]TFBDIBOHFTUSBUFHJFT IPNFSTJNQTPOGPSOPOQSP¾UT QSJODJQMF 6OEFSTUBOE)PNFS CVUEPOµUVTFIJTFUIJDT We’re going to assume that readers of this eBook aren’t in %at year, Bank of America introduced Keep the the business of hawking bacon cheeseburgers, un"ltered Change. %is savings tool
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