GAFFERS LOG ISSUE NO. 95 NOVEMBER 2017 In this Issue: OGA55plans OGAAGM, 2018 OGAdinghy update Souʼ by SouʼWest Cruise NEWSLETTER OF THE ASSOCIA TION FOR GAFF RIG SAILING GAFFERS LOGNOVEMBER2017 CONTENTS Foreword The Sou’ by Sou’West Cruise, ably organised by Fromthe Quarterdeck 4 ‘Admiral’Ben Collins, was a resounding success and 5 OGAAGM, 2018 is reported on by severalcontributors (p.27) in this 6 Londoncalling! OGABirthday party andAGMweekend issue as well as on the website. OGA55Anniversary rallies, 2018 8 Looking forward to 2018, the following pages 10 Change of our name? carry details of OGA55 Anniversary celebrations, 12 OGAPhotography Competition, 2017 starting with a birthday party in London on the 13 Nominations for Trophies, 2017 AGM weekend and culminating in an August Rally.Thinking back to the summer, do remember ISSUE 95 NOVEMBER2017 13 Boat Register updateand call forvolunteers to sort out your best photographs and enter the 14 Letters totheEditor: ʻCormorantʼwins herclass OGA competition (p.12). Pleasealso make your Editor: Beverley Daley-Yates ʻRuckorScandalise?ʼ fromJoe Pennington nominations for Association trophies (p.13). +44(0)797 0943135 16 Boatingis thebesttherapy:living withProstate Cancer [email protected] by Chaloner Chute I hope you enjoy the range of articles in this issue. There are some new themes in the contributions and Please submitmaterial forthe 18 Canal andBasin: memoriesofHeybridge25years on I hope we can include more about young gaffers, Spring issue by23 February 2018 OGADinghy: an update GENERAL MANAGEMENTCOMMITTEE(GMC) 20 boats changing hands, family boats and the reasons OG Welcome Aboard! President:Alistair Randall 21 The clocks have gone back, and forward, then back members enjoy being part of the OGA in future [email protected] 22 Newfeature: Younggaffers andfamily boats again severaltimes for me this week, as I returned issues. Do send me your stories to share, and please from a road trip to Portugal. Our outward travel think about getting some good photos as well. L Secretary: SueLewis 24 DunLaoghaire Regatta, 2017 [email protected] 26 BrixhamHeritage Regatta, 2017 to Spain waspostponed when Brittany Ferries Finally, as many of you will know, our boat cancelled the crossing from Plymouth due to storms! Treasurer: TonyKiddle 27 Westwardho!Souʼby SouʼWest CruiseinCompany ‘Cachalot’ waslaunched on 4 August (p.60). Since [email protected] AsI gathered the contributions for this issue, it’s she is still not ready to go cruising, we left her at the 28 Reports fromʻCorncockleʼ,ʻMinxʼ,ʻSwiftʼ, Jan Blankʼ, clear there’sbeen plenty going on around the Areas Membership: Mary Gibbs Tidemill and enjoyed the East Coast Gaffers August ʻSusanJʼ andʻCarlottaʼ though, despite some wild weather this summer! [email protected] Cruise on ‘Kestrel’. 38 OGAAnnualRace reports, 2017 Sailing CommitteeChair: Pete Thomas 40 Changeableweather in Scotland: CampbeltownClassics Beverley Daley-Yates,Editor (Logandonline) [email protected] andalate seasonsail AREASECRETARIES 42 Newtogaffering:ʻSusan Jʼ changeshands Contact details in 2017Yearbook 43 Fulfilling a dream: ʻNomadʼ returns OGABOATREGISTER 44 TwoFrench Festivals: MorbihanwithʻGweniliʼ, Paimpol Boat Register Editor: Pat Dawson withʻArrianaʼ, illustrations byClaudiaMyatt [email protected] 48 Stourportto Gloucester: whyare we doing this? GAFFERS LOGPRODUCTION 50 CockoʼtheBristol Channel race Graphic design: Steve Daley-Yates Print andfulfilment: Northend 51 Bookreview: ʻRestoringa DunkirkLittle Shipʼ 2218nautical miles withʻGweniliʼ MERCHANDISE 52 MarionShirley: [email protected] 53 Book Review:ʻRiversʼ +44(0)2381 787148 or 54 Area reports +44(0)774 821 8444 58 TalesfromtheBoatyards: a restoration andtwolaunches www.oga.org.uk/shop 62 OGAMerchandise Membersʼadverts AFFERS 64 Coverphoto:ʻElectronʼ, takenfromʻKestrelʼ Photo:Steve Yates 68 Membersʼ discounts ʻElectronʼ approaches theWalletSpitway Buoy,taken from thecockpit ofʻKestrelʼ Presidentʼs Race, 2017 G Photo: Beverley Yates OGA,TheDolphinHouse7, Church Street, Harwich, CO123DS 3 GAFFERS LOGNOVEMBER2017 GAFFERS LOGNOVEMBER2017 Fromthe Quarterdeck OGAAGMSaturday 13January 2018 As the season draws to a close I look back on what feels 2018 AGM Agenda like a bit of mixed bag of a year. The early part when I was Join usat theOGABirthday party! visiting Areaswas beautiful with sunny weather while the Saturday, 13 January, 2018 1. President’sWelcome latter half was back to lows tracking in across the Atlantic. LondonDocklands 2. Apologies This doesn’tprevent us from sailing but it does constrain 3. Approvalof the minutes of the last what you can get up to. forfulldetails, seeoverleaf meeting (published in March2017 Log, p.6) The Sou’ by Sou’westcruise battled on in the teeth of the 4. Matters arising from the minutes of the weather before finally calling it a day in Falmouth without Subscription increase for2019 last meeting getting to the Scillies.Well done to all who took part and There is nochange tothe subscription cost for your 5. Treasurer’sreport and presentation of I sympathise having failed to get there myself on the OGA renewalinJanuary 2018. accounts Round Britain in 2013. TheTreasurer andcommittees have to plan well 6. Review of subscription charges I took my Broads One Design on my visit to the Trailer in advance for any changes. It wouldappearthat 7. Secretary’s report Section in Norfolk and it was most enjoyable to join in inflation is havingan effect onsomeofourcosts. In 8. Membership Secretary's report order tokeep upwith this, andcontinue tomaintain with their very relaxedapproach to the event. The only 9. Report on Boat Register challenge for me wasstaying with the fleet as a 24ft BOD is healthy levels ofcontingency funds,the GMChas recommendedtothe Association Committee(AC) 10. Report on Youth Fund really quite fast. The campsite was welcoming, the BBQ was asmallincrease ofapproximately3% acrossall 11. OGA55 event generous and the singing wasmemorable. subscriptions totake effect fromOctober2018.This adds just £1 to family andindividual membership. 12. Report on OGA class dinghy It may seem a bit soon to be planning your events for next 12. Election of Officers year,but if you are thinking of coming to the OGA 55th Existing memberswouldsee the increase when see nominations below anniversary event, then you need to be firming up your renewingin January 2019. Newmembersjoining plans. Members from further afield who cannot bring their from1 October 2018 onwards (who get the end of 13. Members’questions 2018free andwhosefirst paymentcovers 2019) own boat can come to Cowes by road or rail and join in on Thisends theformal business ofthe meeting,tobefollowed by: other boats, chartered if need be. However, charter boats are wouldpay the higher rate onjoining. 1. Results of Photography Competition already finalising their planning for next year, so if your Area If theACagrees tothis increase at its meetingon13 is planning to do something like this you need to commit. January, 2018the proposalwill beputto the voteat 2. Presentation of Association Trophies the AGMon the same day. 3. Slideshow on Sou’by Sou’West cruise We have had an encouraging response to the request for in company viewsfor and against a possible name change and the issue Notice is hereby given tomembersofthis proposal. will be discussedat the annual AssociationCommittee meeting where representatives from the Areasall get Proposedsubscription rates for 2019: together. Thanks to everyonewho has taken the trouble Election ofOfficers Individual member(UK) entitled toonevote to contribute. at theAGMandother general meetings (by Nominations received for Officers of the Association As the evenings draw in we move to the season of Laying Up chequeorPayPal £32,Direct Debit£30). suppers, Area AGMs and winter talks. Do please support Membership Secretary:Mary Gibbs Family member(UK) partner and children any events that your Area committee put on for you. Proposed: Alistair Randall under21, entitled totwo votes (by cheque Seconded: Tony Kiddle Finally, please note that the AGM in January is being held in orPayPal £37,Direct Debit£35). the hotel where many people will be staying and we hope to UKJunior (under25)entitled toonevote(by have a proper Gaffers party afterwards. You can combine all cheque,PayPal orDirect Debit£5.25). this jollity with a visit to the Boat Show, so do put it in your diaries and I look forward to seeing you there. Overseas (membersliving outsidethe UK) (47Euro,byUKchequeor PayPal £43). Alistair Randall, OGAPresident Broads OneDesign, ʻEiderʼ 4 5 GAFFERS LOGNOVEMBER2017 GAFFERS LOGNOVEMBER2017 London calling! OGA55AGMand party 13 January, 2018 4pm Notjust anAGMbuta gaffer-style birthday party with music Please notethereis more thanoneIbis hotel Deadlines for bookingdinner & hotel beer andsongtocelebrate 55years ofthe OGA. intheVictoria Dockarea sotakea careful noteof this address tomakesure youcome Book andpay onthe OGAwebsite: As inall thebest AGMswekeepthe Agenda focussedand totheright hotel.Thehotelis immediately www.oga.org.uk/events/agm-london-2018 short,theentertainmentfresh, andthesocialising long. adjacent toCustom Housestation onthe AnnualPrizes andawards forthe goodandthe brave! DockandsLightRailway (DLR). For hotel room bookings: Plenty tocheerfor! Tuesday 12December, 2017 Themeetingstarts at 4pmin the HMS Meeting, mealsandevening partywill all takeplace ina For dinner bookings: President function roomonthe ground floor Wednesday3January, 2018 hotellocation very near theLondonBoat
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