PATENT eFiling Page 1 of 1 Welcome RAHUL SALHOTRA Sign out Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks G.A.R.6 [See Rule 22(1)] RECEIPT Docket No 37166 Date/Time 2018/05/17 17:25:21 RAHUL SALHOTRA LEX ORBIS CONSULTING PVT. LTD. 709/710, Tolstoy House, 15-17 Tolstoy Marg, New Delhi 110001 Email: [email protected] Sr. Ref. No./Application Amount C.B.R. Fee App. Number Remarks No. No. Paid No. Payment TEMP/E-1/19586/2018- Gingerol Composition And A Process For 1 201841018530 8000 13783 Full CHE Preparation Thereof TransactionID Payment Mode Challan Identification Number Amount Paid Head of A/C No N-0000376487 Online Bank Transfer 02806341705201850690 8000.00 1475001020000001 Total Amount : 8000 Amount in Words: Rupees Eight Thousand Only Received from RAHUL SALHOTRA the sum of 8000 on account of Payment of fee for above mentioned Application/Forms. * This is a computer generated receipt, hecnce no signature required. Print Home About Us Contact Us https://ipindiaonline.gov.in/epatentfiling/DuplicateCBRPrint/DuplicateCBRPrint 18-05-2018 BgCJD q.V €ot TA(3) 3710s/17. of Agriculture Development and .. V'rv ^o$lirectorate rc ' \u^, gcs"'' Farmers Welfare Department g\rcc\ot"' H',L:1i.T|;t[i- From Director of Agriculture. Director of R"search Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur Sub: Agriculture Department - State Level Committee for release of Crop varieties - Minutes of the meeting held on t2.12.20I7 - forwarding of - reg. Ref : - Govt. Lr.No. AGRI-AF U 15L12017 - AGRI. Dated 08. 02. 20 18. I am enclosing herewith the approved minutes of the meeting of the State Seed Sub Committee held on t2.I2.2017 Saturday at SAMETI, Anayara, Thiruvanan*rapuram for favour of information and necessary action. Principal Scientists may be instructed to prepare and submit sufficient number of copies of the proposal in the prescribed format with the forms for notification to this office for onward submission to Central Sub Cornmittee on Crop Standards, Notification and Release of varieties of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops for notification. (Details are available at the website www.seednet. gov.in). v r\? of Agrlculture Directorate of Agrlculture and xE**,."' Principal Scientists Concerned. Farmef s Welfare Depanment ' Vikds Bhawn, Thiruvananthapunn-33 DR \_=' vl Ftle N o.AGR|-AF 1/151/201Z-AGRI JU tJ366'r00/2018 GOVERNMENT OF KERALA No. AGRI-AFI / t gr / zorT -AGRI ^'?flllH:fff:;1,?.";: , Dated :08/02l2018 From The Principa I Secreta ry to Government To The Drector, Department of Agricultural Development and Farmers' Welfare, Thiruv ananthapuram. Sir, Sub: Agriculture Department - Convening State Sub-Committee on ' Seeds for release ofcrop varieties- Reg Ref: r) Government letter of even number dated rB/o8/zor7 and o9/oL/2or9 z) Your letter number TA(S)SZroS/rz dated zS/ o8/zor7 and 06/oL/2or9 I am to invite vour attention to the references cited and to request vou to take necessafo action to forward the Seed varieties approved by ihe State Sub Comniittee in the meeting held on 02/02/2617 to the Central Sub Committee on Crop Standards for issuing Notification. You rs Fa ithfullY, ceccae oe cgoml dbdBd odu@,sd For Principal Secretary to Government. ved for Issue, 1l ,I5 t- rle No.AGRl-Al-',|/'l 5'l/zu'l-r"AGRl (OS / 2 1 237 89 I 20 1 I I l\G R | ) MEETING HELD ON The 27th state seed sub committee meeting was held on 12-12- 20L7 ai SAMETI, Thiruvananthapuram under the Chairmanshlp of Sri. Teeka Ram Meena, IAS Agricultural Production Commissioner andPrincipa|Secretary(Agricu|ture).The|istofparticipantsis appended. Sri A M Sunil Kumar, Director of Agriculture and Convener of the committee welcomed the Agricultural Production Commissioner; members of the seed committee' breeder scientists from Kerala Agricultural University and Central Tuber crops Research Institute, Director of Research KAU' Seed Analyst' farmer represerrtatives and Seed industry representatives to the meeting. Since the pioposats were received late, the same couid not be circulated amqng the members for critical review and remarks. Hence all the scientists were requested to participate the actively in the .discussions. Director of Agriculture requested in breeders to sUbmit the proposals for variety release well followed advance in future. Variety release in the State should be gene by the notificatiori ' by Central seed committee and preservation for which Department of Agriculture Development the and Farmers wglfare would extend necessary support to presenting breeder scientists. No publicity should be made before ih" proporul in the State Seed Sub Committee and the protocol for variety release should be strictly followed by the Researclr lnstitutions. and ln. his address, the Agricultural-Production commissioner that in Chairman of the State Seed. Sub Committee expressed be an"- proposals for release of new varieties should rri"i"' for submitted one month in advance to Director of Agriculture be circulation among the members' Critical remarks should f I i(i"d?t rle No'Aur<r-AF'li'l No : 2 i 237 Bg/20 1 B/AGR r(os) 5.1/zu.r / -AGr{l offered by all mr in. writing reporr shoutd b"':::-t-t. witl meet ns iiil;::H,j*i: .i;,.*#:*::i :+T::j:i.ff: rrom a KAU and the o:l1it;.n;;'uro meetins of the oftcials nexr stare ,""j scien,sts,-o;;::Jilj"Jil j[H#i:{:ii:ff ,[::il1,T: release :rop varieties during 2017. proposed for t. CROp: Rice 1) MO 23(KAU pournami): Dr (Mrs.) S. Lr :::t"s il;; ;; :i:#' [",:;:ilil:$ j:i*i,ffi:ration,,"oi,,"i,iru.,ng[F*',"',ff"# #$1 i[i:!illl'ixJ',"',"?: moderatelv slteath blight and snea6roi j,!;;.:.: resistant to rnoderately resistant to BpH .variety is atso' and photo and galt ,j'n^In',t-lt is a insensiriveye ;.;rice ;:;#,'.11:lis:variety non todsins Kerara. adapted to rrn"""Jlil; ., The committe", ,ry":.!"taited approved P o u rn a m i Rice ) va ri e tv ;;-,';;; r' i Y; : r:*' " n K u tt a n a d 2) KAU Manu Ratna: Dr.(Mrs.)C R Ets the Hs-16. il;,;";i*T_{^p:::..1"d detairs of the rice curture d u ra t on,;; ; ;;;# ;: J:":1;:.,:l;,m;*,::i third crop season' rt is i:torerani-L"ri"r'oorer, l! ij, *t whorl reaf forder maggot but susceptibje to elt'sheath and duration gb_gg blight and qail is o"rr.'o*_se yield ilio,1i;-..t Grain is 4.! _ The committee, ,ft:: rrn:iled discussion,.approved variety t(AU Ivanu Ratna Rice r", i"tii-"-Ji, Kole region. f. e No.AGt{t_AF..ti1 5,uzu,t /._AGKI 'll : 21 237 89t20 1 8/AGRt(os ) 3)KAU-WL.1O: Dr.(Mrs) Veena Vigneswaran presented the details of the cutture KAU-wL-sl-stier 2sog3): Li,'i, i"ii"" i",;r";,l' photosensitive, mutant rice variety suitabre for pokkari region. """_The variety is simirar to the rand race chbttivirippu in taste. seed rto seed duration of this variety is L10_11-5 days. nverag; V*fO 4200 kg/ha. i, The- committee, after detailed discussion, E pproved Rice variety KAU WL-X.O for release in pokkati regiin. 4) KAU Supriya (PTB-6U Dr(Mrs) Faseera Jaffer presented the details of rice culture o6-6' This white rice variety is adapted to the centrar zone during Rabi season. The variety is tail, photo insensitive and rare maturing (140 days). tt is moderately resistant to stem borer, Leaf folder, Whorl maggot and elast. Seed to seed duration is 135_140 days. Average grain yietd is 6.5 _7.0t/ha and straw yi"fO iiVir. The committee, after detalled discussiont irpprov€d Rice ytrietV KAU Supriya for release in Centrai zone the State, of S)KAU Akshaya : Dr(Mrs) Faseera Jaffer presented the detairs of rice curture 06-14 PTB-62. This variety is adapted to Central zone during Rabi season. lt is tall, photo insensitive, late rnaturing .variety tf+O Oayst moderatbly resistant to Stem borer, Leaf folder, Whorl maggot and Brast disease. Kerner corour is white. rt is torerant to high temperature and moisture stress. seed to seed duration is 130-140 days. Average grain yield is 6.5 _7.0t/ha anO stra* yietC 10 Vha. .'l- No.AGf(t-AF.l '-,,r rrro : 21237g9l2o1glA\:xrrusno,,..,-,Ftt€ / 151/ZUi /-AUKt r The.committee, after detailed discussiont variety KAI, Aksheya r", apryroved Rice stafe. ,"l.JiJ'in Centrat .or",.of the 5)KAU (WL-11 Jyotsna ) : Dr(Mrs) shyla raj . K s presented rhe details of this variety' The variety is Vyttita rice aoapteJ 1"."*1., sarine regions, paraRkad and Karilands regions..Tnis ua.iet'-is-seioi-uu.i"ty.Jyothi. tall, non lodging, ouration resembling the popular'ri.u short Moderatery resistant to BpH ano Byali blt ,rr.up]tiile to BLB and Srem r""d duration is 100_1oi borer. -?T.irf: J"rr. o*rune srain yietd is 6.0 The committee, after detaited discussion,-in- approved Rice, KAr,t lyotsna for retease ";r:::: coastar area of the : ll" CROp: Cutinary Meton 1)KAU-Vishat : CM_l2 Dr(Mrs) sreelathakumari presented the detairs culinary meton(Sambar of this vellari_ ;;r;;;, meto var.acidututus) cutture CM-12. This is a high yieldi;;li;; with an average yietd of 32.95 t/ha. Medium to laige .yinJri.rr harvested shaped fruits are at immature stage when ii attains maximum size. This varietv is a serection from tocat cotreition"iror'i";l;il;d;r;n,;,., of rhiruvananthapuram district aoapieJ to south Kerara. The committee, after dehiled discussion,. approved culinary meron va.riety xau wsiat foi rerease. in Th i ru va n a n tha p u ra m d istri ct.
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