Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02557-8 - The Sainte-chapelle and the Construction of Sacral Monarchy: Royal Architecture in Thirteenth-Century Paris Meredith Cohen Index More information INDEX Aachen Billot, Claudine, 166 Charlemagne’s palace chapel, 117 Biram, Jean, 177 as prototype for Sainte-Chapelle, 117–20 bishop’s chapel (building type), 135–8 relics, 117 Blanche of Castile, 51 , 146 , 147 , 162 , 167 , 176 , Abbot Suger, 143 196 , 199 Abelard, Peter, 28 architectural patronage, 120–1 , 183 Adam of Senlis, bishop, 152 Blezzard, Judith, 168 Agnès de Méran, 63 Bloch, Marc, 143 Albertus Magnus, 8 Boeswillwald, Émile, 158 Alexander, Jonathan, 168 Boileau, Étienne, 173 , 194 Alfonse of Poitiers Böker, Hans, 119 patronage of Friars of the Sack, 178 Boniface VIII, pope, 152 Alfonso II of Asturias, 120 Boniface, archibishop of Mayence, 142 Amiens, city of, 111 Bons-Enfants, 177 , 178 cathedral, 34 , 92 Bony, Jean, 96 , 106 masons, 108–11 Boulet-Sautel, Marguerite, 170 Robert de Luzarches, 110 Bourdieu, Pierre, 7 Thomas de Cormont, 110 habitus, 7 radiating chapels, 100 symbolic power, 7 relation to the Sainte-Chapelle, 106–12 Branner, Robert, 3 , 15 , 47 , 96 , 99 , tracery, 100 163 , 172 Aquinas, Thomas, 8 responses to, 3 Aristotle, 7 Brenk, Beat, 82 , 162 Arnold II von Wied, archbishop of Cologne, 122 Breviary of Châteauroux, 150 Arsenal ms. 114. See Sainte-Chapelle: ordinals Brie-Comte-Robert art history Saint-Étienne “theoretical turn,” 3 triforium Autun plate tracery, 103 Saint-Lazare porch, 117 Caen Saint-Étienne Baker, Nick, 183 plate tracery, 102 Bar Sauma, 161 Cambrai Cathedral, 35 , 96 Battle of Bouvines. See Philip Augustus Capetians beauty perspective of Christian cosmology in medieval concepts of, 66–7 Sainte-Chapelle glass, 139 Beauvais Cathedral, 34 , 111 promotion of sacral kingship, 4 Bedos-Rezak, Brigitte, 143 Carruthers, Mary Béguines, 176 , 177 , 178 , 180 medieval experience of beauty, 66 Bernard of Clairvaux, 8 memory and rhetoric, 7 Berty, Adolph, 189 Carthusians, 174–5 , 177 287 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02557-8 - The Sainte-chapelle and the Construction of Sacral Monarchy: Royal Architecture in Thirteenth-Century Paris Meredith Cohen Index More information 288 Index Catholic Church White Tower dogma, 8 St. John the Evangelist, 121 Paris Enguerrand IV of Coucy, 175 , 176 ecclesiastical authority, 15–18 Charlemagne, 117 , 142 Fawtier, Robert, 197 Charles IV, 161 Fécamp Charles V La Trinité patronage, 186 plate tracery, 102 Charles the Bald, 125 Félibien, André, 167 Chartres, city of, 111 Filles-Dieu, 180 . See also Paris buildings cathedral, 34 , 206 fl eur-de-lys, 162 , 178 Saint-Père in Capetian heraldry, 143–4 , 183 tracery, 103 Foulques of Neuilly, 32 Cistercians, 178 , 191 Fourth Lateran Council, 153 Clement IV, pope, 152 Froissart, Jean, 151 Clement V, pope, 152 Clermont-Ferrand Cathedral Gallia Dominicana , 184 triforium Geertz, Clifford tracery, 104 thick description, 6 verticality, 93 Geoffrey of Beaulieu, 166 College of Cluny, 55 Givens, Jean, 86 Conrad III, 122 Gonesse Constantinople Saint-Pierre-Saint-Paul Great Palace/Boukoleon tracery, 103 as prototype for Sainte-Chapelle, 5 Gothic architecture Sacra Capella, 12 , 115–17 , 124 , 137 , 144 apsidal chapels, 3 Constantine Copronymous, 115 decorative motifs, 37–41 Michael III, 115 fi rst generation, 33–5 Passion relics, 115 Rayonnant, 5 , 11 , 12 , 35–63 , 92 , 112 , 198 Patriarch Photius, 115 development of as urban phenomenon, 41 Cornut, Gautier, archbishop of Sens, 63 , as ecclesiastical style, 5 , 11 , 200 166 , 168 in Louis IX’s later structures, 192 coronation rituals, 143 transmission to other artistic media, 63 Council of Lyon, 180 Grabar, André Council of Vienne, 178 on reliquary chapel typologies, 117 Court Style, 3 , 11 Grandes chroniques de France , 166 , 175 , 176 Crusade of 1248, 4 Grodecki, Louis, 3 , 96 cult of kings, 167 Guerout, Jean, 128 Guy of Bazoches, 18 David-Roy, Marguerite, 171 Davis, Michael, 99 , 183 , 193 habitus. See Bourdieu, Pierre Dechaume, Geoffroy, 85 Hacker-Sück, Inge, 135 , 136 Decorated Style. See England Helgaud of Fleury, 125 Deschamps, Eustache, 14 Hereford Cathedral. See England Dit des monstiers , 41 , 164 Hugh of Saint-Victor, 28 Dom Bouillart, 48 Humbert of Romans, 176 doppelkapellen , 120–4 , 135 , 144 , 196 Hundred Years’ War, 178 Doquang, Mailan, 99 Huyot, Jean-Nicolas, 130 Du Breul, Jacques, 183 Duban, Félix, 2 iconography of architecture. See Krautheimer, ductus . See memory Richard Île de la Cité, 16 . See also Paris Egidio Colonna, archbishop of Bourges, 172 indulgences. See Sainte-Chapelle: England indulgences architecture Ingeborg of Denmark, 63 Decorated Style, 105 , 112 Innocent II, pope, 169 Perpendicular Style, 94 , 112 Innocent IV, pope, 153 Hereford Cathedral, 119 Investiture Controversy, 169 Westminster Abbey Iogna-Prat, Dominique, 8 radiating chapels, 100 Isabella of Bavaria, 151 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02557-8 - The Sainte-chapelle and the Construction of Sacral Monarchy: Royal Architecture in Thirteenth-Century Paris Meredith Cohen Index More information Index 289 Jacques de Révigny, 170 Louis VIII, 21 , 51 , 120 , 146 Jalabert, Denise, 86 Louis XIII, 131 Jean de Blanot, 169 , 170 Louis XIV, 131 Jean de Jandun, 1 , 66 , 164 Louvre. See Philip Augustus Jean de Joinville, 160 , 171 , 174 , 176 , 194 , 199 Jerusalem Magnus, Albertus. See Albertus Magnus Holy Sepulchre, 124 , 137 Mallet, Alain Manesson, 186 as prototype for Sainte-Chapelle, 5 masons, 62 John of Garland, 8 , 166 mobility of, 111 John the Teuton, 176 Pierre de Montreuil, 47 Jordan, Alyce, 141 Robert de Luzarches, 110 Jordan, William Chester, 171 , 199 role of master mason, 34 Thomas de Cormont, 110 Kantorowicz, Ernst, 124 , 143 Maurice de Sully, 16 Kimpel, Dieter, 110 medieval studies:, 8 kingship memory, 7–8 . See also Carruthers, Mary images of, 4 mendicants, 32 , 192 Knights Hospitalers, 33 architecture, 191–2 Knights Templar, 26 , 33 , 46–7 , 174 Augustinians, 32 , 174 , 178 , 180 , 181 , 186–7 Krautheimer, Richard, 12 , 191 Brothers of Saint William. See (mendicants: iconography of architecture, 12 , 113–14 Guillemites) Kurmann, Peter, 106 Brothers of the Holy Cross, 174 , 175 , 178 , 180 , 181 Laon Cathedral, 35 , 77 , 96 Brothers of the Holy Trinity for the Lassus, Jean-Baptiste, 2 Redemption of Captives. See (mendicants: Lauwers, Michel, 9 Mathurins) Le Goff, Jacques, 3 , 232 , 251 Brothers of the Penitence of Jesus. See (mendi- Lebeuf, Abbé Jean, 175 , 186 , 189 cants: Friars of the Sack) Limoges Cathedral building projects, 55 verticality, 93 Carmelites, 32 , 174 , 178 , 180 , 181 , 186 liturgy, 12 Carthusians, 174 , 180 at royal reliquary chapels, 124 Cordeliers, 32 , 171 , 175 , 177 , 179 , 180 , Livre des Métiers , 173 182 , 191 Lombard-Jourdan, Anne, 27 Dominicans. See (mendicants: Jacobins) longitudinal plan, 120–4 Franciscans. See (mendicants: Cordeliers) Louis I the Pious, 142 Friars of the Sack, 174 , 175 , 178 , 180 Louis IX, 144 Guillemites, 174 , 175 , 178 , 180 acquisition of the Crown of Thorns, 147 Jacobins, 32 , 171 , 176 , 177 , 179 , 180 , as benefactor, 174 183–4 , 191 comparison with Philip Augustus, 198 Louis IX as patron of, 174 early reign, 146 , 196 Mathurins, 32 , 174 , 176 , 178 , 179 , 184 interacting with relics, 160 in Paris, 180–1 later reign, 192–4 , 198–9 White Mantles, 174 , 178 , 180 , 181 patronage, 1 , 4 , 5 Merovingian architecture, 41 architectural, 5 , 13 , 171–91 , 198–9 Mies van der Rohe, Ludwig, 66 appointment of Master of the King’s monumentalization . See also Iogna-Prat, Works, 173 Dominique later reign, 192–3 Murray, Stephen, 68 , 77 patronage of religious foundations, 172 on Amiens, 110 problems with the Church, 146–7 Musée national du Moyen Âge, 48 , 59 , 85 promotion of sacral kingship, 4 reign of, 7 Nora, Pierre sacral kingship, 143 , 147–8 realm of memory, 2 Sainte-Chapelle’s role in, 197–8 Notre-Dame Sainte-Chapelle’s role in the monarchy of, 196 Saint-Jean le Rond, baptistery, 32 sanctity of, 4 Notre-Dame de la Victoire, 21 second crusade, 177 Notre-Dame, cathedral of Paris. See Paris buildings self-representation, 199–200 Louis VI, 24 , 125 , 127 , 143 Odo of Châteauroux, papal legate, 153 Louis VII, 125 Odo of Sully, 32 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02557-8 - The Sainte-chapelle and the Construction of Sacral Monarchy: Royal Architecture in Thirteenth-Century Paris Meredith Cohen Index More information 290 Index Orléans, city of, 177 Saint-Ladre, 164 O’Tool, Mark, 262 Saint-Martin des Champs, 26 , 41 , 164 Oviedo refectory, 100 Cámara Santa, 120–1 , 124 Saint-Nicolas du Louvre, 30 Saint-Paul, 32 Palais de la Cité. See Paris buildings: Île de la Cité Saint-Sauveur, 30 Palermo Saint-Victor, 26 Cappella Palatina, 122–4 Temple, 26 , 46–7 Parent, Jean, 159 Île de la Cité Paris, 1 , 10 Hôtel-Dieu, 33 , 61 , 177 , 178 , 191 buildings Notre-Dame, 3 , 15 , 33 , 35 , 41 , 113 , 139 , architectural importance, 3 164 , 183 portals, 99–100 bishop’s chapel, 137–8 as a sacred city, 182 decoration, 35 city gates, 181–2 lateral chapels, 99 commerce and economy, 29 nave chapels tracery, 100 decorative arts, 193 Portail Rouge, 100 ecclesiastical authority, 15–18 Rayonnant verticality, 93 economy, 62 towers tracery, 103 establishment as a capital, 4 tympanum, 85 growth of urban population, 29–32 Palais de Justice, 1 hospitals, 33 Palais de la
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