I"IBI!I5IZl92l¢ I3lJI2IBl92lJ CD!" IIll92!I5E31FlICil921P1IC3!i &#39; FREEDOM OF lIPORll?IONIPR!VACY ICTS lZL!ASB E3lJI3CT!B&#39;I&#39;:__l;1-lUHE_LEHNQHZZ ,,__ _ , _____U________ I B3 cm Raczavzb F;1o:.1 2 FEES 19722 _ _ _ , !~ r 92 ,? 94;-_ !_l_A0O&#39;uR=E.R QO- iii!Q _ 1&#39; 360e 92_i- H - @ ._~ --&#39;/ 3 FEB1272 f U SHBJE<IT=Allamuchy J N; [NL!Tribe t- i! 1. Reference is made to your teletype 003, dated ! 24 January 1972, Subject: Protest Activity and Civil Disturbances, reporting that former Beatles singer t John LENNON had contributed a large sum of money to the "AllamuchyTribe", headedby RennieDAVIS.c9 2. It is requested that you furnish this office with any additional pertinent information concerning 9292LENNON&#39;s indicationsthat relationship DAVIS withhas the received"Allamuchyother Tribe" funds forand anyQ V his activities fromforeign sources. _._9 E Q92. PleaseL&#39;ar..mi1 siaki-5TQ I &#39;//lv/PW °i drd0.14 res?-;&#39; M 92 &#39;34/=4». PWam A/LL/4A4;&d1 J fig?/*Y"5&#39; J 2111» /$721:. 1&#39;?! 4,,/,,..f ,1/rq/yaw-om, .:5j%*£--if 5 " 2 - ~ i 92 .6 @ -4/47 151;;_ X _.________ I A F: l g L.. O;av? - . N____,n» L f X icg.. B zggggM,-e12 ___ -- 53- / L<&#39;.92PD E _ . - X 53 cw-3 /7" &#39; f 1/ r . 1 ~_-__ ____,, _"_. I L § . P. % - 5 I $ I ._ ;- . II -_, , 1&#39;&#39; "r_ I &#39;i___..____. f .7 &#39;:d___. _ R IMF ¢°°1Ij3. All. EENTMNED L: 1 I . am PM N112,/2-19-12/ u. ASH .4. - .. -.. H]._ "1 I ° °?PI* "ATE;/J aw92F/1§@&#39;/ * ;::;_: Lpor-1INTELLIGENCE no 4,_y|,1° _1A &#39;&#39;- i -"*&#39;d1&#39;-- 92-1!YORK w mom WASHINGTON FIELD If I / - ELECTION YEARS RATEGY INFORMATION CENTER EYSICJ,IS -u S 1 I » I_DASB_NEU LEFT,CALR , NEW YORK FILE106-175228, UFOFILE 1 I00-55561. P. ; 92.9292 _JOHNWINSTO LENNON, §H DASH NEWLEFT, OO1NEWYORK, &#39; 92- WFO FILE 105-55429. RUG. -0-- , . I". Y4/4- 4/Z75/3&#39;4 E Y RE N EL To BUREUA;FIRST CAPTION,FEBRUARY TWO,LAST: 1;» 92929292 Jr SPECIALCLERK _0 RHINED FEBRUARY"ran b7C&#39;&#39; . ,__ .--._;_- - INSTANT CENTRALFROM IMMIGRATIONA n NATUR_ALIZA&#39;l&#39;ION sznvxcz INS!/ " -_-92 _ 1&#39; Q . ATb FILE REGARDINGJOHN WINSTON ENNON_ YAND WIFE OX0ONO I, I 3 _-. - 92zrmon AREcu henna: cnmazn ourto INS, uzw YORKcnv. _92. END 929292>?:}3Q9292&#39;,>92L JE1111013 g92A,."|;14=sl&#39;:;-s&#39;|_I-. .&#39;/ U&#39;§lF!, G . I §92,-W.»RS-Q55!&,_¬%@ &#39;°° "7!- 92 X» 92-:> &#39;_ /0%p."FF- &#39;4£9£ki%f::l .!r L Rzc:car:E_ Hui? - ~ . 102 FEB 161972 I. q%M 54F B231972 -57&#39; ----*-Z -e._-2 &#39; - 1 --1 ___% L - -,_J._._...-._,I_ ____,..i__.. __. .._-&#39; -__i_.__. ._., _ I &#39; . Q ... " 3 Nu maa1o.a,n1ss, ax&#39;&&#39;r no mesa! Lu;&#39; In &#39; &#39; H? 1 - Ir. R. H. Hornet . LEE/PFr?%::!/&#39;33£&#39;R&#39;FP!F9!;P;<5+<..&#39;5L¬;f?%P/G%"5_8&#39;k_ 7 . 11 -- Hr.llr.R. R. L.__Pence ShackeliordL. U56 : 9. cmae- _ M som Q41 A8mBsnm&#39;nzcrs1onsr1mnrvlry FYPFPAB1&#39;uzIr&#39;r O0w4I1&#39;£E£ "5 7.- . 1972 - R£v1_EH A-~; _,u_u_:z=Juu, - 2 - 2I9 [email protected] V I | - , &#39; Q Referenceis? gadeto your lenoran captionedum ,/4 I I&#39;92" : A11anucIry"Iribe HL!," datedFe ruary 3, 1973, l , o r re nee - O 5 For your in o t , organization formerly knog ; as Aliamuchy Tribe, led by Rennie avis, convicted Chicago E Seven Conspiracytrial defendant 0 Ins recently renamed Ellt _ Z . ""-I - :._| mr=. a 92 | A confidential source, whohas furnishedre1ia§lie57I_ &#39;-_:_ informationin the past, has advised that John Lennon, tonne:-3&#39; - &#39; Q memberof TheBeatles singinggroup, hascontributed $7§,Q&#39;O_0 ; &#39;.92 to assist in the formation of EYSIC, formed to direct movement _ ; _*y92 activities during the coming election year to culminate with &#39; _ _ i demonstrations at the Republican National Convention during 5 - areAugust, in constant1972. This contactsource advised vithLonno,.Q§¬! that other lenders §!9@+! of EYSiC ; on February 2, 1972, a representative oi Immigration . and naturalization Service, Ken York, advised that Lennon, E born October 9, 1940, in England, arrived in New York City on . -~ 5 August_;&#39; Z 1 we ll,4 1968, L33 iiiioiiwith B-2 visitor&#39;sinnSTEATEGY visa. He left8/*3/W the it " &#39; &#39; United States and subsequently reentered holding H-1 temporary .___,iu_]£;1sRlP4ze~visa which expires1I!9w-no». at the end oi February, 1972. f-- Lennon bee._ _ ; T appliedi dgr tor a B-2 visa indicating. §P_&#39;his intention{g£zF§§Z;7"- to become a }__!e1a%-/.- _ United .. {gru "fereStates citizen.I 86 E/=4»;._-c:411-;[.J,-J,D1 &#39;~Q3] 1;,_ I &#39; = &#39; -I . I i 5 J-I /FY n":.1Q}.=E-I If?*3-&#39; . .-7 On February 2, 1912, a second confidential eourc§, thatwho haeLennon turnished reliablehie and rite, Yokointonation inOnoLennon, the past,currently-t areadvised _- h c___ IIYSIC vacationing planning in the Virgin meetings willlalanda bepostponed tor health reasonstheir until and rat;-<1 at -.£ &#39; = ~ to New York City, ppaeibiy duringtbe second weekin r¢nru__y.- 0* £-._-- 1972.g, I. ___ 7 __ w At this tine, this Bureau has no additiona1&#39;pertinent _ . E- Ilctivitiesintorpation oiconcerning EYSICor otherRennie foreignDavis. sources .. oi funds for the - ;2 92L* _§r&#39;i&#39;gina1 and copyto CIA ,,157r@Econ;.5é&#39;§5. K 1% John Lennon 45 ,.,._""514 ,§,/Z 92 t ~ WWI&#39; PU m 2 *&#39;. ---=- &#39; &#39; snn G.no&#39;1.i:&#39;PAc&#39;E =~- N0 92 ElectionIntornation Year Center Strategy EYSIC! t _ Egf§1; r 14=§Q1? 3 ~ 3 l &#39;i n.P9..¢.&#39;.&#39;7nf95¢.JTJ.71&#39;a/yypqd4w;¢4i?L&#39;_~/ issemnationwglassitiedi Abroad"since "Secret-F information ?6r-eiznrbijsienination/¥Io;;.;,;5.?qino being furnishedin CACTUS channel and CIA has requested that a11 such information A! v KP | turnishede so51assi!ied daily summary in IA has toletyperequested details captionedot"Protest information Activitbégqwe and Civil Disturbances," dated 1/24/72, reporting that John Lennon contributed large sum of nong to captioned organization. CIA also requested any details that other toreign sources have _ contributedreferred . funds °-*1?to mm tom istioned organizatiose%ond 1s>"irst sourcesource .b.92°1. B 2 _ .- 5! &#39;=P it ti .&#39; M-Z-1 ;¢ii I J Qpxr -2- |_-.:f.,!&#39;--?-l92, __-_&#39;_.___ 5 &#39;1,5190 $5/7" cusésréa MAA. J H§AS r/ L.rr?r&#39;92-VJ-I: 3acRi-I11! cnnmsomu ID I.-EGAT LONELY&#39;A -&#39;_" 1 - iir. "#91141".R.L.Snaoiio1foi"-ii 1,--- Hr. R.L.Pence 2-11-72 mull nmwroa FBI 92~--- _ _ --. .- _ -__!_ --*~_.¢¢?._,,,._..,....92 A m.nc&#39;r1on mm STRATEGY ;-A ..".."&#39;_.*_&#39; - &#39;,i.;&#39;;;;; mm. -- - non cmwgé --.*. *~-I-.13! srsxo!,IS / - mm _ =___!,@/fiwgifjl --£71? FOR IHFORIIATION CAPTIONED ORGANIZATION &#39;LED BY REHNIE DAVIS, - 092 KEY ACTIVIST AND COHYICTED CHICAGO SEVEN CONSPIRACY TRIAL DEFENDANT, HAS FORIIERLY NAKED AI.-LAHUCHY TRIBE AND HAS BEEN FORHED TO DIRECT iiOV_ETliFN*I" AOTIWTIFS IJYTRIFG OWING EIECTION YEAR TO CULHINATE &#39;III&#39;H .» DEMONSTRATIONS AT UBLICAN NATIONAL DlWEN&#39;IION,£UGUS&#39;INEXT. E Eormcns ADVISE ao rommn ._ or ms ammo: om;-nzo -one , ms oowrazmrrnn sxmrrr-rzvn mousmn nomms T0 ,Ass1s&#39;r IN FORMATION orrrfxisrc. souncns ADVISE mrsxc moms IN oons-um" CONTACT rum LE1NN mm: !EJlNON,ocmnnn mm, ronrv, mowm, cunnmrnr IN U.B. HOLD G H DASH ONE THPORARY VISA IHICH EXPIRES END FEBRUARY, SEVENTY-TWO. I.»ENHON!IAS APPLIED B DASH TWO VISA INDICATING nwmmon ax-zcoun v.s. oz-rxzzm. _ A WITH AIRTEL DOVER. REQUEST PERHISSION FROH SOU&#39;RCES@,! - Fore ign Liaison Desk route through for review! - = 109= I Ykhr Lennon! Classifi 3,57?"~§r-Ie-$@/ 5B25? 69¢ ?szn/Mf6F?/6nan: mom TWO Bevin omi573" " &#39;£ir92&#39;u"l:-I-5&#39; 05°F WI - 7&#39;3/4 - "92 &#39;! "J ll 1 I1 cuss. & m. B / . Mm» """ 7 do- 92 &#39;5?&#39;Rac.oRo::o nmsos-1-cm II. 1 83- 6i&#39;.13151Q&#39;/Z pgri: or HEY!" > 4 / U :&#39;- T - __.- 5.> FE@;1819&#39;k &#39;92&#39;<7&#39;¬§!&#39; yd I 1 A/ 92_A<.:~ /.- ti" _J I CABLEG A , .. 5% - .. Hg . %nA1- %Ea sic!I 10 nlssnmwrx rlronanxoa OBTAIIED mo u.s, mrrs nmnrlimrr AND u.s. nlnucmnroa um uwunrzmrzon smvxcn nus!. A I r / IOTE2 EYSIC, apparently dedicated to creating disrutiona during Republican National Convention, obviously bei heavily influenced by John Lennon, British ci t in i nasnuc as ., -anticipated pertinent information concerning him will be disseainated to State and IH.&#39;§_&#39;j&#39;g.; =:} -4 1 R I II fg &#39;_~" &#39; :-.&#39;,_I- _ - 9 -- . ~92.;&#39;r-- - &#39; u 4 -" 4&#39;. &#39;! ~- &#39; -Li 92 V.--"" __ &#39; U _ _. 2-1 5-72 -i To: Slums, How York i.m&#39;! 1.:&#39;{§:-.&#39;-fr."=?&#39; - 1 __ 35;- Shack;-1.1 11:» to @711-.".&#39;1&#39;-e: mfr _ Eciii ff.
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