KABUL TIMES THE WEATHER NEWS YESTERDAY Max 9C. STALLS -- Share-e-na- Khyber Restaurant Minimum rc. Near Shahi Pul; Blue MosqOe San sets today at 1 p.nu tomorrow at a m. TIM International Club; Pamir Cine- San rises KABUL ma; Near Ariana Afghan Tomorrow's Outlook: Airlines. Slightly Cloudy by Authority Forecast Air 27, iv:ce"ai. ; y-- KABUL. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 1983JQAUS5 W5: VOL. NO. 224 TO HRH Ahmad Shah FranklinPublishing HOME, DE GAULLE AND ERHARD Sends Condolences Open EARLY NEXT YEAR Institute Fill MEET JOHNSON To US Red Cross Branch Office Here & Secretary Of State Rusk KABUL. Nov. 27. His Royal Mikoyan Soys He Highness Prince Ahmad Shah, President of the Afghan Red Cres- KABUL. Nov. 27. An agree- Vn uisarmamzm cent Society, Tuesday morning Found "Methods Of Negotiate" has sent a message ment was signed - . seeing Mr. Mikoyan at me Bri- to the United States Red Cross ex- between the Ministry of Press 27. (Reu-ter- ). Embassy Tuesday night said pressing deep Frank- WASHINGTON, Nov. did not elaborate on this tish condolences and and Information ?nd the President Lyndon Johnson But after talking to President John- sympathy on behalf tf himself and lin Publishing Institute to raise early next point. for 25 minutes that he would the society on tragic country's printing standards is to have meetings When the disarmament ques- son the oeath of the Alec Douglas-Hom- e meet the President again early in the late US. President John F. and to develop education- - and year with Sir tion came up between .the two and President de Gaulle, while said, Mr. Rusk had the new year. Kennedy. President Kennedy cer- culture. Tuesday men," they expected here tainly played a great Chancellor Erhard said said the US. intended to discuss It is that sir role in the pay a "working visit" De- Alec Douglas-Hom-e will return maintenance of peace and the ad- agreement signed bet- he would it with the NATO allies in The was to the new President in a few communicate to the U.S. for the meeting." vancement of humanitarian ideals, ween Mr. Roashan the Deputy cember, and would de Gaulle was to in- the mesage weeks" time. with the Soviet Union atter that. President said. Minister of Press and Informa- These moves emerged from a who was form his Cabinet Wednesday of Vice-Preside- nt The British Premier tion and Mr. Cameron, serfes of diplomatic calls by top his plans, Reuter learned in Paris. National Assemblymen of the Franklin Institute. statesmen at the White House His visit to the U.S. is thought ' The agreement was signed at the Tuesday, including a visit by Mr. President Johnson more likely to be in May than Convey To Electorate The Ministry of Education's Cliih. Anastas Mikoyan, Soviet First in February, the month previo;is-l-v Greetings Of His Majesty Premier. suggested rnofficially. No Under the term ot the agree- Asked if a summit conference Will Not Change US actual date has Vet been fixed. HERAT. Nov. 7T. Mr, Amanu-lla-h. ment, "an independent branch of President Johnson and Between .his meetings with fo- deputy from Gozara in Herat between to 11th Franklin Publishing Institute, Mr. Khrushchov was possible, Mr. PoliciesTowardsUN reign leaders. President John- the term of the National which is a commercial organiza- Mikoyan said he would have to son Tuesday - conferred with top Assembly, Monday addressed a tion, will be opened in KauuL leave it "to the discretion of UNITED NATIONS, New York. advisers on the message he is to gathering of local inhabitants, Chairman Khrushcov." Nov. 27, (DPA). U. 5. United deliver to a joint session of Con; conveying His Majesty's greet- A similar agreement for the de- He said: ."We did not specifi- Nations Ambassador AJlai E. Ste- gress Wednesday. ings to the electorate of the area. velopment and expansion of the cally discuss that subject, but we venson, late last night reassured White House sources said he He also explained the govern- Education Printing House was are of opinion that the policies the U. N. General Assembly that told Mr. Laurence o'Brien, legis- ment's welfare policies, which are signed Tuesday morning between of both the United States and our United States policies under Pre- lative assistant, there would be being pursued at His Majesty's the Franklin Publishing Institute country in matters such as these sident Lyndon B. Johnson would no let-u- p in pursuing President wish of prosperity for the nation. and the Ministry of Education. remain as they were. remain the same" as Lefore. Kennedy's legislative programme Several persons in the audience., i Mr. Mikoyan, said after n meet-- "President Johnson has directed the chief features of which are an expressed gratitude for His Ma-jest- y's . ... 1 y Deputy-Minist- er r tj L. I income-ta-x the eco- kindness, nt Mr. Ziai, of ing wrtn lvir. iean nusn. mc me to affirm to this asse-abl- that cut to revive and for the Education, and Mr. Cameron sign- Secretary of States, that "we there will be no Johnson policy I nomy and a civil rights bill. policies of the govern- ed this agreement. found some methods o negotia- a i tt.:a4 u omm ment. tion" on the disarmament ques-- more than there was a Kennedy G. Brown Urges New Mr. Abdul Baki, a deputy from policy", Stevenson declared. Kochi, and Mr. Said Karim fiom 'There was and is only a United Kama, in Nangarhar Province, met I their respective , States policy", Stevenson empha- Political Initiative electorate to Grand Jury Indicts Ruby sized. convey His Majesty's greetings The U. S. Ambassador then ask- and explained the new socialand To Tielax Tensions economic movement in For Murder With Malice ed the nations feathered n the the,. assembly to pay S last tribute to - BERLINr Not, 27, DPA).-Ge- orge try. , Ruby's Lawyer To Plead Insanity the late U. S. Pcesidont Jchn F. Brown, Vice Chairman of the - Kennedy; and that Johnson al- British Labour Party, advocated r- DALLAS, TEXAS, November, 27, (DPA). ready in 1948" had told an Ameri- new political initiatives here Tues- Ambassador Of Pakistan, A GRAND jury has indicted Jack Ruby for murder with can auaietnce that "our long-ter- m day to achieve a relaxation in the And U.A.R. Ambassador malice --on the slaying Sunday of Lee Harvey Oswald, the and sustained foreign policy present tension between East and or must include full support of the West. Met Public Works Minister accused assassin President Kennedy. 24-- expressed United Nations". Mr. Brown is currently on a KABUL, Nov. 27. General He the conviction ble their case to present an ade again stressed to West Berlin. the same feeling of friendship quate . Stevenson that hour visit Mohammad Yousaf. the Pakistan that one "Washington will support every He will return to on would permeate their work.' practical move to add to the capa- Thursday after visiting Bonn. Ambassador to the court of Kabul, A grand jury .examines accusa- Under the V. S. legal system, a city of the United Nations to keep The British Labour !reader stres- and Mr. Salaheldin Kansoh, Am- tions against persons charged person accused of crime is pre- the peace and aid new nations to sed that the West had to make up bassador of the United Arab Re- with crime. If the evidence so sumed innocent until proven guil- reach the stage of its mind as to the things that could public, on separate occasions Tues- .warrants, the grand jury approves ty in a court of law. The burden growth". not be the subject o .r.- - discus- day afternoon, met with Brigadier a bill of indictment a formal, of proof rests on the prosecution. Finally; Stevenson forecast; aj sion in order to take initiatives in General Mohammad Azim, the written statement charging the continued U. S. policy ct Soviet-Unite- d other fields. I Minister of Public Works. accused with a legal offense. He Howard has indicated his de- States explorations to then faces a court trial, when his fence of the night achieve agreements, saying that guilt or innocence will be' judged- - club operator will be asked on a "President Johnson is determined Soviet Union Hopes For A after all evidence is presented. plea of temporary insanity. The that the better feeling of these District Attorney Henry Wade, I Dallas lawyer said his dienl had past few months shall not !e lost, who will prosecute the case, said told him he had had a "spur of rather that it must increase". Continuation Of Detente last night he would ask for the the moment" urge to Har- kill Lee UN Devoted To Memory-O- f death penalty, the maximum pe- vey Oswald to avenge the death Foundation Laid Eulogies In nalty for murder with malice. He of President John F. Kennedy Sone requested that Ruby be held in By Lt. General Seraj For Late US President John F. Kennedy jail without bond. - "I believe him tn hav Vwmn mi ' Animal Husbandry Center The defence Attorney, Thomas of his mind NEW YORK, November, 27, (DPA). at the time of the BAGHLAN, Nov. 27. Lieute-nant-Gene- Howard, said he would ask next shooting", Howard - said. COVIET hopes for the continuation of detente were expressed on Abdul Karim Seraj. Assembly Tuesday night as eulogies week that his client be freed the Governor of Kataghan Pro- in the General devoted bond. This would mean a tempo- In answer to questions by news- vince, Monday laid the founda- to the memory of Late President John F.
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