NATIONAL ARCHIVES OF IRELAND Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives I "'0 I 'l./ \\\ C. ~-------l I !~ I I •.. .·" • \ - (185t;. vVt.5333-66.4000.12jl4.A, T. &Co. ,Ltd. \, r l \, (6559. ) t.3:!.03-96.20,000.8 J15. .l , ~ { ) .. _.. ) ~ ~ ~ Telegrams: " DAM(', DUBLIN.'' ' • Telephone No. 22. DUBLIN IVIETROPOLITAN ·p E; /­ lDetectt"e !Department, - Dublin, __l__ t _ h_. _O_c_to_·b_e_r -=-, --'---191_5_ • 1 SubJ·ect,~ _____MO_ V_El_vJE_N_T_S__ O_ F__ D'l_ JB_L_I _N _:;_X_TR_Er_~ 1_I_S'I_S_:_.______ _ + ... • I beg to report that on the 14th• . I~s~ •• ~ . ~ the undermentioned extremists were observed moving about and associating ith each other as follows :- ,.. With Thomas J . Clarke , 75 , Parnell St . Thomas Byrne for half an hour bet een 11 & . 12 a , m. Dr . P. McCartan from 6. 30 p. ·m. I ·to 7. 30 p . m. Arthur Griffith for a quar- · ter of an hour between 9 & 10 p. m. , James V~helan from 9 •. 15 p. m. to 9. 35 p. rn • • Herbert i . Pim , arrived at Naiens Street from Belfast at 10 . _30 a. m. and proceeded to ' ... the residence of IVIr John IV!c Neill, 19 , Herbert " Park , having in the n1eantirne called on T~J~ . J. O'Rahilly who l i ves close by . John T. Kelly, T. C., and C. Collins t o­ gether Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced The Chief Corrnnr • without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives .. ' gether in Sackvil l e Street between 11 & 12 a. m. H. Imell-ows and 1\~ . ' Ha.nrahan ·in Volun- teer Office, 2, Da son St . bet een 12 & 1 • P• m. John McDerrrtott left kniens St . by 3 . P• m. train for Enniakillen. R. I. C. informed. Pierce McCann arrived at Kingsbri~e ... frozn Thur lea at 4 . 30 p ;· m. Attached is a Qopy of this week ' s iss- . ue of The Workers Republic which , ith the · exception of a few paragrapl1s, doea not ap- .. • pear to cor1tain anything deserving special attention. \)v .. Superintendent. I c t . } . ( . Archives are subject to copyright and should not be copied or reproduced without the written permission of the Director of the National Archives • PRICE ONE PENNY. ... ' • " The great only appear great because we ' are on our knees : let us rise." Vol. I., No. 21. DUBLIN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1915. ,Weekly. ---- ----- VV'hat is our case. England is at war, because But what is the price of war-the price as it Notes on the Front England is at war we as a subject nation are must be paid by a nation? That all the young dragged into the conflict also. No, that is and vigorous men go out to be killed, and all This week we give first place to an extract wrong! To be dragged into anything means the unfit and diseased stay at home to be that the person who drags goes in front. That from an American writer, William R:andolph fathers of the next generation. All those is not our case. England does not go in front. Hearst. This newspaper man is proprietor of splendidly developed young Irish men whose No, we are pushed into war by people who stay bones now lie mouldering beneath the soil in a great number of American .daily papers which behind in safety, or only pass on when the dead Flanders or upon the shores of the Dardanelles bodies of Irishmen have paved the way. -cover the entire American continent, and whose . -all those physically perfect Irish men would -combined circulation runs mto the millions. Vve are pushed into \Var. Consider what in due course have been the husbanJs of young Yet we quote him not so much for what he is, that means. For over 68 years the population Irish women,• the fathers of Irish children as for the trnth of what he says. He is speak· of Ireland has been declining, the lifeblood of inheriting the vigour and virility of their parents. ing of the billion dollar loan from America to Ireland has been draining away. Whilst every finance the war of the All Lies, and he warns European state has increased in population But now those young Irish women are despite war and turmoil Ireland has gone the American money lenders tl at the people of doomed to go husbandless through life or to steadily down the hill. mate with the di seased and unfit who at Europe may repudiate the loan, and hang the st ~v ed home, or the diseased and crippled who ,vill 'kings and fi nanciers who borrowed it. Read 'We have the most beautiful climate in the orld, a climate which a wise national govern­ return. · this warning:- ment could even Improve by restoring the The perfect Irish children of perfect Irish "If any reader, accustomed to the sound forests that once covered the island and broke parents will never be born. · They ho would and stable government of this country, believes the rainfall that comes in from the Atlantic have been their fathers lie dead in far ofr' that revolution is not now possible in any ocean. We have a lively, quick minded, intel­ countries. Think of the colossal nature of this ligent people, rich in soft kindliness, and graced European State, let him ask himself frankly crime. The children of Ireland are bei g killed with womanly beauty and manly vigour. how long he believes the strong-bodied, stern­ before they are born, the Irish race of the future denied an existence. minded, plain people of Europe are going to For centuries this people have been treated as outcasts in their own land, shut out from ·endure the immeasurable misery of this \lnna­ A competent English authority says that every chance of developing its resources, and among the upper class of England there is not tural war mto the hellish depths of which they ruled by an insolent class of land thieves and left one man of marriageable age for every have been precipitated by the vanities and its followers. twelve women of the same class, and that all inanities, the enmities and jealousies of their A social system the worst in Europe held the the chances are against any girl between the -arrogant and ambitious rulers. people in its grasp, and punished as a crime ages of 1 9 and 2 2 ever getting married if she is " Revolutions are not respectful of royalty, every improvement their industry added to the not already engaged to some one in civil life. ·nor of constituted authority, nor of the estab­ soil. A political system based upon this land· I~ is safe to say that _in Ireland amongst that lished order. Revolutions are not regardful of lordism governed the country, and under its sect10n of the commumty who have yielded to rule every man of a free spirit became a the financial obligations of a deposed and dis­ the se.ductions of the recruiting sergeant the suspect, every hater of slavery walked a path ~arne IS true. There are streets In Dublin, in ·carded system. Revolutions exhibit no such hemmed in by prison cells and dominated by a 1ts poorer quarters where every family has lost soft and suave consideration for money and the gibbet. a man, there are sections in the country where money power as calm and conservative govern­ Continued revolutionary action of the people the toll of death has been so heavy that every ·ments do. upon the land destroyed the power of the evil man has gone. "The heads of plutocrats and aristocrats social system, but it left behind it the system of E~er and anon we read in the press the. ·dropped side by side into the baskets on the government based upon hatred and fear of the g!oattng !emark that out of such and such a Irish people. Forty-two Boards under the Place de la Concord from the impartial edge of v1llage w1th a sl'I\all population three-fourths or control of the British Government control every four-fifths of the men are at the front. It reads 'the revolutionary guillotine. And so it may be elected body in Ireland, and make a farce of to us as the triumph yell.s of the old time pirates that the tongues of the European statesmen and free government. must have sounded as they exulterl in the num­ financiers, which so glibly guarantee this loan Heartbroken in such a land where the ameni­ ber of the slaves captured in a piratical raid ·to-day, may loll mute in months ternally silent ties and gifts of life are reserved for those most such as the historic Sack of Baltimore.- ' when the day of repayment arrives.'~ sordid in soul, where the possession of public Upon the top o.f this sacrifice of the living Strong language that, dear reader, but who spirit :damns the careers of the possessor, the comes the borrow1t1g of money to continue the young men and women of Ireland have been work of hellt and this borrowing me.ans pawning ·shall say it is too strong. ~ deserting her as life deserts the things of this the labour and genius of the future to the Let us consider our case-the case of world upon whom Death ha' set its seal. financial leeches and usut ivu:) money-lenders of Europe and America. .Ireland. Consider it, not impartially, but with But still the nation persisted in claiming its hearts beating fiercely with anger against all the right to existence, in determinedly planning a Generations yet unborn are to be taxed to ·organised injustice that threatens our existence.
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