Outlines Cloud Computing: Past, Present, Introduction and Future The Past of Cloud Computing The Present of Cloud Computing The Future of Cloud Computing Ruay-Shiung Chang (張瑞雄) Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering Conclusions National Dong Hwa University (國立東華大學) November 4, 2010 “The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion” Albert Einstein 1 2 Introduction 3 4 1 Introduction Introduction Cloud computing in everything! Cloud computing=cloud+computing? There are many types of clouds! 5 6 Introduction Introduction Different angles have different opinions! The computer industry is the only industry that is more fashion-driven than women's fashion. ---Larry Ellision (Oracle CEO) Grid computing Cloud computing Utility computing Elastic comppguting Fabric computing Reconfigurable computing Social computing Volunteer computing SaaS (Software as a Service), PaaS, IaaS, … ASP (Application Service Provision) Data Center Co-location … 7 8 2 Introduction Introduction Oracle CEO talks about cloud computing Computer manufacturer Dell even tried to trademark the term "cloud computing", although its application was refused. But Dell got the domain name cloudcomputing.com, cloud-computing.com cloudcomputing.org (.net) is registered by r4l.com (待價而沽) cloud-computing.org (.net) (not used) thecloudcomputing.org (IEEE CC conference) 9 10 Introduction Introduction Who coined the phrase Cloud Computing? Who coined the phrase Cloud Computing? 11 12 3 Introduction Introduction 台灣翻譯成「雲端計算」 中華文化「雲端」的起源 大陸翻譯成「雲計算」 李白的詩「長相思二首之一」 那個高明? 長相思,在長安。絡緯秋啼金井闌, 有雲(servers)有端(access devices) 微霜淒淒簟色寒。孤燈不明思欲絕, 卷帷望月空長歎。美人如花隔雲端, 上有青冥之長天,下有淥水之波瀾。 天長地遠魂飛苦,夢魂不到關山難。 長相思,摧心肝。 We can’t see the cloud computing clearly yet. We can’t reach the cloud computing yet. 13 14 Introduction Introduction 中華文化「雲端」的起源 中華文化的雲端計算 in action(208 AD) 明朝西遊記第二十七回:「他在那雲端裡, 三國演義第四十六回「用奇謀孔明借箭,獻密計黃 咬牙切齒」。 蓋受刑」中:「一天濃霧滿長江,遠近難分水渺茫 Reliability issue 。驟雨飛蝗來戰艦,孔明今日服周郎。」 明朝金瓶梅第二十回:「雲端裡老鼠──天生 的耗!」 Security issue 清朝三俠五義第十六回:「猶如入雲端的一 般,樂的他不知怎麼樣才好。」Cost saving 清朝兒女英雄傳第二十二回:「天下事最妙 的是雲端裡看廝殺,你我且置身事外,袖手 旁觀。」 Business competition 15 16 4 The Past of Cloud Computing Introduction 中華文化的雲端計算 in action 中華文化的雲端計算 629年,唐朝僧人玄奘違反朝廷當時禁止百 Cloud computing in a poem 姓擅自西行的規定,從涼州偷渡出關,隻身 赴印度學習佛教教義。經過16年,在644年 回國。 17 18 Introduction Introduction Cloud computing is fast! From Wikipedia: 李白的詩「下江陵」 Cloud computing is Internet- ("cloud-") based 朝辭白帝彩雲 間,千里江陵一日還。兩岸 development and use of computer technology 猿聲啼不住,輕舟已過萬重山。 ("computing"). SdWtCtiSomeday: Water Computing In concepp,t, it is a p aradig m shift whereby details are abstracted from the users who no longer have need of, Still water runs deep. expertise in, or control over the technology 老子道德經第七十八章:「天下莫柔弱於水,而攻 infrastructure "in the cloud" that supports them. 堅強者莫之能勝,其無以易之。弱之勝強,柔之勝 Cloud computing describes a new supplement, 剛,天下莫不知、莫能行。是以聖人云:受國之垢 consumption and delivery model for IT services based ,是謂社稷主;受國不祥,是為天下王。正言若反 on the Internet, and it typically involves the provision of 。」 dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources as a service over the Internet. 19 20 5 Introduction Introduction A style of computing where massively scalable Driving forces IT-enabled capabilities are provided "as a Data-Intensive Applications: Explosion of service" over the network applications and user-generated content, Petabyte in 2010, Exabyte in 2013, Zettabyte in 2015 DtDatacen ter Pressures: Grow ing opera tiona l complexity and cost from infrastructure and application sprawls Increased network capacity and availability Rising Energy Cost & Green compliance Shared Services Across Lines of Business Innovation and Collaboration 21 22 Introduction Cloud Computing A video to explain the concept For time and the world do not stand still. Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future.” John Fitzgerald Kennedy 23 24 6 The Past of Cloud Computing The Past of Cloud Computing History of computing past present cloud Computing Mainframe, Personal servers resource minicomputer computer ownership Yes, few Yes, No individual access Time-sharing direct network cost high small rent control Yes(no) yes No destiny demised ??? ??? 25 26 The Past of Cloud Computing The Past of Cloud Computing Remembering Grid Computing! Grid computing characteristics From Wikipedia: One application, high-performance, batch- Grid computing (or the use of computational scheduled grids) is the combination of computer resources Cloud computing characteristics from mu ltip le ad mi ni st rati ve d omai ns applie d to a Transactional application, a variety of services, on common task, usually to a scientific, technical or demand business problem that requires a great number of computer processing cycles or the need to process large amounts of data. Connect private clouds by Grid technology to become public clouds 27 28 7 The Past of Cloud Computing The Past of Cloud Computing Evolution Is “cloud computing” just a new name for grid? Cloud Opinion of Ian Foster Software as Utility Computing Yes, the vision is the same—to reduce the cost of a Service Grid Computing computing, increase reliability, and increase Computing flexibili ty by trans form ing computers from something that we buy and operate ourselves to something that is operated by a third party. The differences lie in scalability – cloud could have Application Next generation Made mainstream millions of users simultaneously by Globus Alliance Service Internet Pay and use Provision computing Virtualization is also a major difference and data centers 29 30 The Past of Cloud Computing The Past of Cloud Computing Grid computing’s destiny: The overarching concept of delivering 杜甫「蜀相」 computing resources through a global network 丞相祠堂何處尋,錦官城外柏森森。 is rooted in the sixties 映階碧草自春色,隔葉黃鸝空好音。 三 顧 頻 煩 天 下 計 , 兩 朝 開 濟 老 臣 心 。 出師未捷身先死,長使英雄淚滿襟。 31 32 8 The Past of Cloud Computing The Past of Cloud Computing Lick’s vision was for everyone on the globe to John McCarthy (1927-), coining the term be interconnected and accessing programs and "Artificial Intelligence“, inventor of Lisp, data at any site, from anywhere. Turing award 1971. Sound a lot like what we are calling cloud Predicted that “computation may someday computing today. be organized as a public utility” in 1961. 33 34 The Past of Cloud Computing The Past of Cloud Computing Tim Berners-Lee 35 36 9 The Past of Cloud Computing The Past of Cloud Computing Milestones The arrival of Salesforce.com in 1999, which pioneered the concept of delivering enterprise applications via a simple website. The nex t deve lopment was A mazon W eb S ervi ces in 2002, which provided a suite of cloud-based services including storage, computation and even human intelligence through the Amazon Mechanical Turk. 37 38 The Past of Cloud Computing The Past of Cloud Computing Crowd+Outsourcing=Crowdsourcing (crowd computing?) The crowdsourcing process in 8 steps: 39 40 10 The Past of Cloud Computing The Past of Cloud Computing 41 42 The Past of Cloud Computing The Past of Cloud Computing In 2006, Amazon launched its Elastic Compute In 2009, as Web 2.0 hit its stride, and Google Cloud (EC2) as a commercial web service that and others started to offer browser-based allows small companies and individuals to rent enterprise applications, though services such as computers on which to run their own computer Google Apps. applicat ions. 43 44 11 Cloud Computing The Present of Cloud Computing But we are not floating in the cloud yet! Internet connections aren't fast enough Internet connections aren’t reliable enough Internet connections aren't available at all times in all places Issues related to reliability, privacy, security, etc. “Yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future, but Amazon’s S3 (Simple Storage Service) cloud today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.” outage in Feb. 2008 and July 2008 (down 8 hours) While things you may keep in your house are Bil Keane - an American cartoonist constitutionally protected, the things you place in the "cloud" are not. 45 46 The Present of Cloud Computing The Present of Cloud Computing Lack of standards Free Software Foundation founder Richard Everybody seems to be developing a piece of the Stallman said (interviewed by the Guardian): puzzle, but nobody has brought all the pieces Cloud computing was simply a trap aimed at together forcing more people to buy into locked, proprietary The me tho ds use d in t od ay’ s commerci al cl oud s systems that would cost them more and more over have not been open and general purpose, but instead time. been mostly proprietary and specialized. One reason you should not use web applications to do your computing is that you will lose control. If you use a proprietary program or somebody else's web server, you're defenceless. You're putty in the hands of whoever developed that software. 47 48 12 The Present of Cloud Computing The Present of Cloud Computing NETBOOK WORLD SUMMIT; PARIS, France — December 1, 2008 — Good OS, most known for its gOS Linux that debuted in Wal- Mart computers, today announced “Cloud,” a new operatihbibing system that boots into a browser with Google, Yahoo! and Live in seconds, and optionally boots into Windows. 49 50 The Present of Cloud Computing The Present of Cloud Computing 51 52 13 The Present of Cloud Computing The Present of Cloud Computing Commercial cloud architecture Open-Cirrus cloud architecture
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