WOMEN WOMEN IN MINISTRY IN MINISTRY and the and the WRITINGS OF PAUL WRITINGS OF PAUL Karen M. Elliott, C.PP.S. Karen M. Elliott, C.PP.S. :RPHQ LQ 0LQLVWU\ &6LQGG $0 :RPHQ LQ 0LQLVWU\ &6LQGG $0 Created by the publishing team of Anselm Academic. Created by the publishing team of Anselm Academic. Copyright © 2010 by Karen M. Elliott, C.PP.S. All rights reserved. No part of Copyright © 2010 by Karen M. Elliott, C.PP.S. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any means without the written permission of the this book may be reproduced by any means without the written permission of the publisher, Anselm Academic, Christian Brothers Publications, 702 Terrace Heights, publisher, Anselm Academic, Christian Brothers Publications, 702 Terrace Heights, Winona, MN 55987-1320, www.anselmacademic.org. Winona, MN 55987-1320, www.anselmacademic.org. The scriptural quotations contained herein, unless otherwise noted, are from the New The scriptural quotations contained herein, unless otherwise noted, are from the New American Bible with Revised New Testament and Revised Psalms. Copyright © 1991, American Bible with Revised New Testament and Revised Psalms. Copyright © 1991, 1986, 1970 by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, D.C. Used 1986, 1970 by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, D.C. Used by the permission of the copyright owner. All rights reserved. No part of the New by the permission of the copyright owner. All rights reserved. No part of the New American Bible may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from American Bible may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the copyright owner. the copyright owner. Printed in the United States of America Printed in the United States of America Cover art: The seventeenth-century icon of the Myrrh-Bearing Women on the cover Cover art: The seventeenth-century icon of the Myrrh-Bearing Women on the cover of this book depicts the disciples who went to the tomb of Jesus to anoint his body of this book depicts the disciples who went to the tomb of Jesus to anoint his body with myrrh oils. Five of the women are specifically named in the Gospel accounts with myrrh oils. Five of the women are specifically named in the Gospel accounts related to this event: Mary, the Theotokos (in Greek, “God-bearer,” the mother related to this event: Mary, the Theotokos (in Greek, “God-bearer,” the mother of Jesus), Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Salome, and Mary the wife of Cleopas (or of Jesus), Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Salome, and Mary the wife of Cleopas (or Alphaeus). While Susanna, Mary of Bethany, and Martha of Bethany are not named Alphaeus). While Susanna, Mary of Bethany, and Martha of Bethany are not named in the Gospel accounts, according to tradition they are included. The Gospel accounts in the Gospel accounts, according to tradition they are included. The Gospel accounts of these disciples ministering to Christ in the tomb are: Matthew 27:55–56, Mark of these disciples ministering to Christ in the tomb are: Matthew 27:55–56, Mark 16:1, and Luke 23:55–24:1. 16:1, and Luke 23:55–24:1. Image copyright © Aperges & Co, www.aperges.com; hagiographer: Holy Monastery Image copyright © Aperges & Co, www.aperges.com; hagiographer: Holy Monastery Dormition of Theotokos Zerbitsis, Greece. Image provided by St. Isaac of Syria Skete, Dormition of Theotokos Zerbitsis, Greece. Image provided by St. Isaac of Syria Skete, www.skete.com. www.skete.com. 7028 7028 ISBN 978-1-59982-006-4 ISBN 978-1-59982-006-4 :RPHQ LQ 0LQLVWU\ &6LQGG $0 :RPHQ LQ 0LQLVWU\ &6LQGG $0 contents contents PREFACE1 PREFACE1 INTRODUCTION3 INTRODUCTION3 1. The Ministry of Women in the New Testament7 1. The Ministry of Women in the New Testament7 Women as Ministers in the Gospels 7 Women as Ministers in the Gospels 7 Mary Magdalene: Apostle to the Apostles 11 Mary Magdalene: Apostle to the Apostles 11 Initial Impressions of Paul’s View of Women as Ministers 14 Initial Impressions of Paul’s View of Women as Ministers 14 Questions for Discussion 16 Questions for Discussion 16 2. Paul and His Times17 2. Paul and His Times17 The Person of Paul 17 The Person of Paul 17 Paul’s Cultural Context 21 Paul’s Cultural Context 21 Religion and Philosophy 24 Religion and Philosophy 24 Legacy and Influence 27 Legacy and Influence 27 Questions for Discussion 28 Questions for Discussion 28 3. Paul’s Theology of Baptism29 3. Paul’s Theology of Baptism29 Baptism: A Beginning 29 Baptism: A Beginning 29 Baptismal Formulas 31 Baptismal Formulas 31 Freedom in Christ 34 Freedom in Christ 34 Questions for Discussion 40 Questions for Discussion 40 :RPHQ LQ 0LQLVWU\ &6LQGG $0 :RPHQ LQ 0LQLVWU\ &6LQGG $0 4. Scriptural Evidence of Paul’s Views on Women41 4. Scriptural Evidence of Paul’s Views on Women41 Paul’s Use of Feminine Imagery 41 Paul’s Use of Feminine Imagery 41 Equality in Marriage 48 Equality in Marriage 48 Equality in Ministry 49 Equality in Ministry 49 Women Ministers in Paul 51 Women Ministers in Paul 51 Regarding Women’s Veils 61 Regarding Women’s Veils 61 Women Keeping Silent in the Churches 63 Women Keeping Silent in the Churches 63 A Red Herring 65 A Red Herring 65 Concluding Reflections 65 Concluding Reflections 65 Questions for Discussion 68 Questions for Discussion 68 5. Post New Testament to Modern Times69 5. Post New Testament to Modern Times69 The First Five Centuries 69 The First Five Centuries 69 Deaconesses 72 Deaconesses 72 Abbesses 73 Abbesses 73 Mystics 75 Mystics 75 The Later Centuries 80 The Later Centuries 80 Questions for Discussion 83 Questions for Discussion 83 EPILOGUE85 EPILOGUE85 GLOSSARY87 GLOSSARY87 BIBLIOGRAPHY89 BIBLIOGRAPHY89 INDEX97 INDEX97 :RPHQ LQ 0LQLVWU\ &6LQGG $0 :RPHQ LQ 0LQLVWU\ &6LQGG $0 preface preface We live in an age in which most of us use the World Wide Web daily, We live in an age in which most of us use the World Wide Web daily, spout jargon such as “global economy” and “world politics,” and have spout jargon such as “global economy” and “world politics,” and have international communications at a mouse-click. In spite of the global international communications at a mouse-click. In spite of the global information so readily available to us, however, many of us focus on information so readily available to us, however, many of us focus on the microcosm and the frenetic pace of our daily lives. As a result, the microcosm and the frenetic pace of our daily lives. As a result, our world often becomes small and insular. We insulate our percep- our world often becomes small and insular. We insulate our percep- tions of history, restricting our thinking and actions to only what we tions of history, restricting our thinking and actions to only what we have learned or remember. We similarly insulate our perceptions of have learned or remember. We similarly insulate our perceptions of food, politics, culture, ethnicity, economics, worship, and faith. To the food, politics, culture, ethnicity, economics, worship, and faith. To the extent that we insulate our perceptions, we limit our understanding. extent that we insulate our perceptions, we limit our understanding. The Apostle Paul implores the early Christian communities not The Apostle Paul implores the early Christian communities not to be insular. He urges them to eliminate the divisions that impede to be insular. He urges them to eliminate the divisions that impede their faith. In Galatians 3:27–28, Paul pleads with the Christian their faith. In Galatians 3:27–28, Paul pleads with the Christian communities to focus on their oneness in Christ Jesus. He insists communities to focus on their oneness in Christ Jesus. He insists that the Spirit given to each one in baptism eradicates political and that the Spirit given to each one in baptism eradicates political and cultural divisions. He commands them to let go of the entitlements cultural divisions. He commands them to let go of the entitlements and privileges of wealth and to have concern for the poor, the widow, and privileges of wealth and to have concern for the poor, the widow, and the orphan. And he urges them to abolish the gender biases that and the orphan. And he urges them to abolish the gender biases that exist in every historical and cultural context. Implicit in this latter exist in every historical and cultural context. Implicit in this latter entreaty is Paul’s openness to recognize the contributions and pos- entreaty is Paul’s openness to recognize the contributions and pos- sibilities for both women and men to proclaim the gospel message sibilities for both women and men to proclaim the gospel message and to minister to God’s people. and to minister to God’s people. The sacred texts, particularly the Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, The sacred texts, particularly the Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, and the writings of Paul, abound with stories of women engaged and the writings of Paul, abound with stories of women engaged in such ministry. Other writings from the first century, as well as in such ministry. Other writings from the first century, as well as historical documents through the ages, substantiate the significant historical documents through the ages, substantiate the significant engagement of women as faith-filled followers of Jesus, the Christ, engagement of women as faith-filled followers of Jesus, the Christ, proclaiming the gospel message. proclaiming the gospel message. 1 1 :RPHQ LQ 0LQLVWU\ &6LQGG $0 :RPHQ LQ 0LQLVWU\ &6LQGG $0 2 Women in Ministry and the Writings of Paul 2 Women in Ministry and the Writings of Paul This book attempts to respond to issues of ministry being This book attempts to respond to issues of ministry being discussed within the Christian community, particularly as they apply discussed within the Christian community, particularly as they apply to women.
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